
i haven't made a campfire in forever

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 9:23 AM



do you watch?

who are you favourite characters? stiles omg



plz come talk to me about this, because i have a lot of feelings, okay, and last year everyone made fun of me for watching AND NOW OTHERS WATCH




srsly, i'm obsessed. my tumblr is basically all teen wolf.

I hounded vampshavelaws for weeks until she finally watched it.


What the Fic?!

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 8:05 AM


Stills from the previous movies

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 12:35 AM

Twilight. sigh. Always and forever in my heart

How To Save A Life???

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 6:51 PM

Looking for a fic titled How To Save a Life. B/E fic, set in High School, where Edward is grieving the loss of an ex-girlfriend Tanya, and Bella is the new girl there. She helps him work through his greif and turn his life around, but ends up having to work through her own stuff with Renee as well. I'm assuming its been pulled, and I can't remember the author's name to PM them. Anyone recognize it? Perhaps have a hard copy?
Thanks in advance!


Hammer and a Nail
by DTS Guru - This one completely caught me by surprise with how fast it sucked me in. Not a Paul fan at all. This changed my mind :-)
Sometimes the wolf chooses an imprint that surprises everyone. The pairing seems completely wrong on the surface. But as the two strive to make their relationship work, will they find the wolf knew what he was doing after all? Rated for language.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Bella & Paul - Chapters: 25



Twinatural Fic Contest

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 3:04 PM

Have you ever felt like you were cheating on your favorite characters when you secretly wished they were paired with someone from a completely different fandom?

Well now you don’t have to feel so guilty!

Enter the Twilight/Supernatural Crossover Contest.
Hosts: Maxipoo1024 & samrosey

Edward never thought he had a soul. What happens when a certain angel of the Lord comes to earth to show him how much his soul is really worth?

Remember when John Winchester was in the hospital and met Kate Milligan and the result of that meeting was Adam, Dean and Sam’s half-brother? What if Kate wasn’t the one to stitch up John but it was Carlisle?


Maybe Alice can see the future because she’s one of Yellow Eye’s special kids. What would happen if she were to cross paths with Sam Winchester?

That night in Port Angeles, when Bella was almost attacked by those boys…what if it was an Impala that came to a screeching halt and saved her instead of that stupid shiny Volvo?

The possibilities are endless! We want you to take your favorite characters and elements from both Twilight and Supernatural and meld them together into one story.

We'll be providing song and music prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

Visit the contest website for more information!

Follow us on Twitter!

*This CF has been approved by LJ Summers*


Because of a boy

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 2:55 PM

I am the author of Because Of A Boy and I have been overwhelmed by how many of the readers tell me they heard about the fic here. I just really want to thank you all for the kind words and support you give this story . leesil I am eternally grateful for all that you say about this story. It means so much to me!


Another project for Rob

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 2:04 PM

The boy keeps busy!


Pattinson will join Carey Mulligan in the previously announced "Nancy And Danny" which is now called "Hold On To Me." But this isn't some swoony romance. Pennedy by Brad Ingelsby ("Out Of The Furnace"), and set to be directed by James Marsh ("Project Nim," "Shadow Dancer") the story follows a money hungry woman, whose life didn't turn out the way she wanted, who uses a man as a pawn to help land her high school crush in a get-rich-quick scheme. And that plan is to bury the town's richest man in box and hold him for ransom, but of course, things don't go as their supposed to.

The film also brings Pattinson into the orbit of another great filmmaker, Todd Field, who is producing the project after being originally attached to direct (he's now focusing on "The Creed Of Violence"). Now before anyone gets too excited, this is a package project headed to the American Film Market which means if it doesn't get some decent pre-sales, it ain't gonna happen. But Pattinson is clearly done with blockbusters for the moment, and we like everyone involved, and given the talent on board, we don't see why this can't make a planned 2013 shoot.


What the Fic?!

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 12:59 PM


Sorry, I almost forgot to post this today!!!


Coming Soon to a TV near you ...

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM

Twilight Won't End With Breaking Dawn



"My contact tells me that they’ve heard everything from a 'TV show or film spin-off, merely set in the same world as the one in the movies but not featuring the main trio, is being seriously considered” with “The Wolf Pack, one area of interest'.

And talk has, not at all surprisingly, increased as “Breaking Dawn Part 2″ inches towards it’s release date, and more so, already looks to break box-office records.

So “Twilight” isn’t over, Bella’s song is just fading out. Seems the tale of the tyro vamp mama, Jacob, Edward and an unjustly fired Rachel Lefevre was just the beginning."


Will you watch it?  It wouldn't "feature" the main trio, but would they be involved?  Frankly, I'd love to see what Twilight might be like with a different Edward, Bella & Jacob at this point.  The possibilities are endless!  


