
Catching Fire tease

Wednesday April 3, 2013 at 11:48 AM

Who is excited??
also, tell me about what's going on with yourselves.

I need 1000 followers by may 1st.


A Gif life

Tuesday April 2, 2013 at 6:00 PM

Tell us something about yourself in two gifs with two captions....everyone can respond either in words or gifs...nothing is off-limits but no porn shots please ;)

I will start--




The Daily Chew! 4/2

Tuesday April 2, 2013 at 5:53 AM


What the Fic?! 4/2

Tuesday April 2, 2013 at 5:51 AM


Stolen Fic

Monday April 1, 2013 at 8:57 PM

Thanks to you wonderful Campers and friends, This has been rectified! Thanks!! Sasha is so grateful!!


Hey lovely campers! 

A friend of mine that writes fanfic has had a story stolen. She sent it to a girl in good faith that she would pre-read it. After the girl told her to wrok it over a bit more, the pre-reader then proceeded to post the story herself. What should I tell my friend to do? What steps should she take to get the rectified?



Thank you in advance for help!!


ETA: Sasha has 5 pre-written chapters. She's going to post what she has already written so hers will actually be longer than the other author that's passing it off as hers. The link to report is inside the CF. Thanks so much guys!!


My rec: The Mostly True Confessions of a Teenage Imprint by Lolabean07

As the second imprint, Kim lived in the shadow of Emily Young, otherwise known as the "perfect imprint." When Jared's eyes met hers over a #2 pencil, it seemed her prayers had been answered. At least until she stopped staring at the sun and realized the truth of the lies she had been told.


Have you seen this??

Monday April 1, 2013 at 8:31 PM

Here is the recently (as in today) released trairler for The Mortal Intruments - City of Bones Movie..



He really is not my Jace.. but Alec.. OMG this Alec is hot! And the movie seems pretty great!
To make this interactive, have you read/will read the books, and are you going to see the movie?
Don't you think Emma Roberts would have been a better Clary??
ETA : Mrz.JasperHale4evr please feel free to comand this CF, (you're the authority on this subject around here! :) ) I just wanted to share the trailer!  
Have a great day!

Lover at Last - BDB

Monday April 1, 2013 at 10:17 AM

Does anyone want to talk about the latest installment of the Black Dagger Brotherhood?  

I finished last night and I'm DYING to discuss!  I have already yelled at Tor to hurry up and read so we can discuss but I'm hoping maybe there's someone out there who may be dying like me to talk to someone about it??

Also, to make it interactive, how much weight do you give other people's reviews.  Both Tor and I read reviews on Goodreads that made me (us) think this book was going to be not so good and it gave me ANGST!  But I'm happy to report that they were lying liars who LIED!

Do you let other people's reviews sway your excitement level for a book or story?

BTW, Goodreads was purchased by Amazon  last week I think... things that make you go hmmmmm


The Daily Chew! 4/1

Monday April 1, 2013 at 9:21 AM


What the Fic?! 4/1

Monday April 1, 2013 at 8:48 AM


Happy Monday

Monday April 1, 2013 at 8:04 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.


Who Lives in a House Like This?

Monday April 1, 2013 at 6:47 AM

I have an idea for a 'Getting to know you' campfire.

I've recently moved back home from uni over Easter holidays, and after sorting my bedroom out I realised that it sends some strong messages of who I am as a person.


Imagine you are a stranger in your own bedroom, what would your room say about who you are and what you like? (include photos - but don't go behind any cupboard doors)

mine'll be inside :)

I wasn't sure if I needed a Rec - what with it being interactive - let me know if I do and I'll find one :D

Ranger Approved.

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday April 1, 2013 at 2:28 AM


Happy April Fool's Day ! ! ! 



Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post something about your upcoming chapters here

excerpt / pictease / music / riddle / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Help! Searching for a fanfic

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 9:57 PM

I was hoping helpful people here at ADF can help me identify a fic that I've read, lost, and now haunts me. 

I read it not too long ago and it was still a WIP. It's a Carlisle/Bella fic where Carlisle (and the rest of the Cullens) is a vampire and Bella is a witch. At last update I read, Bella was still a child, around primary school age, living first with her biological parents (mother was also a witch), then fostered by a lonely Charles Swan. It appears Bella can read thoughts as well as other unspecified magical abilities. She first found Carlisle through a mental link and they share a truly touching (and completely innocent) bond.

Is this ringing any bells? I hope someone recognize this. I really want to follow this story. The author was truly talented.



