
How did you get started????

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 1:59 PM

So for a while now, I've had a bunch of little plots running around in my head, and I've finally decided to put some stuff down on paper (or my iPad)... It's going SUPER slowly, but I'm in definite need of some encouragement... I've been reading some AMAZING stories on FFn, and I'm so blown away by the writing skills of this fandom... Anyone have any stories of how you got started writing??


RIP Davy Jones

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 12:50 PM

Campers of...*cough*.... a certain age have lost someone special. Davy Jones of the Monkees died today at 66.

There are very few of us who didn't harbor a crush on Davy Jones at some point during our formative years. Even if you were too young to have seen The Monkees when it was originally broadcast on TV, they ran it in syndication for a solid decade, so generations of girls got their chance to discover him anew.

Let's appreciate the adorableness that was Davy. He was Justin Bieber way before the world dreamed of Bieber Fever. 

Here's a little taste of the Monkees doing Daydream Believer. Check out some old episodes of the show for more Davy cuteness. Yes, he really was that short, but when you're nine, that just makes him more perfect.


*This was approved by wtvoc, 'cause she's sad, too. :(

Two Kristen campfire in 2 days? zomg

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 11:33 AM

Gorgeous, cute and talented girl departed from LAX and landed in Paris just in time for the Balenciaga Fashion Show tomorrow morning... watch live at 10AM CET/4AM ET(I'm kidding, don't wake up at 4 for this :) )

Also, On the Road just launched a poster, website, facebook page and twitter handle.

We need an On The Road tag, I r kicking in and it's gonna be a year full of it

ETA: facebook page for OTR:

follow them on twitter @OTR_Official

To make this interactive: Did you read On the Road? Did you like it? Because *my* brain doesn't get *IT*...Do I need to be American to get the Beat generation and road trips and wandering around and all this stuff? :s


this should be good

Wednesday February 29, 2012 at 9:51 AM

ADF confessions

let's do something new. i've been shooting this idea around and have gotten several suggestions from some of you, so i think i've come up with something. let's try this!

send your confessions to me at

i'll post them in this campfire. no one will know who said what.

they can be about anything- ADF, the fandom, real life, colin firth, me, colin firth and me; anything. let it out, campers.

the only thing i won't post is a personal attack. other than that, sky's the limit. if you don't want me to know you sent it, well- send from an anonymous email!

and everyone, please remember- there's a difference between "you're stupid" and "your opinion is stupid", mmkay?


Yes, I'm one of those...

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 11:02 PM

looking to get my hands on a fic!

Does anyone happen to have Honeymoon and Black Lace saved somewhere in their comp?? If so, could ya possibly pass it my way? It would be greatly appreciated!!! 



Oh! And hurr is mi rec!(note: Its probably been recd a gazillion times but its such an amazing fic!) Everlasting Why by Suitablyironicmoniker »

There is a long silence but his expression does not shift, as if he is examining her, calculating something she cannot fathom. His voice is very deliberate when he replies. "What if it's not what I've done, but who I am?" - Bella & Edward, *very* AU.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 22 - Words: 85,047 - Reviews: 947 - Updated: 2-25-12 - Published: 11-1-11 - Bella & Edward 


GoodReads Account?

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 10:51 PM

Do any of you have a GoodReads account? If so, and you would like to be friends, please link your profile! I am always looking for new books to read.

I don't have many books as of yet on mine, but here is my sad profile anyway.


You Remind Me Of...

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 9:54 PM

Hi, Campers!

It's almost 4 a.m., and as usual I am wide awake, so I thought I'd start a little fic/music game.

We haven't done this in a while...

What song/s remind you of a particular fanfic?

For example:

Whenever I listen to White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons, I am reminded of Pocket Change by aWhiteBlankPage. It fits her EPOV perfectly.

Come on in and share.

dawnmarie dreaming

dmd is in da house!

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 8:34 PM

i'm dawnmarie dreaming.  aka dmd.  you could also call me dawn.  or d.  or cutie-pie.  whatever, i answer to just about everything.  although, if you call me "mom" repeatedly over and over and over again while tugging on my shirt i'll more than likely tune you out completely, j/s.

sorry, off topic already.  back to me.  basically, what you need to know is, every once in awhile, after a particularly crappy day or week at work/life, i sit down alone in my living room with my computer in my lap and an alcoholic beverage in my hand and start a campfire such as this.  also known as a dmd drunken campfire.

SO: i've recently purchased BD, but haven't felt the urge to watch it yet.  come in and convince me over drinks of course to spend 2 of my precious hours off work watching rob and kristen try to emote.


Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 8:32 PM


Give us a link!

Tell us about it!


We need ESCAPIST FIC. What does that mean? It means a fic that is going to draw a reader in immediately, make them love (or hate) the characters with fervor, give them something that they can fall into reading for the next few hours and wonder where the time went and work better than a bubble bath. 

You know how sometimes things in your life happen that really test your mettle? I am having one of those weeks and it isn't going to get better.  I know I am not alone. People read to get away, they read to relax and let go of anxiety. So give me something. Because I know you can. You campers are good.

But don't just rec me what I am asking for, rec anything. Like my tag says, you are loved. SHOW ME THE LOVE.



Edward Cullen

I hope I don't regret this.

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 5:42 PM

Ask Edward Cullen

Go ahead. I dare you.


Public Service Announcement

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 5:34 PM

It seems according to Facebook that it is National Pancake Day??

I hear IHOP is even giving away free pancakes?

I know this is off topic, but maybe some of you are still trying to come up with dinner plans at the last minute and WHAT is better than pancakes for dinner??

Absolutely nothing.

Post your favorite pancake recipe here!

ETA: For shock factor- I HATE maple syrup and only eat my pancakes with butter!! 

If this is too off topic. My apologies and it can be deleted. no worries.

I just thought the a National Pancake Day might be an exception!!


For your time 

I have found a new author this week that I am really enjoying!!


She has several completed fics. Seems to be a reliable updater.

So far so good.


I miss Kristen :(

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 5:14 PM

It's crazy because I've been seeing more of her in the last week than in the past months...and there have been about 300+ outtakes from her Glamour photoshoot posted last night...

So I'm making this picture campfire...come post your favorite photoshoot pics of Kristen...and pretty gifs

And by all means post pictures of Rob as well, because I love him muchly, too.

I'll be posting some of the new outtakes inside and other cutesy stuff


consent age

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 3:34 PM

so far it is good WHO am i kiddin its great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this is about the fic, right? or...?


come in and introduce yourselves to heaven.

purple eta: idk what's happening, but here's a gif for everyone's time. heaven- next time, read the rules before posting, eh?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


I would love a good book

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 12:56 PM

While dealing with school, work, and planning a Vegas wedding, I've fallen behind when it comes to reading. While I still keep up with my favorite fan fics, I'm in dire need of a book to read. I'm curious if anyone here has any rec's. I've read the Hush, Hush series, Eragon, Beautiful Darkness series, the fallen series, twilight (obviously), and The Hunger Games. I'm really not interested in reading the Games of Thrones series (not for me), which is rec'd to me a lot. 

I've been on a Young Adult kick, mainly because I spend a lot of my time (online) with the Twilight community, but I'd love to expand my reach. So toss me out some ideas! :) Also, to make this a little more interactive, what's your favorite type of book/story? Do you  have any requirements for a "good read?"


Here's my rec'd for today:

My Mate, by Princess Rachel. After 300 years, Edward finds his mate in young vampire Bella. But the mating rituals of vampires will test their strength and belief in each other. Rated M. Check it out!


UPDATE: THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS! I was blown away with the responses I got! I'm going to check into all of them! :) :) :)


Thinking while reading

Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 12:08 PM

I just started reading The Hunger Games trilogy a couple days ago (still have to read the final one) and noticed there is a dramatic difference in the way I read now that I've picked up this fanfiction addiction. Or maybe not the way I read but what runs through my mind while I'm reading.


For example, I caught myself thinking I could really see something going on between Katniss and Cinna in a fic.... Hmmmm. Yum. (He is Edward to me at times btw.)

Or what would lemons between any variety of characters be like and would it be weird since at this point a lot of them still seem so childlike or innocent.... Would I want my lemons more... Tame?

Or I almost felt like there were some similar elements to Twilight, the girl Katniss thinks of as Foxface for example, and thought hell could this have even started out as a fanfic that took on a life of its own? I'm definitely NOT making an accusation here, it's just something that ran through my mind.

So far I am satisfied with the books but I've heard a lot of people weren't happy with the ending, even my mom lol. So while I've been reading the past few days I've been wondering if there are lots of fics out there and what is the best place to find them? Is is Are there some good Hunger Games specific sites?

Absolutely none of these things would have been running through my mind before discovering Twific. Just wondering if any of you fellow campers have experienced this, not necessarily with the Hunger Games but anything you've started reading after your journey in fic-dom began.

