
Everything is the devil to you mama

Saturday October 20, 2012 at 7:45 AM

Happy Football weekend, campers. So my last weekend was awful, Steelers lost, WVU forgot that defense is actually half of the game…the only things that was awesome was the Seahawks beating the Pats. Well, now the Seahawks have lost so it’s time for my boys and my men to win!

Whatcha watching today, who you loving, who you hating?

Nod to my boys and a giant hope that last week is the only time they break my heart this season (knocking on everything wood, holding a rabbit’s foot, wearing lucky socks and that stuff).


A nod at my men, who look old, hurt, and slow, but I love them anyway.



Talk to me!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 9:16 PM

I love this show! He's the serial killer I love. This is the last season (I think) Your thoughts on what's going to happen?
Will he get caught? Killed? Who was looking after Harrison while he was staying with Deb? I think the sitter needs a raise.

Discuss please!

I wonder if there's a fic like this? hhmmm there's a plot bunny for someone to run with!



Friday October 19, 2012 at 3:39 PM

Question for fellow Supernatural fans:

What the heck is up with Dean?

I get it, his time in purgatory has somehow left him more committed to hunting and yet more jaded about the ferocity of what he does than his decades in hell.

But why is he ragging so hard on Sam for getting out of the hunter's life for a year?

Is Dean pretending his year with Lisa and Ben didn't happen?

Why isn't Sam throwing that back in his face?

Are the writers pretending Lisa didn't happen?

Glass houses, Dean.

Thoughts? Questions? Reactions to this week's episode?


Warm Bodies

Friday October 19, 2012 at 1:14 PM

First official one-sheet for Warm Bodies has been released today by the film's director:



The director has this to say about the poster:


 "It's iconic, it's irreverent, it's got a sense of humor about itself, and yet it's got heart. I'm really happy with it, and I can't wait to see it on a subway or billboard. It's very striking."

And according to the Warm Bodies Facebook page author Isaac Marion quite likes it too.


What do you guys think? It definitely seems like they're playing up the romance bit and maybe trying to show a (if you'll excuse the pun) lighthearted side. I'm kind of surprised they're not just flat out going for a Valentine's Day release (it's scheduled for February 1st right now).

I'm real curious to see how all this pans out. I did enjoy the book but I do think they have a challenge ahead of them trying to marry traditional zombie mayhem with a romance story. I'm super curious to see the viewer stats. Like will more women or men see it or will it finally be a film that both men and women will be happy to see together? (Gender commentary is not my personal belief, fyi. Just positing on generalities.) I also wonder if people will see this film as the beginning of the downfall and softening of zombies the way Twilight is considered to be for vampires. 


Tangentially related, there was a really interesting discussion on the Warm Bodies Facebook page recently about the label of YA on books. Unfortunately Isaac took the post down because it got too heated. :(


BDII TV spot and trailer with new scenes

Friday October 19, 2012 at 12:58 PM

At least that's what people say. And to think there used to be a time when I knew the Twi trailers by heart


Scary Places

Friday October 19, 2012 at 11:55 AM


We have Scarywood Haunted Nights. Most of the year it's family-friendly Silverwood Theme Park, but once a year it becomes this:

Welcome to Scarywood:

Clips of some of the attractions inside.
The Travel Channel is coming out this week because it's among the top 25 scariest attractions in the US.
Me? I'll pass.  But lots of people LOVE it.
Would you go?
Come inside and tell me about the scary attractions in your area.
NOTE: I left out all the scary clown video...because it was

FictionPress Recs?

Friday October 19, 2012 at 11:35 AM

Does anyone have any good FictionPress recs? I read an original and its' sequal Avoiding Commitment and Avoiding Responsibility by craziebabe45 before it was pulled.  It reminded me alot of a very jealous/possessive Edward although the characters and story were original.

Any other recommendations or websites for recommendations?


Books you love!!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 10:46 AM

OK campers.  We closed on the sale of our house yesterday, but don't close on our new house until mid-November.   At the end of this month I'll be moving into a hotel room with my husband, an 11 year old boy, and 4 cats.  Are you feeling my pain yet?

I need book recs!!  I want to lose myself in another world!  Do you  have any books that you love so much you read them again and again??

To give you a feel for my reading tastes, my favorite series of all time is Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.  I also recently finished, and loved (in no particular order):

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (yep, I came to that late)
The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

I know many of us here are book lovers, so can you help a fellow camper out?



Congrats Windchymes!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 9:51 AM

"AudioGO challenged five authors from Twilight Fan Fiction to write an original Young Adult story for audio.

Inspired by the photograph used on the jacket image and the word prompt LOST & FOUND, the opening from each story was recorded and people asked to vote on which clip they liked best, without knowing which author had written which story.

