
Does anyone know of a story like this..?

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 7:24 PM

If you havent read this ... do it now...

With All My Strength » by Rhi Aeffyll
He has been a warrior-king, then a lonely nomad, then a coven leader. He has worn many shoes, taken many lives, learned many things. Edward Cullen has roamed the earth for over a millennium, aimless and unchanged. Until now; until her.


My question is this... Does anyone know of any stories were Bella and Edward, and it doesnt matter which, one of them is a half-vamp and the other is a vamp before they meet... basically neither is human before they meet... i've read a few, but only read one good one..


i was reading one a while back "Gotta Be Somebody" by xxLuAshxx ..  in it bella is a half-vamp who is basicaly being kept from the world by charlie and renne for her protection (they are both vamps)... she doesnt like not being able to experience everything so she runs away to experience the world.... she ends up in forks and I think you can guess what happens after that...... it was pulled though before it was finished....... luckly I have a copy of it and you can have it if you pm me your email ......   : )  ... hopefully the author will put it back up and finish it...


Out of the comfort zone - Alice/Jasper

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 5:59 PM

I'm a strict E/B person but something today made me want some good Alice and Jasper fics. I've been reading some good versions of them here and there in E/B centric fics to where I actually like them as characters and that's odd because  usually Alice irks me all together somehow no matter what. So I'm now looking for the focus to be on them.


1. AH only. I can barely do E/B vamps so no vamps.


2. I'll take whatever genre (so I'm open to some angst), but I just REALLY don't want the Jasper as a wounded Iraq vet and he's PTSD the whole story and that level of angst and therapy lessons 101 and that kind of slow burn because love happens close to the end because he's not mentally and emotionally...there. The same with Alice. Nothing like that. Whatever else, I'm game. Well no awful Maria/Tanya and Alice pulling a runaway Bella and Jasper/Edward not knowing which end is up.

Whatever else, happy-sad-angsty-fluffy I'm game. Just nothing traumatic. I'm not in love with them enough to stick with them through some awful angst like ^^^se above.


3. A non-annoying Alice. I've never read A/J centered fics but I'm assuming she's not a shopaholic, pixie who makes Jasper be her assistant  holding her bags in the mall. That seems to only be her in E/B fics so none of that in Alice. Anything else, I'm game.


4. Not too long.  From basic research, the popular ones by numbers are a little long in the tooth for my taste at 250k words and counting. I'm new and that's a little daunting for A/J for me.. I'll take some really good one shots over that but a multi-chap would be really nice.


My fic rec:

The Learning Curve

AU and AH. Short chapters with daily updates. When Bella's boyfriend brings up the issue of her virginity with his ex, she decides to take charge of her own fate.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 104 - Words: 63,005 - Reviews: 9695 - Updated: 2-11-12 - Published: 10-31-11 - Bella & Edward

I'm still iffy on all these drabbles and considering Bonne Foi, I wasn't really interested in something new here but I read the first few chapters and I really like it a lot. I'm still wading through it slowly but so far I like it alot and I'm around ch. 80.


A somewhat belated request...

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 5:19 PM

Does anyone have a copy of Epilogue 2 of The University of Edward Masen, by sebastienrobichaud? The one that's B and E's POV concerning B's pregnancy? If so, please PM me....


Grace born of heartbreak, by lily cullen

Ten years.

Ten years have passed since Edward left Bella that day in the woods. He doesn't know what happened to her. He doesn't know if she's happy. He doesn't know if she's had the life that he intended for her.

Alice has developed a new talent closely related to her precognition, and she finally prevails upon Edward to check up on Bella, for her and Esme's sake if nothing else.

And what they see will destroy the fragile peace that Edward has lived in for the past decade.

(Note: this is most definitely not a Bella/Jacob story. In fact, it is at its heart a Bella/Edward story.)

The rating is for violence and character death, not erotica. If you're looking for erotica... sorry. Wrong place.

rochelle allison

purse post

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 4:47 PM

i want to see what'sin everyone's purse/bag/knapsack/whatever. 

because i'm nosy like that.




ETA: whoops; guess i should describe what's in there.

ipad, coupon holder thingie, wallet, glasses case, lip glosses, sharpies/pens, change purse, floss, admit one ticket to...something, toy wipes and keys. normally my phone would be in there, but i used it for the picture, as well as my ipod nano, but it's currently sitting on its dock. oh! and letters i forgot to mail earlier!


Robfilms a-comin'

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 3:19 PM

These images came out today and I had to marvel at how different he can look -- particularly in contrast to Edward Cullen.

To make this interactive: will you be able to convince any non-Rob fans to go see either with you?  How about husbands/ boyfriends/ male others?

Will YOU go see them...or wait for the DVD?


The Biology Project

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 2:00 PM

Chapter 44

Is anyone else as in love with this story as much as I am?

Can Dr. Creepy get any creepier?

What's up with Jasper and Alice?




Sunday February 12, 2012 at 10:35 AM

Is anyone else as confused as I am?

What about Savage's A/N? "Some of the hows just aren't important to the story."




Rec: Transcendence (come and join the confusion)

Ehd doesn't know how the woman ended up in his pit trap, he just knows he wants to protect her and provide for her in any way he can. She sure does make a lot of noises with her mouth, though. Caveward is born!

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 7:27 AM


Howdy peeps!  How's it going?  Everything going good?

Homework:  Name some physical challanges and I'll make them homework pieces.

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


The Woman in Black

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 2:03 AM



Have you seen it?

What did you think of Daniel Radcliffe's acting?

What is your favorite scary movie?

Favorite scary book?



