mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday October 1, 2012 at 4:30 AM

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Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Beautiful new BDII stills (US Weekly)

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 11:18 PM

Sigh. It is the ultimate love story. Makes me sad that Kristen is the one saying it though. 

More pics in the comments.

ETA with trivial fact nobody needs to know: I can't breath 'cause I ate the damn pecan pie in two days


BD2 Tickets on Sale

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 11:02 PM

My friends and I are thinking about attending the all-day marathon rpatz fest and I just noticed that the first showing of BD2 will be at 10pm instead of midnight.  Did I miss something?  Is it going to be like that in all theaters?

So, who is buying their tickets tomorrow like I am and who is planning on spending 12 hours in the dark with a large tub of popcorn, a huge soda, a whiney Bella, and a constipated looking Edward!!!


The marathon, to be held in theaters nationwide, will comprise the four films in the franchise to date: "Twilight," "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn — Part 1." For the uninitiated, the saga tells the story of Bella, a young woman (Kristen Stewart) caught up in a love triangle with the handsome vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) and the hunky werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Attendees will be also be treated to additional interstitial content and a souvenir lanyard, and the marathon will culminate with 10 p.m. screenings of the "Breaking Dawn — Part 2" finale


third campfire and still learning

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 8:08 PM

so my first campfire was a wreck because even though people actually engaged in it it was deleted. so i tried again but didnt quite get the whole "no cursing on the front page" thing. this is my third campfire of talking about gossip people already know i decided to share something deeper. well not that deep.

so the thing is that iam spending my weekend with my sisters and my beautiful yet annoying nephew and niece. though i get pissed of easily i have to admit that im having fun and watching plenty of movies. I recently saw the movie GIRL MODEL its quite eye opening and sad and HIGHLY RECOMMEND ALL OF YOU TO WATCH IT


thirteen year old Nadya
i guess you could say its a documentary but you feel bad because they are being taken advantage of.
i looked like this after i saw it.

Family love

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 10:54 AM

Soooooo, we're in the process of moving.  Long story short - moved last year for hubby's job, too homesick to adjust, miss family/friends, blahblahblah, moving back next month, yay!

Yesterday, I spent most of the day sorting and packing our stuff.  Consequently, I found things The Boy hadn't seen in a while, like the Angry Birds hat he got in Frankenmuth, MI last year around Christmas.  For some reason, he felt like he needed to wear it all day.

Then this happened yesterday evening:


This campfire is to show some love for family!  Show us and/or tell us about the loves of your life.  The people who make you cry, laugh, cringe, all of the above.  Do you have someone silly in your family?  Crazy?  Weird? Gotta love them anyway, right?!  Why not share that?  :-)

LJ Summers

Honest Trailer - Avengers

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 8:02 AM

Okay, I really enjoyed this movie.  Paid full price at the theater and everything twice (hey, that's a big deal for me) to see it and pre-ordered the Blu-ray combo pack.  I'm hooked.

But I have to admit that this trailer cracked me up. A lot.


So who got the DVD/Blu-ray for home viewing?  Was the gag-reel good for you?  
Do you have a favorite Honest Trailer?  (Phantom Menace? Hunger Games? Twilight?)

What the Fic?!

Sunday September 30, 2012 at 7:33 AM


I need your help!

Saturday September 29, 2012 at 11:15 AM

So I need some help! I’ve basically been in some stage of child bearing since 2009. Pregnant. Nursing. “Recovering”. Finally hit pre-pregnancy weight – Surprise! Pregnant again. Srsly, in the same month. Nursing. Losing. Again. Slowly.

But now, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My goal weight is just under 10 pounds away and I am still slowly but surely losing the weight. I haven’t plateaued yet (knock on wood).

So, I’ve been pinning for inspiration. (Or really to try to get the slightest clue of what's going on outside the Maternity/Nursing Bra section of the store.)

Follow Me on Pinterest


But as I look through my celebrity pins I think, “These clothes would not look interesting on me. I’d look boring/plain/generic in this. The only reason these girls look fab is because of their great bodies.” (Sorry I don’t know how to embed my board but here’s a link.)

Plus all of my “Style Stars” are so main stream. Not that their personal style is main stream but they are all household name kinda famous. I am looking for idk... A more niched kinda style maybe?

Please I need your help! Are you a mom that somehow managed to hang on to a sense of cool, a sense of style while raising small children? If so how’d ya do it? I’ve seriously read blogs that rec’d like Hane’s sweatshirts and sneakers for SAHM’s (Stay at Home Moms) of small kiddos. Not that there’s anything wrong with them but I don’t need a blog to tell me this is all the style a chic like me is supposed to have!

Anyone, "Not-Moms" I need your help too. Please tell me how to build a wardrobe from scratch. Who, or what, inspires your personal style? Do you feel like you have a clear sense of what your personal fashion style is? Can others see items and say things like, “That’s so you”?

Also, one last burning question. Skinny Jeans. Are they for the post-baby body? Are they just going to make my hips look huge now?


