High School.

Saturday April 20, 2013 at 6:52 PM

So. Two things: 

1. I NEED HS/college fics. I know there was recently a cf about this, but I have a fairly specific requirement that's kind of hard to find: 

          No drugs. A vague reference here and there is okay, or maybe a chapter in which it happens, but in the majority of well-known HS fics, Bella and/or Edward are complete pot heads. There's a lot of in depth descriptions of them getting high, like it's completely okay, which makes me uncomfortable. I'm recently out of high school, pretty young, and I NEVER touched crap like that. I'm not judging if you did, I wasn't a saint either, I just don't like that people expect it out of teenagers/young adults, or act like it's an essential part of high school. Not everyone was into that. Ya know? 

2. I need advice about some high-school girl drama. Again, another cf recently, but I thought I'd throw in my own.  Put it inside. 

To make it interactive: 

What was YOUR high school experience like? Bad? Great? Eh? Did you have a lot of friends, or were you a loner? Drama kid? Band nerd? (guilty.) What's your story? 


Little Wood Satyr

New Puppy

Saturday April 20, 2013 at 6:40 PM

Happy Saturday!

Today I got a new puppy. She's 8 weeks old and is poodle/spitz and a total love bug. I had been planning to get a companion for my current dog, but had not narrowed it down to any breed or rescue group. I knew I would eventually find the right puppy and today it happened.


She needs a name and I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas? I want something unusual, but nothing way out there.


Here's a photo of my friend holding her.


ADF Fit Club - Week 23

Saturday April 20, 2013 at 3:18 PM


Welcome back or just Welcome if you're new! As always, newcomers can join in at any time!


How did we do this week? Week 2 of the mini 8 week challenge!


This week's challenge:

EITHER: Tell me something new to try this week. A recipe, an exercise, a food substitute.


Rec me a fic with a weight loss challenge!



Saturday April 20, 2013 at 7:18 AM


Courtesy of Robert Pattinson Life

the caption on this picture says KS and RP with their dog Bernie.

my question:


What happened to Bear? does anyone know?


or, is this in fact Bear and the reporter got the name wrong?


a concerned dog lover.


How much is too much?

Saturday April 20, 2013 at 5:22 AM

Are there times that you think "Wow, I really need to cut back on that"?

I have a very addictive personality. I drink at least a litre of caffeinated product a day (Diet Coke, Coffee, Red Bull, take your pick), I smoke, I drink a lot of alcohol and I read a LOT of fanfiction. Luckily, I am aware of my tendancy to get addicted to things and have kept it on the legal side.

I realised my addiction to caffeine when I counted 4 litres of Diet Coke on one work day. I can easily alternate it with three double macchiatos (real ones, not the Starbucks crap). I smoke half a pack a day. I can easily polish off two bottles of wine without feeling tipsy. I know how bad it all is for me, but figure it is better than heroin!

What are you addicted to? When have you realised that you may imbibe a little too much? Share your guilty shame pleasure with me... PLEASE!



P.S. Is it wrong that I feel better knowing Rob shares my vices?


Ugh... Need copy of fic

Friday April 19, 2013 at 9:58 PM

I stupidly left my nook at home and I am away for the weekend. Could someone email me the PDF of Blind For All To See? I was in the middle of it. Please pm me if you have it and I can give you my email.  Thank you!!! I am so mad at myself for leaving it!!  


Rec : ugh I can't even think of a rec without my nook since I read so much and forget titles and I don't know if its ok to rec something pulled. So so sorry :(


edit- I can't remember the author but the story has Bella as a lawyer working a case against  voltturi and Edward is a journalist


Hilarious and Heartbreaking Secrets

Friday April 19, 2013 at 8:31 PM

There's a great forum called TEDWeekends, designed so that people you'd probably love to have the opportunity to sit down and talk with can share "a powerful idea worth spreading." I just watched the TED talk from Frank Warren, the founder of

In his presentation, he talks about the meaning of secrets, why we are so fascinated by them, and gives many examples of the ones he's received - almost always sent to him anonymously - throughout the years.


(photos courtesy of Frank Warren)

Of course, it's a larger topic in general and a compelling one in everyday life. But I admit I also thought immediately of how many secrets there are to be found in fanfiction: how many plots revolve around or include them; how many characters feel they have to hide or divulge them; even down to how authors & reviewers write online under a pen name.

Three of my favorite quotes to think about from his presentation:

"Sometimes when we think we are keeping a secret, that secret is actually keeping us."

"There are two kinds of secrets, the ones we hide from others, and those we keep from ourselves."

"Secrets can be transformative: Sharing a secret with another person, or just with ourselves, can change who we are."