The story with the most votes has been recorded in full and we are pleased to present the winning story:

THE THUNDERSTORM by Suzanne Carroll (aka Windchymes)

Fish and chips on the pier. Art. Music. Moonlit walks along the beach. For the busker and the art student it is the perfect summer romance, but it ends suddenly with a savage thunderstorm and a heartbroken Georgia thinks she'll never see Tom again. But Tom doesn't give up easily, and months later they find each other, in the most unexpected place.


AudioGO would like to thank all of the writers that made this contest possible: Suzanne Carroll (aka windchymes); Kate Collier (aka katinki); Valentina Dunn (aka sleepyvalentina); Anya Nara (aka WhatsMyNomDePlume) and Rochelle Walker (aka Rochelle Allison). An ebook anthology of all five stories is coming soon"


Foodie Goodness

Friday October 19, 2012 at 8:47 AM

Diana Wolfskill's Texxxas Pralines gave me a Foodie orgasm!

So Good! I ate the whole box in one setting. They were heavenly. Usually I'm not crazy over food but I do like experiencing new things, food, music, art, writing,etc. I become obsessive with it for a few months or until something new takes it's place. Like my Cage the Elephant obsession was replaced with my DeadConfedates obsession and my Beautiful Creatures obsession was replaced with one for Discovery of Witches.

So is there something you're obsessed with? Food? A certain fanfic or novel? NAILPOLISH? Share with us so we can become obsessed too.



Be Free, Dollies!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 8:01 AM


Keep your dirty, filthy, gutter-mouths outta here. Or at least contained to INSIDE the posts, no front page dirt.

and if you do go for dirty inside, for the love of blonde, don't attack someone or anyone. 

Don't post your nudie shots on the front page either.

yours or anyone else's.

Discuss away here.

leave a song,

Feed a Tree.

Be Good.


What the Fic?!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 7:51 AM


Why, Hollywood? Why?!

Friday October 19, 2012 at 3:24 AM

I just found this little gem, which made me squee internally, because it's 2 in the AM and people are sleeping:

**Jump to 2:08 if you just want to see Craig's message to fans**
I had some major problems with the plot of The Sword of Truth Series, but I could never deny my love for one Richard Rahl nee Cypher (especially played by Craig Horner *nom-nom-nom*). Goodkind has a certain way with characters and I was so sad to see the TV series and these characters I love go to crap.
  • What about you? Any club SOS (SaveOurSeeker) members out there? Personally, I would like to see the story redone instead of wrapped up the way Firefly was with Serenity.
  • Any other Franchises you want to see reimagined because the original just didn't do it for you? Twilight would be nice, but it won't happen for several years. I heard something about a Twi-anime, though. I really want to see that.
  • How about books that have yet to be made into movies or shows? OUTLANDER! Jeez-ooze. Seriously. That needs to be done. Now.
Melissa Cullen


Thursday October 18, 2012 at 5:39 PM

Hey everyone!  Bexi isn't going to be around tonight and asked me to post this for her, so here goes. 








Defining Normal

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 5:31 PM

So, last night was pretty crazy. Jandco was kind enough to grant me permission to vent it out here right before free for all starts, so another round of thanks is in order.

Okay, where do I begin?

Some of you know based on past comments and campfires from your truly that my brother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder earlier this year, and that after a 1 month trial he decided to stop taking his meds. Since he’s long past 18, my parents can’t legally force him to go back on them.

I think I mentioned the incident with the Facebook post and the cops already in my “effing up…yeh” campfire, and the circumstances surrounding his diagnosis in the first place (if you’re wondering, just ask.). It’s pretty common for my bro to “go berserker” at least once a month.  Usually whatever’s eating away inside of him builds up until finally something small sets him off and he throws a despair-filled rage—punching walls, turning over things, shouting, getting in another person’s face, etc.—.

His frustration with the fact that he couldn’t get his license to drive back until he could prove he had his own insurance, which he could only get if he had a job, was the thing that’s been building up inside of him. His job hunts have been really unsuccessful, mostly because he never completes his applications, and last night he just lost it after finding out my Dad logged out of an insurance info page he was looking at.

Usually one or both of my parents can calm him down, but last night bro went waayyyyyy off the deep end.

On top of turning over the lounge seat in the family room and the sofa in the living room, punching another hole in the wall, and having another screaming match with my parents, bro tries to strangle Dad, trying to knock his head into the wall in the process, and when he finds out Mom has called the cops, goes into the kitchen and gets one of the kitchen knives.
Meanwhile, Dad is trying to get Mom to hang up on the 911 call. He doesn’t want the cops involved and thinks they can just handle this all on their own (Mind you, I’m watching from upstairs the whole time).

