
ADF Fit Club - Week 26

Sunday May 12, 2013 at 2:59 AM


Sorry, late again!

How are we all doing?? Getting those bikini bodies ready?

This weeks challenge: We've had a lot of new people join in (which is fantastic!) so can we all give one tip to help give us a boost - a simple exercise, a way to beat the cravings, a tip to keep the willpower strong!


Monsters: What can be done?

Sunday May 12, 2013 at 2:30 AM

This will be a controversial cf, as I remember the previous time I posted sth relevant there was some reaction against my use of the word ‘psychos’. But I’m just too freaked out and fed up to not say anything. Now let me start off by saying I have never been abused by men, I have a wonderful husband, a wonderful brother (who’s also a great husband), and my dad may not have been perfect but he adored me. I’m NOT saying all men are monsters towards unprotected women and children. However, a lot, A LOT of them have proven to be. And that’s just what’s come up in the surface. Can you imagine what’s going on behind closed doors and locked up basements? So many women and children that vanish each year and authorities just write them off as runaways? That’s not even counting what’s going on in third-world countries, countries in which men severely abuse women and children, but it’s considered their right, a given fact.

My question: What can be done that will be immediately effective, considering HOW BADLY THE SYSTEM AND THE SOCIETY HAVE FAILED TO PROTECT WOMEN AND CHILDREN FROM MONSTERS SO FAR? Please don’t respond with ‘it’s much better now; they’re doing the best they can’, because the fact that it could have been worse does not mean their best is good enough. And, yes, I do know that there are female monsters as well, but it’s time to open our eyes and look at the big numbers here, whether it’s rapes, school killings, bombings, even killings of little siblings!  A fellow camper was recently saying that she personally knows FOUR pedophiles!!

Maybe THAT’S one of the problems: we never talk about numbers, possibilities. Everywhere, including schools there’s what has been proven to be too much emphasis on ‘not all men are monsters’. Men rule the world, and the good men don’t want to be mistrusted, the bad men don’t want to be suspected. But maybe if we were all given percentages, possibilities on how many of the men we know or meet could harm us women would not get into the car of their best friend’s father so easily and neighbors would call the police without a second thought if they saw the man next door with a young girl but never with a grown woman rather than wait for TEN YEARS FOR THIS TO COME OUT and who knows how many more women are currently being held up in basements being repeatedly raped and tortured and impregnated and then having their bones crushed from repeated beatings to get them to miscarriage, and of course  being killed. We do need mental health programs that can identify and help these seriously disturbed people, but as long as many of them walk among us undetected, what can be done must be done *now*.

ETA:  "Best mother's day ever" for mother of freed Cleveland captive


Happy Aussie Mothers Day!

Saturday May 11, 2013 at 10:07 PM

Well to say it's been ages since I created a campfire would be an understatement, but here in Tomorrow Land it is Mothers Day and I want to wish the Aussie Mums Happy Mothers Day!

I don't know if it is the same day in other countries, but if it is Happy Mothers Day to you as well!.

Here is a photo of what my husband and kids put on for me each year.  A seafood extravaganza complete with my favorite sparking Aussie Chandon Brut Rose.

Share your photo's and how you are spending the day, it's early afternoon.


Harry Potter Monopoly?

Saturday May 11, 2013 at 9:37 PM

I think I am going to make this:


I only wish (s)he made the money to galleons and sickles etc, too. Although both the cards and the board need to changed after that, but still...

The downloadable files are to be found in the source, here are some examples:


The Daily Chew! 5/11

Saturday May 11, 2013 at 9:21 AM


What the Fic?! 5/11

Saturday May 11, 2013 at 9:20 AM


Suspicions: the Tale of the Maybe Vampire

Friday May 10, 2013 at 6:39 PM

The author is asking someone to finish the last two chapters! The readers want the big reveal!




Geeky Bella has a theory. She suspects that popular Edward Cullen is not who he claims to be. Are her crazy speculations true or will she be left feeling foolish? Most importantly, how far is she willing to go to prove herself accurate? OOC



IrishLove wrote in last chapter.  

"Hello all!

I can't believe I'm writing an author's note, I always hated them. It's been so long, that I even forgot my login and password for FF. I know there are some of you still waiting, and probably some of you who forgot all about this story. I've tried to finish the story multiple times, but to make a long story short, it isn't happening. The last thing I want to do is leave the story unfinished, so I guess I'm here to see if anyone wants to take over for the last bit of the story or become a co-author with me. I have the outline of the story and some of the last two chapters written. I'm willing to take some help, I would just hate to see the story not finished. Send me a message if you're interested. If not, my last resort will be to post the remaining outline so you all can see how the story ended.

Thanks to you all. Sorry it's taken so long".     





OH Lordy, I'm excited!

Friday May 10, 2013 at 6:36 PM

Tonight I auditioned for a musical for the first time in about 15 years....


The musical is Les Miserables, and my call back was for Madame Thenardier, which just totally rocks my socks because their scenes are the most fun. 

So, my question is: How should i play the call back?  WE will be singing songs from the show as opposed to chosing our own music. As a general rule, this role is played for comedy - at least in certain scenes - but I would like to be considered for other roles if the possibility is there. 

The following is a pseudo performance from the 10th anniversary concert. Madame Thenardier is around 4 minutes in. Should I go waaaay in the comedy direction or hold back a little bit? 


Are there any other campers who have done musical theater, or even just like watching musical theater? What was your favorite role or the best show you have seen?? How did you best prepare for the mind-screw that is call--backs and cold readings? 
Come inside and let's talk theater!!