(for those who've not seen it yet)

Love Well Spent

Teen or Mature?

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 11:44 PM

So I have a question regarding the fanfic ratings...what do YOU read more of? Teen or mature fics?

And is it a turn off if a writer changes their fic rating halfway through their story? Say, if a writer changes their teen fic to mature, do you think they would lose some of their readers? Or gain more since it's mature?

I'm really curious as to what people think about this. It's been on my mind for awhile...please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts/opinions. Thanks! 


Fifty, 27

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 11:36 PM

50 Shades made #27 on the NYT best sellers list (week of Feb. 19)

Seriously? How is this possible?



Everlasting Why update

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 11:26 PM

Chapter 20

Seriously, why doesn't this fic have more reviews? Has anyone tried to read it but couldn't get into it? It's ok, we don't bite :)


RIP Whitney

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 7:32 PM



Saturday February 11, 2012 at 6:40 PM

My heart cannot take it! It is failing with the latest update. Can we please discuss and maybe someone can ease my pain?

Snapdragon by prettykittyartist

Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with a boy. He gave her a ring and promised her forever. No one told her there'd be an expiration date on her glass slippers. What's a girl to do when she stands to lose everything? She fights. Hard. EXB AH AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 62,975 - Reviews: 508 - Updated: 2-11-12 - Published: 11-26-11 - Bella & Edward



Saturday February 11, 2012 at 6:05 PM

Yes, this is Kellan Lutz ^






I wish there was a tag for nipples. 


My rec is an oldie but a goodie.  The sex stuff between E/B is a little weird, but it's still a good read.  Vamp, AU.  Warning: a major character dies.  Badly.  Also depicts an attempted sexual assault.

The summary on Twilighted doesn't really tell you anything about the story.  Basically, Bella is kidnapped prior to the wedding.  Much angst ensues.  Will she survive?  Dark, angsty, romantic, and the aforementioned slightly weird sex stuff.  E/B

Full Dark by Gina-Bean


Everyone else is doing it

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 4:04 PM

I've decided to dedicate a cf to the Twilight sex scenes. Apparently, there were some. I don't have the DVD, so post away. Or comment/drool/comment on how much you drool, of course :)

moar inside ;)

gifs made by laranjinha-889-412781



Please give me a rec....

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 4:03 PM

Could someone please rec me some good stories... something....twilight, BxE, HEA, ... doesnt have to be complete but please something with a good amount of writing ... no O/S ..



my rec  ..... been waiting on an update for this one...

Washed Up » by xrxdanixrx
She washed up along the river near his secluded log cabin with no memories. He couldn't just leave her to fend for herself, could he?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 70,444 - Reviews: 3846 - Updated: 8-31-11 - Published: 5-3-11 - - Edward/Bella


5 New Bel Ami Scenes

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 2:11 PM

All of these are new -- or mostly new -- to me.  Apologies if they've been posted before but I missed them.

I know not everyone will agree, but I think Rob is showing a remarkable amount of range and all-around growth as an actor.   Plus it doesn't hurt that I can't take my eyes off him whenever he's on the screen, but that's another matter....;)

Some lovely "non-fandom" comments from Alt Film Guide:

Set in a church, in the first scene Pattinson's ambitious ex-soldier Georges Duroy plays (very determinedly) a game of seduction with Older Woman Kristin Scott Thomas. In the second, Pattinson convincingly plays a drunk Duroy in a cabaret. That's when he runs into the obnoxious publisher Charles Forestier, who will inadvertently assist Duroy in his ascent in Parisian society.

The third scene is set at the Forrestier dinner table. The issue of class is all too apparent — Duroy doesn't know which knife to use — and so are the various seduction games despite all the surface talk about life in the desert and French colonial politics. Even though Pattinson, Christina Ricci, and Uma Thurman are perfectly fine — Pattinson's facial expressions, a mix of shyness and self-assertion, are particularly impressive — the scene-stealer here is Scott Thomas: "I was told that the [desert] sands … sing?"

In the fourth scene, Duroy performs a different sort of seduction, as a little girl falls for her playful "bel ami." The brief follow-up scene features Pattinson/Duroy and his conquest Ricci/Clotilde de Marelle in his dingy apartment.

Though a low-budget production, Bel Ami — as its trailer (and even its poster) promised — is gorgeous to look at.

So...?  What say you all?

Lets Get Cooking...

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 1:39 PM



For years now, I have been trying to find/make the perfect Mac&Cheese

Yet, no matter what  recipe I follow, it never tastes right - sometimes its too floury, sometimes too watery... No matter what I do, it never tastes like cheese (which is what I always assumed it should taste like, right??)

I just want some creamy, cheesy comfort food, goodness.

So I am appealing to anyone who has a killer recipe to share it with me, and put me out of my misery...

Anyone else looking for a recipe?! Ask inside, maybe your fellow campers can help you...


A Forbidden Love update!

Saturday February 11, 2012 at 1:24 PM

I just yesterday/day before started reading this story based off a of rec by sloner here and fell in love with it. It's a great story that totally captures its readers. Check it out and we can talk about it!

 A Forbidden Love 
Fleeing her father's attacker, Bella masquerades as a servant while she awaits Lord Carlisle's return, only to have Lord Edward decide to protect the new maid by making her his mistress. With her reputation ruined, all appears lost…or is it? AH EXB HEA!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 46 - Words: 154,216 - Reviews: 5373 - Updated: 2-10-12 - Published: 10-11-11 - Edward & Bella

First --- | >> | 691 | 692 | 693 | 694 | 695 | 696 | 697 | 698 | 699 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
