
Happy Monday

Monday December 31, 2012 at 12:15 PM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!


It's NYE - I need a recipe!

Monday December 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM

Happy New Year's Eve!  What are everyone's plans?  We are pretty low key and go over to a friend's house to drink and play cards while the kids run wild.  Not terribly exciting as we are old not so young anymore, but it is fun!  (We did have a NYE in NYC pre-kids so I have crossed that off the bucket list!)

Anyway, I want to take something new to eat tonight.  Something dippy.  What is your fav dip recipes? Mine are in the comments. 

Happy New Years!!

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday December 31, 2012 at 7:09 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here!

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


What the Fic?! 12/31

Monday December 31, 2012 at 7:04 AM


Political Correctness

Monday December 31, 2012 at 6:05 AM

(This is what I got googling Rob Pattinson facepalm - overdramatic!)

In The Pilgrimage I have one character say (or, to be exact, think, in the third person) “At least they had finally arrived at their destination, the monk had said. Yes, the monk, Adso, a dirty faggot, not anything else.” A reader objected to this sentence, to the point of flouncing. Now, the character is a rather nasty woman, she has prejudices and of course she would say/think something like this (even if she was wrong about Adso)..

In the story I am currently writing (it will take ages to be posted), Edward, reflecting on the guy he has hired to be his stockbroker, says in his POV “The man I eventually choose was rather inexperienced, having just obtained his license and no clients to speak of. As he was black, he was further handicapped, and surprised that a white (very white) guy was going to entrust him his money.”(Unbetaed still, sorry)

One of my pre readers thinks that I should add an A/N to clarify that this is Edward POV, not mine, and, since he is a 200 yo vampire, raised by the Volturi, he will not be politically correct in his thoughts. How could he?

In my fic Our New World, Bella calls native Americans “Indians”. In the story she is Italian, living in the ‘40s, and there is no way in hell that an Italian of that time would use – or even know - the expression native American – even if, being a Jew and knowing persecutions, Bella is very sympathetic to the native Americans’ plight. A the time I was told by my pre reader to add a note on this, which I did.

The point I want to make is that, when you write a story, your characters should be realistic, speak as people of their time spoke and thought, and, particularly if they are nasty, they will say and think a lot of things that are not politically correct. Why should I be concerned to the point of adding a note, so that readers are not incensed/offended? How is it possible that they would think that those are my own thoughts and beliefs, when I am just being true to the characters I have created and trying to be realistic? Apparently it is the case, though.

Or am I wrong? (But that reader flounced). Please tell me what you think.

And happy New Year to all campers, of course (Rushing to cook – but I will be checking the campfire)




To Insta or Not To Insta

Monday December 31, 2012 at 5:36 AM

Like many of our campers, I've been a fan of Instagram even though I've only had it for a few months.

Now, I know that Systrom was quick to retract the new TOS that sparked so much controversy, but in my eyes the damage has been done. I honestly don't feel safe posting my personal picture on Instagram anymore.

SO, now I have a two-part question:

1. Do you use Instagram? Will you continue using it or has the TOS announcement scared you off?

2. What alternatives are there to Instagram? My phone's camera is NOT great, so I'd love a photo editing/sharing option that has both a mobile AND desktop option. Snapseed in particular piqued my interest, but unfortunately it requires Android OS 4.0 or later (which I do not have). What would you use/recommend?

santa muerte

The Devil's Carnival: Episode 2 Teaser Traile

Monday December 31, 2012 at 4:10 AM



Sunday December 30, 2012 at 7:25 PM

So really, I just wanted an excuse to post this:


and then I thought, "Hey, let's make an ADF party out of this!"  I am on a Logan Marshall-Green FIX RIGHT NOW. I just rewatched Prometheus and he is just.....yeah.


So come in and post your favurite sexy gifs; the ones that you can just look at all the time, or are always looking for an excuse to use because they are examples of some PRIME specimens.

The Offspring

There's A Birthday In The Forest!!!!!

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 4:59 PM

Happy Day-Before-New Years' Eve, everybody!

So guess what???

It's The Mominator's Birthday!!!!

We all know and love her for her humor, guidance and wisdom.....(I sound like she's accepting an award or something...)

We should give her everything she desires!!!!


So come and wish her a happy birthday and spam her with pics of Johnny Weir, Brian Cox and Ian Somerhalder!!!!! Anybody else is welcome too......

Musically, she likes Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, basically anything!!!!

Show her some love!!!!!

As a favor, show her story some love as well!!!!!!

The Lavendar Mysteries

Bella moves to Sequim, WA to help her widowed sister. What she discovers will change her life forever, if she survives. Mystery, magic, and a bedtime story. AU.


Kindle help for a lurker?

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 4:45 PM

Ladies I admit it, I'm a total lurker . Always have been, always will be . But I'm asking for help . I got a kindle fire for Christmas and a prime account. So I'm looking at books to borrow . Is there any way to easily sort through all the crud and find the good books?

 Thanks for the help!

LJ Summers


Sunday December 30, 2012 at 3:15 PM

...Not to go skydiving in 2013.


