
What the Fic?!

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 8:12 AM


Icy's sons are "really proud of her"

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 6:46 AM

Icy's husband talks

""We did fall out once," he told the newspaper. "I stomped off without finishing the chapter, and she published it anyway, and if any commas were in the wrong place, no one noticed. "



Audio Competition for Fan Fiction Authors

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 2:15 AM

Fan Fiction CompetitionAudioGO has challenged five fan fiction authors from the Twilight Fandom (found on www.fanfiction.net) to write an original YA story exclusively for audio. The opening 3 minutes of each story will be recorded and listeners will be asked to pick their favourite audio clip. The story with the most votes will be recorded. It will then be made available to download for free.

Alexandra Arlango, Commissioning Editor - Original Content at AudioGO Ltd in London, and long-time fan fiction reader, has devised the competition.

Alexandra said: “We are very excited to be working with these wonderful authors to give them a platform from which to showcase their original writing. We gave the contestants a picture and the word prompt ‘LOST AND FOUND’. Now the challenge for listeners will be to choose which story they want to hear in full without knowing which author has written which story.”

In alphabetical order the five contestants are:
Suzanne Carroll (aka windchymes) – Suzanne has always loved to write but wonders why inspiration often seems to strike when she's driving through traffic with her laptop an hour away.

Kate Collier (aka katinki) - Kate has been writing for only a handful of years, but she's always been an avid reader and creator of imaginary worlds. She's inspired by magic and dragons and mystical places. And maybe even a handsome hero or two.

Valentina Dunn (aka sleepyvalentina) – Valentina writes about intelligent women who come by love and adulthood the hard way. She gets her inspiration from the executive boarding the subway, the girl behind the check-out counter, the mother pushing a triple stroller around a park—everyday women whose lives are anything but mundane.

Anya Nara (aka WhatsMyNomDePlume) – Whether on her bedroom walls (to the chagrin of her parents), on the back of her hand or just in her head, Anya has been writing since she can remember. She thinks her brain likes to mess with her because she usually gets 'inspired' when she's supposed to be doing something else.

Rochelle Walker (aka Rochelle Allison) – Rochelle was born and raised on St. Croix, an island in the Caribbean, but lives with her family in Florida. She started writing stories and poems as a child and has continued to dabble in fiction ever since.

Voting starts 5th October on https://www.facebook.com/Audiogo.audiobooks/app_137541772984354. Subscribe for announcements and updates.
The winning story will be available from 19th October from www.audiogo.com

About AudioGO Limited:
AudioGO is the home of BBC Audiobooks and has over 10,000 titles in their catalogue. These range from unabridged books from authors such as James Herbert and Julian Barnes to dramas from the Doctor Who and Douglas Adams ranges. For more information, visit www.audiogo.com.


WHO's the WINNER???

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 6:47 PM


After thirty-four days of picture-posting fabulosity,

three days of Camper voting,

two days of Ranger voting,

and a day of stupidosity with the Servers,

here we are with the




 (It's a pun; you'll get it in a sec.)


Kristen Looking FINE

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 11:55 AM

Wow. I just had to put this here and say I don't think she's ever looked better. I can't stop staring at this picture.

What do you guys think of her recent appearances at TIFF and the On The Road screening in NY above? The reporting here in Toronto made much of her wearing Rob's t-shirt upon arrival at Pearson airport and Rob's hat when she left T.O. Do you think she's sending a message to Rob? To us? Are they working things out?

Speculate away, and feel free to pic-spam with pretty Kristen pictures. It's been a while since we've done that.

A rec in case I need one:

I haven't been reading much fic lately, but here's an oldie but a goodie:
Disappear Here
by h32mh32m


My cervix is a vampire?

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 11:49 AM

So, I've got babies on the brain! 

First, I'm trying to put together a baby registry and I'm lost in a sea of indecision because

I spend all my time fretting about customer reviews!

Second, my cervix hurts and I hate it. 

So basically... Here's a double whammy campfire!

Come share your baby product customer reviews with me, please??

What did you love? Hate? Find surprisingly useful? Surprisingly useless? 

Also, are you looking for feedback on any particular baby product? Come in and ask if anyone has used it!

