
The Host movie

Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 2:28 PM

Just went to see it. And it's now absolutely official: I can't find another movie as magical as Twilight. Sigh. More in the comments.

Btw, interesting to see Emily Browing in the movie. Didn't SM want her cast as Bella?

Those of you that read/saw The Host, did you like it? The others: Do you plan on reading/seeing it?



Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 8:35 AM

Readers and writers – what are your opinions regarding reviews on the various sites you read/post a story?

I had a fascinating PM exchange with a reader a few months ago, who expressed surprise when I replied to her review, thanking her for taking the time to share her thoughts with me. This reader told me that she's been in the fandom a few years now, and has noticed that fewer authors are sending out review replies, and how that's affecting her willingness to read or review any of their future stories, should they post more. She thanked me for my response, and that conversation inspired me to really consider her point of view, one that appreciates the personalized expression of gratitude in a private reply, a reciprocation of acknowledgment from one person to another. 

Personally, I don't care how busy I am, I will stay up a little later at night or make every effort to respond to every review I get (it may take me a week or two, but I will), because I believe that in all facets of life, a compliment/comment deserves a response, and a kind one, if possible, based on the approach that positivity breeds more positivity, paying it forward and subconsciously inviting more of it, etc.

In my opinion, It's encouraging to hear from a reader, and I feel that by responding, it's an extension of the process we engage in when we write or read fanfiction. Granted, there is a difference between “expecting” things and hoping for them, and there's a fine line we balance when we post a story or review.

I don't believe a writer is obligated to post a new chapter any more than a reader is obligated to review it.

But isn't it nice when both things happen?

Yet we are all so busy with our lives, and may not have the chance to respond to every comment, etc. It's not physically possible for some to do it all – write, read, post on our favorite net places, review, review reply...all the while having to manage our personal lives/careers/etc. And what I find important may not be a shared opinion of others – but it does get me thinking about what fanfiction and reviews are about. It's about exchange/interaction to some, and a hands-off kind of hobby to others, both readers and writers alike. Yet it's rarely discussed, and hearing from that reader again this morning reminded me about how many opinions there must be out there, regarding this issue of reviews.


What are your opinions about leaving a review, or receiving a response from the author? Do you have any expectations when you begin reading and/or reviewing a story? Does it upset you to see an author ask for reviews, or holding their future chapters hostage until they reach a certain number? Are you surprised when you receive a thank you for your review, or is a response a standard occurrence for you?


What are your opinions about the review process? Do the one word reviews or “smiley faces only” bother you (I've heard that criticism a lot from authors, over the years)? Do you try to respond to reviews individually or do you prefer to leave a “thank you” in your authors notes, freeing up more time to write in your already hectic day? Do you feel that reviews are helpful or a hindrance to your creative process?

I look forward to reading your opinions, and wish you all a wonderful day!



And to feed a tree, a story update I run to when I see it come into my in-box:

Quarterback Sneak by jayhawkbb

As a Seattle sports talk radio host, it's my job to give my opinion on the Seahawks new quarterback, Edward Cullen. But maybe I shouldn't have said what I know, about his butt. E/B Rated M for language and adult content.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 66,836 - Reviews: 1,707 - Favs: 1,590 - Follows: 2,550 - Updated: 03-17-13 - Published: 08-31-12 - id: 8483034


The Daily Chew! 5/1

Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 7:26 AM


What the Fic?! 5/1

Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 7:25 AM


Fassy Macbeth

Wednesday May 1, 2013 at 2:04 AM

So...apparently Michael Fassbender is going to play alongside Natalie Portman in a big screen adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Let's let that sink in, shall we?



Michael Fassbender as Macbeth. 


Seems to me that inspiring lustful thoughts of Fassbender in a kilt would be enough to make an automatically interactive campfire, but just in case...

Shakespeare plays to the big screen -- what do you like, what do you hate? Can Fassbender pull this off? Can Portman?

What about other movies being made of your favorite books? I'm totally down with Theo James as Four. I know the age thing is off, but I'd rather have an actor who nails the role than one who fits all the details of looks/precise age, etc. Personally, I can't wait to see a Dauntless tattoo on this man's chest.




