who ordered this pig?!

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 8:22 PM

new HG clip.


i am pumppppeeedddd. 

um lets see...make this interactive...

what scene are you most excited for?

are you going to the midnight release? i am. 


WIP FanFictions

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 8:04 PM

The other day, a campfire about completed fanfictions inspired me to start a campfire about work-in-progress fanfictions.

I'm someone who used to only read completed fics. I've recently learned the wonderfulness of following a W-I-P. When I read a completed fic, something crazy happens and I need to finish it all in one night, therefore ignoring my responsibilities/sleep. By following a WIP, I can simply read the chapter that has been posted that day and get on with my life. SO much healthier for me. :)

I decided to start a few of these fics through campfires that piqued my interest, and I'm finding I'm also loving the opportunity to discuss the fics I'm reading here. 

What do you love about works-in-progress? Which ones are you following right now? 

(I'll post mine in the comments.)



Thursday March 1, 2012 at 4:10 PM




Must.. Find... Fic!!!

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 3:46 PM

Hi everyone there's a fic that I'm looking for it's Edward and Bella and for a couple of summers they've had a summer fling going on and I believe that one year they go to school in forks together but Bella is very reluctant to continue her relationship with Edward due to like trauma I believe... If any of you can help me that would be AMAZING! THANK YOU!


Oh and here's a rec, Coldplaywhore Lack of Color Enjoy it!


Can't find a fic and its killing me!

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 2:47 PM

I have been trying to find it all day and I would have asked another time or asked the help desk but I am about to go crazy and am going to class in about 10 minutes so I would love you forever if you could help!

Bella goes to the Cullens house alone and they are all out hunting one night. Someone comes up and attacks her and it haunts her dreams and Charlie doesnt know what to do with her anymore and she hides in closets in her house. I think she lives with the Cullens for a while but I cant remember. It was two men and it has to do with Charlies past as a cop. He ends up dying in the end. Oh and Renee is awful in the story and Bella lives with her for a few weeks I think and she starts self harming herself. I read it a while ago and just thought of it again today but can't seem to find it. 

If you can hep me you are awesome! 

Rec: Major Misconduct by m7707

Edward Cullen - hot high school hockey player. Bella Swan - shy high school student. They've admired each other from afar, so what happens when they finally meet? Will they be strong enough to handle a threat from his past? No good deed goes unpunished...

(it also has a companion to read after from Edwards point of view)

Lulu M

#HappyBdayPTB & Expansion to HP & HG

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 1:59 PM

Happy Birthday, PTB!

Since 2009, and over 450 betas and 500 authors later, Project Team Beta has grown by leaps and bounds, and 2012 is sure to be no different. Throughout the month of March, we will be celebrating the last three years and all of the hard work put into making PTB a success by all of our betas, authors and mods. Join us in celebrating by visiting our Happy Birthday tumblr and posting a message.

You can also follow along on PTB's Twitter#HappyBdayPTB, and on Facebook.

You can also show your PTB love and party spirit, by displaying one of our birthday buttons:


Thank you to Anniegirl27 for making our birthday banner and background, Frozen Soldier and Raum for the birthday buttons, Morrigan for the beta and author interview banners, and Isabellacullenlover23 for the moderator interview banner.


We are pleased to announce some very exciting changes. Our focus in the past has been on improving Twilight fanfiction through our services. We have decided to expand our scope starting this month and will now be working with both the Harry Potter and Hunger Games fandoms.

We currently have over 60 Harry Potter betas and over 40 Hunger Games betas that are waiting for your story! Interested in joining our beta team? Fill out a beta application. Have a story you’d like us to review? Fill out a story application.

Also, be sure to check out our new Harry Potter and Hunger Games affiliates. Have a HP or HG site and want to affiliate with us? Just fill out this form.

* Posted with permission by LJ Summers


In Other News...

