
i'll just leave this here...

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 5:27 PM

Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars - "Safe and Sound" Official Music Video:

There's a Mockingjay pin. A MOCKINGJAY PIN.
I can't wait until March 23. 38 MORE DAYS.
Edit: I don't know if this is allowed, but if not, feel free to delete it.
Ranger Edit: To make this interactive: What song reminds you most of The Hunger Games?? 
Luna StarFire

Over-Reaction Much?

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 5:23 PM

Need some advice. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting to something over nothing.
Maybe because I'm too close to the issue but figured I'd get some impute on the matter and see.

Back in Dec I made a trip down to GA to visit some of my friends/family. While there I visited two of my friends and we had drinks by a campfire. In passing we talked about old flames and my ex was also one of the ones brought up. I noticed the mood change ever so slightly. It took me a min to figure out why.

My ex was black and I was white.

Never once did my friends say anything when I was with him but man now that he was out of the picture it was like I was better off without him. (Mind you they don't know why we split and also don't realize that we are actually very good friends after to this day).

Also I got a rather disguised look from one of my friend's bf after finding out I dated a black guy. Never have I felt so much hate until then. Let alone I feel a little disrespected. The fact that I even dated a black guy was a shocker.

I'm one of those people where if I feel you have wronged me I will push you out of my life one way or another to which I'm noticing myself do this with these two friends since that day.


Am I over reacting cause I've been close to all the parties? I just really don't like hatred.

This worrisome has been approved by Tor! 

WW3 just happened with minor causalties....friends no more and the one acted way out of line.  

LJ Summers


Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 3:45 PM

This is International Flirting Week


I was wondering...

Flirting is a HUGE part of the courtship ritual.  AKA  DATING.

Where in Twilight do we see EDWARD and BELLA flirting? I mean, Mike Newton? Sure. Jacob? Yep. (he even pops the P!) But what about Our Hero and Heroine?

"Anyone? Bueller?"




WHAT are the BEST and WORST Pick-up Lines?


Any AUs where Bella dumps Edward

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 2:20 PM

(at least at first. For like a decade or two lol) after she finds out he's a vampire? Because, yk, vampires are creepy and she's a human that's actually normal?

Thanks :)

Rec: New cute & fluffy o/s by WhatsMyNomDePlume: The Rebound

ETA: To make this interactive, brand new airport pic



Baby Bump Alert

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 9:37 AM



Soooooo, it appears those rumors about Sienna being preggers are true, no?    Does that mean that these two below will shop together for something besides underwear?!  D@mmit, I want pictures of Rob shopping for onesies and diapers!  



What say you forest dwellers -- do you think the fact that Rob's best bud is going to be a dad will in any way influence him as far as making things official and perhaps starting a family of his own?  Personally, I think he and Kristen would rather focus on their careers, with marriage and children to come later.  I'm not sure if I truly believe Sienna and Tom are engaged.  Either way, she is glowing in these photos.  


Here's a little rec for you, another oldie but goodie.  It's O/S, canon, a scene between Emmett and Edward (Edward remembers what it was like to be alone in a houseful of loving couples, mostly).  I really like this author's writing and wish she'd written more. 

Summary: Emmett Cullen is not a man of many words but what he says always matters. Edward Cullen learns a lot about life, love, and women from his older brother Emmett. 


Everything in Its Place by jadeddiva


Am I the only one excited to see this..

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 7:39 AM

So am I the only one excited to see this..... or is this an "only guys movie" .... ?


Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

Edit: Pretty good proof that this is in fact an "Alien" prequel .... just compare the Images....the pics of prometheus are from the trailer just re-watch if the images are not good enough quality...was done with a printscreen afterall...the alien 1 pics are just vlc snapshots from my copy of the movie...
Alien 1
Alien 1
My fic rec ..... If you dont like jacob and you wished you could redo the twilight saga so that there was no love triangle...
Twilight: The Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb » by Lawsy89
"Same Classic story, but without the annoyance of Bella falling in love with the mutt..." Part 1 of My Twilight Series. ExB
Twilight - Fiction Rated: T - English - General - Chapters: 15 - Words: 121,245 - Reviews: 13 - Updated: 2-15-12 - Published: 12-12-11 - - Bella/Edward


Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 4:41 AM

There is something inherently wrong with a camper who pops her campfire cherry with a story about a pekingese. But the Westminster dog show is how it all started for Jeffrey the Killer Peke, so.......hide the children and take a look at the most recent best in show:


