

Friday February 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM

Some people have had a trying week.

Let's put a smile on that face (just not Joker style, pls omg).

In one week my secondary family member and his significant other got kicked out of their homes.  I wasn't really close to them, but he called me up saying I was their last resort for help since their own immediate families shunned them.  I was happy to help them by buying them meals (they only ate once a day b/c of budget) and driving them around (they didn't have a car) to visit affordable apartments in my area but with no luck.  I suggested they rent a room in a nice home instead since it was cheaper and the 2nd one we visited well...let's just say it looked like a model home and they were so excited they signed for it right away.  They're doing relatively well now with their own car but only saved money, and they've got a long way to go.  Circumstances prevent me from doing more for them, but they were just so grateful I was nice to which I said, "This isn't being nice.  It's being human."

So.  Why don't you post something nice that happened?

Customer before you paid for your coffee at the drive-thru?

A high schooler took you by surprise and helped a little old lady with her groceries?

People were actually GENUINE and HONEST in your lifetime?  Shocker.

What's the last kind gesture you presented to someone?  Was it anonymous?

DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE TODAY and tell me about it later.  If you do it everyday, you're good people.

I really like this video of Kristen after she won the Orange Rising Star Award.  She felt undeserving and Noel Clark is such a sweetheart to reassure her that her career isn't all Twilight.  Though she's not the best actress, it's nice to have the reassurance that what you do is quality to someone:



I'm Not a Fashion Snob...but

Friday February 17, 2012 at 10:48 AM

I play one on TV-

As some of you know-I'm taking 2 classes this semester, so I'm on campus 4 days a week. I can't get over some of the outfits deemed acceptable wear in public.

I know I shouldn't judge , especially as I'm currently in an Agent Orange Hoodie/Levi's and Red Chucks, but since when are Plaid Pajama pants with Uggs ok to wear out of the house?

Don't even get me started on what I see in the grocery store...

What fashion misstep drives YOU crazy?



**EDIT** This CF isn't meant to be mean about what ANYONE chooses to wear. If it's coming across that way- please Rangers, toss it, I won't be offended. 


Breaking Dawn 2 Soundtrack

Friday February 17, 2012 at 9:10 AM

This is a local band that's been playing at the small bars around town for years now.  

So when I got this today, of course I thought of sharing it with you all.

Do you like it as much as I do?

So far I haven't seen any other pre release samples for the next sound track.  So if you have, please share.  

BTW:  First Campfire ever.  Been a lurker for about 3 years or maybe 4.   As with any comments I leave, always feel free to correct spelling, and grammar errors.  Usually they are plentiful.  My American education was all about, "you will learn that next year",or "you should have got that last year".    The first time I was taught about pronouns, verbs and adverbs was in Comp.1 in College.  Cannot believe I passed with a C.


Do you guys know this story?

Friday February 17, 2012 at 9:02 AM

I’m looking for a specific fic were Bella was blind.... I remember she had her own apartment and her Brother Emmett and Rose had their own ..... they meet the Cullens in college ...Edward and Alice and  Jasper (Alice's boyfriend/Edwards best-friend) was there.... they don’t figure out Bella is blind for a few weeks if I remember right..... idk its been a while since I read it... and its not ( Angel Eyes » by RaeCullen ) ... already searched the Fic List and Google.....any help would be appreciated ...  : )


Heres my rec's....

This Life » by CaraNo
There's no choice for Bella and Rose when the infamous Cullen brothers choose them as wives. It's called arranged marriages and it's reality. Another thing very real is Cullens lifestyle. Meet Irish Mobward and his beloved hellcat, Bella. No heavy angst.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Crime - Chapters: 40 - Words: 197,346 - Reviews: 7571 - Updated: 2-15-12 - Published: 3-31-11 - - Bella/Edward

Dear Maggie » by Jenny0719
A heart leads Bella back home to Forks... and to the brother of the woman who donated it. M for Lemons/OOC/Language
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 23 - Words: 143,518 - Reviews: 2744 - Updated: 2-14-12 - Published: 7-14-11 - - Bella/Edward



Friday February 17, 2012 at 8:13 AM does this all come together?

Spoilers inside!  Come and give us your thoughts!


Who Else Wants To Stroke His Head?

Friday February 17, 2012 at 8:10 AM

Morning, Campers!

As we all may or may not know, Rob is in Berlin right now promoting Bel Ami.

He attended a photocall & press conference only moments ago. And I have to say, the shaved head is growing on me. He's looking hot.

