
Happy Monday

Monday October 15, 2012 at 8:14 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


stories similar to these?

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 7:41 PM

While it is still free for all, are there anymore stories similar to The List or Blue Moon Over Manka's? It needs to be human/vamp interaction. I don't care if it is a different pairing such as Jasper/Bella or Carlisle/Bella. I just love the overall feel. 




The Dirty Truth

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 5:03 PM

I'm so sleepy yet my eyes won't close :( So I'm gonna abuse the FFA time and play a little with you guys :)

Lot's of people were upset for missing it last time, let's hope every one gets in this time.

Truth or Truth


The Dirty Truth



Since we can't do a Truth or Dare, So we'll stick with Truth or Truth :)

The Rules:

Ask any camper any question you want, but it has to be just one question per time.

You can't ask a question but after you comment on the CF, mentioning your gender and your age.

I know that it'll mostly if not all will be (Female) but just do it. And since the women age sometimes is Top Secret; you can say (old enough)


How to play:

You add a comment first, mentioning the above.

You choose a camper that already commented, then you ask them a question.

The question must be asked under the camper main comment, as in reply to their comment.

When a question is asked to you, you have to say the truth, and nothing but truth. OR I'LL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. LOL!

You can ask any camper even if someone already asked them, but only one question per comment and it has to be as a reply on the main comment, not a reply to the reply.

Got it, guys?

One thing that is really important:

The question must be about SEX, and nothing but SEX :P

Let's get started :)

If you're a new camper and still dont get it, check this CF out :) or this :)

I really, really wish more of our dear Rangers join us :)


Random Photos

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 2:45 PM

I've been missing the photojournals of some of our great campers. How about some random photos...anything that is interesting or has a story behind it. Just like this photo I took at Heavy's BBQ on my way to Atlanta. Heavy's is the joint "that Reese Wheterspoon(sp?) movie with the baby in the bar" was filmed at. Anyway, last time I was there was the giant toiletpaper roll. This time in the women's bathroom I found this....

Words cannot describe this picture. Do you have any random photos you've been wanting to share? I'm working but will be back and forth while it's still freeforall weekend.  


Pre-holiday Fun

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 1:07 PM

Not sure if anyone else saw this on TwiFic Central but I thought it would be fun:

TwiFic Christmas Card Exchange

Details inside

Rangers, could we sponsor an ADF version of this?


BOOKS! Wonderful Books!

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 10:12 AM

Happy Sunday, Campers!

I know I don't comment all that much, but I do lurk...

Coming out of the dark to gush over some new books, new books written by fabulous fandom authors that are writing original words...and getting published.

Lessons Learned, by @SydneyALogan (Sydney Alice)

A young girl needs to spread her wings, but a young woman needs roots.

English teacher Sarah Bray never thought she’d return to Sycamore Falls, but a traumatic event at her inner-city school leaves her desperate for the sanctuary of home. By returning to her roots, an older and wiser Sarah hopes to deal with the demons of her present and confront the ghosts of her past.

She discovers a kindred spirit in Lucas Miller, a teacher from New York with demons of his own. They quickly become friends – bonding through Lucas’s culture shock and their mutual desire to build new lives. When they open their wounded hearts to each other, their friendship effortlessly evolves into romance.

Their love is put to the test when Matt, the quarterback of the football team, shares his deepest secret with Sarah. When the conservative community finds out, Sarah and Lucas – along with the town of Sycamore Falls – are schooled in the lessons of acceptance, tolerance, and love

MORE by T.M. Franklin (tkegl)

Ava Michaels used to think she was special.

As a child, she fantasized about having magical powers . . . making things happen. But Ava grew up and eventually accepted the fact that her childish dreams were just that, and maybe a normal life wasn't so bad after all.

Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass Physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core.

Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.

Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.

She's a little bit more.

Ghostwriter by @LissaBryan (Lissa Bryan)

After being laid off from the newspaper where she worked as a
journalist, and losing her boyfriend in rapid succession, Sara Howell is looking to downsize before her dwindling savings run out. Things are finally starting to look up when she lands a job ghostwriting the biography of a popular politician and rents an isolated island house which turns out to have once been the home of her favorite author, Seth Fortner, who mysteriously disappeared in 1925.

