
Hocus Pocus

Friday October 12, 2012 at 7:30 PM

Hey everyone! So it's that time of year again-pumpkins, golden red leaves everywhere, and a chill in the air! I freaking love October, fall, and everything about Halloween! I've got my pumpkin spice candle burning, my harvest decor out and I'm (almost) decided on my halloween costume! This puts me in the mood for some good spooky reading, and I want to know what your faves are! I love vampires, werewolves, ghosts and witch tales-and lately I'm on a zombie kick! I live by myself so I do tend to get creeped out sometimes, but that's the fun of it, right? So some share your favorite haunting tales-be it a regular murder mystery, or something a little more supernatural.....

Here are few of mine-more inside:




P.S. I love Hocus Pocus and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Lame? Lol


Hot Chicks!

Friday October 12, 2012 at 4:14 PM

Since we have the hot guys campfire it seems only fair to me to have one for hot chicks. I can't be the only Forest dweller that likes girls! So come post your girl crushes along with me.


Halloween hottie Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, invites you in.





Friday October 12, 2012 at 2:30 PM

I thought that camper was kidding!  I can't have Sunday mornings without bacon, my friends!



Bacon.  Hit me with your bacon loving ideas, recipes, pictures.  Or spam me with pictures of gorgeous, semi-nekked men.  Your choice.  



What the Fic?!

Friday October 12, 2012 at 10:51 AM


Autumn Weddings!

Friday October 12, 2012 at 9:45 AM

So as many of you know (if you saw my photo journal thingy) About six weeks ago I got engaged to my long time boyfriend Rob. We've known each other since we were 11 and been together since we were 16 (I'm almost 22 now).

We've set the date - October 2015. Which is after I've finished univeristy and will finally be a qualified pharmacist. Yes it's a long way off but, I can't stop planning!

Every day I'm looking at either dresses or venues or reading bridal magazines. I created a pinterest account soley to collate my wedding ideas. I feel insane.

Now, the reason for me making this campfire is to hear about other peoples experiences either as a bride-to-be or with a bride-to-be. Basically I need to know that what I'm doing is normal xD.

Also, share engagement stories, either your own or someone elses :D.

Let's just talk weddings :D



Friday October 12, 2012 at 8:32 AM

it's free for all, y'all

-feed a tree while you're here, please!

-make as many posts on any subject you like, no permission or recommendations required!

-all freeforalls start at midnight thursday and end at 6pm sunday (eastern time)

-no n00dz or curse words on the front of your campfire, and no personal attacks ever; these rules do not change

-post away! make a friend! share something awesome you saw! do a hot chicks picspam! a social media post! a gossip-y, juicy details CF! whatever you want!

or maybe just share some autumn-ish things, like these pictures here:


So much pretty

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 8:00 PM

New photoshoot. Consulting a thesaurus to find the proper words. Sorry for the watermarks  :-(





Thursday October 11, 2012 at 5:41 PM




So grab a drink!


Possibly a stuffed animal (because you there will be those WTF moments when you need to grab on to something for dear life).











(For those of you can't watch the show, there will be SPOILERS in this campfire).

To discuss your theories and other TVD things, scroll on down to Melissa Cullen's campfire and post away!






Today is release day for Lissa Bryan!

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 4:24 PM

Thanks to LJ Summers (Ranger Chick) for allowing me to create a campfire in order to brag on one of our own. :)

Today is release day for Lissa Bryan's original fiction novel Ghostwriter! I had the pleasure of reading an advanced copy, and it's a wonderful supernatural romance that keeps you on your toes!

lissa book

Click on the cover for more information or

Check it out here: http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/books/detail/69 

Do you believe in ghosts? Ever had a ghostly experience? Discuss! :)


Ranger ETA the bookcover. :)


TMI City of Bones News

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 3:16 PM


I know it has been awhile but seriously this is the first thing i had for you guys in weeks i hope you enjoy this

Melissa Cullen

Today's the day!!!

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 11:57 AM

It's a big night for TV tonight.  And no, I'm not talking about these guys:

(Although, I'll be checking up on them online tomorrow)

I'm talking about the beautiful Salvatore brothers!  It's been a loooooong summer with no new episodes of The Vampire Diaries.  Unless, you spent the summer watching them on Netflix.  ;) 

So, come in here and give me your theories about what may or may not happen this season.  What do you think about Elana and how the season ended?  Do you think she'll ever make a decision and pick one of the brothers?  Are you a hard core Delana/Stelana shipper?  Come in here and discuss!  There will be *spoilers* if you're not caught up yet.

Or just spam me with pics of my lovah.  I'll start.


Anyone wants these fantastic TB fics on Word?

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 11:25 AM

If you're sick of me fangirling all over Talulablue's hindquarters please ignore this post.

I've been getting several requests for TB's (author of With Teeth) AU o/s "The Ninth Time" recently. If any of you want it let me know. She'd written it for a charity auction, but she's OK with us passing it around. And, again, if any of you want WT on word, let me know too. Can't remember who I'm quoting, but the writing's from another stratosphere and I plan to read it for the 9th time

Classic Edward FYT


What the Fic?!

Thursday October 11, 2012 at 9:16 AM


Isn't that special?

