
Beanie Rob is back in NYC today

Monday October 8, 2012 at 1:33 PM

He sure loves the lower east side...cute beanie! Hope he sticks around for awhile. Any clues to why he is here?

Tom looks at Rob like Rob used to look at Kristen. Rob ignores Tom like Kristen used to ignore Rob.


Rob talks Edward; is again named Sexiest Man

Monday October 8, 2012 at 11:45 AM

from Star Club magazine:

In the end, you're still happy to have played Edward, right?

Rob: Yes, he's an extension of myself, like a good friend. He helped me learn more about myself and I will be eternally grateful. I grew up though and if tomorrow Stephenie Meyer writes a sequel to Twilight, I'd gladly read it. I don't think people would like me reprising the role. I'd be too old to play him again.

Full interview in the comments.

Also, he's once again named Glamour's Sexiest Man Alive. Do you guys agree? Who else would you want on the list?

1. Robert Pattinson
2. Tom Hiddleston (?!)
3. Johnny Depp
4. Michael Fassbender
5. Benedict Cumberbatch
6. Robert Downey Jr
7. Taylor Lautner
8. Paul Wesley
9. James McAvoy
10. Henry Cavill


Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday October 8, 2012 at 9:12 AM


Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian campers!  I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Being entirely too "US Centric,"  I remember how my mind boggled about a decade ago when some Canadian friends informed me that we here in the US hadn't cornered the market on Thanksgiving :)  I get the impression Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated much in the same manner as American Thanksgiving (i.e. time off work, time spent with family, and eating until you can't breathe or pass out, whichever comes first). 

To make this interactive, what is your favorite holiday and what are your family's favorite holiday traditions?

(Rangers, I hope this is ok.  If not, please delete.  Thanks!)


What the Fic?!

Monday October 8, 2012 at 9:09 AM


Happy Monday

Monday October 8, 2012 at 8:06 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday October 8, 2012 at 4:32 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts or teasers from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Rotten Lemons

Monday October 8, 2012 at 3:51 AM

Ever read a lemon that made you gag? Roll your eyes, made a face, or stopped reading the whole thing?

I did!

I'm not claiming I write the best lemons, I'm sure I wrote something that for some readers it was gag-worthy or at least, eye roll-worthy but still ..

Some times I just think : Seriously, what were you thinking when you wrote that, dear Author?

Then I start wondering : The Author did that before?


Share few lines with me if you knew what I'm talking about, but don't mention the name of the fic or the Author. Just the words, Okay? this just for fun, nothing more. 

Get in!


Math Nerds Unite

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 8:05 PM

I saw Katinki's tweet tonight about updating on Sundays, and it got me thinking -- when is the best time to update?

My current fic is pre-written, so I'm updating twice a week.  Right now, that's Mondays and Thursdays around 9am US Central time before I go to work.

I am a math nerd, so I've been putting some (ok, most) of the stats in a spreadsheet.  There is a real pattern of getting more new followers and favorites on Mondays than on Thursdays.  Not just one or two more, a noticeable amount.  Why would this be?  I could imagine weekends being slow but I wouldn't expect variation like that within the week.

Also there is a noticeable slowdown in reviews after around 3pm my time.  I know I get more reviews within an hour of posting than my first fic did for an entire chapter, but why the slowdown?  I would've expected some sort of second surge when Americans get home from work, but this doesn't seem to happen.  I can think of three possible explanations:

1 - Most fanfic readers don't work outside the home.

2 - People are reading on their phones at work.

3 - Americans don't review as much.

Am I missing something?  Does anyone else notice any seemingly odd patterns?  Is there an ideal time to update?   And how can I convince more people to give a Cheater-ella fic a try in light of, er, recent events? ;)



Crazy home remedies?

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 3:25 PM

Have you ever tried to do crazy things you have seen on the internet at home to maybe make your hair longer? Or maybe get rid of an ich? Or perhaps something to make your skin softer?

Well, today I tried the Egg, olive oil and water mixture to make my hair shiny and grow longer. 

I'll let you know it turns out!

What about you guys? What crazy things have you tried?

(and this is kosher cause its still free for all right?)


Give me the fluff!!!

