
More BDII pics

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 11:28 PM

Edward looking older. Still not enough to distract me from my 'should i or shouldn't i call back my ex BFF' obsessive thoughts. sigh

More pics in the comments

To make it interactive (based on Rainy Girl's comments) is the way they're making Edward look seem less appealing to you? I like that he looks older, but I also need the scary, angsty touch


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 6:36 PM

New banner, folks! Hope you like it. :)









"Eye of the Beholder [Edward/Bella]" by Lisa7bella1 <- This video is just AMAZING. Seriously. WATCH IT.


"Damon&Elena || Missing" by TheSolvetini <- Really great video. TVD comes on next week! CAN'T WAIT! :D




happy autumn!

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 11:20 AM

Myspace Halloween Graphics -

reecycle time, everyone!

this is a special fall edition: you can ask for stuff this time around. i mean for it to be costume-specific, but go for broke, man. ask away.

or you can offer up your stuff for free. you know the stuff. the stuff you keep but don't want or use anymore and can't bear to throw away, like that great dress or those vintage shoes that you grew out of or that make-up you took a chance on and looks terrible on you or whatever. get rid of it and give it to one of your fellow campers!

freecycle rules:

-start a comment in this CF listing what you're giving away or asking for.

-there is to be no exchange of money. if you're willing to give your stuff away, it's free. you will also take care of shipping, so let us know if you can only ship to certain countries. please don't ask to be reimbursed for shipping; that defeats the spirit of the freecycle!

-don't be rude. offer to reimburse on the shipping! times are rough, and i've been known to spend almost a hundred bucks in single freecycles because of all the shipping fees. i do it for you guys, but my bank account could use the reprieve, and i'm guessing a lot of yours could, too. or maybe offer a five dollar gift card or something, idk. if you really can't reimburse, don't worry about it! most people won't take your money anyway. but it's the polite thing to do to offer and mean it.

-first come. you can't be picky and choosy as to whom you give your stuff. it goes to the first response.

-don't be greedy. we've all seen it- those few people who basically sit in the post and call dibs on everything that gets offered. let others have a chance, man.

-for those asking for things: just list what you want/need. i'm gonna go ahead and say ask for whatever you want- who knows? maybe someone has that thing you're looking for. like me, who needs a bloody scream mask and ideas for a sorceror's costume.

-take care of business via PM. don't exchange information (emails, addresses) on ADF, please. be internet safe!

-edit your comment with a strike-thru once your item is claimed.

-if none of this makes sense, check out the CF from feb. 8 by clicking on the tag "freecycle" to get an idea of how this works.

now, have fun and trick/treat/be scary! PM me with any questions.

feed a tree and in return you get sexy captain hook fyt:


What the Fic?!

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 10:08 AM


HumpDay Games!!!

Wednesday October 3, 2012 at 8:44 AM


Today's Game: RE-TITLE

Take a fic, and give it another title. It can be something where you use synonyms for the major words (this is tougher imo), or something where you just give another appropriate title. Check the example!

Example 1: Red Room of Pain

Answer: MoTU

Example 2: Fully Alert

Answer: Wide Awake


Speaking of October...

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 11:51 PM

So I have this little tradition I do every year called the October Movie Challenge. I can't lay claim to its creation. I found a community for it on Livejournal but the community basically died so I've just kept doing it on my own. The challenge is to watch at least one horror movie every day in October that you've never seen before. For someone like me that's quite the challenge but I've found some real gems by doing this.

I'm not going to spam the Forest with daily posts because A. that would be against the rules and B. it would probably get annoying but I did want to share what I watched today.



I'll put my thoughts in the comments but it might be interesting to point out that the recently deceased Johnny Lewis is in this.
Anyway, to make this interactive what are your October/Halloween traditions? Are there any particular scary movies that you like to watch? A favorite costume you like to wear or event/haunted attraction that you do every year? Maybe particular foods you like to make? Or books/stories you like to read? Come share your October/Halloween traditions! Or just tell me the latest horror movie you watched. :)
Gods, I hope this is on topic enough and interactive enough. *crosses fingers*

Pulling to rewrite: part 2

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 7:03 PM

Well, technically not pulling, but definitely re-writing.

I’ve given it a lot of thought. I was actually going to do this once I got the 13th chapter of my main WIP out (So it wouldn’t that bad of a shock, after all I already warned of a hiatus on its way), but so far I haven’t been able to churn out anything that could pass as a chapter that’s “in- character” in regards to the present version of my fic. It’s just…not working. No matter how hard I try to write ch.13, I keep going back to my old copies of chapters one, two, and three and re-writing them. Hell, I’m already on ch.4.

I’ve looked at my early chapters, compared them to the most recent ones, and realized that the flow, the tone of the writing itself, doesn’t match. I had a completely different mindset when I began, still figuring things out, still not setting things in stone, and throughout the experience I learned a lot. More so if I hadn’t posted in the first place. A huge learning experience, I guess you could say.

