
What the Fic?! 5/20

Monday May 20, 2013 at 8:21 AM


Happy Monday

Monday May 20, 2013 at 7:06 AM


Welcome to the Monday Morning Hot Guy Campfire. What better way to start your week than a hot guy?

Every Monday, I'm going to dedicate a CF to the Hot Guy of the Week. The catch? The CF can ONLY be about the current nominated guy.

We all have different tastes in men, so please don't yuck anyone's yum. If you have a man you'd like to see crowned for the week, PM or hit me up on twitter (@ffcherry) with his name.

mo kagen

Sneak Peek !

Monday May 20, 2013 at 2:03 AM

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Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

excerpt / pictease / music / poem / banners

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Why did I wait so long?

Sunday May 19, 2013 at 4:20 PM


I have read most of Counselor's fics, and I have enjoyed them. I've been holding off on this one, and now I am asking myself..WHY??

I am having so much fun with it. It did start a bit slow, but once it picks up, it is great.

First of all, this Alice and Bella are great. They misbehave, and it is hilarious. To the point that during a journey, Edward thinks to himself how moving a herd of cattle was easier than escorting these two girls on a journey.

Then, of course, there is the usual Counselor greatness- Things like this:

But Bella Marie…not enough gold in the hills of California…in the streams and rivers of Alaska…in the throne room of heaven…not enough gold to pay for what she'd offered him. That kind of woman…you gave her your life. That's all would do. And you lived knowing you didn't deserve her, even as you tried to. And she loved you for it. Your effort. And it made you into a man.


Did you ever put off reading a fic or a book and then later ask yourself.." Why did I wait so long?" If so, which ones?



Sunday May 19, 2013 at 3:26 PM

Since it's still FFA I assume, I am going to make a public post about this, since I don't think everyone will see it in the R/K post.

I posted a story from last night in the R/K post about me and my friend talking to some paps. It was supposed to be fun, and for members of this PRIVATE community only. While the story and everything in it is true (and it isnt that dirty and dishy people, come on. At most it is fun). I expected it to be contained to this community, with good reason - this a members only community.

I now know my post has been screencapped and C/Ped to other websites and communities. I have not gotten one message from anyone here asking me if that was okay. It isn't, BTW. I am asking nicely if that was you who did that, to remove it. If I wanted it everywhere, I would have posted it elsewhere other than ADF. Yes, its the internet, I am not a moron - I just had some minor faith in this community I suppose as I feel a nice bond here. 

My friend lives locally near him, this affects others, guys. I don't want her to feel like she cant continue doing things she always did, like going for hikes or walks in her neighborhood anymore because people assume she is always snooping or something. This was a fun, one time thing where we talked to someone outside his house. That's it. Please don't blow it up and make it something it isn't. THAT'S ALL. 

TL;DR, sorry for being sensitive but come on guys, members only community here. 


Cluster headaches, migraines etc

Sunday May 19, 2013 at 12:39 PM

So, my 7 hour long cluster headache has finally finished, and I'm attacking the fridge like a madwoman. It can come up to 7 days before my period, or up to 7 days after my period, but sometimes it decided to visit me like 15 days after my period! You know, just so I'm not allowed to make any plans. Ever. As if my insomnia wasn't bad enough. Can't eat or drink anything (and yet I still throw up), can't take ANY pills (because I ALWAYS throw them up if I'm with such pain and it's so hard to do that with pills. Trust me), can't sleep, can't hear noises (or anything else), can't look at the light etc.

What the hell is this? Isn't having a period bad enough? I'm a heavy bleeder too, but at least that can be taken care of. But this?? Anyone else facing the same problem each month? Or headaches that have nothing to do with periods?


The Name of The Doctor

Sunday May 19, 2013 at 4:50 AM

I'm guessing it's aired pretty much everywhere now.....

Thoughts? Tears? Laughs?

Did you throw stuff at the TV and curse Steven Moffat??

As always, if you want to discuss major plot points, please white it out for those who haven't seen it yet!


