

Monday January 14, 2013 at 2:58 PM

So I just discovered this site - www.wattpad.com, where people can post their stories. I posted the first chapter of one of mine today - a fanfiction I rewrote as original about a year ago (not to publish - just cause I could lol).

That's mine there.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit lonely, and tbh I don't really know what the site is about. 

So does anyone else use this site? Can you teach me what it's all about. Do you have a story posted on there? - if so link :D 

I want to have friends on here lol

I don't know if I need a rec for this, but just in case: Bachelor Party by Rizzle - Wizarding Britain’s most famous couple is getting married. Organised mayhem ensues.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Draco M. & Hermione G. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 37,650 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 144 - Follows: 13 - Published: 05-28-09 - Status: Complete 


oh baby baby

Monday January 14, 2013 at 12:18 PM

Hey campers!

I hope you are all having a great start to your week! I'm here today to hopefully pick your brains! My bestie is having her 1st baby in March, and her mom and I throwing her shower on the 26th of this month. The bestie has been very involved in the shower, which I know is not usually how it goes. She's a party planner kind of person though, and sorta controling but not in a bad way! Anyway, I feel like there are no real surprises for her.  She has picked out everything, down to the last little bit. The only thing she doesn't know about right now is the pink wooden letters I'm making for her that spell out the baby's name (Savannah). I'm hopefully going to add black polka dots to them tonight and they'll look something like this:

Her mom and I plan on hanging them above the gift or cake table. I'm also making these flower balloons she wants to go on the wall and the centerpiece made out of dum dum pops to go on the tables:


Anyone else have any fairly easy decor ideas? Her color scheme is pink with black polka dots, but I was wondering if any you had thrown showers or had showers where there was some really interesting/cool/creative decorations? I would like to do at least a few more things to surprise her.

And to make this interactive, any horror stories from wedding or baby showers? Or really great ones you have been to? Did you have a really awesome one? If so, share pictures if you have them! 

This was approved by wtvoc, and here is a fic link just in case it's needed (it's a Walking Dead, Daryl fic that I love) :



Happy Monday

Monday January 14, 2013 at 9:12 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

So come on in and see who won the crown this week!

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday January 14, 2013 at 7:10 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here!

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Sunday January 13, 2013 at 10:31 PM

RANT CF -- BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!

come inside and be ranty face mcgee with me.


I have an INTERVIEW!!!!!

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 9:26 PM

If you can't tell, I'm a little excited, but at the same time, I'm super nervous. You see, I've done a ton of teacher interviews, and I spent weeks preparing for those, but no one called with a full-time offer, and I've decided to expand my options. The interview is a phone interview for a book publicity position at a big time publishing company, and I'm a loss of how to prepare. Unlike the plethora of sites out there for educators, there are no "commonly asked questions" out there for publicists.

So, I've come to you. Do any of you have advice on phone interviews (I'll be on phone in my car during lunch)? Do you know of any questions I should be prepared to answer?


For your time:


Golden Globes watch-along

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 6:04 PM

Feel free snark on dresses, cheer for your favorites, question why someone got nominated, play "Where's Rob", or anything else that floats your boat. (feed a tree if you please too!)




Interesting quotes floating around on the web

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 2:07 PM

What do people that can't find anything new to read or watch do in a desperate yet futile attempt to distract themselves from rl angst? Surf the internet. Looking for, apparently, more angst. Here are some quotes I found, that completely express how I feel, esp. about friendships and life. Anyone wants to share more?

More interesting quotes in the comments. Hopefully I'll find some that are not this angsty


Random Thoughts

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 1:31 PM

I have just realized that I am a serial series abandoner!

I LOVED Outlander, but never got past book 4. I felt book 4 ended in a great place, and did not feel the need to keep going.

I like The Mortal Instruments, but never got past book 3....just lost interest

same thing happened to me with the B. Dagger  Brotherhood series...they were all too much the same after a while.

Now-I am hesitating with ICED by Karen Moning. I have it....just can't seem to make myself read it.  I loved the fever series and Jericho Barrons, but I was hoping for a time jump where Dani would not be a kid. Many of the reviews have been brutal because of this. If there has been a time jump to when she was 16/17, I think I would have been ok, but I teach 14 year old girls!! I am pretty sure nothing happens, but these men are sitting waiting for her to be just old enough to pounce on??  I am just not sure.

Am I dumping another series?? Maybe I will skip to the book where she is older?  not sure.

Have you guys ever dumped a series? Even a series that you liked? or are you loyal? I do not seem to be loyal at all!


Let's all laugh, shall we?

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 12:08 PM

Funny $h*t Stuff


gifs, jokes, whateva

Share stuff that makes you laugh

Please and thank you!




This never gets old:


Cosmopolis as an attachment

Sunday January 13, 2013 at 1:36 AM

Today we'll go visting some cousins and I'll bring my copy of the Cosmopolis' DVD to watch, as they missed it, living in the country. But the point I want to make is this: the DVD (I don't know if it is already available on shops) was sold this week at a nicely reduced price together with a certain magazine .(Think of Newsweek or The Economist). Now, this  magazine, Panorama, belongs to Sivio  Berlusconi's brother and it is a very conservative weekly. I remember that in the US newspapers like The Wall Street Journal  labelled Cosmopolis as a sort of leftist/marxist manifesto, damining capitalism. Panorama's politcs are not that different and Berlusconi is all the time accusing everybody he is against to be a communist.