Friday May 10, 2013 at 1:38 PM

I am getting worried about a phrase that I am hearing all over the place.

" Slut- Shaming", 

1- I am not completely sure all that falls under this category..I would like examples, please.

2- Although, I think I am going to agree with some of the examples given to me, I have a feeling that I may not agree with all of them.

3- I guess I am worried that this trend will encourage some girls to think it is ok to act/dress a certain way...I am thinking this is where the campfire may get hot hot hot! :0)

4- I just see school dress codes all over the country going out the window, and I guess I am worried??

Please, come discuss.

I really want examples for what this is, and why it is suddenly not ok to encourage girls to dress and act appropriately.

I just feel that girls should be encouraged to dress and act appropriately, and that boys should be taught to act respectfully towards girls no matter what...even if the girls do not dress and act appropriately. 

I want the best of both worlds??  Is this wrong?


They Did It Again.

Friday May 10, 2013 at 1:07 PM

A Bad Lip Reading made a clip of The Walking Dead.

Posted inside.


(Didn't see it posted yet, and if it's a repost, my apologies!)


Blast From The Past

Friday May 10, 2013 at 1:04 PM

How did I not know about this?



Am I the only Camper that didn't know ADF has a Youtube channel? A very out of date Youtube channel, but still. You can find it here:
Do any of you have Youtube channels in which you post videos? Stuff like above, not just fanvids? Maybe you do cooking demos or review beauty products or books? Or just chatter away? I've thought about doing it but I dunno.
Anyway, feel free to link your channels/videos in the comments and even if you don't host a regular thing feel free to post any embarrassing videos you might have of yourselves. :)

Baby names

Friday May 10, 2013 at 8:02 AM

How did you pick your child's name?  I'm trying to avoid names already in the family, which is so hard! I really like the name Elisabeth, but my cousin's middle name is that.  I didn't think this would be so hard, since my son was so easy to pick before.  Now, we are having the hardest time :(   


I guess, it is really good I still have time, but for my daughter, we had two names each before we hit 5 months.




The Daily Chew! 5/10

Friday May 10, 2013 at 7:40 AM


What the Fic?! 5/10

Friday May 10, 2013 at 7:37 AM



Friday May 10, 2013 at 7:34 AM

it's the freeforall!

post on whichever topic pleases you!

feed a tree so that the forest can afford itself!

remember: no curse words or nsfw pics on the front page. keep that to the inside of your campfires, please.

for this week's installment, let's talk about our shows. it's season finale time for the big networks, darlings, and we're being left with cliffhangers.

for instance, the preview for next week's finale of grey's anatomy made me threaten, out loud, to defecate on someone's lawn. only i used a rude word because i am a rude lady.

so let's talk about our shows. but don't be jerks, darlings; no spoilers if you know something that is going to happen.

so, talk about your shows, or maybe discuss summer shows for which you are excited. and hey, my grey's people, represent up in this campfire.

my spirit animal christina yang fyt:



Thursday May 9, 2013 at 3:05 PM

I'm posting this early. 














I did it!

Thursday May 9, 2013 at 9:22 AM


I finally published my book! It's on sale for 99 cents from today until Monday. 

Worldwide on iTunes



What recent 99¢/1£/1€ book have you read and recommend?



My Rec: The Fallout

Author: OCDindeed


March 16/06 the world the Cullens knew ended. Faith, hope & love are powerful things. Edward finds out how powerful they are when he loses the one person who made his life worth living. Not just an E/B story. Entire Cullen clan is here, each with their own hardships. Set during a post-apocalyptic nuclear war. Try the Prologue before passing judgment. You might be surprised! NM/AU


The Daily Chew! 5/9

Thursday May 9, 2013 at 7:11 AM


What the Fic?! 5/9

Thursday May 9, 2013 at 7:07 AM


Aspiring to higher lit

Thursday May 9, 2013 at 6:07 AM

Michael Gove, the UK Education secretary, gave a speech today criticizing  a large chunk of the education establishment, for promoting a culture of "low aspirations" in education. LINK to story in The Guardian

He mentions Stephanie Meyer:

"I suspect those of us who are parents would recognise that
there are all too many children and young people only too happy to lose themselves in Stephanie Meyer, while away hours flinging electronic fowl at virtual pigs, hang out rather than shape up and dream of fame finding them rather than them pursuing glory.

And I also suspect that all of us who are parents would be delighted if our children were learning to love George Eliot, write their own computer programmes, daring to take themselves out of their comfort zone and aspiring to be faster, higher or stronger."

And again at the end:

"Stephenie Meyer cannot hold a flaming pitch torch to George Eliot. There is a Great Tradition of English Literature - a Canon of transcendent works - and Breaking Dawn is not part of it."

Hey, Gove knew the name of the last book.  Which means his wife and kids are probably reading it (see campfire below).  

Anyway, this made me think about my Literature education in High School, long ago in the US, where we had to read an endless number of classics.  Very few modern novels were deemed worthy.  (We were the first year AP classes were offered in schools,btw.  Yes, I am a pioneer.)

My son and daughter, however, here in the UK, have read far fewer British Greats than I ever did.  Sometimes they only read part of a great novel, particularly Dickens, instead of the whole thing.   Iain Banks 'The Wasp Factory' (1984) was the most modern novel they read.  They read one Steinbeck and one Poe.  No Dostoyevsky or any translated works.

I am still in shock that my kids have read so few.

Was anyone here assigned a really light novel in high/secondary school?  
Do you feel you were challenged enough with your required reading?
What was the most difficult novel you had to read as a teen?

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