
Rob does cool stuff on weekends

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 1:29 PM

Okay, WTF, here he is drilling his name into a friend's table in NYC.  Allegedly.  This is after a Film festival dinner (I hope photos emerge) with Tom Sturridge.

And here taking random photos with cool girls and DJs and discussing Buddhism.

I have to say his weekends are more interesting without the Stew.  

Do you hope their reconciliation is real?  Or would you rather see him single?

ETA:  not that it is our business, or that we know anything, or that he cares what we think.  But hey, tell me what you want to happen.


What the Fic?!

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM


Geno, I’ve got a feeling

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 5:52 AM

We’re not in West Virginia anymore.

Happy football weekend. Super nervous about the game at Texas tonight, so bear with me in my mild state of panic and anticipation.

So, what games are you watching this weekend, what teams are you rooting, what looks like a nail biter?

A nod at my man Geno Smith (even if you hate WVU, this guy is worth watching)


And some sparkle for my Steelers, who aren’t off to their best opening month :-/



Who do you envision as the Cullen men?

Friday October 5, 2012 at 11:19 PM

I know that we associate Rob with Edward, Peter with Carlisle, Jackson as Jasper, and Kellan as Emmett. But if you were to go off of either Stephanie's book description or many of the fan fics out there, who would you say yes you could see X person as said character?  I was people watching on our recent trip to Disneyland with my family and started coming up with many different people for these beloved characters. 

I am on a Jasper/Bella kick lately. I can envision this guy (Family friend) as Jasper. I never thought of him as a potential Jasper until he posted this picture and I was like wow. I could totally see him in James Ramsey's Insecurities.

So without further ado: I could see Nate as Jasper


Interesting Rob interview with Tu magazine

Friday October 5, 2012 at 10:45 PM

Must have taken place before the scandal

"Twilight; despite being a massive success it still feels fairly alternative. There are not many things that are similar to it. Even the Hunger Games, which also has a girl protagonist, is not the same genre, despite having raised a lot of money on the opening weekend and are also a series of books for teens, is not the same as Twilight."

Oh, I, in particular, agree, Rob.

Full interview in the comments


Lying Liars Who Lie

Friday October 5, 2012 at 7:48 PM

started a new class this week, American Pop Culture.

i hate it.

our textbook is written by a Brit (nothing against British people, but ya know, it's suppose to be an American Pop Culture class. listing examples of cultural changes in Manchester isn't telling me anything about America) and when my professor mentioned fandoms she used Elvis as an example. and everything she writes is riddled with typos. 

but enough griping, the point if this campfire is that in this class we are playing Two Lies, One Truth to get to know each other, and since i am all about procrastinating, lets play.

rules are simple, write three statements about yourself, two of them are lies and one is true. then other people get to guess which one i true. 

for example in the class i used - 

1. I can't ride a bike.

2. I am a twin.

3. I have been on tv.  

all my classmates think #2 is true.

if you want to reveal the correct answer, do so in white (or by PM or not at all, if you don't want to, the funniest part if guessing)


or just came share new music with me. i just discovered this song yesterday. 



Charlie Swan is kinda hot

Friday October 5, 2012 at 7:39 PM

Hey everyone! So as usual I'm a bit behind the times, but just wanted to make fire to show some love for Billy Burke and his new show 'Revolution'. This is one of my fave new shows! I'm catching up on the DVR so I'm about to start episode two, but I'm loving it already! He looks much younger with out the facial hair (aka porn stache)!!! He's kinda hot, why have I never noticed before?

Also, I'm loving Anna Kendrick in the ten million movies she is in now. I loved her in 'What to Expect when you're expecting." And I saw "Up in the Air" the other day-she's a good actress! I'm wanting to see 'Pitch perfect" as well-it looks very funny and she's lead in it, as well as Rebel Wilson, who I think is freaking awesome.

I think it's great that the lesser known actors from Twilight have turned out to have some of the best careers!!! What are your favorite actors/projects from the minor characters of the saga?

Is there any show/movie you are just LOVING right now, like I love Revolution? (I'm dying to see the Hobbit!!) I tried to get into 'The Mob Doctor," but it's just 'eh' for me so far. Looking forward to Chicago Fire.