Maybe you need to find a good baby gift idea for someone and this campfire would help you out as well!


Come in and share your TMI. Honestly, I share tons of it whether appropriate or not,

and now here's your chance if you're shy about that sort of thing!

(It doesn't have to be baby related TMI!)

I considered putting up a picture or a chart of a cervix, and decided maybe that was too much. You're welcome.



I swear, I totally got permission for this. I think.

ETA: Also, if this is supposed to be supernatural. I think my cervix is haunted. Probably. It could happen.


Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 10:37 AM

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike!

Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews and discussing stories, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

With the significance of today in mind, give me your angstiest angst. Maybe a non-fiction book that captured you, a fic that handled tragedy with cutting realism, or a compelling read that made you cry rivers of fulfilling tears.


As always, read, review, and let 'em know you saw their fic rec'd on ADF.


What the Fic?!

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 9:27 AM


Never Forget

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 6:35 AM


Now You See It, Now You Don't

Tuesday September 11, 2012 at 4:52 AM

My first campfire!


Does anyone know what happened to the Robsessed Blog?  It's just suddenly....gone.




I am not on Twitter, so if the disappearing act was referenced there, I wouldn't see it.


Sorry for this non-exciting, non-colorful and non-sparkly post....I'm working my way up to all that.  :)

Apologies also for the lack of a tag.   *chagrined*


Edited because I neglected to offer a fic rec or two!   This one is in my keepers folder...I love it, and wish the author would have (maybe still will?) expand it to a full length story:




Monday September 10, 2012 at 4:55 PM





What the Fic?!

Monday September 10, 2012 at 8:16 AM


Happy Monday

Monday September 10, 2012 at 8:06 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday September 10, 2012 at 2:51 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story ~



Twilighted fandom demise?

Monday September 10, 2012 at 12:50 AM

So, I'm a big fan of AngstGoddess, author of Wide Awake. I was an even bigger fan after she exposed the views of a certain BNA *cough* EL James aka Icy *cough* and her true feelings about the fandom. Despite writing one of the most popular fanfics in the Twi-fandom, she has refused to capitalise on it, and continues to be a vehement critic of P2P.

I was reading a blog that I follow, and was pleased to come across this recent entry by AngstGoddess herself (dated september 2):



On January 1st, 2010, Omnific (a vanity publisher who also operates the fanfiction archive and discussion board, Twilighted.net) officially launched their publishing business with this announcement:

“Omnific Publishing is a publishing company specializing in the publication of authors with a proven track record of online success in transformative works.”

(Translation: Omnific is a publishing company who files the serial numbers off of popular fanfiction and then publishes it as “original”.)

I had met the founder at ComicCon the summer prior, and she seemed nice, so I wanted to at least congratulate her. At the time, the concept of publishing fanfic was still relatively new to the fandom at large. The stigma attached to pulling one’s fanfic to publish wasn’t really widely known (at least not to me).

Obviously, my feelings on that matter have shifted over the last three years into what’s a fairly public and wide-known opposition to all things pull-to-publish and, actually, just about everything Omnific stands for.

But back to the beginning, I congratulated them on what I thought at the time to be a creative publishing endeavor. In this email, I said that I’d thought of rewriting my own fanfic, Wide Awake, into something different after I finished the epilogue, and hoped to publish it someday.

The reply I got was… amusing. I was told that I’d have to query and, if they liked it after all was said and done, then we could talk.

Which was really confusing, because 1) I wasn’t asking to be published in the first place. I was being nice. Kind of like when someone reviews your fanfic and says, “OMG YOU SHOULD TOTES PUBLISH DIS!” and 2) Wide Awake was among the most popular fics in the fandom. You’re going to, what? Play hard to get?


I rolled my eyes and went on with my business. A lot of fandom drama arose from Omnific and their shady practices, and after some time and a lot of research and discussion, the community eventually shaped my feelings about the practice. There was literally no way I could have been more vocal about NOT EVER EXPLOITING SOMEONE ELSE’S FANS.

So imagine my surprise when I go to check my old email and find this, sent 7 days ago:

Hi Sam,

I know it’s been a long time since we last spoke, but I hope you are doing well.