Sunday March 31, 2013 at 5:19 PM

So, I'm a bit tired of reading fics where Bella has "legs that go for miles", being a short girl myself and dealing with self confidence issues I'd like to read about an average looking Bella. One who doesn't have perfect long legs for example.

Curvy Bella's and any other not model-looking-like Bella will be amazing to read too. 


So, bring you average looking Bella please <3


Rob in a wet suit

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM

Easter treats all around:

Rob in a wetsuit.  Paddling around Malibu.

Will post more in comments, if I can get them to load.  Can't seem to take them from the websites today; had to get it off tumblr in lower res.

Do you have the nerve to go in public in a wetsuit?


Let's talk about this!

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 1:50 PM



game of thrones gif photo: Game of Thrones Jon I'm Ready GoT-GIF-3_zps593f4e3a.gif
What do you hope to see tonight, and through the season?

The Dirty Truth

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 11:04 AM

We didn't have one of those since forever ............

Truth or Truth


The Dirty Truth



Since we can't do a Truth or Dare, So we'll stick with Truth or Truth :)

The Rules:

Ask any camper any question you want, but it has to be just one question per time.

You can't ask a question but after you comment on the CF, mentioning your gender and your age.

I know that it'll mostly if not all will be (Female) but just do it. And since the women age sometimes is Top Secret; you can say (old enough)


How to play:

You add a comment first, mentioning the above.

You choose a camper that already commented, then you ask them a question.

The question must be asked under the camper main comment, as in reply to their comment.

When a question is asked to you, you have to say the truth, and nothing but truth. OR I'LL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. LOL!

You can ask any camper even if someone already asked them, but only one question per comment and it has to be as a reply on the main comment, not a reply to the reply.

Got it, guys?

One thing that is really important:

The question has to be about SEX, and nothing but SEX :P

Let's get started :)

If you're a new camper and still dont get it, check this CF out :) or this :)


Viva, Las Vegas!

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 10:03 AM

My sister in law and her boyfriend have decided to get married, Vegas style! The wedding's in May and I can't wait to get to see some of our family again.

The wedding planning was easy. She picked her package at the chapel and the crermony is handled by the chapel. We just had to pick our bridesmaid dresses, she her wedding dress (super country casual, which I love. Think eyelet lace and cowboy boots) and then where to eat afterwards.

The bride's friends back home are throwing a bachelorette party for her, but she wants another one in Vegas. Her only specifics? There must be tons of alcohol involved. The other bridesmaid hasn't responded to any of my text messages, so this is where you come in!

Have any of you ever been to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas? I have no idea what to do or where to take her! Since the mother in law will be there, we'd like to steer clear of anything too naughty, so the Thunder From Down Under is probably out, lol.

So, ladies, your input is appreciated! I have a little over two months to plan this sucka!





Craving a little something...

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 9:43 AM

I'm in the mood for fanfiction, which I haven't been in a while. but I'm in the mood for a little something in particular.

I am sick to the back teeth of fics where the vampires don't eat people, and Edward's obsessed with getting married. I want vampires who eat people! Who aren't necessarily bad people, but maybe they enjoy the company of humans, like how some people keep pet sheep or pigs - don't mean you won't eat lamb and bacon - you know?

I want something a little bit dark, a little bit dangerous, a little bit sexy. Bella/jasper, Bella/Edward, whatever. But good!

To make this interactive: Does anyone else feel this way? Or do you like your vampires redeemable? Sweet even? Or do you not like vampfic at all? What's your go to fic when you're really in the mood for something dark and sexy?

And a Rec: Beneath This Sky by Bedelia - I genuinely love everything Bedelia writes :) and this is no different, it's not quite in the same category as what I'm asking for, but I'd say it's dark and sexy, and mysterious to boot!


Happy Easter, Peeps

Sunday March 31, 2013 at 8:41 AM

See what I did there, hmmmm?  



What you doing today everyone?

I'm enjoying a lazy Easter morning with my husband and youngest son 

and then we're off to Iowa City to spend the day with my oldest.  


On a different note, I'm contemplating a new tattoo (I have four).  I want

something like this to cover an old, faded tat on my ankle:


And I'm also contemplating something like this, only in white ink:



So, do you have any new tattoos?  Any old ones?  Have a pic of your dream tattoo? 


Do you celebrate Easter?  What are you doing today?

[ See what else I found, inside :-) ]

(er, I was going to feed a tree but there are no ads??)

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