The Host

Friday January 4, 2013 at 10:26 PM


My son has a new girlfriend.  I like her ...  A LOT.  She is probably the nicest girl he has ever dated.  

Anyway, she made a point of loaning me this book and telling me how much she loved it.  I considered reading it when it first came out but couldn't get into it.  But I REALLY like this girl and feel I should give it a go.

So please tell me campers:  Love it?  Hate it?  And why?  Also, feel free to give me a spoilery synopsis, cause I love spoilery synopses (and yes, I did have to look up the plural form of that word).


Hello :)

Friday January 4, 2013 at 8:39 PM

Well, I'm back again for more help...

I need to do a interview/survey wtih children older than the age of eight.  


Here's my questionaire:




What book genre do you prefer, i.e. humor, thriller, mystery, etc.?

Why do you enjoy it?

What do you look for when reading a book?

What books do you find boring and why?

What are you currently reading? Is it for school or personal pleasure?

According to your teacher’s report, are you under, average, or above the general reading level (according to the accelerated reading program, where you do stand)?

Do you attend public school, private school or homeschooled?



If possible, could I get it back before Sunday night??



Thank you all so much!!!!  


Why didn't someone stop me?

Friday January 4, 2013 at 8:28 PM

I just read The Perfect Wife... why didn't someone stop me?

Have you read it? What did you think.

What bothered you the most?

And... why is this still posted? Aren't there rules on that website against some of that content?


And...just to make it more itneractive... what other stories, books or fanfic did you regret after you read?


Best or worst adaptations

Friday January 4, 2013 at 4:00 PM


So, Diana Gabaldon (author of the Outlander series) posted a rant an update on Facebook this morning concerning the status of the Outlander series being adapted as a tv series on Starz.  (Rant Update posted in the comments for those who might be interested.)

I am trying to be excited about this development, but in truth I am terrified.  I loved Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books, but hated the HBO adaptation after Season 1.  And even though I stopped watching at that point, I have never been able to reread the books without seeing that cast in my head. 

Ditto Twilight, although it wasn't the movie adaptation that ruined things as much as the Robsten drama.  At one point I wasn't able to enjoy the books OR fanfic, although I've slowly been dipping my toes into fanfic waters with better success.  

But there is a special place in my heart for JAMMF and Outlander and I am so afraid to watch/read anything that will ruin the experience for me, ya know?  What if I hate the casting?  What if they aren't true to the books or to JAMMF's most excellent character?  How will I be able to stand to watch the scenes between Jamie and Randall at Wentworth without the aid of VALIUM?  

So tell me, what are your favorite or least favorite book to small-screen/big-screen adaptations, and why did you like (or hate) them?  What would you have changed or done differently?  

And, if you're an Outlander fan, what do you think of the books being turned into a TV series a la True Blood?


Ketchup or Mustard?

Friday January 4, 2013 at 11:20 AM

I know this topic is a real dividing issue. I didn't know how dividing it was until I watch this news video, which I seem unable to embed correctly here. Here's a link to the video if you're interested :

Here's the jist of the story as reported to WFTV 9:

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A confrontation over ketchup nearly led to a fight between a restaurant worker and a customer, officials said.

Luis Martinez said he stopped by a Subway shop in a Walmart on South Semoran Boulevard late Tuesday night to get something to eat. He said he ordered a Philly cheese steak the way he always does.

"American cheese, onions and ketchup," said Martinez.

Lawrence Ordone was working behind the counter.

"He wants ketchup on the Philly cheese steak and I have never put -- we don't even have ketchup at Subway -- I've never put ketchup on anybody's sandwich," said Ordone.

Martinez said he didn't want the sandwich without the ketchup and that a man next to him in line offered to buy the sandwich.

Ordone said that Martinez mouthed off at the man.

Martinez denied saying anything, but neither he or Ordone disputed what they said happened next.

"That's when I flew off the handle," said Ordone.

"He shoved a chair to the side, like knocked it down to come at me, and I said, 'This is going to be serious,'" said Martinez.