Just in case anyone wanted to see more

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 10:35 AM

Here's some more pics for anyone that in interested (good or bad) in their reunion! 



I know we've all talked the topic to death, but let's take a different approach and make it more about us. Have you ever been cheated on and taken him or her back? Did you ever forgive completely?


swf seeking same

Wednesday October 17, 2012 at 8:15 AM

ADF classifieds

hey, why don't you feed on a tree while you're here?

ADF classifieds are a way for you to advertise yourself, to make a friend or seventeen

so give us a blurb about you. tell us your likes/dislikes/needs.

then post links to ALL of your stuff. social media outlets, ebay stores, etsy stores, uhhhh OKcupid profiles, whatever you've got. (just no personal emails, and i strongly urge you to not share your facebooks here and perhaps keep that to PMs).

also, if you have recommendations to money-saving websites and apps and stuff where you get credit if we sign up, hit us with those, too. we'll help you out by signing up! omg let's do that one because mama needs a new magazine subscription

so go for it! advertise yourself. just be safe and don't be giving out ways to find out where you live in a public forum, mmkay?

this tumblr for your time:


Rec us something to read!

Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 6:49 PM

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike!

Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews and discussing stories, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

Do you ever read non-twilight fic? Give us the name of one non-twilight story you have read. If you rec books, give us the name of a book that does not have a fandom, but you think deserves to have one or one that you would read a fanfic of the characters. 


As always, read, review, and let 'em know you saw their fic rec'd on ADF.



Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 4:32 PM

Totally reminded me of Trainwreck here on ADF. And it's a drinking game!!! Trainwreck should come back for a debate drinking game episode!!!


Interactive part: Let this be our debate live comment campfire. Keep it clean campers! We all have opinions, feel free to express but not impose.


PS: I am a tree.... FEED ME ----------------------------------->


Rangers please delete if this is not appropriate? But it's Trainwreck related so it is right? RIGHT? PRETTY PLEASE?


Looking for a Sci-Fic...

Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 1:40 PM

Hi All!

A while back I read an E&B fic in which Edward was a genetic engineer (or bioengineer) and worked at a secret facility. His research helped him "animate" (a la Awakenings) Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper who each suffered from a unique genetic disorder. This animation brought them relief from their respective disorders...but only temporarily. Also, as I recall, the facility was set somewhere in the Mediterranean. The science was a little sketch, but the storytelling was great!

Does this ring a bell with anyone? If so, I'd love to know the title and author. 

Don't want to be doused! A fic I've read recently and really enjoyed is 1929 by deb24601. You can find it at

Have a lovely day!


Beautiful people...

Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 12:30 PM


I love book 1 of this series, Beautiful Creatures-

I wasn'y a big fan of bks 2/3, but I am curious as to how the movie may turn out.

Anyone else read these? Thoughts on the movie?






What the Fic?!

Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 8:58 AM

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday October 15, 2012 at 1:29 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts or music or a pictease from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Pregnacy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Monday October 15, 2012 at 1:03 PM

Some of you may know that October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and, more sepcifically, October 15 is a special remembrance day for all infants who have passed away. 

What does this mean exactly?

During the month of October, there are many memorial ceremonies for any infant who has been lost due to miscarriage, SIDS, genetic disorders or other life-threatening medical diseases.  In my area, there is also a fundraising walk with funds going towards education for health professionals, grief support groups, perinatal hospices/comfort care programs and memory boxes. 

I lost my daughter more than three  years ago (more details inside CF), and I am lucky in that I was involved in a perinatal comfort care program, which was the best decision for my family.  I had so many compassionate and aware health professionals involved in my care and the care of my baby, with some very small exceptions.  I know not everyone has that experience, and that is exactly why I was so impressed when I attended the Memorial walk last weekend.  They raised over $60K, and even more than that, there was a huge sense of community, support, and understanding towards all of us who were there, in different stages of grief. 

Please use this CF to remember all those loved babies and their families who survive them.  Do you have an angel baby?  What's your experience?  Has one of your friends or family members gone through something similar? 

(Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling and at a loss for words today.  Hopefully this CF makes sense.)

Posted with permission of LJ Summers. 


Lookey Lookey!

Monday October 15, 2012 at 12:36 PM



First Photo: Stewart and Pattinson Back Together

October 15, 2012

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were photographed together last night for the first time since their split in July and ET has the exclusive photos and video.

Tune it to ET tonight for the exclusive video footage and more photos of the Twilight superstars back together. Stewart, 22, and Pattinson, 26, were spotted at the Ye Rustic Inn, a bar in Los Angeles' trendy Los Feliz neighborhood.


So what do think campers????


Are they to sad looking for you?

Is it real?


What the Fic?!

Monday October 15, 2012 at 10:32 AM

First --- | >> | 531 | 532 | 533 | 534 | 535 | 536 | 537 | 538 | 539 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