Rob + Kristen split?

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 5:58 PM

I posted this under the Daily Chew but thought I'd start a new campfire. 

This is according to People

If it's true (and because it's People, I suspect it is), I'm happy for Rob. I don't wish anything bad for Kristen, of course. I hope they can both move forward with their lives. 


In Defense of Insanity

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 1:47 PM

Okay, so I've wanted to share this campfire for a while but didn't know when a good time would be. I figured last night that today was as good as any day and since its freeforall, yada yada get it.


A few years ago I was OBSESSED, quite literally, with Jackson Rathbone. I read all his interviews, l listened to pretty much all his music, I looked and stared and fancied at him through photos. One fine day, I decided to write some letters to the twilight cast. It went from there. I had kept a private journal for a year or so before that that only my closest friends could read - but for some odd reason after being convinced through my mind playing tricks on me (as it often does) that Rob Pattinson had read something I wrote, I decided to open this journal to the public. Part of this was because I hoped and dreamed that one day Jackson himself would come across it.


To make a long long, depressing story short, I basically went off my rocker - stopped taking my medication, and started having delusions that Jackson was not only reading the thing but was also in love with me. I was thrilled. I wrote on the journal to him every day practically about how someday we would be together, lalala, etc. It was CRAZY.


Finally one day, he said something in an interview that made me think he was making fun of me directly and it broke my sad, silly little heart in two. I screamed, yelled, told him in my journal where he could go - and that was basically the end of that.  Since then, I've come back on medication - different kind and better, am not paranoid and deluded, and have my sanity back in tow. I'm very happy.


But, then I read on here or in other places about people/women like me who have gone off the deep end in their fantasies about so and so - especially when it comes to Rob Pattinson, (we all saw the girl with the blowjob sign way back when) and I read the comments about the craziness and the sad lives they must lead...the sayings of "Dude, she's nuts," and so on. And I feel GUILTY. Because once upon a time that was me.


To get to the discussion part of this campfire: What are your real thoughts on these people? Do you feel sorry for them, or do you feel embarrassed? Are you sad that they can't get help or do you just think they need someone to tell them politely to...well I can't finish that sentence due to swearing? How do you really feel about these types of fans?


Help again. :)

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 12:23 PM

Has anyone bought a headstone before? Just because my father was married before he died doesn't mean I need my stepmother's permission to lay one, right?


The wicked woman is claiming she has no money, which is odd since she is getting everything my father left behind without a glance to us and we know it is all going to alcohol.  She was supposed to get the house appraised and hasn't done so, but is cleaning it out the best she can so that there is no value and we are left with nothing from my father.  It is causing a strain on my family but was is the most frustrating is that there is no stone and yet she is already with another man, who is living in the house, driving my father's cars and god knows what else.    


I can give more details if needed but I just want to know how much something like that cost and if I can do it without her.


Best ever Eurovision entry?

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 12:01 PM

So sorry I am lighting a second campfire about Eurovision Song Contest , but I just want to everybody to have a fair opportunity to see - well, to listen to this Italian entry from 1984, which is my all time favourite.

I admit, I could sing along with lots (and I mean LOTS)  of Eurovision songs from the 70's, the contest was a big thing then in the entertainment scene.
And from the 1990's this is somehow very, very sympathetic Okay, the guy is creepy, but the young girl is lovely.
Do you have all time favourites? What are the Eurovision songs you know the lyrics by heart?

The Daily Chew! 5/18

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 8:47 AM


What the Fic?! 5/18

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 8:45 AM


Advice needed

Saturday May 18, 2013 at 5:36 AM

I don't know if anyone here has any wisdom on this topic, but I am open to anything at this point. My son, who was on Dean's List and an honors student at his previous university, switched to a larger university this year. He had an abysmal first semester, truly shocking for a guy who had never gotten anything below a B before in college. He was put on academic probation and didn't read the fine print...he thought he needed a decent second semester,instead he needed nearly straight As to overcome the first semester GPA. He didn't make it. He has been dropped, for at least one semester. Honestly, I doubt he will ever go back there, because he was miserable and lonely and hated it there. He also has no desire to go back to his original university. He absolutely wants to finish school,he is just in a rut, demoralized, ashamed and scared.