So, are we excited for the movie? Anyone else want to stroke his head?

Let's chat.




The Workshop?

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 9:53 PM

Is Danieller123 reposting The Workshop on FFnet under a new name? Cause, somebody is.


If she is, then that's great, but if not,*cracks knuckles*...heads are gonna roll.

If it's her..then that would totally be my rec.

If not..then:

Dadward and totally lost Bella.



Ranger Edit:  The story has been pulled. Thank you to everyone for once again keeping folks honest. :)


A Different Pimp

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 9:49 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. If you beta something fantastic, let us know. If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy!

This week, try something a little different.

Instead of just posting a regular pimp with your summary and a link, cut and paste the first few paragraphs of your fic in the campfire. See if you can hook people in by the first few lines. Remember to link it as well!


Wow! Look at all of the Tags!

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 6:50 PM

A lot of people were asking about the tags yesterday, so I thought I would show them to you all. Impressive, isn't it?

I know that it isn't Wednesday, but let's make a little game out of things.

Find your favorite tag. Click on it. Then post the title of one campfire that has that tag. People can then guess which tag is your favorite.

Get it? Example: I post: "Freecycle" Answer: "why is wtvoc such a hippie"

Have a bit of fun and remember: Tag your campfires! :)



Thursday February 16, 2012 at 6:49 PM







among other things...










follow you, follow me

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 2:59 PM

Twitter Post!


share your twitters if you want and don't forget to follow ADF and its Rangers!










@LJ Summers  



just click on the name, and it'll take you to their twitter page!




Thursday February 16, 2012 at 12:48 PM

hey baby's! Ive got a bad case of amnesia! please help me out if you can!

its a old twific - think it has a sequel, bella and edward somethingsomething and i remember three things! .. four?

bella asks in the last chapter in middle of sex if her hymen can grow back (its funny at the time)

there's a maria that edward pretends to be dating who has a chipped front tooth from a biking accident

and bella says she wanted jasper in the divorce!

i have a sneaking suspicion of which story it is but i can't remember the name or the author! and if it IS actually scoth gin and the something .. well


lemme know girlies, im counting on you!

and as payment, one of my all time favorites!

Boxward and awesomeella!


Educating our youth

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 11:09 AM

Christine (Christag) just tweeted about her 10yo being Team Jacob and thinking Robward 'freaky looking'. o.O

No offence to Jacob and Tay Tay lovers alike, but this prompted a need to educate our youth about the absolute HAWTNESS that is Robward.

Also, my stash is in need of an update, so this campfire serves a double purpose :)

So please, share your best Robp0rn with us, because there can never be enough...



For TVD Fans...

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 11:06 AM

Matthew Davis, who plays Alaric Salzman on The Vampire Diaries, tweets under the name Ernesto Riley, and it is utterly nuts.


He writes TVD fanfic! He talks about his past lives! I'm convinced he's eating potvervain-laced brownies before logging into his Twitter account.


What other celebrities have crazy twitters? (besides Courtney Stodden)


Hotscars 2011

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 11:05 AM

The Hotscars for 2011 are out.  I had never heard of them before, but here is the description from the site:

'In honor of awards season, Em & Lo have determined their own winners (and losers) when it comes to love, romance, sex and sexism in the movies of 2011. Because who really cares about things like “Best Actress” and “Best Supporting Role,” anyway? Bring on the sexy!'

Here are the winners.

Some of the movies on the list I haven't seen, some I have.  Breaking Dawn was among the list of winners (losers?) for Most Anti-Climactic Sex Scene, and to be fair I can see how it "won" this award because there was so much build-up I don't know how the reality of the scene could match up to everyone's imagination.  I can also see how Michael Fassbender won for Best Male Full Frontal (HOT!).

Do you agree with the winners? If not, what movie do you think the award should have gone to? 


Gather 'round the Bondfire

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 10:29 AM




It's bondfire time again, folks!

I thought it would be nice to do a roll call type fire this time. Lurkers, regulars, lifers alike - get in here and answer these questions!  We want to know that you're out there.

 These bondfires are posted to help us get to know one another - chat with other posters, ask questions about campers responses...have fun! 


