
donation megapost

Tuesday October 30, 2012 at 8:50 AM

hurricane sandy: how to help

i hope all of our east coasters are okay!

i don't have a lot of money, but i'm going to pitch in. i hope you all will consider doing the same. there are 40k registered members on ADF. if even one tenth of us donated five bucks, that would be $20,000. that's a venti at starbucks with two extra shots. please consider donating to one (two, five, all) and helping out. 

donate to the red cross here and i seriously hope you all donate blood on the regular. the nation faces a need for blood on a normal day; when there are disasters like this one, donations of your blood are critical, especially if your blood type is O negative (and i'm sure you're told that all the time). please, please consider going to donate blood today.

donate to americares here. americares is a nonprofit global organization that provides medicine and medical supplies to disaster-struck areas.

donate to the salvation army here.  they're an evangelical organization dedicated to helping those in need.

donate to the ASPCA here. they're working hard to help save animals affected by the storm. :(

donate to the national firefighters endowment here. "Your donation will go directly to replacing life-saving equipment and emergency aid to fire departments that have suffered hardship in the wake of Hurricane Sandy."

donate to samaritan's purse here. a faith-based organization that is sending help to the ground.

donate to the fandom fights the hurricane compilation thing here. the money collected goes to the red cross.

and this article by the better business bureau  BBB) is great- it's on how to donate effectively online. all the advice is sound. i promise, i followed all of the advice in here and i always do, but don't take my word for it. :)

if there are other charities that are helping out, let us know. i'll add to my list up there.

if you can, let us know that you're okay! 

if you're looking for an east coast fandom friend, maybe we can help you find them.

just... talk about sandy stuff in this campfire. the forest wants to help in any way that it can.

if you donate, and i really hope that you consider doing so, thank you. i know this fandom is a generous one, and i think we can help out.


What the Fic?! 10/30

Tuesday October 30, 2012 at 8:00 AM


Smells like hobo spirit

Monday October 29, 2012 at 7:33 PM

E! News can exclusively reveal that the Twilight star has signed a mega-deal with Christian Dior. Pattinson will star in a series of ad campaigns for the French fashion house's line of men's fragrances.

"Rob likes the brand," reports a source, who estimates the deal at being worth close to $12 million for three years.
Other celebs who have endorsed Dior fragrances include Jude Law, Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman, who appeared in a controversial topless ad last year.

R.Pattz is no stranger to Dior. He's hit the red carpet in several different Dior Homme looks, including a tuxedo at this year's Cannes Film Festival and jeans at the Teen Choice Awards.

Can we get Rob re-enacting the Charlize Theron Dior commercials? Where's he's drops trou while walking through some amazing penthouse suite? Yes? Please?

What product do you think Rob would best fit as the spokesperson? And feel free to post a pic of which version of Rob it would be. For example:



If you don't want to play with Rob, feel free to choose another Twilight cast member to pimp out.


Happy Monday

Monday October 29, 2012 at 8:12 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


What the Fic?! 10/29

Monday October 29, 2012 at 7:29 AM

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday October 29, 2012 at 5:43 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Sunday October 28, 2012 at 2:42 PM

It's a very special day!!!!

Wolvesnvamps is the driving force behind ADF.  

Without her, we all wouldn't be gathering here right now. 

Come in and share some birthday love for our amazing Alpha Ranger.

In case you haven't noticed, she's particularly fond of Damon and Edward.  



Don't forget to feed the trees (as always), and to check out our Halloween Fanfiction contest HERE.  To wolvesnvamps and everyone else on the east coast/storm path - stay safe! <3




Oh, Sandy.

Sunday October 28, 2012 at 11:24 AM

I was just wondering how many of our campers this storm might affect.

I thought a CF for those campers who are in Sandy’s path to be able to update their current weather status and "living conditions" would be informative.


Does he hate Twilight or what? Lol

Sunday October 28, 2012 at 1:37 AM

Rob during BD2 promotion...Lol



Rob yesterdat at LACMA Gala..*Swoon*

Spam me with Hot Red Carpet Robert Pattinson!


Yoga/Pilates: Will I live for more years?