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 1:43 PM

So here I am, as sick with the flu as possible and looking for something to read because yeah...I don't wanna work (and I have to, believe me).  I was just running around the internet and found this song and OMG! probably one of the most romantic songs ever.  It is a little sad but I'm not looking for sad fics, just fics with this kind of feeling, you know?.  That feeling you get in your skin that makes you want to call the BF/GF/Hubby/Wife and hold on for dear life...that kinda fic.  So if you know what I mean and you know something like this, please, please rec it to this poor soul, lying in bed wating for the flu to take her :P.

If you don't have a fic to rec...that all right!!! just show me which is THAT song that does it for you?.  Is it your first dance song?, a song someone dedicated to you?, what?!!!

I'll put the video for the song right here. but I think you all know it. (not the best version but it has a translation from Italiano/napolitano into english)


I believe this is still FFA so I'm not putting any rec in here...

Cover me blue :)

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 11:40 AM


We all have our own favourite cover versions of songs we actually hate/love/have been indifferent to, yes?

For eg. : Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. I love both the original as well as the famous Jeff Buckley version. And the John Cale version too.

So let's post different covers of songs! 

Mine is this one : 


It's Darren Criss's version of Teenage Dream. I really liked it.

And to make it more interactive, which band/artist do you love, which people generally tend to dislike?

I, for one, love Coldplay. Yes, I know I may get banned for this :P

But I do love them. 

Let's get started :D


What the Fic?!

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 11:18 AM


New BDII poster+Rob thanks Spanish fans

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 10:43 AM


Better, but still not good. So many talented fandomers out there, and THIS is what Summit gives us


A movie about the fans

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 7:30 AM

I'm not sure if this has been posted here or not and if it violates any rules please let me know.

I came upon this being talked about on another Twilight based website I haunt every day.  It sounds like a great undertaking.  Larry Carroll sounds like he wants to make a first class movie about us - the fans that are the driving force behind The Twilight Saga.

I wrote into their Q & A and asked about what would happen to the monies gathered if he did not get enough and was told that it would be refunded so you are not out any money if it doesn't go.

I have signed up and donated what I could afford.  There are lots of different dollar value levels available.

I would like to see this project be successful so I am passing the word here.  The link to his website is below - support it if you can.  



Not the usual suspects...

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 6:51 AM

Good Morning Campers!

I was just reading a great story yesterday, (not really relevant but incidently it was Sleepy Valentina's The Heir and The Spare) and a big smile grew on my face because in the story Bella's parents are still together and Esme is actually Bella's sister which I don't think I've seen before. Usually Alice or Rosalie get to be Bella's sister. Anyway it got me thinking. I've read so much fanfiction over the last few years, and while I appreciate a good canon story I generally get really bored with the same old format. What I really love is when an author steps out of the usual twilight playground and gives us something just a little bit different. Sometimes stories become just too predictable when canon characteristics are played up so much. So i'm hoping some of you can recommend a good story that tries just a little harder to break the mold.

E.g. Charlie isn't a cop or obsessed with fishing. Maybe Carlisle is not a doctor. Rosalie isn't a total b*$*& for inexlicable reasons. Or maybe James is a nice guy instead of being a lecherous, predatory abusive a**h***. Hmmm let me think what else....Alice is a tomboy! The story doesn't involve either Washington, Chicago or Arizona. Maybe Edward is the new one to town with a single parent instead of Bella. You guys get the kind of thing I mean right?

Here are a few recs to get it started. Please post the name of a story you like (a link would be great) and let us know how it breaks tradition.

Starry Eyed Inside
Author: Rochelle Allison PM
High School Fictional. No one sends Bella into a tailspin quite like Edward Cullen... but can she make him hers? The ups and downs and all arounds.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 29 - Words: 141,194 - Reviews: 8,312 - Favs: 4,668 - Follows: 3,123 - Updated: 12-19-11 - Published: 08-24-10 - Status: Complete - id: 6268757

Renee and Charlie are together and the story is set in Florida. 

A May to December Romance
Author: Positively 4th Street PM
My name is Isabella Swan and today, I signed a contract that would put me in the steel tight clutches of a man I didn't know, for four years. A girl's gotta pay for college somehow, right? AH. Come meet 'Sugar Daddy' Edward.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 20 - Words: 142,603 - Reviews: 7,090 - Favs: 7,163 - Follows: 8,567 - Updated: 08-16-12 - Published: 01-07-11 - id: 6632226

Victoria and James are nice people in this story.


Help needed AGAIN!

