Okay, so I've wanted to share this campfire for a while but didn't know when a good time would be. I figured last night that today was as good as any day and since its freeforall, yada yada yada...you get it.
A few years ago I was OBSESSED, quite literally, with Jackson Rathbone. I read all his interviews, l listened to pretty much all his music, I looked and stared and fancied at him through photos. One fine day, I decided to write some letters to the twilight cast. It went from there. I had kept a private journal for a year or so before that that only my closest friends could read - but for some odd reason after being convinced through my mind playing tricks on me (as it often does) that Rob Pattinson had read something I wrote, I decided to open this journal to the public. Part of this was because I hoped and dreamed that one day Jackson himself would come across it.
To make a long long, depressing story short, I basically went off my rocker - stopped taking my medication, and started having delusions that Jackson was not only reading the thing but was also in love with me. I was thrilled. I wrote on the journal to him every day practically about how someday we would be together, lalala, etc. It was CRAZY.
Finally one day, he said something in an interview that made me think he was making fun of me directly and it broke my sad, silly little heart in two. I screamed, yelled, told him in my journal where he could go - and that was basically the end of that. Since then, I've come back on medication - different kind and better, am not paranoid and deluded, and have my sanity back in tow. I'm very happy.
But, then I read on here or in other places about people/women like me who have gone off the deep end in their fantasies about so and so - especially when it comes to Rob Pattinson, (we all saw the girl with the blowjob sign way back when) and I read the comments about the craziness and the sad lives they must lead...the sayings of "Dude, she's nuts," and so on. And I feel GUILTY. Because once upon a time that was me.
To get to the discussion part of this campfire: What are your real thoughts on these people? Do you feel sorry for them, or do you feel embarrassed? Are you sad that they can't get help or do you just think they need someone to tell them politely to...well I can't finish that sentence due to swearing? How do you really feel about these types of fans?