mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday December 24, 2012 at 6:55 AM

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Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here!

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Santa Trackers for 2012

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 10:35 PM

The 2012 NORAD Santa Tracker is up and running!  

This year, Google has added a Santa Tracker (I don't remember them doing it last year) and it looks just as neat.  

I enjoy following this as The Midget still believes in Santa Clause, but feel a bit nostalgic, as this will probably be the last year she believes. She's 8 and I've worked hard to preserve this last bit of magic. 

Then again, my being so young at heart will always keep things interesting in my part of the hemisphere. 

Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!

**(Links will open up new windows)


2013 Reading Challenge

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 9:13 PM

So as the year comes to a close I have been thinking about challenging myself to read more in 2013. I have so many books that I need to read and I want to structure my reading more. Any ideas or helpful tips? Have you done a challenge? Would you be interested in something like this? 



Sunday December 23, 2012 at 2:02 PM

can anyone send me a copy of FAP by 107year old virgin?


Sugar Britches

White Elephant WTF

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 1:40 PM

Let's share our best white elephant gifts!

I got this little beauty from my boss at work. It's called a "corkatoo". I kind of love it. 
Let's post our best white elephant gifts, silly gifts, or just WTF? gifts inside. What gems have you given or received so far this year?

Fanfiction Shouldn't Be A Hidden Dirty Secret

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 11:47 AM

I know many of us hide the fact we read or write fanfiction.  Believe me, I've seen the sneers of others  myself but really the fandom has a lot to be proud about.

Besides the fact there are some wonderful writers out there that we'd never had enjoyed if it weren't for Fanfiction, the fandom has done great things for the various charities out there.  (I wonder if the amount we've raised has ever been tallied.  That would be an interesting total, wouldn't it?)

But the fandom has helped in other ways.  Today I just got a review on a story I wrote a few years back called Parma High.  It was set in south Florida during a hurricane.  Here's what she told me:

I want to thank you for this chapter. I live in Connecticut and had to go
through Hurricane Sandy. I went back to this chapter and did everything in
Cope's storm box letter except the air conditioning! The list was really
helpful. After being teased about reading fanfiction, it was fun to see the
expressions of my family when I told them where I got my info! Thanks again.


This makes me more proud than just about anything and I have no one to share it with but you guys.

Do you have an example of when fanfiction has been a benefit?  Share it with us here.


help me

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 10:03 AM

i remember reading a story about 2 years ago that i enjoyed. bella and edward are both at the same community college, they went to the same high school, edward always had a crush on bella (they went prom but he ended up ruining it by getting drunk). bella is a writer and need to write a sex scene but cant do it, edward says he will help. also it is found out that edward had a affair with his mum's friend (a professor i think and she has wrote a book about it, bella decide to write a book from edward's view point). bella is a carer i think and she calls edward bunny or something. that is all i remember, does anyone has a copy or the link to the story??? thanks

The Offspring


Sunday December 23, 2012 at 4:49 AM

"You know, the polite way of saying F*** in public? Starts with F and ends with uck. Firetruck." *

Something is wrong with me. I'm quoting Smosh. :O


So, my bestie (who refuses to come out of Lurkerdom) known as prttybellaprincess and I have a plan.

If our parents allow it, Summer of 2013 we are going here

To meet these beautiful guys

and to get there from North Idaho to good old Anaheim, CA we want to know.....

HAS ANYBODY HERE BEEN TO VIDCON? It is on our bucketlist, and seeing that Smosh was going to be there as well as this guy

And these guys too

We're hella excited!!!!! So, any tips or tricks for conventions like this???? Travel tips? If we have our way, we'll be traveling alone. I mean come on, we'll be 21 and 20, respectively.


Title of the campfire brought to you by this wonderful thing. You're welcome.



Jaw is out of control/SWATH II will be made

Sunday December 23, 2012 at 12:30 AM

Just needed an excuse to post these pics. More in the comments. Taken from here

To make this interactive (other than "Post YOUR favorite pics" of course): Kristen says Snowwhite II will be filmed. Specifically, she says it will be " *word that is inappropriate to use not only on the adf front page but also in regards to anything SWATH considering the scandal* amazing". Here

Would you go see it? Any predictions on whether it'll do as well as the first movie at the BO,yk, post-scandal and without the goddess Charlize?


Show and Tell: your House!

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 6:57 PM

I won't go stalking you later (unless you want me to!)

This is my house. It looks bigger than it is. Only 1500 square feet. It had it's 100th birthday this April but it's fully remodelled inside.


This is my kitchen that I love (still needs an day)

And this is the view on a summer's night when the sun sets over Stanley Park

Show me yours!


Ho (Ho Ho) Hey Contest

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 4:03 PM

Capricorn75 and VampiresHaveLaws are excited to announce their brand-spankin' new collaboration:

The HO HEY Contest, inspired by the song "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers.

You know, that achingly beautiful song that's pretty much perfect in every way.

Have a listen, or two (or if you're like us, 20):


We want to read your take on the song. There's a lot of story told—and hinting to be told—in that little masterpiece; we want you to write it!
Whether you're inspired by the feel of the song, or want to write a story based literally on the lyrics themselves, is up to you. Give us your best interpretation!
Word count: 5000 - 50,000 and you can submit anything from a one-shot to a multi-chaptered ficlet.
Submission period start: January 1, 2013
Submission period end: January 30, 2013
Judges (besides Cap and Vamps):
Click on the amazing banner that Ms_Ambrosia (from created for us to get ALL the details!

AH fics. What am I missing?

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 1:38 PM

I'm asking for recs...

When someone asks me to recommend something to read, I usually ask to tell me what (s)he's already read and liked, just to understand what (s)he might enjoy.