"I said, 'Let's go, fight me like a man,'" said Ordone.

"I was scared. Next thing, I'm thinking a gun's going to come out," said Martinez.

Ordone said he blocked the customer so he couldn't get out.

"He threatened to kill me in front of my wife," said Martinez.

Martinez called 911, but by the time police got there the Subway worker had already left.

Ordone said he was fired from his job Wednesday, and that he is baffled the confrontation started over something as simple as ketchup.

"There's ketchup three aisles down. You can go buy your own ketchup, and I promise to God, you can put as much as you want on it and nobody's going to say nothing," said Ordone.

Ordone was not arrested.
WFTV found out his case might be forwarded to the State Attorney's Office to determine whether or not to prosecute him. 


Come to think of it, I don't recall of seeing ketchup in a Subway before. Also, the idea of putting ketchup on a cheese steak is kinda weird, but personal preferences, yo.

So ketchup or mustard?

Do you draw a line on what you will put your favorite condiment on?

Why? I'm bored.

Keep it nice folks. Don't let it descend into chaos.


bad, bad kitty!

Friday January 4, 2013 at 7:46 AM

omg, thank goodness it's still the ffa! i need forest doctors or those who just play one on the internet

so, in the middle of the night, i wake up and think HEAVENS, MY BABY TOE AND ALL THE SURROUNDING AREA REALLY HURTS. HMMM. then i fell back asleep.

this happened like, 3 times.

in the morning i wake up, toss the covers off and look at my little toe and foot. it's bright red, all bent up and mis-shapen and really swollen and stiff.

so, i stand and shout to j that his restless sleeping has finally left me with a broken bone. he disregards this entirely and resumes his shower.

it's hard to walk on and i'm like...well, how in the world did this happen? i'm too lazy to sleep walk. and so i think real, real hard and remember back to the previous evening, when my cat friend Kip got scared (he actually coined the term scaredy-cat) and clawed my foot.

sure enough, there is a small puncture right at the EPICENTER OF PAIN.

it's all red and swollen and stiff and starting to trail up my calf.

clearly, it's infected.

i know everyone will say go to the doctor--and look, maybe i will. but in the meantime, what do i do about this? is there some way to draw the infection out at home with like....bayleaf oil and hot stones or something?

i know we got homeopathic fans here, where ya at?


disclaimer: neither adf nor any of it's participants are liable for crappy medical advice. take it at your own risk. got it.

What the Fic?! 1/4

Friday January 4, 2013 at 7:34 AM


Amish Mafia

Thursday January 3, 2013 at 6:58 PM

If you don't watch The Discovery Channel, or haven't heard of this show, you're missing out.

Or maybe not. Honestly, if it's not your thing, then it's not your thing.

I've been meaning to make a campfire about this show since it started, but it always happens to slip my mind. While I'm thinking about, here's a basic summary of the show:

From the Discovery Channel website: Untrusting of outside law enforcement, some Amish in Lancaster County, PA have for many years regularly turned to a small organized group of men for protection and justice. A sneak peek of Discovery's new series Amish Mafia, which provides a first-ever look at the men who protect and maintain peace and order within the Amish community in Lancaster, will air Tuesday, December 11 at 10:30 PM ET/PT. The series will premiere Wednesday, December 12 at 9:00PM ET/PT.

Now, I don't know about you, but I've always been fascinated by the Amish, and how they live. I know that, personally, I wouldn't last a full day in a community. I've become spoiled, and I'll freely admit that, no problem.

from left to right: John, Alvin, Lebanon Levi, and Jolin (a Mennonite).
Not pictured: Esther, John's sister.

So, to make this interactive:

1. Do you watch the show?

2. Uh... IDK. Would you be willing to live the way the Amish do?

3. Jolin's hot, I'm not even sorry. ;)


To Snob or not to snob?

Thursday January 3, 2013 at 6:50 PM

Hiya peeps!