These aren't the first published books I've read since picking up fic (although I really do hate to pay for books now) but I haven't had all these fic related thoughts. Is it the YA thing? The supernatural/fantasy aspect?

My Rec: Now, I know a lot of you are already reading this and there are cf's pretty much on a chapterly (my new made up word of the day) basis but it's truly my favorite thing right now.

Unbecoming by BookishQua: In the aftermath of her divorce, a heartbroken Bella Swan looks for danger to give meaning to her life. If only her hot ex-husband would stay out of the picture. AH BxE
Twilight - Rated: M - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 57,990 - Reviews: 1356 - Updated: 2-27-12 - Published: 1-24-12


Us vs. Them: The Choice Has Always Been Yours

Monday February 27, 2012 at 11:29 PM



A few weeks ago I did a column on the myth of the published author. An interesting sentiment popped up in a few of the comments, one I've seen expressed by various people on Facebook and elsewhere as well. It's the concept of publishers and bookstores as the enemy of the reader. More specifically, the belief seems to be that up until now readers have not had a choice in what to read, that your reading habits have been entirely dictated by publishers and bookstores and how this is a BIG BAD THING. These days everything publishers and bookstores do seems to be a BIG BAD THING.

This sentiment, this concept, completely baffles me. My immediate thought was: no one has EVER dictated to me what I read. I have always read what I wanted to read. What universe are these people living in?

I realize that maybe not everyone has had the resources I've had or access to the knowledge that allowed me to find all the obscure wonderful traditionally published books that I've found but still, I was baffled. I’d like to try and enlighten you if I can and maybe even challenge you.


Tales From The Void Contest

Monday February 27, 2012 at 9:17 PM

Have you fantasized about Edward as an Astronaut or even a Time Lord? Ever wanted Alice to be the real Tinkerbell? Do you wish Emmett was a sexy alien with a probe? Then this is the contest for you!

Vamp and Wolfpack Stories are Welcome as well as long as there are additional Sci-Fi or Fantasy Elements - such as time travel, aliens, zombie apocalypse....

 We are offering various prizes like Amazon Gift Cards, Original Story banner by me(SoapyMayhem), Author features and interviews with various blogs and even a sexy toy from Nyddi's 'Naughty Little Corner'.

Entries will be accepted February 10 – March 31

Public Voting will commence on April 1

Winners will be announced on April 7!

For Contest Details Rules and more Prize info check out our blog!

You can also check out the fanfiction page here of follow us on Twitter - @TwiSciFi.


Home Remedy You Can Share?

Monday February 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM

Last week I dropped my cell phone into a mug of strawberry tea.  After I stopped yelling, dear husband took it from me, removed the battery, and dropped it into a tupperware container of rice.  He'd read somewhere that you can save wet electronics by using the rice as a desiccant.  (This won't work on things submerged in sea water as the salt is corrosive.) 

This made me wonder if there are other 'fixes' out there that could be really helpful.  Do you have a great way to clean a pan after the kids forget it on the burner?  Or maybe the best spot remover made from things under the kitchen sink?  I'd love to hear them.  

I couldn't find a picture of Rob in a tool belt, so this will have to work as a substitute:


Edited to add:  My phone works just fine now.  I should have put that in the original post.   And I added a tag.  :)

This fire approved by the lovely LJ Summers.  Thanks, bebe!


Rugged Edward stories?

Monday February 27, 2012 at 5:01 PM

Come on, we all have a soft spot for those manly man Edward stories. You know the ones where he is a mountain man, a construction worker, a mover, basically something manly involving labor. I want some more of these stories. Maybe he has a rough personality or a scruffy bears along with his ruggedness or maybe he lives out in the woods. I just want something different than the clean cut corporate man or the squeaky clean guy. I can only think of two off the top of my head which I will rec for y'all. 

Color of Loneliness by ExquisiteEdward

Bella loses her last living relative and falls into a deep depression. She also has an ex-boyfriend whom she can't get away from. Can a gruff contractor named Edward bring her out of the darkness?


My Perfect Mr Imperfect by xrxdanixrx
Bella wanted Mr. Perfect, but he didn't want her. When Mr. Imperfect comes along, can she look close enough to see just who is more perfect for her? A story about falling in love with the imperfections.
So let me have it. What are some of your favorite rugged Edward stories?
Ranger Edit: I'm gonna make this a list for the Master Fic List. We're gonna call it Ruggedward.   
First --- | >> | 681 | 682 | 683 | 684 | 685 | 686 | 687 | 688 | 689 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
