
What the Fic?!

Sunday September 23, 2012 at 10:57 AM


Live from New York

Sunday September 23, 2012 at 8:54 AM

So I don't tend to watch SNL anymore--mainly because without Amy my interest has wained--but I did last night becauase I loves me some JGL.  I thought that given the meh material that he had to work with, he did great. Also, he did this:

And he moved with grace when he grinded on the floor. (Really, I just wanted an excuse to post this, hence starting this little campfire). 

To make this interactive, what celebrities do you think have done an amazing job on SNL? What ones made you cringe? Who has surprised you with their comedic timing? Who would you like to see (aside from someone from the Twilight series)?


Still interested in BD? New People stills

Sunday September 23, 2012 at 6:29 AM

More pics in the comments

Planning to see it? Determined not to go see it? I'll go see it, but I'm afraid it'll be the only Twilight movie I won't be rewatching


Material Girls!

Sunday September 23, 2012 at 6:01 AM

Happy Sunday to you Campers!

The 13yo & I are going to the Madonna concert tonight, and I'm kinda excited, kinda worried she'll be fairly average!

We're also hoping she does mainly the oldies, all the songs from when I was my daughter's age, like this one:

So, what song would you like to see Madonna perform live?

Have you been to a concert that far exceeded your expectations, or one where you felt really let down?

Plus!!  Special offer for campers in the DC area!

I have a spare ticket!!  FREE!  If you would like to go, pm me and we'll get our Material Girl glam on!!


Beautiful Creatures Trailer

Saturday September 22, 2012 at 3:41 PM


Well, it wins points for using music by Florence + The Machine. Actually I like the idea of a potentially dangerous female protagonist instead of a male one. Has anyone read this? Was it any good? What do you guys think of this trailer?
To try and make this more interactive, what movies have you watched lately? I watched a movie called Scalene last night. It had the most awkward masturbation scene I have ever seen in my life. :/
No fantasy tag?

What the Fic?!

Saturday September 22, 2012 at 7:54 AM


Pain heals. Chicks dig scars.

Saturday September 22, 2012 at 4:35 AM

Glory is forever (the whole quote is from the replacements, an awesomely fun football movie, btw)

Well, happy football weekend, football campers. Before I can continue, I am desperately seeking an answer: What is this thing over his face. What’s it for? Why? Anyone?

OK, onward, who you watching, what’s your picks, what are your excited about and all the usual.

A nod at my college boys


A nod at my future husband (again, I know but I can’t help it) and his judo arm flip tackle from week 1



UST and other hot stuff

Friday September 21, 2012 at 9:43 PM

I know , I know, we've had these kind of campfires in the past , but it's free for all and I'm feeling....jittery :)

So..tell me about when you felt the UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension). Was it with a co-worker? A friend who you suddenly couldn't see as a friend anymore? Did it lead anywhere or was it just a passing thing?

Flirt stories, hook-ups, times you pined for someone and someone pined for you, DISH IT OUT! Don't be shy!




Friday September 21, 2012 at 8:30 PM

That's right! Tomorrow, 9/22. 5:30pm. I will be tying the knot! I've got my dress, my bouquet, my shoes, my jewelry, and most importantly, my groom! 
I would love to hear (if you're married, or have been married):
#1. What was your wedding like? 
#2. What kind of dress did you wear?
#3. Was it traditional? Wacky? Civil?
#4. Was there any drama?
#5. Do you have any advice for me and my new husband?
THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED! :-) It has been a crazy day, but I am blessed to know that I had support and love from all corners of my life (family, friends, and fandom!). I'm so excited to start my new life as a married woman. <3 <3 <3 <3 Here is a pic, just after we were announced man and wife. Sorry it's lower quality. It's from a cell phone.

Rob on Twilight, BD, even FSOG

Friday September 21, 2012 at 8:27 PM


Q: Have you read 50 Shades of Grey and did you know it was based on you and would you star in it?

I think the author has written me out of it. I saw some interview earlier and they went, oh, it could never be him. And I’m like ,’Hey, I’m going to make you pay for that.’ (laughter)

Q: She said you could never play the role that was based on you?

It’s funny seeing all these other actors so openly like vying for it. I’ve never seen that happen before. It’s so strange. I haven’t read the whole thing, I read bits of it, there’s a book called 50 Sheds of Grey, (laughter) have you seen that book? That’s amazing, just a picture book of 50 Grey Sheds, (laughter) and it’s literally on the New York Times Best Seller List. People have got the wrong read. (Laughs)"

Full interview in the comments


Ironic Twist Updated!

Friday September 21, 2012 at 7:38 PM

I just got the update alert that Ironic Twist has updated

The Harder They Fall!


This got me thinking, what other stories have you been waiting ages for an update on?   Any word from MIA authors?


Movin' On Up

Friday September 21, 2012 at 5:09 PM

(or down, actually...)

Any campers in the San Franicisco Bay area?  I need your help!

It looks like the time has come for my husband and I to make a major life change.  His job wants us to relocate to San Francisco at the beginning of the new year.

