

Friday October 26, 2012 at 8:02 PM

So I started a Twitter account, i'm totally like a girl walking up to an established group at a party deep in discussion...

I need Twitter friends!

See inside for my Twitter account, come talk to me!

Posting my first fic on Tuesday! Teaser to come Monday!



Hope this post is ok??

it's the free for all, darling. of course it's okay. 


Take me away....

Friday October 26, 2012 at 7:00 PM

So I know ya'll are sick of my book rec posts by now-I feel like I make them all the time. However, I have to share my obsession with historical fiction right now! I just recently picked up some books by Michelle Moran on a whim, and I've been immersed in Ancient Egpyt for like a week now. II was just bored and read the first book, Nefertiti on a whim-and wow, it totally swept me in!! Such a great surprise discovery! Seriously, I'm loving it! She's a great writer, very detailed and mostly true to history (after all, we don't know that much about some of the kings and queens of egypt).

Anyway, I'm off for the next five days and I'm also sick right now with a sinus infection. This means I'll be at one with my couch and my Z-pack for the majority of this time, which equals reading time. So I figured I would make a fire and promote these awesome books, and see you if guys had any recs for me in return? Historical fiction or otherwise? I'm on an Egypt kick, anything in that genre would be especially welcome! But of course, I'm always up for ANY kind of good book rec!  Is there a series that you thought was going to be 'eh' and you ended up like WOAH? Any new or old book you picked up lately you want to gush over?

Share! Share!

A Link to Michell Moran's Good Reads Page:


Relationship Advice, Sort Of

Friday October 26, 2012 at 4:24 PM

My two roommates really suck, and I need some advice now that it's FFA.

I've been having some problems with Roommate #1, the girl who owns the house, which built up over time until I finally decided to find somewhere else to live. Mainly these problems have to do with how she takes care of her house. To be specific, how she doesn't take care of her house, leaves her messes for me to either live with or clean up myself, and then blames me for the house being dirty even though my room is spotless and smells nice and hers looks like it should be on Hoarders. You can barely walk in there. It stinks.

Sometimes I leave books or knitting around. Or used to until she started getting on my back about it. That's a little different, imo, from leaving dishes piled up for days and food residue on the counter and not cleaning up after pets, like she does.

Someone else (Roommate #2) moved in a couple of months ago and brought two very loud and rambunctious dogs with her. One of Roommate #1's dogs is so nervous all the time because of these new dogs that she pees on the carpet. Roommate #1 won't clean the carpets and doesn't even seem to care, so the common rooms and hallway smell awful.

Today, for the third time, Roommate #2 washed her dogs in the tub she and I share and didn't clean out the tub afterward. Who even does that? Forget being an ass to me since I have to use that tub; who wants to shower in dog dirt herself? People scare me. This girl has never once in two months cleaned the bathroom we share. That's my job, I guess.

Anyway, these are just a couple of examples. I know it's time to move on and I'm not second-guessing the decision. I'm just wondering how I would go about dealing with this if I couldn't just pack up and leave, like if God forbid my future husband acts like this. Most people could probably chalk this up to having a couple instances of bad luck (my last roommates weren't peaches either) and just shrug and move on. But I tend to gnaw on things and worry about how to avoid problems in the future. Just because it doesn't matter much now doesn't mean I'm off the hook on learning how to deal.

So I'm wondering if anyone who's married or living with someone (partner, roommates, etc) could give a little insight. This situation is somewhat unbalanced because the house belongs to Roommate #1, so she seems to feel it's her right to make messes herself but complain if I leave a cup out. There's also nothing keeping us together; she's not very friendly or nice so I'm not even concerned about losing her as a friend. But when it's equal and you have a real interest in working things out, like in a marriage, how do you go about addressing situations like this?

If your partner is awesome and always helps out/tries to find a good balance with you, tell me that, too. I'd like to think not everyone out there is a mediation waiting to happen.


what are your secrets, tricks & ideas...

Friday October 26, 2012 at 3:53 PM

Yay it's freeforall! 

So, this is me looking for your fav products for hair, makeup, face wash, body wash, vitamins, etc. I am trying to take better care of myself inside and out and I see things posted everywhere but you are my peeps, I want to know what you use or have tried that works or doesn't. 

My biggest thing is my face is red, I wouldn't say Rosacea red but redder than most. I have sensitive skin so it's always broken out with some rash or something. 

I love lipstick so give me your must have brand & shade!

Go ahead ask me too maybe there is something I use or have tried that can help you out. 


KCMO Twilight Marathon

Friday October 26, 2012 at 3:22 PM


Do you live around Kansas City, MO/KS?  


I can't believe it's finally time.  After years of planning and undying Twi/Robsession the time has finally come for the final movie!!  Would you like to experience the last Twi Premiere with fellow TwiH00rs in the luxury that will make a 12 hour Twilight Marathon a day to remember.  I have rented out a suite theater which includes leather reclining chairs and dine-in food service at the AMC Olathe Studio 30 theater.