I just wanted to extend the olive branch and tell you that if you are still interested in publishing Wide Awake, as you indicated below back in 2010, our door is open, and we can help you. I know a lot has happened since you sent me that email, but if you were ever going to do it, the time is right. The industry is primed for this right now and I have no doubt that the story would be as well received in the romance world as it was in the fandom.

Feel free to call me if you’d like to chat about this–my number is xxxxxxxxxxxx.

All my Best,

Elizabeth Harper, PhD


This is baffling for a whole number reasons, half of which I’ve highlighted above. I never wanted to publish Wide Awake, and certainly never through Omnific.

But also, setting that aside a moment… I OFFER SELF-PUBLISHING SERVICES. There is literally nothing Omnific could offer me that I can’t do better, prettier, for cheaper, more successfully, with higher profit margins, and without the headache of Twilight fandom (rightfully) up my ass for basically being the biggest hypocrite ever. That’s just bad business, man. Piggly-Wiggly doesn’t go to Wal-Mart and offer to sell their Great Value brand products in their store. That makes no sense.

But it does make one wonder…

I didn’t even query it.

So why are they willing to take it now without a query, and not even that, but coming to me directly and without any solicitation whatsoever? The answer to this is obvious, I just wanted to illustrate how obnoxiously opportunistic these people are.

They approach popular authors with established reader-bases (someone else’s reader-base tbh), give their popular stories a light editing/name-change, copy/paste it into a desktop publisher, turn around and advertise it on the same fanfic archive from whence it came, and then take a chunk of the profits.

It’s the easiest job in history.

Fanfic authors exploiting their fannish popularity for money is bad enough to begin with, but now you’ve got this middle guy who barely even does anything just chopping at the bit to take advantage of that and get a piece of the fan pie?

It’s no secret that another fanfic-cum-novel (pun intended) made another small fanfiction-archive-cum-vanity-publisher heaps upon heaps upon heaps of money. It’s also no secret that recently, another serial-numbers-filed-off fanfic has just been sold by Omnific for what’s also probably a ridiculous sum of money.

On one hand, I almost have to applaud their absolutely enormous amount of nerve, considering they’d still contact me after all of the above points, but moreso it just sickens me because I know why they’re suddenly doing it . I’m sure that check for Gabriel’s Inferno made them all kinds of aflutter.

And they’re going to keep doing this. They operate a Twilight fanfic archive. They know what’s popular among fans and they know how to exploit it and who to approach. They will ask more authors—some of them won’t even understand why it’s wrong, and how they’re getting shafted—and they’ll make more money hand over fist for doing nothing but watching and waiting for the right time to take some dewy-eyed author under their wing and ‘help’ them.

You’re scumbags, Omnific. Everyone wonders why I left the fandom? Because it’s not a fandom anymore, it’s one huge pulsating business opportunity, and it all started with you.

In case it’s not abundantly clear, this is a ‘no’.


Did I mention I really love her?


It seems like Omnific has stepped up its efforts to get BNA to publish their fics. They do own the Twilighted forum, and hence can tell which fics have the biggest followings. But I've noticed something: since the whole MOTU and UoEM bruhaha, there just isn't the rabid interest in current fics that these earlier fics generated. You have an absolutely beautifully written story like High Fidelity, which is 100 times better written and researched than the aforementioned fics, and it only has something like 5 pages of reviews.

So, it leads me to this: people say that P2P would lead to the fandom's demise. I think it has already happened. People just aren't as eager to get invested into a story and write reviews, and speculate about the plot. They aren't rushing to start threads and form a fan group. And I think that Twilighted is on it's last legs. People feel used, and don't participate in a community that has hidden agendas.

What are your thoughts on the matter?


My recommendation:

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Author: Edward's Eternal


Dr. Edward Cullen loves his job, but lives for his daughter. When her little world explodes he will do anything to piece it back together. But could the solution also bring him the happiness he didn't realize he was missing?