Sunday October 28, 2012 at 12:13 AM

I've never done any exercise. Even at school, I used to ditch it ALWAYS. In my mind it was sth you did for weight, and I would much, much rather never eat (and I love food) than do that horrible thing. In fact so far I've been pretty much relying on the fact that I'm living in the country with the highest life expectancy for women lol

However, my father died a few years ago because of heart problems (he smoked though), and I realized I need to do sth. I run out of breath (and feel like I'll die) pretty quickly whenever I try to e.g. go running, so I signed myself up for a Yoga and a Pilates class. Haven't done Pilates yet, but I've been to three classes of Yoga, and, well, is that really helping? It's an absolute beginners class, and most of the exercises require you to turn your head s-l-o-w-l-y to the left, and then to the right, and the instructor's then like 'Now rest" lol. I'm not kidding you. And then for at least a quarter of an hour we just lay down with our eyes closed while she talks about us needing to feel like we're sinking into the ground, and we feel our toes and our cheeks and whatever muscles relax and I'm just too much of a cynic and a stressed out person that gets obsessed with everything for this.

So, does this really help? Has anyone tried it? I really need to stop obsessing over my rl problems (STILL obsessing over my ex BFF story if you remember it), but I think it's Twilight ff that's the only way for me to escape. And I'm not getting my fix recently, unfortunately

Almost yoga-ing Rob FYT

-le jen-

She will never come back...

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 7:49 PM


blown away.


-le jen- is back from ze ded?  oui, oui, j'ai augmenté! c'est mon post feu de camp en premier!

For those of you that don't know me, I'm sorry, but that'll happen soon. Cause I'm officially gonna start to try to be more present in the cyber world again. I was on the FF scene a few years back and wrote a couple diddies that some know that involved some Sessy Stretching and a breathmint.

For those that do know me here a round up of what's been a happenin':

  • I finally finished my degree. (YAY)
  • I'm officially disney whored out. Long story, but know I'm a little fangirl about Disney World. cause it's just frakking fun. (YAY)
  • I live in Seattle. (BRRRRR)
  • I'm engaged. (YAY)
  • He's in the military (HOT)
  • He's deploying within the week. (SAD)
  • I miss writing. (SAD)

I dunno all the rules (ie if i should be showing what im' reading, but mostly that's via kindle) so if i'm doing something wrong then lemme know cause then all i'll be is ignorant and no one like an ignoramous. BUT wtvoc said this is a Free-Fors-All so i'm thinking i'm good to go fer now. 

So can I be in your group after the offish wedgie and you steal my underwears? Also, shoot me yer best fanfic's cause mamma needs something to do while her prince charming is off fighting the bad guys.


Trying to locate two fics

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 6:51 PM

I have been trying to find two fics for a while, and since it is FFA I thought I decided to post my first campfire to request help.

The first story is one with a "famousWard".  Edward is in the movie industry (actor/director maybe?) and is scouting the Forks area to make a picture.  Bella is a pastry chef who wears snarky shirts and pens her thoughts in a Moleskine journal . When she is catering on the movie set, her journal gets mixed with Edwards.  I think Emmett is Bella's brother in the story and Alice is her bestie. 

I saw a post recently that led me to believe that the second story I am looking for might be Broken by EevyAngel.  It is the story where Edward is missing and presumed dead, and is later found with amnesia.  Does this sound right, and would anyone have a copy of it they would be willing to share?


 I just finished this one and loved it, and wanted to share.  I really don't know how I missed it before.

River by CaraNo     Summary: He’s new in Port Pines. She already lives there with her boyfriend and best friend. Most of them work together. He falls hard and fast. She’s confused. And soon, he knows something that the rest don’t. Not even Bella.

Please let me know if I have done something incorrect here, I normally only post replies...


ICED- Who is going to read it?

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 12:37 PM








I never really get into books based on secondary characters from another series, but the Fever Series is continuing with Dani. I didn't really love her, but I am hoping she will be less annoying as an older character.

I am excited. Especially since I think the love triangle may include Christian..another secondary character.

I am even going to pay the hefty 13 $ Kindle price...Something I never do.


Anyone else planning on reading this?

Whom do you picture as Ry?

If not, what other New Releases are you looking forward to?


ADF Fit Club

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 8:07 AM

Just for the record, that's not me. Sigh.


So, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting up the fit club again. For anyone who wasn't around for the first run, the idea was that we all followed our own diet/exercise regime and logged in each week to see how we'd done. It kind of faded away due to real life.


I've been plateauing for 8 months. I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy following some seizures that I had in March and have had zero interest in my health since. I'm on some fairly heavy medication which is taking it's toll on my energy levels, have had some problems at work (been in contact with my union - sigh) and have decided that I need a change in attitude.


Last time we had a 40 week challenge - set yourself a target weight of how much you'd like to lose in 40 weeks and come in for a weekly update. We also have a livejournal group, which has also been very quiet for a while.


