THANK YOU, the fic with all the stolen words has been removed. Thank you so much for your help in reporting this. And I also want to thank everyone for leaving their pitchforks at home. I love the way the fandom comes together to help out a fellow writer/reader.
Morning, Campers, wish it was a good morning in my little fandom world.
A lovely reader informed me yesterday that she had seen a fic that had MY words in it.
Now, it's okay to be inspired by another's words. Heck, many of us have been inspired by Stephenie and have written oodles of words stemming from that inspiration. What's NOT cool is to copy/paste Steph's words, my words, any words into your fic and call it your own.
And that's what this author has done.
This is my IMMERSION chapter three: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5434313/3/Immersion
This is the stolen SINGER CONNECTION chapter three: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8863192/3/Singer-Connection
There are actually a couple of words from my chapter two here, also. And about 3/4 of the way down, there's a chunk of words from nails233's THE SINGER CONNECTION.
One of my beta's did the math on the whole thing (all three of her chapters, divided into sections) and this is what she came up with:
Stephenie Meyer owns about 80% of what you called "yours" in section one
Katmom owns about 75% of what you posted in section three.
Nails233 owns about 35% of what you posted in section three.
This "author's" response was that we needed to read the "hole" thing. I don't mind being INSPIRED, but to take whole chunks of dialog and narrative and call them your own? Not cool.
I would appreciate help in getting this reported. There's a report button at the bottom of each chapter, then you choose why it should be reported. This fic is NOT the work of the uploading "author." I also ask that we all leave the pitchforks and torches at home.
To make this interactive, how do you think is the best way to deal with something like this? Have you dealt with this in your own fic life? How did you deal with it?
Fic Rec: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7291391/1/
Author: u2shay PM
On the eve before the fight with the newborns and Victoria, Edward and Bella finally sit down and discuss her reluctance to marry him and how her friendship with Jacob is harming their relationship. An Eclipse "should-have-been" and beyond. E&B
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Edward & Bella - Chapters: 12 - Words: 74,018 - Reviews: 1,048 - Favs: 605 - Follows: 784 - Updated: 01-03-13 - Published: 08-15-11 - id: 7291391
Nice tweaks on canon! Lots of fun...and that last posted chapter....HOT!