And this is the journey we will have to take...

So...I guess I need some info.  I need a place to live.  I'm sure we can't afford to buy down there, so we'll be giving up our own house for a rented apartment/condo/townhome.  And I'll need to be near public transit (I don't drive).  I also need to be able to bring my kitties with.  So what are some good, affordable neighborhoods?  And lastly...WHO WANTS TO BE MY FRAND???

Everyone else--share your moving experience.  I don't know how to move any farther than across town!  I don't know how to sell a house!  I don't know how to travel almost 1,600 miles with two cats who HATE the car!




FFA: Parenting confessions

Friday September 21, 2012 at 1:31 PM


sometimes, my family is totally awesome!


Sometimes, I feel lonely and invisible and they drive me to drink!


Come share your parenting OMGs, WOES, BRAGS, QUESTIONS.


At least 3 positive things about the people you pushed out of you.

At least 3 confessions about the little spawn.

Anything else parenting related.....


Yeah, this is TOTALLY my beautiful practically perfect family on any given day.







Friday September 21, 2012 at 1:11 PM

Since it's Free For All, I thought I'd use this time to put up a Public Service Announcement, in case we have campers (including lurkers) who need these services.

International Suicide Prevention Directory 
Find a hotline in your country, state, or province

In the USA:

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Or, if you are afraid your internet usage is being monitored, call: 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE

Feminist Majority Foundation
For a list of national and state crisis hotlines and resources

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
24/7 service to the US, its territories, and Canada. All calls are anonymous and confidential.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
For veterans press 1
En espanol oprima el 2 o llama 1-888-628-9454


In the UK:

National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline
0808 2000 247
Also visit http://refuge.org.uk


If you need help, or if you're not sure you need help and want to know what signs to look for, please make use of these services.


To make this interactive: post contact info for crisis hotlines or women's shelters in your area. You never know who might need it!



Friday September 21, 2012 at 1:07 PM

We’ve had several CFs asking for Twitter friends but I don’t think we’ve ever had one asking for goodreads friends. That’s what this CF is about.

I’ve been a member of goodreads since last December but I’ve only recently started exploring and using the site. Sadly, I only have 2 friends there and I’m hoping this CF will help me find a few more. I’ve found many good book recs here in the forest so I’m hoping some of the people who rec’d those stories are members of goodreads.

Please, won’t you be my goodreads friend? (BTW, I’m CLHahny on goodreads too.)


My New Guilty Pleasure

Friday September 21, 2012 at 12:33 PM

Since we don't have cable, Netflix is my friend. (And we're good friends.)

Usually, I have enough in my queue to keep me entertained, but a couple of weeks ago, I was tired of scrolling through and just clicked on something in the "Popular on Netflix" column- Dance Academy. I know, I know. Teen drama? Yes, I'm too old to watch teen dramas, but I was bored and thought I'd relax with a little mindless entertainment. 

I loved it. 

Now that I have completed both seasons, I need to discuss. Please tell me someone else out there watches this show and agrees with me...








"Wing"-nuts Unite!

Friday September 21, 2012 at 12:22 PM

I hear that there are other lovers of "The West Wing" here in the Forest!


Do you wish President Bartlet was an actual President? Do you follow President Bartlet (and friends) on Twitter? Have an unreasonable crush on Sam Seaborn or Josh Lyman? Do you want to *be* CJ Cregg? Did you cry when Leo died?

Come on inside and have a nice chit-chat about it! What's your favorite season or episode?


Eye Creams Anyone?

Friday September 21, 2012 at 11:43 AM

Happy FFA Everyone!

So my dilemma: The past 3 weeks, I've been getting horrible scratches + bruises under my eye without making any changes in my beauty routine.

Since our skin changes as we age, I think I'm reacting to the Retinol in my undereye cream and night cream.

Are there eye creams for fine wrinkles +  under eye shadows that DON'T have retinol in them or are for sensitive skin? Have you used one in the past and loved it/hate it?



The SPACE SHUTTLE just flew over my house!!!

Friday September 21, 2012 at 11:17 AM

Since it's free-for-all and it was just SO darned exciting that I HAVE to share this photo taken by my neighbor (since I didn't have the foresight to take a camera, phone or other picture-taking implement outside with me...).  Seriously, I'm still pinching myself!

It took off from Edwards AFB and circled back twice before heading off to LAX, where it will be loaded onto a truck and taken to its permanent home at the California Science Center in Exposition Park, near the University of Southern California (USC). 


To make this interactive and fun:  Have you ever been right there at a very historic moment or event?    Attended Obama's inauguration, for example?

Recommendation, interplanetary style: Written in the Stars by Lissa Bryan

Edward is king of a dying race, his planet torn by civil war. Bella is abducted to become his bride. From college student to Queen... Can she learn to love this strange man and help save his people? AU/OOC, Rated M

Anyone know of other fics involving space, space travel etc.?


What the Fic?!

Friday September 21, 2012 at 8:40 AM

First --- | >> | 539 | 540 | 541 | 542 | 543 | 544 | 545 | 546 | 547 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