Edited to add: I just realized it isn't FFA. It's a holiday for me here, so I posted something that may or may not fit. How ya feel about it, Rangers? Am I okay?


RANGER APPROVED. Michael Fassbender in a kilt - even imagined - seals the deal.


Looking for story

Tuesday April 30, 2013 at 10:17 AM

First is O/S. It's Edward's sister's wedding. Bella's there too who's Alice's best friend. Alice is marrying 'J' who is Bella's best friend. Alice has cheated on 'J' with Bella's ex. Edward and Bella has some misunderstanding or something...




Everything I had done in my life seemed to lead up to this moment. The moment when I found myself bound inextricably to a man I didn’t love, trapped in a life I didn’t want. And if I left him, I would be entirely alone.


ranger PSA

Tuesday April 30, 2013 at 7:23 AM

your lost fic requests must be accompanied by a fic rec with a summary and link to that fic

stop being lazy

let's use this campfire for recs of the stories you think everybody needs to read. include the title, copy paste the summary, and link it by highlighting the title of the story then clicking on the icon that looks like a chain link (geddit?) to the immediate right of the size dropdown. savvy?

i'll be reccing must-read pride & prejudice fics inside.

a psa from JT fyt:



The Daily Chew! 4/30

Tuesday April 30, 2013 at 7:09 AM


What the Fic?! 4/30

Tuesday April 30, 2013 at 7:08 AM


Daddyward, please!

Monday April 29, 2013 at 3:44 PM

Does anyone have any good, new Daddyward recs? A Rough Start by itzmegan73 has gotten me hooked, but I'm finding that every fic I try features 4-7 year olds with a 12 year old's vocabulary, which sort of hinders me from getting past the first chapter. Has anyone read any well-written, REALISTIC family fics lately? I'm open to all ratings, genres and pairings--as long as Edward is the father, of course!


And yes, I have checked the Master Fic list, LOL but it seems like the best recs are always found in campfires.


My rec is Infinite Visibility by TheFicChick. It's a Remember Me/Twilight crossover that's only a couple chapters in but extremely well written. Sorry that I couldn't tag it, but I'm typing this from a cell phone (such is my need for a new Daddyward, stat).


Heartlines missing

Monday April 29, 2013 at 2:44 PM


A couple of months ago, I discovered "Heartlines". 

Bella was a model/actress, very alone despite her success. Edward, her former boyfriend, was a journalist. One day she calls him and just says "someone's out to kill me", and he run to help her, in light of their old feelings. As the chapters come, we read more and more about Bella's past sins and why she's where she's now.

The fiction is incredibly well-written and well-built. I loved it.

And then something happened. A new chapter was there, and the time I opened it, it was gone, along with the whole fiction.

I don't remember the author's name.

I have no idea what happened to that fic.

Do you?

I loved it so much...I'm very sad.


For french readers, i'm reccing Hooligans, by SBRockets.

Edward fervent supporter du Everton football club est prêt à tout pour prendre un shoot d'adrénaline avec ses potes. Il est autant accro au foot qu'à la bière, qu'aux filles faciles et à la violence ouais, surtout à la violence. Et Bella, non loin de là, connait ça aussi, l'amusement en moins. Parfois on vit dans le même monde, mais on le perçoit différemment. BxE AH Rated M

Follow/FavoriteRated: Fiction M - French - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 3 - Words: 20,377 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 04-28-13 - Published: 04-19-13 - id: 9216457


For those who only read in english, i'm reccing "contractually bound"

Contractually Bound
Author: LyricalKris PM
She'd cost him everyone he'd ever loved. Surely a few months of marriage wasn't too high a price for her to pay in compensation.
Follow/FavoriteRated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 6 - Words: 25,806 - Reviews: 919 - Favs: 746 - Follows: 1,217 - Updated: 04-22-13 - Published: 04-11-13 - id: 9193694


Fic search help

Monday April 29, 2013 at 11:49 AM

I’ve been searching for this fic for weeks.

Edward (as usual) is ultra-rich – not sure how Bella meets up with him. I remember that when Edward and Alice were teenagers, there was a fire in their home, and Alice was burned and carries scars. I believe Edward had been grounded but had snuck out and so was not home at the time, but Esme thought he was still in the house, went back in to find him and didn’t make it back out. Edward blames himself for her death. As does Carlisle.