The Twilight Saga Marathon will start at 11:30am with Twilight and will culminate with an early showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2 at 10:00pm. We will also receive special event-only lanyards and will get to see exclusive content played between the films. All of this in the comfort of the suites! Let the marathon begin!! Did I mention alcohol and real food - we won't have to eat junk food for 12 hours.  :)

The final price per ticket, which includes the theater rental fee is $65.00. The initial price was a bit higher but I was able to haggle the price down. We just have to remember that the experience, coupled with seeing the film two hours before everyone else makes it all worth it. Finishing out this Saga with the people that we've come to know and love will make this a day (and night) to remember.

Please go to this form if you are want to reserve your place at this unforgettable event:

Either way, I love you all. I hope however you choose to end this Saga you have as much fun as I know we will be having.




P.S.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or PM ME.


Lost stories! :'(

Friday October 26, 2012 at 12:50 PM

I have- well, had- a few stories on a flash stick that were fanfics... My hubs totally ran over it the other day. :( And now, one of them was P2P. Can anyone help me out and email it to me? It's Hydraulic Level 5. I'll pm you my email address if anyone has it. I'm so totally bummed about this.



freeforall and contest!

Friday October 26, 2012 at 9:46 AM

freeforall weekend is upon us

please feed a tree, since you're here and all?

it's the free for all. this means you can post with reckless abandon provided that the front page of your campfire has no filth- either in words or images. no recommendations or permission required until 6pm eastern on sunday!

now, don't forget the halloween fanfiction contest. $100 to amazon is the prize if you write us a great supernatural-themed fic under 5k words... that is not twilight. click here for the details!

lastly, i want all you east coasters to stay safe. stock up on food and booze, because it looks like this storm is gonna be a nasty one, eh? 

i woke up with chim-chim-cheree from mary poppins in my head, so why don't we talk about musicals. gimme videos of your favorites songs from your favorite musicals.

do yourself a favor and watch once if you haven't seen it fyt:


Putting on a show? oh come on

Friday October 26, 2012 at 8:25 AM


Typical photo of two people who are putting on a show of being together again for the promotion of their latest film.

(btw, they were leaving Prince's concert) see link )

Ha, if it is not clear, I am being ironic.


What the Fic?! 10/26

Friday October 26, 2012 at 8:09 AM

Thanks to a wonderful suggestion in my inbox, I'm going to date these campfires daily so when you get alerts you know for which days!



Friday October 26, 2012 at 12:11 AM

i remember seeing a fic that featured a blind bella... but can't seem to remember the name. the only thing i can remember, is that during the end of the story, she gain her sight back, but refers to edward's face as a "blob", since she has no idea what she's actually looking at.

ring any bells for anyone?

thanks in advance.


Hi! I'm searching for

Thursday October 25, 2012 at 7:43 PM

Some fanfiction of Edward being sick... It doesn't matter if he's sick and in recovery or just sick (What kind of sickness doesn't matter either)

I found a copy of Cesca Marie's "Dead on my feet" and want to read similar works...

Let me know... and thanks!



Thursday October 25, 2012 at 4:33 PM

I'm posting this a little early tonight...









(Melissa, here is a special Damon gif that some other wonderful person made that I am posting in your honor).



Beautiful Redemption

Thursday October 25, 2012 at 12:12 PM

It's here! It's here! It's really really here! The last book in the Beautiful Creatures novels just came out. 


Interactive: what do you think will happen?


What the Fic?!

Thursday October 25, 2012 at 4:46 AM


(WOW, 6:30 am is an un-Godly hour to have to get up and function. Alas, my new job requires me to be bright eyed and bushy tailed so I'm just going to have to learn to deal, eh?)


Help once again!

Thursday October 25, 2012 at 1:16 AM

Geez, I feel like whenever I have the time to catch up on my reading there's a million more fics to read. But, I'm looking for one in particular right now. It was a two-shot I believe. Edward was a famous actor and Bella was a 'stunt double' of sorts. They only had one scene together and that was in a bed. Now, I don't know what happened after that because I never got to finish. I had it bookmarked but I had to get a new hard drive and I lost all my fics I had saved up :/ If anyone knows what story I'm trying to find, but link me? Thank you in advance!


1. Rise » reviews
October 2012 Witfits continued. This story is created and told a prompt a day; no summary (yet) because it's unfolding as is.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 18,069 - Reviews: 1127 - Updated: 10-24-12 - Published: 10-15-12 - Bella & Edward (WIP)

2. Twilight on the BLUE LAGOON » reviews
Bella was one of the popular sophomores in her high school, but when a class trip goes awry she finds herself marooned on a tropical island with Edward Cullen, the resident school geek. The two must overcome their differences and learn to work together in order to survive. If you're a fan of 'Twilight' and 'Blue Lagoon', this is the story for you! *more info inside* AH, AU, E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 34 - Words: 136,663 - Reviews: 3392 - Updated: 10-17-12 - Published: 7-11-12 - Bella & Edward - Complete


More Golden Lemon Awards?

Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 9:31 PM

Would You Like To See The Golden Lemon Awards Again?