He succeeds in hanging up the phone, which sets off Mom, then he tries to calm bro down. Bro is stalking around, grasping a chopping board knife, like he’s not sure what to do with it, whether to use it on himself or someone else, and my Dad gets in his face about it, but that doesn’t matter because the 911 dispatcher sends a cop to our house even though the phone was hung up. Mom answer’s the door, bro, who’s more freaked out now, gets another knife, and when he sees the officer at the door, panics and runs into the garage. The officer, who has seen my brother holding the knives immediately calls for back up and enters the house with my Mom’s permission.

A slurry of activity happens next. I join my Mom outside on the porch while the officer and my Dad try to find my bro, and somehow bro makes it upstairs to the attic to hide. More cops start showing up, we go inside, watching them, and when my Mom sees one of the cops bring with them a very large looking rifle she starts becoming hysterical (she tells me later that she was afraid that something like the Oakland BART police shooting incident might happen).

Anyway, eventually we’re able to get her to calm down, a lot of officers are going upstairs, trying to talk to my bro and all that. They get statements from my Mom and Dad, and here’s the thing that really really disgusts me: my Dad is trying to sugar coat it all. He’s trying to downplay everything. The officer wouldn’t have even known that my bro tried to strangle my Dad in the first place if I hadn’t told him.

Eventually, the officers are able to talk my brother out of the attic and downstairs to the front porch. He gets shipped off to the hospital again for another psych evaluation, strapped to a gurney.

Throughout all this…I feel unfazed. And I wonder, is THAT even normal? I mean, the concept of normal is in and of itself subjective, we’ve all heard the saying that all family’s are dysfunctional in their own way, but where’s the line between normal dysfunction and bat%^&% craziness? If you’re surrounded by chaos all the time, how do you even know what’s healthy or not anymore? I know, that sounds a bit melodramatic, but I seriously feel too calm about all of this, and I feel like I should be freaking out but I’m not.

Honestly, I feel like yesterday night was just another normal night and that worries me. Shouldn’t I be feeling something?



Stregoni Benefici, by giselle-lx


Annoying Page Redirct on

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 4:57 PM

Has anyone else been getting this page when you try to view a story or click to the next chapter on


403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!


You can still read the story but you have to reload the page about two or three times and it's really starting to get annoying.


welp. lol

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 3:47 PM

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kissed while hanging out at her new house in LA yesterday. The couple showed PDA while embracing each other and sharing a few laughs on a patio. Kristen later emerged in her swimwear for a dip. It's the latest romantic rendezvous for the reunited duo, who were first spotted back together in public at Ye Olde Rustic Inn in Los Feliz over the weekend. Rob and Kristen cuddled outside the bar and chatted with friends before leaving together for the night.

They have yet to make an official appearance together since rekindling their relationship in the wake of Kristen's Summer cheating scandal, but they'll be back in the spotlight soon since press for Breaking Dawn Part 2 kicks off next week. Rob and Kristen are expected to travel overseas for multiple stops and will both be on the red carpet at the big LA premiere on Nov. 12. Kristen was solo, though, to participate in a live online chat for Balenciaga this afternoon.



Final Sookie Cover

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 2:08 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Feeling so sad that this series is ending! Come in campers and help me analyze this cover! Share your hopes for this series and what you think will happen. 


tara sue me

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 12:56 PM

Apologies if this has been mentioned before (rangers, feel free to douse this CF if this is the case)...

tara sue me's trilogy (The Submissive, The Dominant, The Training) has been removed from Twilighted.

Her FFN profile was updated yesterday (17 Oct) and reads:
"Never say never.
More information coming soon.
Follow me on twitter for updates! @tarasueme

@tarasueme reads: "TS/TD/TT have been pulled. I will have more information next week concerning their future availability."

Do I see a publishing deal in her future?


Ooops! Forgot the "interactive" aspect :)

Would the Forest agree this would be a well-deserved deal, if indeed there was one in the offing?


I need some action in my life

Thursday October 18, 2012 at 9:51 AM

I recently realised how much I love action fics. Stories that have some kind of action element in them. No matter if they're police officers, thieves, special agents. Anything that makes for a powerful and gripping plot. Throw in some drama, sprinkle with a love story and top it of with a bit of angst and I will love it.

Fics like Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire, Thief of Hearts,  Behind enemy lines, Absolution, or Truth, Lies and Alibis.

Or even something along the lines of "This Is Not My Life"  and "Kidnapped" for example.

To sum it up: I'm looking for AH, drama, action, angst fics - Well written and with an intelligent plot... but maybe that's too much to ask for.

Hit me up with some recs - or simply fics that had you on the edge of your seat, biting your fingernails and desperately waiting for an update because they were just so damn gripping.


My rec:
Chalk by Honeybeemeadows

Bella needs a new hobby. Will a new pair of ugly shoes, a shirtless guy and a bag full of chalk give her any relief from the boredom? Rated for various tensions, lemons and boys on rocks. I own nothing, not even a crash pad.

Those who've read it probably know why I rec it, those who haven't,... well you're welcome ;)

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