Also, Edward lived on a huge piece of property and every year Alice had some big charity shindig for children, and although Edward paid for it all, he would never appear.

Edward was being stalked by an ex, and had to break up with Bella in order to keep her safe. He owned a horse named Twilight-the ex set fire to the stables :(  poor Twilight... Edward had given Bella a bracelet previously that had an RFD chip in it. So while they were broken up, he was able to watch on the computer were she was through her bracelet.

Any ideas???

Rec (I really liked this Victoria):

Victoria's Secret Author: zorradesombra
What if someone was watching when Edward left? What if they found sympathy for Bella to replace thier anger? This story explores that possibility and throws in the fact that Bella blocks out her year in Forks completely from her memory too. Rated for language and some violence. NOT SLASH. Also, FINAL CHAPTER UPDATED
Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Fantasy - Bella & Victoria - Chapters: 20 - Words: 25,580 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 06-04-12 - Published: 06-03-12 - Status: Complete - id: 8180320


The Daily Chew! 4/29

Monday April 29, 2013 at 10:11 AM


What the Fic?! 4/29

Monday April 29, 2013 at 10:09 AM


Lost the name

Monday April 29, 2013 at 9:24 AM

Hello everyone!

Some days ago, I found a fic and now I can't remember the name! grrr.

Here's what i remember:

Bella went to Vegas with her mom, she met edward. He is older that her and is famous (he was a actor but now is a producer or something) They go on a date and get drunk and end up married. Renee sends Bella with Edward to L.A. Bella goes to a private school and tells the school she is Edward sister. Carliste, Edward's brother, doesn't like Bella at first.


Rings any bells??



rec: Now and then by troublefollows1017



Monday April 29, 2013 at 8:23 AM

As yesterday seemed to be a slow update day and I was caught up on my fic reading, I did a little fic diving and came up with a few winners. Unfortunately, I cannot link from my work computer. I liked them so far, but, as always, fic dive at your own risk!  You never know what you're gonna get!

Volturi Bed & Breakfast by lovepotionsbrewer

Bella Swan makes the only logical decision when her father dies a year before she graduates from college. She buys a Vermont B&B with the unexpected inheritance.  Edward is a native Vermonter who thinks he knows everything about the kind of person who moves into his state. Eventual lemons-minimal angst. Lots of Vermont-made syrupy sweetness

Bass Instinct by kitchmill

After a car accident leaves her out of the loop and with a limp, Bella is afraid she's not enough to attract the man of her dreams.  Is bad boy Edward Cullen really what he seems, or will she find out what's under the rock star exterior? Entry for the Twific HEA Contest, now expanded.

She's No Lamb by iknowyou2

She's a mob princess that was hidden from the mafia world and has never been seen.  He's the next in line to take over his father's organization.  Arranged marriages happen in this world and theirs will create an alliance.  He expects her to be just another spoiled mafia brat.  But what he doesn't know is that she's no lamb.  Mobward, meet the killer: Mobella.

eta: Sorry :(  Forgot the interactive part.  Thank you!

AvengeRanger Edit to Make This Interactive:

What gems have you found going fic-diving?  Any fandom will do. I recently came upon an SS/HG fic from Harry Potter, myself...

mo kagen

Sneak Peek !

Monday April 29, 2013 at 7:56 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

excerpt / pictease / music / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Happy Monday

Monday April 29, 2013 at 7:05 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.


Cure the Sunday Night Blahs!

Sunday April 28, 2013 at 6:18 PM

Today has been ... interesting.

So in order to make us all giggle, I propose a gif-off!

Who's in?


RANGER EDIT: Great idea-love this campfire! Sunday blues be gone! Put all your gifs in here...anything goes except XXX  please!


Please, help me find a fic!

Sunday April 28, 2013 at 5:17 PM

Please, please, please, this has been driving me mad! I can't remember the title of this fic and any tool there is to help me find it has shown itself useless.

So, Bella is sort of a hippie and Edward is a millionaire. They meet at a museum, she has a lunchbox as a purse and he is with his mother/ grandmother. James is her friend and kind of a dragqueen. And Bella is a temp who writes fanfic. She's also 2 years older than Edward.


That's about it. Can anyone help me?

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