Remember the Golden Lemon Awards?  Back in the day it was a way to honor the best lemons that fanfiction had to offer and to get the best smutty citrusy fic recommendations!   Kassiah, one of the founders of the GL awards and half of the creative force over at The Fictionators, is being prodded (by me) to revive them. 

She has posted a survey on the Golden Lemon Awards Website to get feedback about this and would love to know if I'm the only one who thinks this is a good idea.   ;-)

IF you want to give your feedback, go to the website by NOVEMBER 10th and complete the brief survey so that Kassiah can assess whether or not to continue with the Awards. 

Do you remember reading your first fanfic lemon?  Were you shocked?  Turned on?  Repulsed?  Hooked for life?  Tell me which story and which lemon knocked your socks off...and go vote!


REC:  Symmetry 

Author: aftrnoondlight 

Love comes slowly when it's the truest. A modern day romance designed and told by Edward.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - Edward & Bella - Chapters: 10 - Words: 24,961 - Reviews: 1,845 - Favs: 980 - Follows: 1,619 - Updated: 10-23-12 - Published: 08-14-12 - id: 8429963

New Clip from Breaking Dawn 2!

Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 7:15 PM


Woo HOO! A new little clip from Breaking Dawn 2! Features Jasper (be still my heart) and a bit of the arm wrestling scene!

Emmett looks pretty darn hot in that A shirt.


Don't wanna break rules. I guess. Maybe I did this right.


Um... Tiger Stripes by  juliangelus

Jasper found his everything in Bella. Bella found nothing she desired in Sam. Being stripped of everything she had Bella finds solace with Peter and Char. Can mates separated by hate overcome their haunted past? AU, Non Canon, Jasper/Bella, M for language/lemons

Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Bella & Jasper - Chapters: 9 - Words: 41,706 - Reviews: 239 - Favs: 150 - Follows: 217 - Updated: 10-11-12 - Published: 05-24-12 - id: 8146420

eta: i embedded the video for ya. :) as long as it's not stolen footage (and videos on yahoo! news never are), then we allow that stuff in the forest.


no twilight this time

Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 9:02 AM

Halloween Text -

hey, why don't you feed a tree as long as you're here?

other fandoms. supernatural stories. that's what this contest is about.

you have until midnight on halloween (eastern daylight) to publish your oneshot. 100 US dollars to is the prize for the story that captures our attention the most!

the twist: the fandom your story is for cannot be twilight. whaaaaaat? let's see what other fandoms are out there, eh? as long as the story is supernatural in nature, it can be any fandom but twilight. any pairing. crossovers, even.


  • the contest runs from now until 12:00am the night of halloween EDT
  • you must be a registered user at adifferentforest to participate
  • story cannot be over 5,000 words, must have a supernatural element (the story itself, not necessarily the fandom), and must be from any fandom(s) other than twilight (but may contain references to twilight). crossovers are welcome.
  • stories must follow the same fanfiction posting guidelines as the rules state here on ADF (click here for the rules page)
  • your story must be posted here on ADF. if you do not have permission to post, apply for posting fanfiction and it will be approved. if you have trouble with your application, please message me privately and i will walk you through it.
  • starting next tuesday, there will be a dedicated post for advertising your story. you will start a comment with the title, fandom, rating, summary, and links to all of the places we can read it. do not post the story in the campfire itself. campers will reply to your comment with their reviews and encouragement for the story.
  • the rangers will deliberate over their favorites over next weekend. the winner will be announced the following monday.
  • rangers, of course, are not eligible to win.
  • one top prize of 100USD to will be awarded to the story the rangers enjoy the most. the fandom does not matter; the use of the supernatural does.

so, get your creative caps on! i'm really looking forward to this one. we'd like to expand the repertoire here in the forest and welcome all supernatural fandoms to the mix.

in fact, if you know of people outside of ADF who write well, i say invite them along. i mean, who wouldn't want to win a hundred bucks for their talent?

or maybe you're a newbie and didn't want to enter the daunting world of twilight fanfiction. well, this might be the contest for you!

okay, so if i am unclear (which happens a lot) or you do not understand something, please ask about it in this campfire. also, you can discuss which fandoms you'd like to see (because some people might be very new to not-twilight fandoms but could get ~turned on~ by someone's suggestion). better yet, post pictures!

YES YES YES for everyone's time:


What the Fic?!

Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 8:05 AM



Tuesday October 23, 2012 at 7:54 PM

hey, why don't you feed a tree whilst you're here?

i am hijacking emibella's post! i hope you don't mind, T. i've been promising octoberland that i'd do this for a while, and i hope it's what she's been looking for.

this is the campfire in which you ask for stuff you need. like-

-do you need a beta?

-do you need someone to simply pre-read for you, or maybe read a passage and make sure it makes sense?

-do you need a WC? (word count- you can ask about them inside) or maybe just a writing partner to help you stay motivated?

-or maybe you just can't remember the name of a certain fic

-or that one website that sold that one thing?

well, this is the campfire for you!

and hey, why don't you help a fellow camper out and provide answers to their burning questions?

omg zana, i hope this is what you wanted? if not, lemme know!

lol now it's stuck in my head fyt:

oh hey, almost forgot: stay tuned for a halloween contest announcement tomorrow!

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