Sunday October 7, 2012 at 5:21 AM

Hi everybody - I was on here a few weeks ago searching for a fic with very little to go on and a couple of you were  my salvation so thank you!

I am still on my re-reading old vamp fics trip and have another couple of requests. The trouble is I have read soo many I think my brain is addled and I get them mixed up in my head.

In the first there is a scene whern E is driving B and she is very upset but she tries not to show it - the car screeches to a halt and he is there, lifting her out and comforting her - I remember the scene so clearly and it was oh so lovely and romantic but cannot for the life of me remember which fic it comes from.

The second has B going back to Phoenix to pack up her Mum's stuff - who has died - on her own, She has only just met Edward in Forks. Hardly knows him. Anyway - help keeps arriving for her, in many forms - food I think, and boxes maybe? Eventually even a removal van or such like arrives. Alice may have something to do with this - she may have been keeping watch over the house - but this also might be me mis-remembering. I THINK that E eventually turns up and drives her back. I read this one a very long time ago, it was one of the first I read I think - 2009 maybe?

Very sketchy I know - but can anyone help?

Thank you all so much xxxx


Twilight Marathon in Kansas City

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 6:30 PM

Do you live around Kansas City, MO/KS?  


I can't believe it's finally time.  After years of planning and undying Twi/Robsession the time has finally come for the final movie!!  Would you like to experience the last Twi Premiere with fellow TwiH00rs in the luxury that will make a 12 hour Twilight Marathon a day to remember.  I have rented out a suite theater which includes leather reclining chairs and dine-in food service at the AMC Olathe Studio 30 theater.

The Twilight Saga Marathon will start at 11:30am with Twilight and will culminate with an early showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2 at 10:00pm. We will also receive special event-only lanyards and will get to see exclusive content played between the films. All of this in the comfort of the suites! Let the marathon begin!! Did I mention alcohol and real food - we won't have to eat junk food for 12 hours.  :)

The final price per ticket, which includes the theater rental fee is $65.00. The initial price was a bit higher but I was able to haggle the price down. We just have to remember that the experience, coupled with seeing the film two hours before everyone else makes it all worth it. Finishing out this Saga with the people that we've come to know and love will make this a day (and night) to remember.

Please go to this form if you are want to reserve your place at this unforgettable event:


Either way, I love you all. I hope however you choose to end this Saga you have as much fun as I know we will be having.




P.S.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or PM ME.

AvengeRanger Edit: Campers: Please don't post your email in a public forum. Thanks!



Saturday October 6, 2012 at 4:39 PM

I just found this on Facebook:

Very sad news. Just4ALE died of ovarian cancer last night (Oct 5th). She wrote Tunes with Tony Masen and other stories. She was a wonderful person.

If you haven't read any of her work, please click on the link and enjoy.



Films That Blow Your Mind

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 3:47 PM

I just watched Battle of Britain (1969) with my dad, and it was amazing!!

Aside from the fact that the cast includes Michael Caine, Ian McShane, Christopher Plummer and Laurence Olivier, which in itself is amazing, the way it was film and the entire cast they used is staggering.

Have you seen this film? Of course there's no CGI, all those planes were flown for real, by actual British and German men who flew fighters in WW2. The dog-fights are just...mesmerising. The fact that there were real fighters in that film just...amazing, and Bill Foxley (a pilot who was badly burned during WW2) also appeared in the film.

However, it also resonated on a personal level, I learned so much from this film. My grandad was a flight engineer on a bomber plane (british) and according to my dad used to tell stories about the bombings in London and the men he knew who had been injured, and my grandmother was a WAAF, she was in a radar room, moving around planes. 

This film is funny in parts, tragic in others, but constantly enjoyable.

Now, the purpose for me making this campfire, have you ever watched a film that has just astounded you, that has made you feel...amazing?

If so, share what it was and why, and get other people to realise why that film is fabulous.


Movies and Fanfic

Saturday October 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM

I just watched Definately, Maybe with my mother and I swear that I am almost in tears every time that it's on!!! Anyways I was thinking about many different things regarding the forest and everyone around here!!! :))

1. Are there any fics that are like Definately, Maybe is to me... where every time that it's read you're casually wiping your eyes?

2. Are there any wonderful movie book crossovers that you have read?

3. What is your absolutely FAVORITE snuggling movie?... you know the one where you just want to snuggle with your cat and a cup of hot chocolate :)

Anyways :) I hope everybody is having a GRRRRReat Saturday!


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