

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 2:09 PM











DON'T try this at home No really Don't do it

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 1:28 PM

Have you ever been in a pinch and thought...hey, I bet I could use this.  I don't see why not.  Yeah.  We've all done it.  

Ever put the wrong soap in the dishwasher?


Or try to substitute an ingredient in a recipe with disastrous results?  


Or you know, try Nads without really thinking through the process...


Or do something pitifully stupid while intoxicated or under the influence of adolescence?

I was going to post that one disastrous butt fireworks video but, for one, it's no good for the front page, and, for two, I decided it disturbs me too much that I just can't inflict it on you even in the comments and you've probably seen it anyway so we'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, so anyway.  I am out of razers.  I need to go to the store but I haven't had the time with starting my new job and all.  After I took my shower this morning, I put on a tank top because it's fracking hot here and I realized that my armpits were a little scary.  I could wear a tee shirt but who wants to do that when it's 100 degrees?  So.  My husband is on a hunting trip and he left his electric razer.  Why not?  Right?  Ugh.  I don't know what I did but I must have pressed too hard or something because now I have what amounts to rug burn in my armpits.  It hurts.  And itches.  And it burns.  And I still have to wear a tee shirt.  And who knows how long it's going to take to heal?  There's probably a warning that came with it that says never to ever use it on your armpits or something.

And I'm not posting a picture of my burned pits.  You're welcome.

Anyway, please come inside and share your stories or post ones you've seen on the good ol' internet so we can laugh at sympathize with each other.  

I'll be over here with my arms akimbo.  For a few days.  "Why, yes, Dr. Smith.  I'd love to give a treatise on the research process for your Historiography class.  Don't mind my elbows.  I find I have more academic clout if I stand this way..."

Scrooge McDunk

Name That Tune

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 1:04 PM

It's Saturday, and I'm looking for something to do that will allow me to avoid my massive school reading list... so let's play a game!

Here's how it goes: hit us with your favourite song lyric and a photo clue, and see who can guess what song it came from. Mine will be in the comments.




What the fic?!

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 10:53 AM

*posting today for writerinmydreams :)


going old school

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 8:46 AM



I just finished my millionth re-watch of the definitive Pride and Prejudice - THERE IS ONLY ONE MR. DARCY (and you know who you are Mr. Firth) and for the first time ever I have an interest in stepping outside the Twilight zone and  reading P & P fanfics.


I know we've had campfires about this before - due in part to the fact that one of our leaders may be one of the biggest fans of this story and its star ever.

I've tried the campfire search feature but I don't seem to putting in the right words, either in title/keyword or by tags.

Can anyone help direct me to these previous CF?

My recommendation:  His Cimmerian View

This fic was a bit odd in the beginning but it is slowly growing on me and may end up having one of the sweetest, albeit disturbed, Edwards ever.




Happy Football Weekend

Saturday September 15, 2012 at 7:36 AM

Since it’s the second weekend of the return of all football, how about giving me two adjectives that describe your college team, pro team, and/or fantasy team.

Tell me what games you’re watching this weekend, what look like good matchup, who are you excited to see play.

Tell me who you’re cheering for and I’ll join you, unless it’s Dallas, and then I just morally can’t :) My thoughts inside.

Here’s a nod to my college boys from the glorious Orange Bowl this year (this picture makes me all kinds of happy)


And a nod at my pro boys and future second husband


We’ll need a few of those superman tackles tomorrow against the Jets if we’re gonna to not go 0-2 to start the season.


You are an obsession. You're my obsession.

Friday September 14, 2012 at 9:49 PM

What are you obsessed with lately?  What new things have you found?

Food, beauty products, TV shows, songs...

Mine are inside....


Name that fic!

Friday September 14, 2012 at 9:14 PM

I read a fic months and months ago, and cannot find it for anything! Can you help?

Bella is graduating from high school. She receives a scholarship from Edward, who used to be a senator or something. He falls in love with her immediately, sees some of her art, and asks her to paint a mural in the office in his house. She comes to live there for the summer, until college starts, and they begin a relationship. Charlie is an alcoholic who looses his job at the police department, and ends up in rehab, or a hospital or something.

What's that fic???

And, also, what fics have you lost? What fic drew you in, then you could never find again? Why not post a description here and see if someone else remembers it!

Of course, I have a recommendation:

Robzbeanie wrote Walk Away, which was interesting and sparked some good debate! This new one is a doozy, and I can't wait to see how she weaves this one. I rarely get into a fic from the first chapter, but I'm all in baby!!!


What are you listening to?

Friday September 14, 2012 at 8:44 PM

I believe it is free for all correct?  : ) 

It is quiet in the forest so I am creating a campfire which I RARELY do. 

I am looking for your music rec's!   What song has you playing it again on repeat on your ipod?  My ipod is just a sad, sad mess lately. 

What I am listening to. 

And yeah.......... I am trying to decide what to do.  So it is personal.  And now I need your songs to make my ipod less sad and a more fun place to hang with!  TIA!


Let's play!

Friday September 14, 2012 at 3:15 PM

I'm ridiculously addicted to playing SongPop on my phone, but I need someone to play with. 

Do you also play? Do you want to play? Post your screenname here so we can play together.

If you play a different game and want more people to play with - post it here as well :-)

You can find me on SongPop as julie_84 (I know, creative screennames is my thing...)


What are you wearing?