Yes I did. This is Malachy, who was just crowned best in show! What a hunk, no? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to make this interactive. So, let's try this. For all the pet owners in the forest - tell us your pet's story - how did you find your pets? What kind of personality do they have? Post up some pictures of your lovies and let the fur fly!!!
My fiction rec for my very first campfire has to be the fic that currently has me in the grip of angsty delight. Don't pass this one up, campers. It will rock you to your socks.
Practice to Deceive by Livie79  - I saw her today. I wasn't impressed. But he wanted her, and that was enough for me. He would feel what I felt. She was just collateral damage. AH ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 29,651 - Reviews: 571 - Updated: 2-14-12 - Published: 1-1-12 - Bella & Edward
purple edit: i am approving this, dude. because i like you. YOU'RE LUCKY THE AVENGERANGER WASN'T LOGGED IN AS OF YET.
Edit: So, first of all, I just want to publicly apologise to all the rangers for not posting this campfire in accordance with the rules. It was truly unintentional. WTVOC has already forgiven me, so I can move on with my life....but I'm truly sorry. Not that I have any excuse, but I was so excited about Malacy winning the dog show that my brain kinda leaked out of my ears or something. Anyway, I will do it right next time. Promise.
Then I also realized that it's probably not a great idea to post a campfire if you can't hang around to interact with other campers - I've been stuck in a meeting so far all day - it just ended a few minutes ago. So, I will try to reply to all your lovely comments.
I've learned a few things today, not the least of which that WTVOC's mercies are new every morning!!!!

I need to say this...

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 2:39 AM

So this place seems nuetral to me, that's why I'm saying this. I'm not planning to bash anyone, but still...

So I saw the trailer of Kristen Steawart's Snow white at one place(I am not going to name it.)  for the first time today commented that 'From this trailer it looks like its going to be a Charlize Theron Show. I am more excited to see Charlize than Kristen. cant wait! :)' .

Now,I am not a fan of Kristen, but doesn't mean that I hate her. I am indifferent towards her and I like her with Rob. But the bashing on me totally made me lose my mind.

"Kristen hater, just f**k out of here."

"Rob is not going to leave Kristen for you, rpattzbaby. lol"

"You don't know what you are missing by underestimating Kristen."


I mean, Are you kidding me? Is there any rule that everyone should like her?

This made me realize today why had I stopped following Kristen news at the first place!


To make this interactive, is there something irks you in the fandom?


Snow white...

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 2:16 AM

Did you know you can like KStew's new movie on Facebook??


I believe there are some new pics as well :)




Ranger Edit: Images in the Forest are best seen at a width of no more than 500 pixels, so I just knocked these down to that.  Love the Huntsman looking all RAWR. :)


'How Hollywood says I love you'(Twi's in too)

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 10:16 PM

omg there's my beloved Chasing Amy epitome line

What's ur favorite? Anything else you'd want to post?
ETA: omg so sorry, I just noticed someone had already posted this in the Valentine's thread!! Should I delete it?

Losing my (literary) virginity ...

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 7:14 PM

Hi y'all.


First ever campfire, sorry if I do it wrong.


So, I'm at a point in my story where I'm start to think about writing my first ever sex scene. Well, it'll be the first ever sex scene that hasn't arisen by manipulation ... so the first scene where my characters minds will actually be engaged.


And ... I'm terrified.


So, writers, how was your first time? Do you read it over now and cringe? Any regrets? Things you'd do differently? Advice you'd give?


Readers, what's good for you? Personally, I prefer sensuality and emotional engagment over graphic descriptions.


I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Shell xx


A rec ... Substance Clad in Shadows by Hollelujah. Dark, twisted, tortured. But oh so beautifully crafted.

"Bella's only release comes in the form of distantly orbiting the life of Edward Cullen. As with any addiction, however, she's always left wanting more. "Mad is a term we use to describe a man who is obsessed with one idea and nothing else." Ugo Betti
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 81,658 - Reviews: 1926 - Updated: 1-7-12 - Published: 8-8-11 - Bella & Edward"

The Offspring

Book Challenge/Goodreads Post

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 6:17 PM

Hey everybody!

So I thought I would do a book challenge post and with it, have everybody link to their Goodreads accounts. I need to follow more people, lol.

So with that, if you're doing a book challenge, post your widget saying how far you are! Links to accounts would be appreciated.

To make it interactive, what genres are your favorite to read? I typically like YA/Paranormal/Fantasy Fiction.