So today I was talking to a friend about books after going to B&N and using my Christmas gift card to buy several of them. Well, a couple years ago I had gotten rid of my copies of the Twilight books and lately have been yearning to reread them. So...out of the six books I bought, three of them are Twilight books. The friend and I proceeded to talk about literary snobs and what makes one. I told her I am somewhat of a literary snob, to which she replied, "But you read Twilight." Of course, I laughed. But it got me thinking....what do you think makes a literary snob?



In search of Forest wisdom

Thursday January 3, 2013 at 12:19 PM

OK campers, I have a personal dilemma and I could use some advice from the excellent advice-givers here in the Forest.  My dilemma is inside.

To make this interactive - Have you ever felt betrayed by a close friend/family member?  How did you handle it?  If you repaired the relationship, was it ever the same?



ETA:  Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to provide such thoughtful advice or share their own personal experience.  You've all given me a lot to think about, some great ideas, and made me feel so much better!  Thank you again!!



What the Fic?! 1/3

Thursday January 3, 2013 at 5:59 AM

Diana Wolfskill

Horror Fic Recs and Prompts

Thursday January 3, 2013 at 2:13 AM

Ah, the Cullens.

So civilized.

Yeah, right.

Well, admittedly,  there are unfortunate lapses

from time to time

and Eddie had that little vigilante phase.

They are, after all,


The Horror Fic List could use some updating.

Recommend your favorite scary fan fiction.

And, because we need more horror,

check out the prompts from last year's


Adopt your favorite plot bunny!

Contribute a plot bunny!






New Year, new loves

Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 7:05 PM

Excellent book alert!



"When Ruby woke up on her tenth birthday, something about her had changed. Something alarming enough to make her parents lock her in the garage and call the police. Something that gets her sent to Thurmond, a brutal government “rehabilitation camp.” She might have survived the mysterious disease that’s killed most of America’s children, but she and the others have emerged with something far worse: frightening abilities they cannot control."   (More)


Yes, it's another dystopian YA novel.  But it's very well done with some very likable characters (or, in the case of Liam, downright lovable).  As someone who can only suspend disbelief so far before I start aggressive eye-rolling, let me say this book isn't perfect.  There were some plot details that felt a little vague to me.  But it was still an engrossing read, and it will certainly get you thinking.  It reminded me of Hunger Games mixed with Divergent, to a degree.  This author also wrote Brightly Woven, which I loved.  Consider yourself warned however -- if you like a neat, tidy HEA and will settle for nothing less, this book won't be for you.  I'm not sure if it's going to be a series or not.  The ending could certainly go either way.

What books/music/movies are you looking forward to in 2013?  Please share any newly discovered treasures with the forest:  books, music, fics, movies.  They don't have to be NEW -- just new to you!


Separation anxiety.

Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 6:57 PM

So Bro is out of the house now. He's gonna be staying with his godfather in L.A. G. is gonna be able to get hima  job at the place where he works and hopefully this will be exactly what Bro needs to get his life started. Meanwhile I'm gonna be gone in less than thirty days, and my Mom has started having "episodes." Today she sat in the car after shopping and burst out crying for a long time. Lately I've been feeling like this:


So tell me: how do YOU deal with change? Tell me about it, share your stories, or just fill this campfire with awesome Advenure time gifs. Whatever :p Others gifs are welcome as well.

P.s: And happy new year everyone! I love you guys and I'm gong to miss this place like crazy when I'm gone. <3


Naughty Vamp Fic Recs?

Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 1:38 AM

I tried looking in our tags list for a lemon vamp fic list but couldn't find one. Maybe I'm blind? Help me out if that's the case.

So anyway, I need vamp lemons. My life is kind of sucktastic right now so I find myself wanting to escape back into the old days of "Oh my God I can read about Bella and Edward doing it???" Go ahead and judge. I don't care. I need an escape plain and simple.