(A really sweet Daddyward)

Sorry rangers, can't find the appropriate tag :(


Time to spread some love

Sunday September 9, 2012 at 7:39 PM

So..I was just reading a story...and got peeved. Very peeved. It was due to lack of ANY research on the writers part. And it happened to be about an industry that I work in. It was about something that would only take 5 min. to look up on the almighty Google. There was already a reason for some angst and it just feels as if she just threw this in for kicks. Even admitting that she did not look up any info on it. Just purely guessing about a law that has been in effect since 1934. So I left a review..with the parts of the law that pertained to the issue.  And I didn't even have to dig into reading some long complex law. Just typed in the issue into that handy dandy Google..and BAM! The pertinent info appeared. Didn't even have to use any fancy phrases, just the one she used to describe the issue in her story. Why oh why can't writers take the time to look stuff up? If you are going to add an issue that is going to take over your story and base what happens next on it...don't just guess. Geez!  5 min..that was it....5 freakin min.

So , I now honor 2 of THE best researchers in storyland.

Lady G and Lissa Bryan....god bless the both of you for not driving me insane.


by Lady Gwynedd

Intrepid Isabella Swan leaves England to seek her destiny in the New World as an indentured servant. Little does she know her physical but temporary servitude would soon lead to another kind of servitude altogether. Not a BDSM fic, or even close to it.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 37 - Words: 147,304 - Reviews: 6850 - Updated: 8-13-12 - Published: 6-7-11 - Bella & Edward


The Selkie Wife

By Lissa Bryan

Set during the reign of "Bloody Mary" Tudor. Bella is captured by Edward to raise his daughter. He promises to release her one day, but will he? Court intrigues and danger around every corner. Can they, and their new-found love, survive? Rated M/OOC/AU
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 43 - Words: 193,424 - Reviews: 3,240 - Favs: 1,985 - Follows: 1,326 - Updated: 02-16-12 - Published: 11-30-11 - Status: Complete - id: 7598322

What authors do you love for giving you the real thing and not something half-baked?


What the Fic?!

Sunday September 9, 2012 at 9:03 AM


A little help

Sunday September 9, 2012 at 6:57 AM

Since it is Sunday, I assumed that this post is still okay.


I have a bit of an issue that I need help with.

Wednesday, we should find out if we are having a baby boy or girl

Problem is, my hubby is so set on Dominick Michael for a name while I like Harrison James. We have Katherine for a girl and that is as far as we got. I'm not too crazy about Dominick but I practically picked out our daughter's name. The issue is that with my dad's recent passing, everyone wants us to name him (if it is a boy) after my dad. I don't want to for two reasons.


(1) My dad hated his name

(2) I am trying to avoiding family names so that my children can have their own names.


Thank you!!

The Offspring

Banner, Please?

Sunday September 9, 2012 at 2:21 AM

So I literally JUST published my very first crossover and VERY first chapter fic. I've done oneshots, but this is even better.

:O That's right.

Many of you don't know this but, when my muse decided to take a vacation from fanfic about a year ago, I was devastated. I was really enjoying playing in one of my favorite fandoms. Then the muse said "Bye, taking off to the Carribean." (Not really, but that's what it felt like.) 

But yesterday, I was listening to one of my favorite songs and staring at Loki's picture (he's my wallpaper) and the idea started forming in my head. I will post the link at the bottom in case any of you are interested. I'm so proud of myself. It's an AvengersxTwilight crossover.

BUT NOW, what I need is a banner. I have one picture already (Loki's, of course) and I would do it myself, except A. I don't have Photoshop and B. I don't know how to make one.

This is where you campers come in. Please help me out!

And for my rec, I will shamelessly pimp my own new story.

If You Asked Me To

Loki has never known anything but hate. He doesn't know how to feel. Then one night, he ends up in Forks, 3 years after Edward left Bella. A birthday, a crossing of worlds. A chance for him to love for the first time, a chance for her to love again."Maybe, if you asked me to, I would change it all. I would change everything." BellaxLoki FIRST CHAPTER FIC!
Crossover - Twilight & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 701 - Published: 9-9-12 - Bella & L



Sunday September 9, 2012 at 1:51 AM

We had this with twitter already, but how about Instagram?

Who's on Instagram? Are you as obsessed as I am? Are you doing the photoaday challenges? (I started with them back in April and failed every. damn. month. haha)

Come in, share some photos and tell me your Instagram name so I can follow you :)



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