Come in and share! Love your faces!




Reality in Fiction?

Friday October 5, 2012 at 9:02 AM

So I just finished reading High Fidelity the other day and couldn't help but think to myself how real the characters felt. They felt like people I might be friends with. Sometimes I even saw a bit of myself in Bella. I'm convinced that these two people must both exist somewhere out there. 

So, I wanted to pose the question: Which fictional characters do you guys refuse to believe aren't actually living breathing people? Which characters just felt real to you? It can be from fanfic/books/movie/television. I'll put mine inside the comments. 



Sidenote: This is my first campfire! :-D


whatever happened to my transylvania twist?

Friday October 5, 2012 at 8:41 AM

freeforall weekend is upon us

-hey, why don't you feed a tree as long as you're here?

-the free-for-all is every weekend from midnight thursday (night) eastern until 6pm eastern on sunday

-you can start campfires about anything you want; no permission or recommendations required

-no nudes, personal attacks, or filthy effing language on the front page (those rules never, ever change). keep your rude behavior off of this website and keep your r-rated behavior inside the campfires, please.


use this campfire to request anything ADF-specific, make suggestions, or ask questions about ADF. for instance, octoberland tweeted me the other day asking if we could have another "ADF classified" campfire, and i'll do it for her next week. hopefully, i or one of the other rangers can address your question/issue/problem.

colin o'donaghue, whom mstallulahbelle keeps insisting is not mine and is obviously wrong about, for your time.


AudioGO Fan Fiction Competition

Friday October 5, 2012 at 8:04 AM

Five amazing fan fiction writers from the Twilight fandom, have been challenged to write a YA short story. The five opening clips of their stories have been recorded and voting has now opened. The twist is while you'll know the five writers taking part, you won't know whose story is whose!

Listeners are invited to 'Like' their favourite by the 12th November, when the winner will be announced. A week later a full recording of the winning story will be made available for download for free. Vote now, and sign up for more announcements. You can listen and vote here.

The reader of the five samples (and the winning story) is Stephanie Cannon. Alaskan-born, Stephanie has travelled all over the globe, studying Theatre at the University of California Santa Cruz, training in musical theatre at NIDA in Sydney and later coming to London where she now works as a professional voice over artist, actor and physical performer. Stephanie's recent film projects include dancing in "Happy Go Lucky" and performing as a stilt walking stunt double in Disney's "John Carter of Mars"! She is also a circus performer for theatre company Circo Rum Ba Ba and is a regular voice for audio books, animations and films in the UK and US.

Visit AudioGO’s Fan Fiction page here
AudioGO is the home of BBC Audiobooks and has over 10,000 titles in their catalogue. These range from unabridged books from authors such as James Herbert and Julian Barnes to dramas from the Doctor Who and Douglas Adams ranges. Visit the AudioGO Young Adult section here.


Help Pledge Against Drunk Driving

Friday October 5, 2012 at 7:56 AM

Last week I attempted to share an event from Face didnt work so well, so here we go again.

My family started a pledge against drunk driving on Facebook in memory of our family member who passed away almost two years ago after he accepted a ride from a friend who had been drinking. I'd like to extend the invite to the forest community. It's Pledge just say no!!!:In memory of Morgan Payne Oct 12-14

On the pledge site please feel free to post the name of any loved ones lost to substance abuse or do to drunk driving also please list any numbers of local cab/taxi drivers in your area. This pledge has had an amazing effect on Morgans grieving family and I hope you all can participate.  Thank you all in advance.


To make this interactive: 

Share with us ways in which you've seen people reaching out to folks previously unknown to help and support someone.  Back in the day, many people thought the Internet wouldn't take the place of the telephone or the mail, but I think we've seen amazing things happen through this medium.

Cool stories?  Heart-touching moments?


What the Fic?!

Friday October 5, 2012 at 7:54 AM



Thursday October 4, 2012 at 6:45 PM

So... what inspires you?  Today I finished reading an amazing fan fiction that truly inspired me to sit down and try to write my way out of the dark place I've been in for quite a while now.