Friday September 14, 2012 at 10:19 AM

In honour of New York Fashion Week (which just wrapped up), tell me what you're wearing.  I want pictures, people. 

What do you typically wear to work?  What is your go-to comfy outfit?  What do you wear to feel powerful/sexy?  Which celebrity do you think has style?


For your time, here's Matt Bomer looking cool and casual while out and about in New York.


p.s. permission was given by Ranger EK Smith but I was too lazy to post last night.


What the Fic?!

Friday September 14, 2012 at 8:10 AM



Friday September 14, 2012 at 7:03 AM

This week I've been watching BBC's Sherlock and I have fallen in love with Sherlock and John Watson.

I don't understand why I haven't watched it sooner. 

Now I need some help getting inside the Sherlock fandom. Please share your favourite Sherlock fanfics, fansites, tumblrs and anything else.  




Let's talk... outlines

Thursday September 13, 2012 at 6:36 PM


discuss the controversial topic of...


Some people swear by them. Some people hate them. Some people do them grudgingly. Some do them gleefully.

They can be detailed, vague, and everything in between.

So what about yours?

1. Do you outline your fics? Or figure it out as you go?

2. How detailed do you get?

3. How flexible are you in deviating from the outline as you're writing?

4. Do you have a specific methodology that you use?

5. Tips you've picked up?

6. If you'd like to, post a snippet from one of your outlines so people can see how you do it.


OUTLINE / noun, verb / outlining, outlined

1. the line by which a figure or object is defined or bounded; contour.
2. a drawing or sketch restricted to line without shading or modeling of form.
3. a general sketch, account, or report, indicating only the main features, as of a book, subject, or project: an outline of medieval history; an outline of a speech.
4. outlines, the essential features or main aspects of something under discussion: At the first meeting, we gave her only the outlines of the project.
5. Printing . an ornamented type in which the outside contours of each character appear in black, with the inside left white.

6. to draw the outline of, or draw in outline, as a figure or object.
7. to give an outline of; sketch the main features of: On the first day, the professor just outlined the course for us.


Oh, and hi... long time, no see :)




Thursday September 13, 2012 at 1:16 PM


So, today is Bella's Birthday! Come in and show me your ideal Bella.


What the Fic?!

Thursday September 13, 2012 at 10:52 AM

LJ Summers

Harry Potter Fic List

Thursday September 13, 2012 at 8:22 AM

Today is the day we begin to increase the scope of the Master Fic List by adding fan fiction from different supernatural fandoms.  


We begin here, in my house. Hufflepuff.  

Don't judge.  Badgers rock.  And...burrow. Yes, that.


To begin this new fandom, I am going to ask you to do your listing a little differently so please pay attention and include the following information:




RATING (G — NC-17, K - M)

Title, Author, Summary

Link (link may be imbedded in the title, as per usual, if you prefer)


This is a list, so please keep the discussion to a minimum.  I am going to be watching how this works and making adjustments for future supernatural-fandom-lists and their presentation. Thank you for your patience.

My first recommendation will be inside. I hope I format it properly. :)


May cause drowsiness.

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 8:14 PM

My new prescription for sleeping pills has an interesting warning:

"Rarely, after taking this drug, people have gotten out of bed and driven vehicles while not fully awake. People have also sleepwalked, prepared and eaten food, made phone calls, or had sex while not fully awake. Often these people do not remember these events. This problem can be dangerous to you or others. If you find out that you have done any of these activities after taking this medication, be sure to hire a lawyer immediately."


(I may have made part of that up.)


But also, it seriously says "May cause drowsiness" on the label, to which I can only respond: IT BETTER BLEEPING CAUSE DROWSINESS OR I WANT MY $62.50 BACK!


Go ahead and use this campfire to tell me stuff that bugs you about warning labels or medications or those IRRITATING DRUG ADVERTISEMENTS ON TV where you cannot tell what is being sold, only that it's something ALL MEN MUSY ASK THEIR DOCTORS ABOUT, but it occasionally causes serious side effects such as bleeding from the ears, hallucinations of Celine Dion, or even DEATH.

okay go.


Shadow and Bone

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 4:43 PM

'Harry Potter' producer to make 'Shadow and Bone' fantasy for DreamWorks  (article here)



Although I've started to be more than a little afraid every time Hollywood decides to turn a good YA novel into a movie, this one excites me.  I LOVED this book, it is SO good, and the fact that Dreamworks is behind this one gives me hope that the movie will be well done.  


(fan art by artist Kelly Leigh Miller)

What do you think?  Have you read the book (if not, what are you waiting for?!)?  If you have read it, who would you like to see cast in the major roles?

Lulu M

Iron Pen Challenge - September 29

Wednesday September 12, 2012 at 10:32 AM


Prize: ebook of More by TM Franklin

Guest Judges
TM Franklin aka Tkegl



Check In: 1:30pm PST
Time Starts: 2:00pm PST
Time Ends: 3:00pm PST

Winner Announced: October 6

For more information or to fill out an application, check out the IPC site:

You know her as TKegl, author of many amazing Twilight Fan Fiction like Beyond Time, Just One of the Boys, and Cutlass. We know her as TM Franklin, a new upcoming author ready to make her mark in the world.TM Franklin will be acting as a Guest Judge as part of her Blog Tour (9/29 to 10/6).

IPC will be participating by releasing a review of her upcoming book during the challenge on September 29.

The winner of this challenge (as determined by scores from all three guest judges) will win an ebook of More.

Posted with permission by LJ Summers

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