Wednesday October 10, 2012 at 8:30 PM

So, RPatz gets caught canoodling with some blonde chick in a bar (who may or may not be Sienna Miller or her long, lost cousin)' and then Summit coughs up new pics of Bella and Edward.



(More pics at Robsessed)


Coincidence? Hmmmm? If Rob gets caught doing a chick in a car he bought off of Craigslist, will they send us all free DVDs of BD2?


ETA: Ohhh. Apparently these came from some fandom magazine. Oh well, I can still hope for a free DVD (or car sexin'). Feel free to post sexy pics of dudes not wearing granddaddy pants.


I Spy With My Little Eye...

Wednesday October 10, 2012 at 5:10 PM

Robert Pattinson out having a fun night in NYC with... a blonde woman?

Take our word for it… You’re looking at exclusive pics of Robert Pattinson out with… Well, it’s not Kristen Stewart.

They’re at the Electric Room Bar in New York City, and the only thing that’s clear… They’re getting pretty close.

We know it’s not Kristen, because she was 3,000 miles away on a date with her Dad at a concert in Los Angeles…

Our sources say they spent the night chatting and cozying up to one another, but is this mystery blonde just a friend? It’s all hazy.

It’s rumored that Rob and Kristen have rekindled their romance after her public cheating scandal, but clubbing with other girls could spell more trouble for the Twilight co-stars.

But clearly, it’s all difficult to make out.


So campers, what do you think? Is our boy finally using his undeniable gorgeousness to get beautiful woman? Or is it a case of "what you see, is what you get?" *cough* I hope it's the former. *cough*

more grainy pics under the cut.


What the Fic?!

Wednesday October 10, 2012 at 8:20 AM


Kristen's preview of Fandom nuttiness

Wednesday October 10, 2012 at 1:35 AM

Kristen will be doing a 'live' question and answer session as part of her promo for the Balenciaga Florabotanica perfume.  The blog Fashionista.com, LINK to the article, surfed through the submitted questions and has pulled out the lol-worthy ones for our amusement.

1. “What makes you realize that Robert Pattinson is the one that keeps you alive?”–EUNYEONG

2. “If you were to be placed inside a green house (not forcibly that’s illegal) full of wild, exotic flowers (not man eating ones) and you were blind folded, what are the chances you’ll be able to sniff out Florabotanica in under a minute?”–Krisflws

3. “Will you marry Robbert Pattinson?”–Kate

4. “Hi Kristin. I am a major Twi-mom (52) that is praying for you and Rob. What does this new scent smell like? I love perfume too and you as well. I know true love when I see it and you two got it. Don’t loose that… Love and Blessings!”–Bonnie

Aww, Bonnie, you sound like a nice lady.   Keep on praying.

The rest in the comments.

Has anyone tried Florabotanica?  

I love the black stripe design.  Recent events did temporarily dampen my enthusiasm, but I'm willing to try it now. 

Are you a one-fragrance gal/guy or someone who puts on different scents depending on the occasion?


Stupidly Under-reviewed Fics

Tuesday October 9, 2012 at 6:23 PM

Exactly what the title suggests...

Gimme fic recs that are:


2) Under-reviewed

3) WIPs, Completes, whatever

4) AU, AH, Canon, Secondaries, Non-canon, whatever

Tell us why we simply MUST read it.


My rec: Delphian City, by Boom-Boom Jones

Summary: There are dark secrets in Delphian City. Edward Cullen is one of them. AH/AU OOC Supernatural/Fantasy/Sci-Fi minus the vamps.

Why you all need to read it? Killer plot [think TDK-dark-super-hero], fantastic writing, mysterious, unique, FUN.

Here's a little taste:

"It won't help, that thing you've been working on. Things will get worse, boy. The demon that lives within you will bring destruction and death to your city." She pauses, scraping her nail deep into my palm. "There's nothing you can do. No matter how hard you fight it, you will lose."

I swallow, close my eyes and for a second there's only ringing in my ears. The old woman pinches the side of my hand, hard, but I don't flinch. When I open my eyes she stares at me devoid of emotion. All traces of bullshit are gone, yet there is something in her eyes that flicker, like a cat about to kill its prey.

After a moment, the old woman breaks into a throaty laugh. "Go ahead, ask. Ask me what you really want to know." I don't have to; the answer is written in every wrinkle that's etched into her decrepit face.

But I can't stop myself. "Will she survive it?"


Missing Rob

Tuesday October 9, 2012 at 8:37 AM

Hi! I haven't made/started/built a campfire in a loooooooong time..

I was on Maternity leave for a whole year so I missed A LOT of fandom stuff.

I want to be refreshed of the most important fandom "stuff" that I may have missed over the passed year ...most importantly HOT ROB!

So please shower me with new pics of Mr. Pattinson from the last year or so.

This pic of Rob at the NYSE is my new obsession lately, and I had to change my Avi in honor of it:

You see..I work for a Stock broker so...this is like fantasy Stock Broker Rob for me!*drool*


To make it more interactive...Do you have a fantasy job or a job you wish you had?

For me, if I could start my career and schooling over..I would be a nurse!


What the Fic?!

Tuesday October 9, 2012 at 7:43 AM

First --- | >> | 533 | 534 | 535 | 536 | 537 | 538 | 539 | 540 | 541 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