But when strange things start happening, as objects break, or go missing, and terrifying visions appear, Sara begins to wonder if Seth ever left, or if she is losing her mind.

What happened to Seth is a secret closely guarded by the family to this day, a family that seems to exist under a terrible curse. Through an old trunk of letters she discovers in the attic, Sara unravels the mystery and becomes caught up in a tale of greed, lost love and the horrors of WWI.

When Sara realizes she is not going crazy and that Seth Fortner’s spirit still haunts her new home on the isolated island, she begins to draw him out of his shell bit by bit. She will discover what happened to the idealistic young writer who went to the battlefields of France to save lives, and to his beautiful bride to destroy the love between them, and what led Seth to make a terrible choice which would have consequences
that would echo for generations.

They gradually fall in love in their world of dreams, dreams which swiftly become more attractive than reality, as Sara learns from a ghost how to truly live. Will she be the one to break the “Fortner Curse” by helping Seth conquer his demons, and heal both of their hearts in the process?

Coming soon! ARCs are available now...from RANGER CHICK~!


Eire's Captive Moon by  Sandi Layne ... @SandyQuill (LJ Summers ... Ranger Chick)

Éire’s Captive Moon, the first book of Sandi Layne’s Éire’s Viking Trilogy, brings you to the unsettled era of the early Viking raids along the coast of Éire – today’s Ireland.

A wounded refugee from the violent Viking raids on Éire’s coast is healed so well by Charis of Ragor that Agnarr captures the moon-pale woman for his own and takes her home to Nordweg to be his slave.

Also captured is Cowan, a warrior gifted with languages. He is drawn to the healer of Ragor and finds himself helpless before her. In more ways than one!

Through the winter, Charis plans a fitting vengenance upon her captor for the men he killed. She also prepares to return to Éire and the children she left behind.

But will her changing feelings interfere with these plans? When two men vie for her heart, will she give way before either – or both?


Feel free to tell us about other original works by YOUR favorite fandom authors! I'd love to add them to my TO READ list at Goodreads!


What the Fic?!

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 9:27 AM


I want to eat your brainsssssssssssssss

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 9:08 AM

So the season three premiere of The Walking Dead is upon us tonight. I have been rewatching all the old episodes and refreshing myself on who's dead (Shane-BOOYA) who's alive (Carl--the psychopath in the making), my favourite things (GLEN! DARRYL!) and my least favourite things (THE FARM).

Come in and discuss what you're looking forward to. Who do you want to live? Who do you want to die?  What drove you crazy--in a bad way--in seasons 1 and 2 that you hope is not going to reappear in this season? What do you think of the new characters?


is it still free?

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 3:50 AM

i love baking, my hubby suggest that i should start my baking bussiness. my speciality is cupcakes, brownies, cookies n potato gratin. now im stuck coz i couldnt come up with name ideas for my baking online store. can u help me..:?



ps : if this kind of camp not appropriate pls feel free to remove it

pps : forgive my english coz u know.....


thx so much

santa muerte

So it's free for all?.?.

Sunday October 14, 2012 at 1:38 AM

I'm looking for a good Youtube/MP3 grabber. 

I'm teck tard so, rec on what you guys use. 

I know I don't need to rec anything.... the beauty of Free for all, but

This is such a good story!!!


Last Update of I remain, yours

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 11:34 PM

Well it is free for all, and in the week end there is no What the Fic (my favorite campfire) so I want to comment on the last chapter of I remain, yours by Momatu (The link is for TWCS, but it is on ff net and Twilighted too).