First the story - (and of course my rec)  Two network news anchors. One desk. In a race to get the story, love might become the headline - if they don't kill each other first. AU/AH Canon Couples, smart people, particle physics, and tap dancing.

Not much to say except, wow... so well written, brilliantly executed, a refreshing plot and strong characters.  Quite literally made me want to ignore the world for a couple days and get lost in this reality.

Then this song which I caught a line or two of that just reached out and grabbed me and started to pull at my writers block...

So, I think I'm going to sit down, try to remember where the hell I was hoping to go and how to get there and find my inner crazy voices to write.

Back before this fandom was about P2P, any kind of "gates" we were about fanfiction.  Good stories written just for fun.  Good stories, Bad stories, new stories, old stories.  People were inspired to tell them all.

So, what's inspiring you now... maybe you can help inspire me :)

I'm assuming this is okay because there are tags and I did include a rec, if not, feel free to let me know




Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Soundtrack

Thursday October 4, 2012 at 3:46 PM

Here's what everyone has been waiting for...


(I'm kidding. I'm going to go cry over his over-look now.)

official listing as follows:

1. Where I Come From — Passion Pit
2. Bittersweet — Ellie Goulding
3. The Forgotten — Green Day
4. Fire In The Water — Feist
5. Everything And Nothing — The Boom Circuits
6. The Antidote — St. Vincent
7. Speak Up — POP ETC
8. Heart of Stone — Iko
9. Cover Your Tracks — A Boy and His Kite
10. Ghosts — James Vincent McMorrow
11. All I've Ever Needed — Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed
12. New For You — Reeve Carney
13. A Thousand Years (Part Two) - Christina Perri
14. Plus Que Ma Prope Vie — Carter Burwell

So... what do you all think.



Angelface? *points below*

Let's chat about this.


Caption This!

Thursday October 4, 2012 at 3:43 PM


Twi Fic Meet-Up

Thursday October 4, 2012 at 12:57 PM

So they just came out with the deets for the Second Annual Twi Fic Meet-Up, so I thought I'd share the info for those of you that are interested in going. 

It's June 27th to June 30th 2013, or any days out of those you'd like. 

You can get more info HERE.

I know I'm planning on going, and I sure as heck would love to meet some fellow campers!!!

So who's with me?!


What the Fic?!

Thursday October 4, 2012 at 12:42 PM

(Sorry I'm a little late... job interview!! Let's hope I get it!)



Thursday October 4, 2012 at 10:53 AM

Ask away the spoilery details you've wanted to know about fics. But yeah, there are rules-

  • Look in the banner, you'd see that this particular CF is open for COMPLETED fics only. You cannot ask about WIP fics here. (Worry not, there will be a Spoiler CF for WIP fics the week after next, i.e., on 18th October.)
  • You can not only ask questions, but start spoilery discussions here as well. Example- If a plot twist excites/annoys you, you can come out and talk about it. That way we can keep the spoilers in one CF only.
  • White out the spoilery part of your post.

NOTE- This CF is a regular feature on ADF. It will be posted on every other Thursday, alternating between Completed fics and WIP fics. See the banner for which one it is and you'd be clear, like the current one is for Completed fics.

Now come out and ask away. I hope someone eases your curiosity.


ICY is making even more money

Thursday October 4, 2012 at 8:58 AM

The Official Fifty Shades of Grey Collection

Coming to Lovehoney - November 2012

The Fifty Shades Trilogy has introduced the world of pleasure products and accessories to millions worldwide in a uniquely playful and erotic way. Readers have followed Ana Steele’s incredible journey and are aroused, intrigued – and want to know how they can bring this kind of passion into their own relationships.

Link in the comments.


Supporting one of our own

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 11:59 PM

I am surprised know one has posted this yet...  One of our own, troublefollows1017 has entered a contest to hopefully win a publishing deal!

With all the drama over PTP here is a great opportunity to help give a fanfic writer the chance to have an original story published.

You can read her entry and vote here:

So, my question...  Do you know of any other fanfic authors with stories entered in this contest?  Will you read and vote?  Are there other contests out there we should be supporting?  What did you think of her entry?

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