
What the Fic?! 4/17

Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 7:13 AM


Playful/Witty Edward?

Tuesday April 16, 2013 at 11:52 PM

Hey guys, I was wondering if you know any well-written (and if possible, completed) fanfics where Edward is really witty and playful, and just being so wonderfully cheeky and boy-ish? I'm thinking something along the lines of Edward from The Best I Ever Had, and Bright like the Sun. There was also a fanfic I read a while ago where Bella moved to Tennessee and met class clown Edward, and there was something about him keeping a picture of Bella from her middle school graduation...? (The name escaped me for the moment). 

Anyways, I would love to hear what some of you come up with! 

My rec: Through the Oak Door (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6530453/1/Through-the-Oak-Door). Ugh, this Edward makes me wanna melt because he's so sweet and funny and cute and we all need an Edward like that in our life(: 


Animate Me?

Tuesday April 16, 2013 at 10:20 AM



I didn't even know she'd pulled to publish.  At least she admits it started as fanfic.


I know when this phenomenon first started, many if not most people were vehemently opposed to it but it seems to me that opinions are softening.  What do you think? 

(That nail color looks like OPI's I'm Really Not A Waitress."



ETA:   This campfire is exactly why I love ADF.  Widely divergent points of view were expressed so intelligently and thoughtfully without (much) rancor.  This is such an amazing place.  Thanks again to the Rangers who have made and maintain this very special place.


Your Least Favorite High School fic cliches

Monday April 15, 2013 at 9:50 PM

Hey guys, I've been reading twilight fanfiction for the past 3 years and my favorite types are always the High School genre AU/AH (doesnt matter). But it's always hard for me to find good ones because there's so many bad cliches, and I'm really picky about the fics I read. I wanna know if these pet peeves of mine also bothered you when you read the High School types, because this is a rant that's been coming for a long time for me ow :D 

1. Bella and Edward (especially Edward) are sex fanatics-- I don't know how many stories I've read where the entire plot is centered around sex. Yes, I get that they're in high school and teenagers have sex, but some of these fics take it to a whole new level. I love smut as much as the next girl, but when I'm reading 5+ chapters of straight smut which contributed little to the plot overall, I find myself scrolling through them. Also, I hate (hate hate hate) in fics how it seemed like all people are concerned about is who's doing whom. Like, that's all Alice and Rose would talk about and do with their partners. If there's a scene that mentions them, THEY ARE PROBABLY HAVING SEX IN THE ROOM UPSTAIRS WITH JASPER/EMMETT. It's very one-dimensional for me. For me, less is sometimes more ;)  

2. Edward as a man-whore--I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with this. Edward's a slut who shagged the entire school and has his own little harem following him. He's cocky, rude, BUT HE TOTALLY WANTS THE NEW GIRL (aka. Bella). I don't know about you, but this is very unrealistic for me and I get bored of it real quick because it usually leads to him wanting to have sex with Bella and ta-da! We have cliche number 1 now! 

3. This one is probably the most irksome one and it's a characterization problem. A lot of the times I feel like the characters don't sound like high school kids at all. Unless you writting canon vamp-ward, then the line "You are my life now." should not even make an appearance in the fic at all. What sort of a 17 year old human boy would say that?! There's other ways to express how important someone is in your life without having to use these cheesy/cringed worthy lines (not to mentioned how awkward it sounds). Also I hate it when Edward and Bella first meet and they INSTANTLY FALL IN LOVE. Some initial attraction I understand, but if it's monologue after monologue about how sexy/hot Edward/Bella is and how they day dream about each other and have no life outside of how hot the other person is, I get mad bored. I'll rather see it slowly developed over time than have them be in love by the end of the week. Also, I hate it when Edward is a totally asshole to Bella, and she is still thinking about how hot he is everytime she sees him. 


But of course there are fanastics high school fics too. I recently finished Elemental and even though it's about Witches, there's still an element of highschool since everyone is in their teens. What I love about this fic is that Edward is normal, aka realistic, protrayal of an adolescent boy. He's arrogant, sometimes rude and implusive, and is insecure at times while still managing to be sweet and compassionate (of course, it takes time for that side to come out, as do many teen boys in real life). AND NOT A SEX GOD. Also, I like the gradual steps they take to end up together. None of the "Hey I just met you and I think I love you and want to shag you." No. Best of all, when he's a being a douche to Bella, she doesn't take it lying down and despite her initial attraction to Edward, knows that he's being an asshole and fights back. Gotta love a girl with some spunk. 