As we close out 2012 and move into 2013 (Which I believe they have a head start on in Tomorrow Land, yeah?) I thought we could entertain ourselves with resolutions for the coming year.

Clearly, I am not entirely serious about mine.  If you would like to come up with something you resolve NOT to do in 2013, come share it!

IF you are a more disciplined sort and make resolutions every year that enhance your life and the lives of those around you, PLEASE COME SHARE THOSE TOO.

Hey, mutual edification is as valuable as mutual entertainment. :)

So, what's your New Year's Resolution, 2013?


Lets Talk Non Canon Vamp Stories

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 1:22 PM

I have recently branched from Canon Vamp to Non Canon Vamp Stories. (I hope eventually I will make it to A/H but am struggling with that right now).. So give me your favorite Non Canon Vamp Pairing Stories. Here are the Jasper/ Bella Pairings I have downloaded on my phone. I also have lists for Emmett/Bella, Peter/ Bella, Carlisle/ Bella, and Peter/ Bella. So let me know which ones you like! *Bolded are some of my favorites

Afterlife- thatisastory
Aftermath- forthelongestday
Aristotle’s Mistake- Merina Green
Believe- paradise in me
Beyond the Broken Scars- December.LeNoir
Beyond the Scars of Redemption- December.LeNoir

Bitemarks & Bloodstains- forthelongestday
But A Whisper on his Lips- mmm.Bby
Change Heartache into Courage- Pixiestick-cc
Changed for the Better- loveofwrittenword
Changing Lives- ineedcoffee
Chaotic Dynamics-Merina Green
Colliding Meteors- IdreamofEddy
Darkest Before Dawn- The only Pancake
A Delicate Line- darkNnerdy
The Demon’s Mate- Speklez
Destiny Awaits- Midnight Seductress
Echoes of the Storm- Bedelia
Eternity Games- Tamilya

Fate has brought us here & all sequels- Cullen 818
A Forest Fire- Bedelia
Forever Isn’t Quiet what I expected- I think I needed that
Golden Moon- NusiainForks
An Imperfect Love- mistyhaze420

Innocence Lost-Cullen818
Insecurities- JamesRamsey
Instinct- Villainess Foul
It Came Without Warning- IThinkINeededThat
The Last Mile- catonspeed
Leaves of Grass-Nauticalmass
Lessons Unexpected- Alexis. Danaan
Long Road Home- KaiaLuna
Long Way Down- forthelongestday
Loved for the better- loveofwrittenword
A Moment Changes Everything- Heavyinfinity
Mood Ring- lifelesslyndsey
A New Love- Jasper’s Darlin’ Kitty
Once Upon a Vampire Pt1&Pt2- JB Rose
The Past Comes Back to Haunt Us-abbymickey24
The Past to Providence
The Path to My Soul- Cullen818
The Quiet Room- givemesomevamp
Redemption- raneonthewyndoepain
Redemption Comes When Least Expected- KareBear1965
Running- Merina Green
Saving Bella-Mynxi
Scars- Astarte-lydianna
Searching for Daylight- Lacrimosa Moon
Second Chance- AnnikaMalfoy
Second Chances- aerialla1
Slow and Steady- LilyoftheValley77
The So Unknown- Slywolf9
Somebody to Love- mommybrook
Sundown- TheNewestCullenKid
tHirTeEn- twolipps
Thought Like Flames- A Literary Life
The Threads of Our Souls- Untamed Lover
Time Heals- AbbyMickey24
The Way It was Meant to Be- TheNewestCullenKid
When Darkness Turns to Light- Janna Banana
Worth The Pain- NCChris



Oh what a year!

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 10:45 AM

Hello fellow campers!  Well, 2012 is almost over.  And what a crazy year it was in the fandom.  Whew, it makes me tired just thinking about it.  

What do you think the New Year will bring for the fandom, especially in light of the fact that the movies are now over? Do you think Stephenie will finally churn out a new book?  Will you buy the BD2 DVD?  Will the madness surrounding R & K finally die down?

More importantly ... will the terrifying fan art/tattoos still be terrifying?  

Share your thoughts inside.  Better still, share pics of the best or worst fan art (from any fandom) you can find!


Enter your bid.  You know you want to.


Er, his name isn't even Christian, doh.


Cake!! Who needs roses?  I'd be begging for a nipple.


Too bad Hostess wasn't immortal, eh?


Helmet placement is phenomenal, no? Yes?


TBR Lists

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 9:30 AM

This my new favorite book. Such a quick read, and funny. I want all my ADF friends to put it on their lists. It goes in one sitting because you can't put it down!  A tale told entirely through Coco's sent emails, but you hardly notice nor do you feel as if you are missing any of the story. She is a woman in her early 40s who is quite happy with her "on track" life, when it suddenly derails in one of worst ways possible. Sounds like it would not be a funny book, but trust me. I haven't laughed out loud this often in a very long time.

Below is the author.  Cute!, but taken :0(

I look forward to seeing this book rise to the top.




What books have your read, and thought..." Why isn't everyone talking about this one?"

Fill this campfire up with little known or new books that you feel deserve a bigger audience.