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 1:50 PM

I'm not sure if all you ladies that reside in the US of A are aware or not, but today was a pretty big day in the Senate for us. Now I'm not claiming to have all the info on this subject, but I thought it was a pretty cool thing to post about, and draw some attention to. Andawayfromotherthings

An Amendment, called the Blunt Amendment, was voted on today in the Senate. Now, for those of you who don't know, this is a revision/change to Obama's new contraception coverage rule. In other words, this Amendment would have given your employer the right to decide if they would cover your birth control needs with their work provided insurance, based soley on their personal beliefs.

"The 51-48 vote killed an amendment that would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control. Democrats said the measure would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of virtually any medical treatment with the mere mention of a moral or religious objection." -USA Today

Here's some info if you're wondering:

Huffington Post

USA Today 

Another great article, giving the information on the whole subject

So, how do you feel abou this, ladies? This is some pretty important stuff, I just thought I'd see what you all thought. Remeber, please be nice and remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion. We live in a world where every opinion matters and is valid.
Now let's disscuss!!
Oh, and this was approved by Tor!

New Prometheus Video...

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 1:41 PM

in case no one noticed there is a new sci-fi movie coming out titled "Prometheus" ... here is a new video that just came out...

Title: Prometheus Video (TED 2023 Footage)
Description: Conceived and designed by Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof and directed by Luke Scott, this piece was created for TED. It is not a scene from the movie. The piece provides a look into what may lay ahead, as well as important backstory into the mythology explored in Prometheus.

so its not actually a scene from the movie but provides improtant backstory into the mythology explored in Prometheus
here is the trailer if you haven't seen yet....
To make this interactive....  what are some of the best Sci-Fi fics you've read.....

Hot New Romance Novel "50 Shades of Grey"

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 1:07 PM

Here's a video link of the news segment that was aired today; no, ELJames, but some enthusastic readers sharing their love of this novel.


To make this interactive: What do you guys think? "Twilight for us Women?" Lettuce know, please!
Btw, sorry I'm not crafty enough to figure out how to post the video, but I hope this works.
And thanks Raum for linking this.  I found it interesting to say the least.

Klaus makes me happy

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 12:53 PM

This is my first ever campfire, but I'm in dire need of a happy. 

Which makes me think of all things TVD, but more specifically...KLAUS! 

I heat up like a furnace during his scenes. I don't mind if he gets slapped around a bit, but I REALLLY don't want him to die.  And when he's on screen with Caroline, I always have to take a hot shower afterwards. 

So, Is there anyone else out there who shares my obsessions with love for Klaus?  Am I behind the curve and this has been talked about already? Do you love him, hate him, or love to hate him? Just wanna hold hands with him?

If not, who is your favorite hottie on TVD?

For the other Klaus lovers out there, wherever you may be...

*since this is my first post, I hope I'm doing it right?*   


Pet Peeves

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 11:10 AM

My apologies if this topic has been covered before, but I simply must get this off my chest.

It seems that almost every time I read a story, I find mistakes so egregious (to me, anyway), that I want to reach through the monitor, grab the author by the hair, and shove a dictionary into their brains through their nose. Without lubricant.

Excessive? Perhaps. This has been building since I started reading fanfic, and I can't take it anymore.

I am not talking about the people who mistake you're and your, or write "could of" instead of "could have". Those people are beyond redemption as far as I am concerned (unless they are five years old. In which case, I may cut them some slack). I am referring to the otherwise well spoken (or well written, might be more accurate) people who don't seem to know the difference between reign and rein, to use just one example.

Or peak, peek, and pique, to use another. You don't peak around the door frame to see into the room. You PEEK around the door frame. If you are offended by this post, you won't flounce off in a fit of peek, but you might do it in a fit of PIQUE (in which case I'm sorry for offending you, and I invite you to pick apart my writing for mistakes. I'm particularly adept and abusing and misusing commas).

Anyway. My current pet peeve is "equally as". Department of Redundancy Department, anyone?

Are you guys equally as annoyed by this stuff as I am? No, of course you aren't. You are either as annoyed, or equally annoyed. Not both.

So, campers, what are some of your pet peeves when it comes to the blatant and rampant abuse of the English language in fanfic (or elsewhere)?