So there is a complete contradiction between the magazine's ideology and what it is offered to the readers.

I ask; would such a thing be possible in the US (or elsewhere)?

Evidently the owner thinks that the film would enhance the magazine sales, and business concerns prevail on political considerations.

By the way, our newspaper/magazines stalls resemble a shop, nowadays. With the different magazines you buy you can get  - adding a little overprice - bags, scarves, gloves, perfume, pareos, cooking implements, records, toys ... anything goes.

Is this something very Italian too? I have acquired many of those attachments in the last years, and I wonder.


Telly/Attack of the italics

Saturday January 12, 2013 at 5:20 PM

Whoa the whole site has been attacked by italics.... or has it always been that way and I am JUST NOW NOTICING???

Hey Brits, did anyone watch 'World without End' on British television tonight?  I was looking forward to it (costume drama, some attractive men, Miranda Richardson is usually good), but it was a bit one-dimensional.  Opens with a lot of cruel violence and hints of father-molesting-daughter and other molesting, murdering pervs-in-power, all of whom shall meet their deserved end by episode six.  Whatever.   

What's good on television these days?  

Homeland still got your attention?  Reality-is-your-bag, baby?  Or are you still faithfully watching How I met your Mother?




What the Fic?! 1/12

Saturday January 12, 2013 at 12:51 PM


imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Saturday January 12, 2013 at 5:54 AM

You know how it often seems the original version of a song is the best?

Well, sometimes, covers can be brilliant.

Here are two different interpretations of a very well-known song.



What are your favourite cover versions?

Happy Birthday, Cappie!

Friday January 11, 2013 at 12:12 PM

Today is our very own Capricorn75's Birthday!

Cappie is one of the most loyal and supportive people in this fandom.

She reads and reviews like no other, so let's all wish her a happy birthday and spam her with one of the things she loves most in the world:

(this guy)

Happy birthday, Cappie!

Love Well Spent

Dealing with...

Friday January 11, 2013 at 10:54 AM


Oh dear.


(details inside - poem included!)


Help Me Study Abroad!

Friday January 11, 2013 at 10:08 AM

Hello fellow campers! Please don't hate me as I post this on here. I am a desperate 19 year old college sophomore who is dying to study abroad this summer in London. The thing is, its $4000 and I don't have that type of money.

I have been working since 2010 (so my senior year in high school) at a supermarket when Im home from school on winter/summer break and I have a job on campus. I can't afford this trip by myself. It is for my education classes at school. Taking this course in London is more beneficial then taking it at my own college. At my school, It should have been a course where I go into schools and interact with students. My school changed it and the interaction no longer takes place. If I take this course in London, I do get to go into the classrooms. I love children. I have always wanted to teach and volunteer every week at a daycare. 

What I am asking for is any type of help. Either a small donation or any advice on how I could raise more money. I have a donation page set up on Gofundme.com. If you want to help me out, PM me and I will send you the link. For those who donate, I will figure out some way to do a 'thank you' such as sending post cards or small souvenirs. If you have any questions about me or my trip or suggestions please let me know! Thank you!

(and I really don't mean to be a pest. I am to the point where I have been all over facebook asking for help. I would love to go and this is the only way that I can see that will help me besides my paychecks from work)


What the Fic?! 1/11

Friday January 11, 2013 at 8:07 AM


ADF Fit Club! Week 11

Friday January 11, 2013 at 6:24 AM

I know Kat097 usually does this, but the last one was before xmas, and I fancy one :)

So we're 11 days into the New Year, and a lot of people have 'Lose Weight' as a resolution.

If that was you (t'was me lol) how are you doing? What's the damage for over Christmas?

Get any fitness dvd's? Any tips to share for kicking off the new year in the best way poss?

We are now onto Week 11 of the 40 week challenge, are you on target?

Come in and share how you're going :D

(Also, I'll post a nice at home routine inside, for anyone who needs a boost - like me)

LJ Summers

Free For All!

Friday January 11, 2013 at 5:14 AM

Yes, Campers, it's FREE FOR ALL! From now through SUNDAY...


So bring on your wildcard posts!  Talk about anything! Books, hairstyles, regional weather complaints, HOT MEN, movies, music, the way you still have your Christmas decorations up...

Okay, maybe that's just ME.

Just remember, like my pin-up girl here, 


on the front page.

Inside the Campfires? Anything goes!


I'm in the mood for EYE CANDY this morning...yes, LJ has a sweet tooth of a particular kind this Friday.

So share with me the heroes of books and movies that YOU think are HOT or SWOONY.  Pictures, please! 

And if it's a book w/o central casting... SHOW ME YOUR IDEAL for him! :)

Starting with me:

Gregory Peck IS Atticus Finch. 

Might not be HOT, per se (though RainyGirl1978 and I decided that he and Robert Pattinson/Cedric look quite similar about the smile on occasion) but he IS swoony.


And also him:

Robert Downey, Jr. IS Tony Stark:

iron man


Don't keep it all to yourself! Share YOUR eye candy!

Yeah...I kind of did a lot of tagging...

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