ETA: We're going to go ahead with it! Weekly ADF Fit club on Fridays. I'll see you all next week!


wake me up when October ends

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 7:20 AM

So no more waiting on the other shoe to drop for my boys, they threw the shoe, dropped the foot that was wearing the shoe, and cut off the leg that held that foot. Now, I can just sit back and enjoy the games without stressing about bowl games….or Heismans…..or winning.

Luckily, WVU is off this week and I can cheer for so many of y’alls teams that don’t suck under pressure. So, who you cheering for this weekend, what games look good, what are you hoping will happen. Mine inside.

And a nod at my pro boys who actually looked like they wanted to win for the first time ever last week.



What the Fic?! 10/27

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 5:55 AM


Movie remakes?

Saturday October 27, 2012 at 12:30 AM

So i just seen these remakes were coming out..... not really sure what to think about them yet, but I'm definitely going to see them..... anyone else know of any other remakes coming out? 


School Help

Friday October 26, 2012 at 10:36 PM

I was just told today that the degree I worked hard for, just finished and paid for, is incomplete.  I was told that the person that worked with me before didn't cover me for all I was supposed to do, which I found odd since I transferred a lot of credits from my first degree. 

Then, I found out from a girl I know that the school is close to losing their regional accreditation, which would render my degrees useless.


I like my school, since I don't have to pay my books (thanks to military), for my master's I wouldn't have to write the dissertation or thesis, have two discussions, possibly a journal and assignments.  


Does anyone have a school like this??  I need it to be military friendly, possibly non-profit, and regional accredited.


Make Me Feel Better...

Friday October 26, 2012 at 9:31 PM

Ok, so I will be the first person to admit that I'm not exactly the most graceful elephant in the heard, but holy jeez~

This morning I was outside early because I had to take my mom to the doctor. I had on a pair of leggings & a little pair of Tahari ballerina flats. I LOVE Tahari flats because I have this funky bone in my little toe that sticks up and the Tahari ballerina flats fit over it instead of cutting against it.  Anyway, sometimes, if I hit the heel just right I slip.

Well, this morning was one of those times. I'm not sure if I slipped on a leaf or what, but it was like THE OTHER TEAMS QUARTERBACK MUST GO DOWN AND HE MUST GO DOWN HARD.  I freaking tackled myself. Landed ON my right knee.  

I sat in the driveway, writhing in pain for a bit until  my father finally moseyed on over to help me up.  And I do mean moseyed. Good grief! 

Anyway, my mother wanted her doctor to look at it, but he was already backed up. He essentially said if I wanted to go back in the afternoon for him to take a look he'd fit me in, but the fact that I was standing and able to put weight on it, albeit with pain, meant I hadn't broken anything (I guess that was his professional opinion LOL)

Anyway, the result is my knee looking like chopped meat~i have about an inch wide by 2 inch long epic skinned knee which stiffens up and hurts when the Advil wears off. I'm walking better and with less pain than when I fell, but I can't put pressure on it right now to walk up the steps.  Hopefully that clears up in a couple of days, because I have a LOT of things to do that require walking and stair climbing, not to mention lugging and lifting. 

Had I just landed on my massive ass, none of this would have happened. I'd have bounced right back up and no harm, no foul.


So...humor me...make me feel better by telling me your stories of self inflicted maiming, so that I don't feel like the only idiot in the world who's ever taken themselves out!









Spank! The Fifty Shades Musical.

Friday October 26, 2012 at 9:18 PM

The Fifty Shades Parody.  A Laugh-Out-Loud Musical!

Not sure if anyone has already posted this, but I was going to buy show tickets for my mom for Christmas and came across this:


Third only to New York and Chicago, Toronto has a huge theatre scene so this is totally legit.  5 shows in November if anyone's in town...

Want another story within a story?  Check out:

Fan Fiction, Sex Gods and Single Girls by bannerday

After a series of mortifyingly awkward events, fan fiction writer & teacher, Bella, finds story inspiration in her new hot-headed, sexy neighbor, Edward. She'll just faint when she finds out who's reading her latest fic! Art imitates life imitates art. A fic within a fic and an homage to everything we love about this fandom! AH/Humor/Canon Couples/Humor/UST/Humor/Love/Humor/Lemons

Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 44 - Words: 309,162 - Reviews: 10,445 - Favs: 3,252 - Follows: 3,997 - Updated: 10-13-12 - Published: 06-21-11 - id: 7103047

First --- | >> | 527 | 528 | 529 | 530 | 531 | 532 | 533 | 534 | 535 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