Okay having said that, I totally recommend Elemental if you're sick of a lot of high school cliches (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5241793/1/Elemental), and tell me what your least favorite cliches for high school fics are! And if you know any decent HS fics that wouldn't make me wanna pull my hair out of frustration :D 

Have a good day! 


Prayers for Boston

Monday April 15, 2013 at 3:24 PM

We're all shocked and praying for Boston right now. Obviously a lot of us find comfort in talking to others when something like this happens. Please feel free to offer thoughts, prayers, whatever you need to here. Boston campers, I hope you and your loved ones are safe.

purple eta:

please consider donating to the red cross whether it's blood or a dollar. if you're anti red cross, then please consider donating to your local hospital anyway. every fifty-six days. 

if you're looking for anyone in boston, try this hotline for information: (617) 635-4500.

other resources: 

• 1-800-494-TIPS (TIPS=8477) for information/reports of suspicious activity potentially related to today’s events
Google Person Finder (to search for someone/check-in) 
Google Doc if you are in Boston and need a place to stay 
Google Doc if you are in Boston and can offer a place to stay
Red Cross’ Safe and Well checkin site

mass gen's facebook and hospital website. they request you wait to donate maybe next week or the week after; the need will be just as great!

please, everyone. stay safe, don't be a dick in light of this tragedy, and internet communicate responsibly. thanks, your rangers


The Daily Chew! 4/15

Monday April 15, 2013 at 8:10 AM


What the Fic?! 4/15

Monday April 15, 2013 at 8:08 AM


Happy Monday

Monday April 15, 2013 at 8:05 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

mo kagen

Monday Sneak Peek !

Monday April 15, 2013 at 6:02 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Monday April 15, 2013 at 1:08 AM

So, the teaser trailer's here:


Check it out.
Who else is as excited as I am for this movie?
Also, to make it interactive, what other book adptations are you excited for this year :)

Hawaii For Dummies

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 5:58 PM

So earlier today my fiancé and I booked our honeymoon to Hawii!! We will be spending 4 nights on Oahu and 6 nights on The Big Island before heading to San Francisco for 2 nights and then heading home.

Apart from being very very excited (obviously) we are also wondering where we should go, what we should see etc.

My questions to you lovely campers are have any of you been to Hawaii? And what is an absolute must see whilst visiting any of the above locations? 

Honeymooning Edward and Bella FYT


Looking for a Fic

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 4:50 PM

And yes, I am slightly back - driven by despration. Since I've been gone a while I reviewed the rules. I can't remember the name of the "Looking for a Fic" weekly campfires, searching turned up nothing, and the beautiful Master Fic List didn't mention anything. So I'm gonna go ahead and post this here and if I get yelled at I am okay with that. I mean no offense nor breaking any rules. Plus, I've got coffee jitters (why a cup of coffee from 11AM kicked in at 5:30PM I don't know).

This is the fic a friend of mine is looking for. Normally I'm good at remembering things but today... not so much. Google has failed me. What I remember of the story might have triggers, so that part will be inside the campfire. The story *is* about Edward as a serial killer.

Now, I know that we don't have to do any recommendations on a Friday Free for All, but I love the stories I'm currently reading so I'll pimp them all.

1. Deviant » by planetblue Panty-exploing goodness. AH Make sure all kids are in bed before reading this.AH

2. Beneath this Sky » by Bedelia So, so good. It's an AU but not everyone has been vamped out just yet. BEST JESSICA EVER.

3. Before the Dawn » by BookwormBaby2580 This one is a little hard for me. Not because of triggers (which it has), but because Bella does something I can't imagine ever doing. AU

4. PTB's Writing Challenge 2013 » by TypoKween This is a great story, but I'm a bit twitchy since The Slowest Burn hasn't been updated in a while. AH

5. Unscripted » by Domysticated A great story, AH Jasper/Bella. For me, personally, it's an emotional read.

6. Honest Liar » by aWhiteBlankPage Under-read and under-reviewed IMO. AH

7. Immortality Suits Her » by JillVader For me the jury is still out on this one. It could be really good. Jasper/Bella AU.

8. Prey for the Wicked » by Aleeab4u UNF. Can I marry this story? This could be the best Darkward I've ever read. AU

9. Adore, Adore » by ooza The only story currently allowed past my "update within a three month period or be dropped" rule. Ooza is very clear that the sotry will not update regularly. AH.


What's the name of this fanfic?