It made me remember why I wanted to write this story in the first place, and that because I was under the impression I had to conform to a framework because it was fan fiction, I put what I really wanted on the back burner in order to write/focus on what I thought was supposed to be written/focused on.

And then I finally had an epiphany: I don’t have to follow any sort of guideline. I can write what I want to write. I don’t have to have the story closely tailored around Edward and Bella, or any of the other canon characters, I don’t have to write from certain POV’s in the first place because the truth is, my story, as someone commented after looking over a past chapter I’d written, is “not really about Twilight.”
And that’ s the truth. Resent isn’t about Twilight, at least, not completely.

To the person who commented, thank you, by the way. You know who you are.

Now, you may ask, “why post a wip in the first place?” well, the truth was, I didn’t think the fandom would still be around once I completed Resent. It was 2010, the twi-craze was already dying down somewhat, and I thought it would be risky to take my time and finish the story first before posting. I thought I was working on borrowed time. Plus, I wasn’t sure if the twist I had going with my main oc’s. would be received well.

The reviews and the fact that a good number of us are still here kind of blows those pre-conceived notions out of the ballpark, to my sweet relief.

What I said in past thread posts still stands: as long as the story is posted, it is not abandoned. Hiatus maybe, but not abandoned. The fact that it is still there means that I’m still a part of the fandom. If I ever decide to flounce, there is no way in hell that I would ever leave any of my writing’s unmonitored on the internet. If I ever decide to discontinue, you readers will be the first to know.

I’m leaving the current copy of Resent on, twilighted, and twcs for these reasons, and also because I know there are some who still enjoy re-reading the posted chapters. I’m sorry if this is upsetting. I know the update schedule for this fic has been somewhat tumultuous and nail-biting, especially with how things were left the last chapter, but I feel like if I don’t say something now, I’m going to end up posting something bland and soulless. Once I’ve written enough of the new version (or completed it) I’ll pull the old version and start re-posting.

I won’t hold it against you if you flounce, just don’t tell me that you are.

Again, I’m sorry about this guy’s, but my gut is telling me this is something I have to do.

So, thoughts?


Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 6:27 PM

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike!

Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews and discussing stories, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

Feel-Good reading! Give me your books and fics that make you SMILE!!!!!!!!


As always, read, review, and let 'em know you saw their fic rec'd on ADF.

Bella Kuran

Breaking Dawn 2 Final Poster

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 2:53 PM



Do you like it? Whad do you think the poster feautures the nomads instead of the Cullens?


October tidbits

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 12:17 PM

"Oh hushed October morning mild, begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief. Hearts not adverse to being beguiled, beguile us in the way you know."

Thank you Robert Frost

So-how are we all doing? Enjoying the fall weather? Tell us a little something about your lives. What are you reading? What are you watching? 

We have a few questions...

ARE YOU WATCHING HOMELAND? (cannot rave enough about this incredible show!) We are going to do a weekly post on it and please feel free to start campfires on it ANYTIME.

HAVE YOU SEEN BILLY BURKE IN REVOLUTION? loving it so far...another program that can be discussed ANYTIME here in the forest.


WHO HERE IN THE FOREST IS READING "THE BLESSED?" We just started and keep hearing "it's the new Twilight! it's the new Twilight!" but we aren't convinced. Should we be?


quick reminder

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 11:50 AM

 lol image for americnxidiot

tomorrow i'll do the fall freecycle. click here to get more information on what that is!

basically, we'll be trying to get halloween stuff for free from each other, so put on your genorosity hats and dig out any other stuff you no longer want. i'll be going to storage to get out some of last year's costume stuff from my kids.

oh, and if you have any ideas on how to dress up my kid as a sorceror, lemme know. i have no idea what i'm gonna do for that one yet. i'll be offering a scream mask, an indiana jones fedora, a michael jackson fedora, and maybe some homemade caramels. :3

anyway, check back tomorrow, and be ready to give/get stuff for free!

(doesn't have to be halloween, by the way- it can be anything)

my current playlist fyt


Fandom Merch

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 10:13 AM

So last night I found this great Supernatural-themed shirt I want for my birthday:

And it got me thinking: what are YOUR favorite smartass fandom shirts or other merch?

Pics please! All fandoms welcome!


What the Fic?!

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 9:05 AM


Jackson Rathbone in Cowgirls N Angels

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 6:43 AM


For Jackson Rathbone fans - the movie Cowgirls N Angels has been released on BluRay/DVD and is available at Walmart!

Of course I've ordered my copy. Jackson in a cowboy hat? {{{shiver}}}

Rated: PG

Summary: Ida, a feisty and rebellious young girl, dreams of one day finding her father, a rodeo rider, whose identity her mom has kept from her. While searching for her dad at a local rodeo, Ida meets the Sweethearts of the Rodeo, a team of young female trick riders run by cowboy legend Terence Parker. Terence discovers that Ida is the grand-daughter of a friend who passed away years before, so he decides to help her. Ida joins the Sweethearts and embarks with them on a tour of rodeos throughout the west. Ida hopes to find her father, but she discovers much more, including a love for horses that redefines her life.