(Full disclosure: I was raised (and schooled) in British English, and I may not be aware of how some words have been "Americanized". I also understand - reluctantly - that language is a living, changing thing, but why does that mean adding a new word to the lexicon simply because half the population systematically uses it wrong? Will "aks" become an acceptable alternative to "ask" someday? Or "nucular" instead of "nuclear"?)


Funny Rob videos

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 9:11 AM

Guys please list some Funny Rob videos.. I love his sense of humor. And I'd also loke to see some Old Gem. :)


Here's one...


I love this guy. :)


3 days, 3 campfires, 1 Kristen :)

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 7:37 AM

So, the Balenciaga show happened and as expected Kristen was front row and center, sitting next to Anna Wintour and Charlotte Gainsbourg.

I won't even pretend that I understood anything of the entire collection other than the fact that I obviously don't understand fashion...that stuff sucks.

Kristen (or her stylist, blessed be Tara Swenenn) managed to pull a full Balenciaga outfit that was actually very sexy and not at all fug. 

Pictures inside :)

Inquiring minds want to know: what do you wear? what are your fashion indulgences? Do you understand this fashion thing? 


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 7:40 PM









"The Vampire Diaries | Color the Sky" by ShatteredxDesires


"Hold me" by Lisa7bella1


"Harry Potter | Glowing in the Dark" by dazzleme7 <- SO GOOD. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HARRY POTTER. :*)



Diana Wolfskill

Best Fic To Represent The Fandom

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 6:45 PM



fic would you nominate

to represent

the Twilight fan community




I would probably nominate Sanctuary by Jennyfly or somethng by Rochelle Allison (Volition, perhaps).

Keep in mind that this is not necessarily your favorite or even the "best" fic, but one you would be proud to see represent the community as a whole. 

ETA: One AU and one AH pick *is* allowed if you just can't choose.

*inspired by another Campfire


oh dear

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 5:26 PM

Fifty Shades is going to be on the Today Show tomorrow morning. Will SM freak out and demand money or send C&D's to all fanfic writers?

Who is going to watch?


Looking for a Rec......

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 4:56 PM

I'm looking mainly for a story based on this pairing...Charlie/Tanya .... but I’m also looking for stories that have pairing with the Denali Coven.... and stories with pairings with any of the Volturi... as long as Edward and Bella are not in the pairings, but they can be in the story in any capacity other then that though...the other cullens are fair game though... so basically any stories that are based on charlie and other character, any Volturi member and other character, and any Denali coven member and other character, as long as the pairing doesn’t include Edward or Bella.....


Charlie / anyone other then Edward or Bella

Denali Member / anyone other then Edward or Bella

Volturi Member / anyone other then Edward or Bella


Any help would be appreciated... :)


My Rec....

You Found Me » by Kristylized
Edward Masen is nomadic vampire travelling with James and Victoria. While rampaging on the outskirts of Forks, he stumbles upon a girl reading in a meadow and soon learns there's more to being a vampire than he ever thought possible. AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 42 - Words: 280,883 - Reviews: 836 - Updated: 2-14-12 - Published: 4-22-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

Diana Wolfskill

Make Me Laugh, Cry, or Even Vomit!

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 4:00 PM









Disgusting, even?




Don't be shy!
We have cookies! 
And we don't bite --
unless asked.

okay'd by wtvoc. thank you.=)


Twilight lovers

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 3:59 PM

 Are there any  Twilight lovers in here? (whose your favorite character)


looking for based on movies plot

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 3:23 PM

Has anyone read a good Edward/Bella story thats similar to The Graduate movie or any based on awseome movies that make great stories. If so please comment and give the link to it. Thanks!


 A Walk At TWILIGHT to Remember
A twist on the Nicholas Sparks novel we all know and love... Starring our favorite characters from Twilight! Edward Masen is one of the most popular guys at school, but events throw him together with outcast Bella Swan, and of course they fall in love!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 11 - Words: 35,599 - Reviews: 200 - Updated: 4-10-09 - Published: 3-27-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Thank you.

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