I know how powerful and moving discovering a secret can feel, whether it's when I see or hear someone else's, or even when I read a character's secret in ff. And the emotions when telling one are so often complex and overwhelming. So I was wondering:

Would you ever send an anonymous postcard to a stranger with your secret on it? Would you post your secret anonymously on a website like his? Would you intentionally incorporate any of your own secrets into your fanfiction story so you could finally 'tell' it?


Teenage drama coming through.

Friday April 19, 2013 at 11:11 AM

Hello everyone. 

I need some friendship advice. 

It's quite a long story so I'll post inside. That way no one has to listen to me whine if they don't want to ;)

A rec for your time :


Before I forget, I got the green signal to post this CF a couple of days back, Rangers! If that's not allowed, feel free to delete it. Thanks!


lol ADF telling me to enter a valid title

Friday April 19, 2013 at 10:16 AM

free for all weekend.

no sparkles because this week just doesn't deserve them.

here's to hoping that my birthday week isn't as crappy as this one has been, for both humanity and myself.

use this post to talk about what you're getting me for my birthday or maybe just link to some cool new jams, like the new daft punk that i simply cannot get enough of.

wtvoc ending sentences on prepositions and daft punk fyt:


Movies, Old&New

Friday April 19, 2013 at 10:10 AM

I caught this preview today. Any movie with Jeff Bridges has a 90% chance of being golden in my book. So list a upcoming movie that you're looking forward to and if possible a movie that you think your best friends should see. My golden Jeff Bridges golden classic is listed inside.

Notice all the great lines are Dear Jeff's?


Friday April 19, 2013 at 8:48 AM

Please educate me on the use of the word "either".

It drives me mad. It is what I think you would call a pet peeve, but I'm not sure, I don't know if I'm right.

I always thought that "either" meant one or the other but lately, every single fan fic authors has used it to signify one and the other.

Is this sentence correct?

Robert and another good looking guy were walking on either side of Dean.

Edited the grammar mistake.


 photo Pattinsonlife-Paris-085.jpg


Let's talk about English grammar.


The Daily Chew! 4/19

Friday April 19, 2013 at 7:41 AM


What the Fic?! 4/19

Friday April 19, 2013 at 7:40 AM

Melissa Cullen


Thursday April 18, 2013 at 6:09 PM

After several weeks off, it's that time again!!!


So tonight's episode is all about PROM.  Nothing can go wrong at prom, right?  ;-)   All I know, is Elijah is still with us, thank jeebus!  So come on in here and discuss.  There be SPOILERS up in here, ya'll!

Also, feel free to talk about how awesome this looks.  I volunteer to be queen.  js, js


TEXAS friends check in

Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 9:44 PM

I just heard about the explosion and I pray you are all safe!I hope you can check in!

West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion


If you need a rec to go with this campfire the obvious choice is Barefoot in Texas by Planetblue


Help Me

Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 7:54 PM

My sincerest apologies that this is late....anyone want to help write a paper on the emperors of Rome? Four hours of this and I am ready to kill myself. lol. I'm kidding.


If you have amnesia about a fic, this is the place to ask about it!

If you have a request for a type of story or a book, this is your spot.

If you are unsure about something that has to do with ADF, ask here.

If you are unsure about something that DOES NOT have to do with ADF, ask here as well!

If you have requests, questions or amnesia about any other areas in your life we like to answer those as well. I don't care if you want to know about Augustus..or Nero..or Constantine. If it is bothering you, here is the place to ask. We won't judge.


This is your campfire. Ask away! Many people like to answer!





Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 12:17 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


In honor of Hump Day, we're gonna play a game!

Last time it was Name That Tune

This time, it's Name That Movie!!!


Give us the Genre, and a few basic clues + we'll take guesses


I'll go first- See the comments + try to guess one of my favorite movies from childhood!



EDIT: It looks as if we all had a great time with movies. Some of these were pretty obscure. Thanks for playing along...


Rec: The bad vampires handbook

Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 9:19 AM



Author: maxigrumpling PM
Turned by accident, nerdy loner Eddie faints at the sight of blood and wakes, often, at the morgue. There's no handbook for what he's become. When the Cullen's discover him he needs a total vampire makeover and the OCD, hypochondria and his image of what he is all have to go. Bella is given the task of educating him. She thinks he's a joke, but likes the glasses. E/B HEA assured.
Follow/FavoriteRated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 18 - Words: 91,107 - Reviews: 557 - Favs: 179 - Follows: 338 - Updated: 04-16-13 - Published: 03-24-13

I think I'd said I couldn't get into it at first, but now I'm liking it. Anyone else reading it?

hm, why can't i get the pics I chose to show



Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 7:59 AM

What do you think? Are you excited? I AMMMMMMM

The Daily Chew! 4/17

Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 7:15 AM

First --- | >> | 478 | 479 | 480 | 481 | 482 | 483 | 484 | 485 | 486 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