So I am sure there is a right way to proceed and a wrong one. I am thinking he can apply to the university here in town based on just his transcript from the first uni. I also would like to help him find some aptitude testing.  So anyone out there ever been through this?



Saturday May 18, 2013 at 4:56 AM

Financial problems? What financial problems?
I'm already trying to find a hotel in Copenhagen. Heard Wake up Copenhagen's the best

She is only 14

Friday May 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM

Hello, beloved campers.

First of all: I have finally moved house. I still don't know how I managed this mammooth task (from a big house to a bigger one). For a week the working team was still here because a lot of things weren't installed, or malfunctioned. And I had to stay inside with them (while my husband didn't dream to stop his normal activities). Today is Saturday, the workers aren't here, we have mostly unpacked, (even the many thousands of books we own) WIFI is finally working...YAY

The reason of this campfire is that I am getting many new readers (The Parachutist in particular, because it was presented on RobAttack celebrating MISSION MILITARWARD). I always check on who has favorited my fics (and their favorites' list).  I am dismayed because one reader is only 14 and she has favorited (among my early fics, which were rather tame)  Heartbroken too, which is surely M and more, not suitable for her age.

She has like 4 thousand faves, so it is just a TBR list,but, what do you do in such a case. Should I PM her? Or just ignore it. What do you do in such a case?


All about... SRI!!!

Friday May 17, 2013 at 5:24 PM

Today we celebrate the birth of an amazing woman:

You are adored by so many people. You have the ability to make us smile even at our lowest. And you give the best hugs (even if they are virtual).

So, come one, come all, and wish Sri a very Happy Birthday!!


It’s VC4, baby!

Friday May 17, 2013 at 4:57 PM

Finally, FINALLY, the time has arrived!

Virtual Choir 4 is now GO! All the details were released a few hours ago. You can find the official VC4 site HERE.

It’s pretty easy: register, learn the part(s) you are most comfortable with, record, submit!

No auditions, no tricks. If you submit, you will be in VC4 :D


More details inside – come and chat with me! Have you ever done something like this before? Are you willing to give this a go with me? I would love to see more campers in the virtual choir :D


Calling campers from around the world

Friday May 17, 2013 at 3:52 PM

Well, kinda...This is my story: I recently came to live in Brazil specificly the amazingly populated São Paulo and I´m looking for thigs to do and people to meet and all that.  I was wondering, are there any campers living in São Paulo?.  What do you guys do in this big city with an student´s budget (you know like...very little to actually expend while drinking beer in a bar)...In just a few weeks I´m going to start my vacations period and while that is veeery good for my brain is not so much for my social life and I´m just looking for the São Paulo Twilight experience out there because that´s got to be fun, don´t you think?.

So, Where are you guys? Do you think we can hang out sometime and do something crazy and wild like talking about Edward Cullen and the many fics we´ve been reading? LOL.

If you´re not in São Paulo I do have something for you to come in here and share with me...Have you ever met a fellow camper on your city? was it fun? and if you haven´t would you like to?


Substance Clad in Shadows/Thank You

Friday May 17, 2013 at 2:42 PM

Hey Everyone,

I hope I'm not breaking any campfire rules by posting this...

Anyway, I just uploaded the last chapters to Substance Clad in Shadows, which is not a big famous story, but it's a story that I worked on for the better part of two years now and A) what the hell else have I worked on for two years? and B) I've had two kids since I started posting and it has a lot of sentimental value. 

So I just wanted to say a great big thank you to everyone who's ever said something nice about or read or rec'd the story or hell, even if you read it and you hated it. At least you clicked on the link and that's something, right? 

So if you're reading this...

And thanks, fandom, for being such a fun playground. You are the best and I am glad to know you.

Okay. That is all.

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