May I do the same with you?

I've done this list, with the AH fics I've enjoyed.

Always Edward/Bella, no slash, no BDMS.

What would you recommend?

If you like this experiment, I have a (much longer) list of vamp fics -- I usually read much more vampfics than AH.

Thank you!

- Raum

(the ones in bold are the ones I've absolutely loved).

A Compendium of Thoughts

A Form of Escapism

A Quiet Fire

A Thousand Leaves

A Voice in the Darkness

As She Desires

Conversations over Coffee

Cracks in the Pavement

Dear Maggie

Firefly in Summer

Fridays at Noon

Girl with a Red Umbrella


Judging Books

Ladder to the Sun


Letters to Corporal Masen


Savage, Offside

Rhapsody in B

Same Time Tomorrow, Miss Swan

She's Royal

Silver Strand Nights

Savage, Surviving Bella

The Art Teacher

The Plan

The Red Line

The Wedding Party

The Weight of Words


Savage, Unexpected Circumstances


We Come to Life Beneath the Stars

What I Want /

Win Some, Lose Some



Christmas Tradition

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 12:53 PM



Let’s talk about Christmas traditions.

What do you do? Is there something you do every year? How do you celebrate? Anything that’s typical for your country?

Let’s learn something from each other :)



Santa, Pet...

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 12:20 PM


So these are two lovely ladies from Newcastle in the North of England, I live about 40 mins south of there and go to university in Sunderland (20 miles south of this), with their rendition of Santa, Baby.
I don't sound like this....not quite, but I have some geordie friends & it's catching lol
The point of this campfire is to share funny Christmas videos
...or just any funny videos you have :)

Auditions for a new Musical!

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 12:00 PM

Hey everyone! I am friends with some people that are writing a new Musical and they are trying to cast it (with the hopes of it eventually being on Broadway). If you are interested (and can sing) and are in the Florida area, check out this site Auditions are by appointment only. If you do try out, tell Bryan or Kyle "Birdie Num Nums" and they will know that Nichole sent you! 



Help me with recs!

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 9:09 AM

I am looking tot fic recs where e/b knew each other when they were younger and later one of them becomes famous and they reconnect. Somehimg similar to Hydraulic Level5. I like five where it is more realistic/angsty vs fluffy. Thanks!


Am I The Only One?

Saturday December 22, 2012 at 1:00 AM

I just got around to watching Pitch Perfect this week, and man! I can't stop watching it! Am I the only one? I'm especially captivated by this man:



Seriously, I could watch this one scene over and over again, and I don't know what it is about this man, but he rubs me the right way. In all the right ways.


But then there's the music!


And that's just the guys! The girls have just as catchy tunes.
So. Is it just me or was anyone else just as captivated by this film as I was? I'd love to hear what everyone thought of it!
Oh, yeah, and! Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating, since I probably won't be able to wish that on the actual day!

Movie addiction?

Friday December 21, 2012 at 9:42 PM

for some reason I can't stop purchasing blu-ray's  ... I finally got an HDTV and blu-ray player about 5 months ago and I seriously can't stop buying them.....  I think I've bought a little over 200 some in 5 months and a lot of those are movie collections/ tv series.....just got one of my orders from amazon today (all the Mission Impossible movies, The lord of the rings triolgy extended editions)   My question is this - What's the best looking blu-ray's out there or what upcoming blu-ray's are you looking forward to..

also is there anyone here who watches anime? I've never really watched any before and would love some recs just so I could check some out....  I just put in order in over at amazon for ( Hellsing Ultimate: Volumes 1-4 Collection [Blu-ray/DVD Combo], Hellsing Ultimate: Volumes 5-8 Collection (Blu-ray/DVD Combo), Claymore: The Complete Series [Blu-ray], Black Blood Brothers: The Complete Series S.A.V.E. [Blu-ray], Trinity Blood: Complete Series Box Set [Blu-ray] )  they looked like my type of show "violent, gory, and action filled"...... as I said i've never really watched anime before I'm just kind of looking for rec's so I can see what anime has to offer...

O and in case you don't hear from me for awhile.....  Merry Christmas.. :)


Angst overload

Friday December 21, 2012 at 7:37 PM

Happy holidays, campers ;)

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my favorite fanfics (and my own) and it's made me wonder...what separates the awesome angsty fanfics from the ones that have too much going on and are playing up like the soap operas on t.v (or anything written by Ryan Murphy. No offense to anyone who enjoys his work. I just...dont. Sorry :/) Is there such thing as "acceptable angst" and "just going overboard"?

Do you think there has to be a line drawn somewhere? And if so, how do you know where? I know, I know, if it's your story, who cares about how someone else pictures things happening, but I'm just a bit stumped right now. I mean, I remember reading stories early in my venture into fanfic tht I just couldn't get enough of, and yet now,  when I look back at them, I think, "Damn. That story seriously had too much going on , with the plot twists and the drama, etc."

Tell me what you think.

p.s to all my Resent readers: in regards to the re-writes, I'm on ch. 11 now. :D Please excuse this thinly disguised attempt at asking for advice...and reaching out. I just wanna talk. :p


Okay, Fine

Friday December 21, 2012 at 5:49 PM

Since it's FFA I'll go ahead and shamelessly self-promote (as others have done).




As some of you may recall GalleyCat recently ran a contest asking people to rewrite passages of the vampire classic Varney the Vampire. I participated and the book finally came out. It's free so check it out. There's a lot of funny and creative entries in the bunch.


To make this interactive have you ever participated in a project like this? This is my second actually. I wrote a passage for Potato Moon a few years back.

What are your favorite Twilight parodies in book form? What vampire book or movie would you like to see parodied or rewritten that hasn't been yet?

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