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 4:34 PM

Another twilight fanfiction where edward masen is a detective and he finds bella in the street one nightm while he's out on a double date with Rose and Emmett. He stays with her at the hospital. There's a part when they're at a party (Alice's I think?) and Bella spills something on her so Edward gives her one of his t-shirts with Masen written on the back. Can anyone help me with the name of this please? I'm pretty sure it's been taken down so if anyone also has a PDF or anyway that I can get it? That would be really helpful!! Thank you so much

Check out Aisle 8 by Ellen92 and Pumpkin Love by shellshock81 =D These are just short little fanfics but SO good, sweet and romantic.

Also check out Stolen Secrets and Shattered Dreams by Foxxyj. It's different but oh so good and Bartender Edward is hot :)

Here's the links: 





So Excited!!

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 2:05 PM

We just took a test this morning and one a few hours later and we are in fact PREGNANT!! I can't convey how excited we are, especially since we lost our son recently.  My problem is that we havnen't gotten results from the doctor and we should only be about five weeks.  


I want to share the news with my family, especially my daughter, but our danger zone isn't until June.  However, like my husband pointed out, we were passed that point when we lost our son so he doesn't think we should wait.


What should I do?? I have only told two people so far...that have no connection to my family.


Jeans and a t-shirt never looked so good.

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 8:51 AM

A fine specimen of man, walking around Coachella music festival in California.

He was babysitting some hipsters, if the other photos are anything to go by. ;)    

Some brief hand holding occurred and now Tumblr is awash with closeups of their joined hands.  

To make this interactive:  

Does your man look better in a pair of jeans, a pair of chinos, or a pair of dress pants?




Yes, he is out there !

Sunday April 14, 2013 at 8:29 AM


Other Fandom Fics

Saturday April 13, 2013 at 11:25 PM

So after many, many years of not watching TV... Thanks to my Kindle I've recently discovered the bizarreness that is Fringe. Honestly I started watching it because well, I had a lot of ironing to do and it was (mostly) free. It turned out to be way better than I expected. TBH a little Joshua Jackson didn't hurt. He's not my typical type but ehhh it worked for me here what can I say. Plus he actually comes off as a lot more intelligent than I expected in interviews. Pleasantly surprised. For once. Not that I'm naming names or anything.

I've searched for some Fringe fic but nothing has drawn me in. Has anyone else around these parts fell for this now complete series? Know of any decent Fringe fic? Or of any other shows, ofics you'd rec in this genre? I'd love to hear about them!

This evening I'll be rec'ing a fic whose author is unfraid to go where she needs to in order to remain honest to her work. All the while maintaining her works integrity by refusing to insert unnecasary drama at the end of the chapter just to cliffie us along. Yet she is somehow able to keep the suspense level at just the right level to leave me wanting more. Welcome to the gem that is:

Beneath this Sky Author: Bedelia Nineteen years ago, time unraveled. In a changed world, Bella fights to save a man from the past and a girl with no future. AU.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Bella & Edward - Chapters: 17 - Words: 80,589 - Reviews: 788 - Favs: 423 - Follows: 759 - Updated: 04-11-13 - Published: 08-05-12 - id: 8396816

ETA - Well whaddya know, there's a tag for that!


Softer, refined fat

Saturday April 13, 2013 at 10:19 PM

Anagram of A Different Forest

I LOVE ANAGRAMS (yeah, I'm a nerd. Your point is?)

Visit this SITE and come back and post an anagram of your name 

Whether your screen name: Circa Porn 57


or your real name: Large and on anal hen  (da fuque???)


For your amusement, here are some funny anagrams:

Debit card = Bad credit
Halley's Comet = Shall yet come
Punishment = Nine Thumps
Dormitory = Dirty room
Astronomer = Moon starer
The Hurricanes = These churn air
Schoolmaster = The classroom

My beloved Robert Thomas Pattinson is apparently a "sharp, stentorian bottom". For those who don't know- like I didn't before going to dictionary.com- stentorian means very loud or powerful in sound. Hmmm. Rob is smart, loud, and takes it in the ass. Good to know.


Anyone here from/in Argentina?

Saturday April 13, 2013 at 1:34 PM

Can you please tell me exactly what happened, as you experienced it, when the country went bankrupt? e.g. schools, hospitals, unpaid bills, deposits, morgages etc


ADF Fit Club - Week 22

Saturday April 13, 2013 at 10:56 AM


Welcome back!

Or if you'd like to join us, just plain welcome!


Come and let us know how things are going - did you manage last weeks challenge of 5x30min exercises?

This weeks challenge: We have our 40 week challenge goals that we talked about in week 1 and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm going to make it. So I'm going to set myself a short term goal to get me going. We're 8 weeks from week 30. Where do you want to be in 8 weeks?

First --- | >> | 479 | 480 | 481 | 482 | 483 | 484 | 485 | 486 | 487 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