1.  What are you eating/drinking right now?  Post a picture if you'd like. 

2.  Have you watched BD1 yet?  Why?  Why not?

3.  What is the most used app on your phone?

4.  Once upon a time I drank ______ and this happened: __________.  I'll never do that again.  

5.  If you could live in any time in history, when would you pick?

6.  What is the next planned event in your life that you're looking forward to?

7.  What is your newest favourite beauty product?

8.  My fantasy "people sandwich" (in which you are the filling) would include _______ and ________.

9.  If you had the chance to create a marketable flavour of ice cream, what would be in it?  What would you call it?

10.  Share a random fact and/or picture of yourself.  We love to see your beautiful faces!


Here's a twist - at the end of your post, add a question of your own for the forest.  Is there something you've always wanted to know about other campers?  Now's the chance to ask! 



FFn is fail once more...

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 9:49 AM

Luckily, there's lots of reading to do elsewhere.

For instance, the Truly Anonymous Twilight one-shot picture and prompt contest just opened the archive with all 97 entries.

That's right. 97. Ninety-seven.

Voting starts March 1st thru 10th and the winners are announced March 15th.

I know some campers and rangers who are either judging or entered, so get your butts over there and start reading!

Entries can be found here.


Facts and Chicks

Thursday February 16, 2012 at 4:57 AM

When the boyfriend tried to tell me about this website (and other's of it's ilk, ie: this one) I may have pulled a face. I can appreciate a womans body as much as the next person, but really Robert? I figured it was just an excuse to look at scantily clad it turns out I hardly noticed them!

For example, this particular little fact:


And it's true!

And there are so many others!

I was wondering, are there any sites (maybe not quite as...racy as this one) but that you've been skeptical about that actually have been awesome?! 

AND have a quick look on this site and pick out your favourite fact :)

FYI: this is probably gunna be a little NSFW up in here.

also, I hope that pic is okay for the front page, I didn't think it was too bad, but you never know :)

Ranger Edit: I cropped your pic to keep it SFW for the front page. Put whatever you wish within the CF. :)

ETA: :D thank you 


to rec or not to rec...

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 6:35 PM

so i just posted some rec's on a campfire down there  and it got me to thinking. when do you hesitate to rec a story. if someone is looking for something specific and you know of a story that would fit the bill but you have some reservations about that story, would you still rec it? for example, if the story seems to be abandoned but you liked what you got to read. if a story was pulled buy you have a copy. if in the middle of the story it jumped the shark but the beginning was amazing. if the author has a history of getting emo and pulling then reposting. ect. 

for me, i think it depends on the audience. if it is a friend i can speak more frankly about what i did or didn't like. if it is a public forum like this, i may rec with a caution. as a former rec blog/podcast admin, i can say that i feel the worst thing is rec'ing a story publicly and the author pulling it. i hate when i read rec blogs, get all excited about the summary and review then click the link to find this...


its the worst feeling! so i would never rec a story by a serial puller. 

so my question is what is your criteria for rec'ing an story?


my rec for the day (warning!! this author has a history of getting emo and pulling!) lol. i love this story so much it is AMAZING. but i always download this authors stories now :)

Under the Harvest Moon by taoist elf 

Some things seem just too good to last, others are just too insidious to just disappear. Cue the Volturi- stage left. How far will Bella go to protect her child, her husband, her Pack? Well – as usual – it's complicated.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 185,275 - Reviews: 636 - Updated: 2-7-12 - Published: 10-2-11 - Bella & Paul


Help Desk Special

Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 5:50 PM

Tonight we are going to do another "special" Help Desk

This one is going to be all about

Acquainting Yourself With ADF and the Rules of the Forest

Here is going to be how it'll work: I am going to make a series of posts that state different sections of the rules and FAQs, you can post underneath any of those sections if you have questions or comments.


There has been some recent confusion and we are hoping that this helps!

Also,  you can ask questions of any of the rangers. Not all of us are around tonight, but I will try to keep an eye on things if you have someone you are specifically looking for. If you have any general questions about the rangers, this would be the place to ask as well.

Last but not least, use this campfire for all of you OTHER questions as well. Just because we are focusing on "the rules" doesn't mean that you can't ask for the name of a fic, make a request or ask about something entirely different. We are here to help.

One more thing: I DO NOT WANT THIS TURNING UGLY/INTO A SHOUTING MATCH. In other words, if you have a debate or concern, please PM a ranger. It'll help us ALL out if we try to keep calm and not air our grievances with pre-written rules in public. This is meant as a place to ask questions and make clarifications, not to say why you disagree with a rule or to ask it to be changed. If you feel that way, you know where to find us!

First --- | >> | 688 | 689 | 690 | 691 | 692 | 693 | 694 | 695 | 696 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