There have been some complaints about the pace of the story, considered too slow, but this last chapter is so good, so satisfying that it erases any misgivings one could have. In white, so not to give spoilers

<<< Finally Bella figures it out that "Desk Edward", supposedly dead and gone and Edward Cullen are one and the same, and he is a vampire, all his family are vampires too, Tanya included. The way her reasoning is developed is a masterful tour de force, a testimony of Momatu ability as a writer. You get into Bella's brain and feel what she feels, dismay at first, fury at Carlisle for changing Edward at first, then understanding, then acceptance, then love, no matter what. It was really worth the slow pace of the story!  >>>

Of course I would like to hear from you and, to add a bit of interactivity, are there other stories that you felt were dragging and were getting bored with and then surprised you and captured you again? Considering that to start a good plot is easy, but to bring it to a good ending is very, very difficult.


Trick or Treat!

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 7:10 PM

I love Halloween costumes! Every year I start planning what my kids are going to dress up as months in advance. And I try to make their costumes too; there's nothing quite like a homemade Halloween costume. My husband and I love feeding them awesomely geeky ideas, but this year my four year old decided on his costume all on his own, and of course his little sister was forced to wanted to coordinate. Behold:

The 10th Doctor and his nemesis the Dalek!

They just love watching Doctor Who.

So, tell me, do you try to steer your kids in a certain direction? Or insist they coordinate? Since we've had two we've been matching every year. I just hope they stay interested in the same things for a few more years.


more BDII stills

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 12:34 PM

why i still bother about this idek. Possibly because I haven't found anything else to get interested in, not even fic, my rl's messed-up (see ex-BFF problems), and i get to see the pecan pie on the front page but not getting any in my rl godDAMN. At least I see there are lots of people reading WT lately Lots of stills here and here


Movie Remakes

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 8:39 AM

Just saw that this was coming out at Thanksgiving here in the US.  I get nervous when they remake "classic" movies from my youth.


Red Dawn 1984

While I can totally get on board with some Chris Hemsworth, I'm not sold on Josh from "Drake and Josh" or Tom Cruise's kid.

What movie re-makes do you love or hate?  What would you love to see remade?


A little feedback

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 8:36 AM

So this is a self-advertisement post, and I'm not ashamed of it. I just posted this new fic:


And I would really like to know what you think of it. Any suggestions, opinions, feedback?

Ranger edit: Wow, we haven't had a self pimp in a while! Thanks to all of the campers for being so diligent! You ROCK! 

I am keeping this up to remind people that we don't self-pimp in the forest. There are opportunities galore! Use them and you will be rewarded with droves of readers!! Thank you!


So it's that time again

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 7:14 AM

Happy football weekend campers. Come tell us who you love and who you hate, I'll try to cheer for or against them.

No nods at my pro boys today, it's not helping them at all!

A nod at my college boys:


Oh, and today is totally not about WVU. There's a tiny little game between Texas and Oklahoma, and another tiny little game between LSU and South Carolina that seem to be the big ones today. Who do you favor?


Help for the Technologically Needy Thread

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 6:44 AM

I lack most modern computer skills.  I get by, but there is so much I would like to do.

Most people still didn't have personal computers at home when I went to college...yep, I am old.


I have a bunch of gifs saved. I would like to incorporate them into my PowerPoint for my lessons.

Somebody told me that I could just insert it like I do a picture and then when I play it on slideshow, it will move and work.


This did not work.

Does anyone know how to do this? I think my students would love them. I teach history and there are some many times that " Oh No you Didn't..and Come at me Bro" gifs would be perfect!  

Use this thread to ask questions about technological issues...Maybe we can all get some advice today. :0)


hii all

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 5:33 AM


Would you accept a gift from me?

Saturday October 13, 2012 at 5:11 AM

Would you accept a gift from me?

Details inside...

ETA: if you have other pics of cute kittens, would you share them with me? I'd like to meet new friends. Thanks

- Your kitten


Dreams Come True

Friday October 12, 2012 at 9:50 PM

So....this happened tonight.


I met Jordan Knight at a VIP event here in my hometown. There were only 10 of us there and we all got some serious quality time with Jordan. I've loved this guy for about 25 years now, so this was a total dream come true. And lucky for me, he was an amazingly nice guy. You always hear these stories about people meeting their favorites celebrities, and they end up being giant jerks.

So, tell me about the celebrities you've met. Was it a good experience or a bad experience? Who would you love to meet but haven't?

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