R&K on the tube; Rob's E celeb of the year

Sunday December 30, 2012 at 2:22 AM

Apparently, he beat Ian.  He's been winning the tournament three years in a row  (in 2009 he came in second place, losing to Adam Lambert). HERE

Do you agree? (worra question to ask here). I wonder if he'll win again next year.

The photo of Kristen, friends and Rob taking the tube because apparently that's what uber- rich people who want to keep their private lives private do in the comments


Reading Fanfic for HEA

Saturday December 29, 2012 at 4:16 PM

I love the characters and universe Stephenie Meyer created, so that’s why I went searching for fanfiction stories.  Other times, it’s because I’m not happy with the ending of the story. I may still love the book/movie, but I wish the ending was different.

I recently saw the Winona Ryder Little Women movie again, and I am now obsessed with reading any fics with Jo and Laurie, angst and happily ever afters.   Winona and Christian Bale are so appealing together in the movie.

Some other stories that I have gone in search for fanfics because I wanted HEA for my OTP characters or just further exploration of their relationship:

The Darkangel trilogy - Irrylath and Ariel
Troy – Achilles and Briseis
Hamlet - Hamlet and Ophelia
Gladiator – Maximus and Lucilla – their backstory would be so intriguing too


I could list more, but do people here read other fic because they want a different ending for their favorite characters?


Twilight Re-cast

Saturday December 29, 2012 at 12:40 PM

So, I just read that Michelle Trachtenburg was actually in the running to be Bella Swan. :O


Maybe I'm just late to the party, but I never knew that! And now that I do, I can't help but wish she would have been cast. The girl can act like a shy teenager with way more skill that KStew (though stuttering, breathing a lot, and vigorous shaking of the head were just bril. *sarcasm, sarcasm*) and I personally feel she looked more like my Bella (rounder face, bigger eyes, right hair color, huge lips) than Kristen. 

Now, that being said, Rob is definitely my Edward. Not when the movies first started, but I never had a solid choice anyways, so it was easier for me to let him slip into that position, and I think he did a good job with it; particularly in the last three movies. I wouldn't want him replaced, which makes me wonder if I want Stewart replaced. Because despite Kristen's less than stellar acting abilities, she had chemistry with Rob. Would my perfect Bella, Michelle, have that same chemistry? Maybe, maybe not. 

Ashley was not my Alice, (she looked WAY too old with that wig) Nikki was not my Rosalie, (again with the wig. And she just looked like a brunette. Does that make sense? She didn't have the beauty of a blonde. Not that she wasn't beautiful, or that brunettes are less pretty!! I just mean that she looked like a brown headed girl. Even her features looked better suited for a long, flowing, BROWN head o' hair) And Taylor was not my Jacob. (His voice is just so... I don't even know.) 

So, who would you put in these roles? Who is your dream cast for Twilight? Would you pick Rob? Would Michelle have done a better job being Bella? Lemme know! 


I'm sure there have been a hundred campfires about this.. Sorry!! :) 




Saturday December 29, 2012 at 11:58 AM

I just got incensed and I need to air it out. I got an update and at the bottom of the chapter the author asked readers for their "theories". This happens frequently and it puts me off reviewing immediately. Because the author holds all the cards, sometimes conceals form readers important revelations, for the sake of dragging the suspense. Therefore readers' theories can only be flawed. I am not there to entertain the author and look stupid, so I will not advance any theory, of course.

Practically, I feel disrespected by the question - which does not mean I'll stop reading the story, but certainly I'll stop commenting.

Does somebody else have the same reaction?

Or tell us what incenses YOU


What the Fic?! 12/29

Saturday December 29, 2012 at 7:07 AM


What’s your FF Filing Cabinet?

Friday December 28, 2012 at 9:38 PM

I’ve been reading Twi FF almost exclusively ever since I discovered it about a year ago. Turns out there’s a billion FF out there, and I’ve slowly been going batty trying to track my TBR, Read, Flounced, Vamp, AH, Angst, Crackfick, etc.

HOW DOES EVERYONE TRACK THEIR FF? Or do you even bother?

Here’s what I tried so far:

1- FF Alerts
I thought I’d track my TBR by marking them as ‘follows’ in FF, but with 760 stories currently in my Alerts list its pretty hard to find anything.

2- Excel
I dumped my Alerts list in Excel, and tried sorting thru it then gave up from sheer overwhelm

3- Pearltrees
I thought I could use this website to track links to stories that intrigued me, and I’d be able to categorize them as I saved the links. But that requires going to each website first. And not all the recs I see have links which means searching first – ie not a one click operation.
Also this does not allow me to catalog any stories I’ve downloaded as PDF.

4. Randomness
I’ve also given up and just dived into my 760 list for what to read, but sometimes its hard to find something that appeals at that moment.

I know - I should just be glad and enjoy the free reads… BUT BUT BUT…. My inner organizing OCD goddess is freaking out .  I may take a day to play hookie from work/home/life and organize this before I go totally batty…

SO... How do you or do you organize your FF?  

First --- | >> | 507 | 508 | 509 | 510 | 511 | 512 | 513 | 514 | 515 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