Starring: Jackson Rathbone, Bailee Madison, Kathleen Rose Perkins, James Cromwell, Alicia Witt, Frankie Faison


The Offspring

Shopping Is My Therapy

Tuesday October 2, 2012 at 5:32 AM

I'm assuming that since there are discussion tags, I can post, yes?

So I go online to Amazon to go look at something for my phone. It was a phone case. What started out as a phone case turned into a hoodie (don't ask how much XP), a phone case and a bluray dvd I meant to get when I still had a gift card. I hate to say this but, I think I'm addicted to shopping. -_- 

Any advice on how to not spend, spend, spend????

Note:Part of the problem is that I am a night owl and I slept all day today. :P :P :P

A song I discovered by accident fyt (It has Sia doing the vocals)------vvvvvvvv



The friendship that wasn't

Monday October 1, 2012 at 11:19 PM

Capricorn approved.Thank you.

I'm devestated. My 'best' 'friend' (who was my bridesmaid and everything) and her husband invited us to their house, but it was an ambush. Literally. We got attacked so badly, and it all had to do with the way we handled my daughter being bullied. Which, I SWEAR, was very very mild (just talked to some parents we knew and wrote a VERY MILD letter to the new principal, informing her of what had happened). But their kid is in the same class and the bully's best friend and such a big mess was created, blaming us for things we didn't even do. As if my kid being framed through a fake FB account wasn't bad enough, now we're under attack as well. Even if we had done what they accused us of though (asking that the bully be removed to a different class) we would have been justified, damn it. It's my kid that's broken.

Anyway, not going to talk more about that mess. Just trust me, it's one of those clear cut cases in which we were right, and they were nasty and wrong. Even the fact that we were sitting there for hours completely clueless of what was to come when her husband came home, when they had it all planned, says it all.

So: Do we really need "best friends"? The girl that created the fake FB account did it when my daughter started hanging out with her best friend, and she freaked out she'd lose her. Again, EIGHT year olds. It's obvious that the issue of having a best friend could be associated with considering yourself worthy enough to have a best friend, and if you're not her best friend it means you're not as worthy as others? Worra mess. And if I'm going to be honest here, one reason I feel so bad, couldn't sleep, cried all night etc. is that my husband has the best friends ever. Is my judgement that bad? Am I that bad that I couldn't find such a trustworthy friend? Or was I just not lucky enough to meet people I can have such a connection to? Excuse my ramblings. Again, COMPLETELY sleepless.

Come share your worst best friend stories. No FYT picture 'cause my ramblings have taken up the whole screen

Update: She called me. "My husband MAY have been a little abrupt". I told her I'd known her for years and still can't believe how they could have attacked us with no warning like that. Then I started crying and hang up. I'm guessing she'll be waiting for me to call, and I won't. What's the etiquette here? Shouldn't she call to see if I'm OK? Is she going to find "I was waiting for you to call back since you can't talk to me" as an excuse? idk. I don't know.

Bella Kuran

'Breaking Dawn Part 2' Press Tour Will Includ

Monday October 1, 2012 at 11:38 AM

The final tour has been announced:

October 21 – October 28 Australia, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Scotland, Ireland: Robert Pattinson visits Australia, Kristen Stewart visits Japan, Taylor Lautner visits Brazil, Ashley Greene visits South Africa, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed visit Scotland and Ireland.

October 28 – November 3 Los Angeles, California: Worldwide press junket in Los Angeles with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Michael Sheen, director Bill Condon, author Stephenie Meyer, and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg.

November 4 – November 11 Various Cities, U.S.: The cast will do national press and talk shows.

November 12 Los Angeles, California: World Premiere of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 at Nokia Theater at LA LIVE featuring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the cast along with Bill Condon and Stephenie Meyer.

November 14 – November 16 England, Spain, Germany: Premiere Tour in London, Madrid, and Berlin featuring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Bill Condon, and Wyck Godfrey.' 

So... what do you think? Are you ready for the awkard moments?


What the Fic?!

Monday October 1, 2012 at 10:32 AM

LJ Summers

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fic List

Monday October 1, 2012 at 8:30 AM

Yes, I'm still doing this. :)

It can be argued that JOSS WHEDON became a household name...well, in some households...due to the TV series, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer (BtVS). 

buffy cast

This is a series that has a strong fandom, tons of possible storylines and some incredibly hot (and fun) folks.

And it has FAN FICTION.  

In our wish to keep the Master Fic List open to different supernatural fandoms, here is your opportunity to add fan fic from the BtVS fandom.

Because we only have this one list (at this time) please present your recommendations in the following format:

Canon or AU




Title, Author, Summary, Link


Thank you for sharing your favorite Buffy fics around the fire!


Happy Monday

Monday October 1, 2012 at 8:16 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!

First --- | >> | 536 | 537 | 538 | 539 | 540 | 541 | 542 | 543 | 544 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