I'm pretty picky. Chances are if it's popular I don't like it so bonus points for little known fics. I don't care if it's new or old, complete or incomplete but it definitely has to be vamp and preferably fairly canon or canon au. I like a human Bella and vamp Edward. I can occasionally read Bella with Jacob, Jasper, or Alice or combinations thereof so long as the supernatural elements are there. Not looking for long drawn out UST but would still prefer something well-written. Asking for a lot, I know. It doesn't have to be happy or have a happy ending but I generally don't like cheating fics.

I'm probably making this way too difficult. Just give me some porn-y vampfic pretty please?

I tried to find a picture to post with this but if you Google Twilight porn the results are pretty much not safe for life.

Thank you!

We don't have any kind of sexy times tag, do we? Or am I blind on that too?


Looking for... Isabella After Dark

Tuesday January 1, 2013 at 2:57 PM

I was wondering if anyone had a PDF copy of Isabella After Dark?? It was pulled in 2010, but I can't seem to find a PDF of it!! If anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks and Happy New Year!


AvengeRanger Edit: Please contact this camper via Private Message.  

It is not a good idea to post your email address in a public forum.


Bowl Games

Tuesday January 1, 2013 at 9:57 AM

Happy New Year and Happy Bowl Week.

WVU and Pittsburgh have both ended their seasons now, and I think my feelings on this season are best summed up by Eli


(Yes, Eli, I hear ya buddy)

So, who you watching this week, who's already suprised you, who do you think will win the big game (are you even watching the big game)? I would love to hear your bowl picks. 


What the Fic?! 1/1

Tuesday January 1, 2013 at 7:33 AM


rufus wainwright wants to know

Monday December 31, 2012 at 8:03 PM

happy new year's, darlings!

may 2013 suck slightly less than 2012.

feed a tree whilst you're here, won't you?

the freeforall continues. post whatever you like!

now, tell your dear uncle wtvoc how you're ringing in the new year. especially if it's tawdry.


Cocktails a go-go...

Monday December 31, 2012 at 6:06 PM


Last Barman Poet

I am the last barman poet.
I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make.
Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake.
The sex on the beach, the schnapps made from peach,
The Velvet Hammer,
the Al-La-Bam-A Slam-a!

I make things with juice and froth: the Pink Squirrel, the 3-Toed Sloth. I make drinks so sweet and snazzy:
The Iced Tea, The Kamikaze, The Orgasm, The Death Spasm,
The Singapore Sling, The Dingaling.

America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got.
But if you want to got loaded,
why don't you just order a shot?
Bar is open!

When I was a little girl growing up in Massachusetts my father was the owner and operator of Bob's Bar. Now mind you, this wasn't a real least... it wasn't governed by the state liquor board or anything, er, official. ( It was in my Dad's basement ...or "The Cell-aaah" as we called it in New England.) Regardless of it's was as real as a friendly tap house could possibly be. Oh.... the parties my parents threw in that little house on Brookfield Street!

Now these party goers back in the 60's and 70's drank fun and frothy drinks like Pink Squirrel's or Brandy Alexander's. Sadly these type of plum-blower's delights have gone by the wayside and are practically extinct. Young adults today mostly drink beer, or if they are particularly adventurous, Patron. (At least as is evidenced by the amount tossed back by Bella and her peeps in the various fanfic's I have read over the years.) Back in the day though, girls like my mother knew what drinking was all about! If they wanted a good buzz then they drank Manhattans, Martinis, High Balls, Low Balls, Old Fashions, or...Stingers. A nightcap was the queen of the evening and was generally a grasshopper or the previously mentioned Pink Squirrel. 

If you're feeling a bit nostalgic tonight and want to try something different...why not mix up a retro cocktail and ring in the New Year with me? I'm feeling rather stay at homeish tonight and I can't think of a better place to hang than with my fellow campers in the forest.

So put on your fake pearls, tie on your grandmother's apron, and flip your hair...cuz's time to get silly for cocktails!

What's YOUR favorite drink?

Oh..and lest I forget...this is for the over 21 crowd and please...if you do imbibe...then please drink responsibly!

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