You Say You Wanna Revolution

Saturday September 29, 2012 at 9:23 AM

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I just finished watching the 2nd episode of Revolution on NBC. I LOVE Billy Burke which is why I'm giving this a chance. 

Things I LIKE: Billy Burke (duh), Elizabeth Mitchell, the basic concept

Things I DON'T like: Ummmm I don't want to post spoilers on the front page in case some of you haven't caught up yet, so I shall expand on these in the comments.

Come on in and talk about this with me!



What the Fic?!

Saturday September 29, 2012 at 8:03 AM


No one, and I mean no one

Saturday September 29, 2012 at 7:44 AM

comes into our house and pushes us around! (You gotta love Rudy!)

Happy football weekend!

Who you watching this weekend, who you cheering for, who you excited to see?

A nod to my college boys have their Big XII opener today with a home game against Baylor.


And since my pro-boys are off, here's a nod to the ref debacle that thankfully ended this week!



The Walmart Game

Friday September 28, 2012 at 9:43 PM

Saw this on Facebook and I HAD to post it here:

So, campers...give it your best shot!

What 3 items do you think would freak out the cashier the most?


Disturbing or Awesome?

Friday September 28, 2012 at 8:22 PM

i am doing a little online window shopping, making adding to my amazon universal wishlist for Xmas. 

and i'm on etsy, wandering through the Geekery section and i discovered this -

its soap.

with a fetus in it.

gotta love etsy.

come share your disturbing internet finds, please. 

or your really awesome. like i found this card for The Boy - 

i ordered it and now i have to hide it until our anniversary in Jan. lol

ok, get to it! share!



Friday September 28, 2012 at 3:32 PM

So, I like my deals and I'm sure you ladies and gents do too. I have several favorite sites where I look for great steals. Sometimes I find something good, most times I don't. After all, who cares about all the tech stuff or the watches they are always trying to pawn off on us. I'm also not willing to fly halfway across the country for a crappy hotel deal that the advertising casino would have given me in exchange for me gambling my money away at their establishment.

What I want to know is where and/or how do you people find your deals? We all know about Groupon and Woot, but what else is out there? Where do you go to find the good deals? Find any good deals for this weekend?

And now what you've all been waiting for...Sephora is offering a ten dollar gift card if you like them on Facebook. You have do download their app if you want to use the discount in store. The info is all under the tab Fan Fridays :)


Techie Help

Friday September 28, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Somebody help!  My computer speakers are picking up a radio or television station and it's driving me bats.  We've had this problem for quite some time but usually it's just barely there in the background and if we twist the plugs in the back of the speakers it mostly goes away.  But now it's so loud it's drowning out anything we try to listen to on the computer.  



Have you got tech problems?  I really try not to be tech stupid.  But it's hard sometimes.  We have all these highly capable electronics mass marketed to people who have no idea what they're doing (uhh, that would be me a lot of the time.)  Do you need advice on your computer or your e-reader or your ipod/iphone?  Something else?  

Come in and give us your techie problems.  Those in the know might graciously lend their advice.  :)


What the Fic?!

Friday September 28, 2012 at 9:27 AM


Complaint Department

Friday September 28, 2012 at 9:07 AM

So I uploaded a new chapter of my story to FFn's document manager. As I'm reading through it, I keep finding these places where the sentences have been mixed up. Phrases are exchanged with phrases in the next sentence. Words are missing. It's weird! And it completely changes the meaning of the entire paragraph!

So, be vigiliant, fellow authors! If you're not paying careful attention, these things are really easy to miss.

So, anyone else have any complaints? FFn giving you hell, too? Is Twilighted still around? Do you have problems when you upload a story here on ADF?


Facebook question

Friday September 28, 2012 at 8:07 AM

My family started a pledge against drunk driving on Facebook in memory of our family member who passed away almost two years ago after he accepted a ride from a friend who had been drinking. I'd like to extend the invite to the forest community, but I don't know how to go about it. Does anyone know how to go about it? It's Pledge just say no!!!:In memory of Morgan Payne Oct 12-14 On the pledge site please feel free to post the name of any loved ones lost to substance abuse or due to drunk driving also please list any numbers of local cab/taxi drivers in your area. This pledge has had an amazing effect on Morgans grieving family and I hope you all can participate.


Last week I read a lot of these: Good Stuff!

Thursday September 27, 2012 at 8:33 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion:


Tell us about what you or a friend write. If you beta something fantastic, let us know. If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy! Give us a link. Give us a sample. Show us your banner.

We want to read what you write!


EDWARD... and stuff

Thursday September 27, 2012 at 6:58 PM

I'm feeling... nostalgic.

I miss all the campfires we used to have about my favorite undead sparkling characters and their vast variety of fic spawn.

So let's talk about:

Edward Cullen

'Cause, well, I still love the $%^ out of him.

Gimme your top 5 fic 'wards
(or just ones you really like since picking a favorite Edward is like trying to decide between cake, cookies, and ice cream... not possible, duh)

Tell me why they're your favorites,

And gimme 5 pics that represent them :)

NOTE: If you picture someone other than The Pretty, that's totally okay. Gimme those pics!

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