Link to my Goodreads account: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7487145-jaelynn

you forgot to say that i approved this post, babydoll '

also, i'm wtvoc on goodreads /lazyranger

oops, sorry! Yeah, it's approved. :)


Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 5:54 PM

Tell us what you are reading!

Do you have a favorite story right now? Give us a link!

An all time favorite? Tell us about it!

This week, we have very special VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKLY REC questions! Woo hoo!

1. Which Edward is the MOST ROMANTIC in fanfic?

(remember to link)

2. Which Edward is the SEXIEST, DIRTIEST, HOTTEST in fanfic? (links, again)

3. Which NON- EDWARD is the most romantic, sexiest, hottest in fanfic?

(link that up!)

4. Which story is your ABSOLUTE FAVORITE LOVE STORY??




Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 3:56 PM

*This isn't your usual pimp campfire and yes, it's been Ranger approved. :)




I know you do. So come share it with the rest of the Forest. Pimp yourself. Show off your wares. Be proud and wave your creativity flags.

This is not for fandom related things. This is for your real life endeavors. Things like original fiction, art, photography, crafts, music, etc, etc.

Specific examples:

Fiction: Link us to places we can buy your work. Amazon or directly from a publisher or whatever other sites you use for your fiction. For the record I want this post to include p2p. I know it's a hot button topic and even I fall on a critical side but this post is for EVERYONE. No judgments or bashing. I know of at least one camper that very specifically wanted to know where she could find work by fic authors.

Art/Photography: Link to personal websites where your work is available or deviantart or wherever else art is sold. Etsy? I'm not so up on art sales but hopefully you get the idea.

Music: Again, link us to your websites or Facebook fan pages or bandcamp or soundcloud page or whatever else you have.

Crafters: Etsy and whatever else there is for crafts.

Other ideas are web designers, or if you have an Ebay store (maybe you sell vintage clothes or collectibles?), or you work for a really cool company that you're proud of and whose services you want to promote. Hopefully you get the idea. If I've left anything out it wasn't intentional. And it should go without saying that this post is for original works that you own the rights to. This is not a willy nilly "I have a bunch of stuff in my garage I want to sell" or "I sell Avon" post. No offense to those things. That's just not what this is.


Okay, go!


EDIT: Just to reiterate NO fandom stuff. No fan fiction, no fan mixes, no fan videos, no fan art, etc, etc. I'm really sorry if I wasn't clear about that. Original works only. If you can't legally sell it don't post it.

Bells. Just Bells.

The Kitchen is open!

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 2:04 PM


Hey Babes, what's cooking??

Come join us in the kitchen!

See Rules below :)

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!


  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!

Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.

You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!

 (for some reason I can not add a tag...not sure what's going on)  *tagged it! :)* 


Love is a Dusty Update!

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 8:38 AM

Now calling the Dusty Club meeting to order. Let us discuss the latest chapter! Beware of Spoilers......



Which fanfic is this?

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 7:28 AM

Bella found Edward's son somewhere and she adopts him. After few years she knows about real family of him and decides to go to them? Victoria was Edward's ex wife I think. Can't remember anything more. Do you know which one is this? It was a famous I think.




When Emmett Cullen- the younger heir of Cullen Industries died, he left his pregnant wife Bella behind him. But Cullens want the last memory of him at any cost. Even if, the cost is marriage of Bella with the elder playboy son- Edward Cullen.



Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 7:17 AM


Gorgeous New Pics of Rob Pattinson in BelAmi

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 1:14 AM



Why he looks like he's going to throw up in here?! ^  LOL



* 2 sighs*





You can see more in here  ^_^


Please tell me what you think, guys.

Oh, and Happy VD <3


happy VD, everyone!

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 12:58 AM

love secrets! come love up on people in this campfire.

i will never tell who sent them to you

and you who sent me that alien- we are done professionally although not really i love you so much but o m g

anyway, the forest loves you all, bbs

go eat some gross conversation hearts and remember, love thy neighbor/camper/fandom friend

&hearts &hearts &hearts,

the rangers.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

eta: i'm getting a few messages that some love secrets weren't posted. i just double checked and 4 weren't posted, so now they're up- every single one that was emailed to adflovesecrets@gmail.com is posted now! i'm sorry if you don't see yours. if you want, re-send them to me and i'll post, i'm just really swamped right now trying to make frosting and decorate EIGHTY-FOUR CUPCAKES #roomMom #omg #happyVDindeed

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