This was Ranger approved.
Hi All. This is my first campire and I know everyone is recovering from the holiday week, but I am working with other authors to showcase smaller stories in theTwilight fandom and really want your help! Last time we did this, we found some amazing stories, and afterward, the featured stories and authors received a surge of readers, so we're at it again.
The world of Twilight fanfiction is vast, but frequently we see the same authors and stories recommended over and over again. Meanwhile, there are undiscovered treasures that get no loving!
For those interested, I would love to ask all A Different Forest members to supply at least (as many as you'd like) of their favorite stories that get minimal reviews or are underappreciated. This includes authors showcasing their own stories, or readers that just want to share.
However, instead of just sending a link, please sell the story in a short paragraph, or just tell us why you like it. We'll contact the author and let them know where the recommendation came from.
For fellow authors, credit and links to your own work will be included if yours are featured! I'll start first.
Examples of previous recommendations:
Disciplined Breakdown by Ahealthyaddiction
Recommendation by nicnicd: A young woman leads a carefully regimented life; she’s hard-working and successful, outwardly put together and on the surface seems to be completely in control. Inside, she runs both literally and figuratively from her demons. The inner pain and yearning that Bella portrays is tangible. Read the rest of nicnid’s recommendation on The Fictionators.
Six Silent Goodbyes by VivaViva
Recommendation by letmesign and inside-the-disarray: Ever wondered what the other Cullens thought of Edward’s choice in New Moon? VivaViva has composed an amazing peek inside the minds of each family member after Bella’s life-altering birthday party. Every chapter is from a different perspective, a recollection of how the atmosphere has changed since the human stumbled into their lives, and what Edward’s leaving will do now that the relationship is over. I have never seen an author get so thoroughly entrenched in a character’s mind, and VivaViva does it with all six, giving them each a superbly unique voice and motivations to explain the flat characteristics dealt to them in canon. I was beyond impressed.
This is What Apologies Are For by Relative
From the author: A soldier will die on the field of Gettysburg and wake up a stronger, faster, more dangerous version of his nineteen-year-old self. He will vaguely remember a name, and a place, and demand to know what happened to the girl he left behind. He will not understand the consequences of a choice until it has already been made. He will stand in the shadows of New York, watch another war unfold in the middle of a century he should not have lived to see, and he will remember.
Recommendations I've posted:
The Price of Balance by Averysubtlegift
A clever twist on vampire canon, this lovely story is ethereal and so well written. An impoverished young woman with a tragic past leads a sad and lonely life in the cold city. A mysterious man enters the picture, seemingly intent on balancing out some of the bad in her life. Can love truly heal deep emotional wounds and give her something to live for? Is he more than what he seems? What is the real price of balance?
The Darkness of the Cathedral by Jazz2305
The writing is lovely, with a mixture of sadness and humor, the narrative is unique and well-written. This story is a gem, a treasure. The heroine is trying to move on after a personal tragedy, while the hero looks on in want and waiting. Highly recommended.
The Tortoise and the Hare by Helliex88
This story is about learning to see oneself and others clearly, but it’s never heavy-handed or preachy. The characters are deliciously imperfect. Withdrawn horoscope-writer heroine lives in Chicago with her charismatic, successful older sister and brother-in-law. The sisters have a difficult relationship, details of which are revealed as the story progresses, but things between them are not improving. Enter the world-weary hero, recently returned to the city after having traveled the globe for several years under mysterious circumstances. The two meet at a party when she finds him half-naked on her bed, atop another guest. Drama and misunderstandings ensue, but they are far from typical. Enhanced by the must-read companion one-shot collection, The North Wind and the Sun.
The Heart of the Matter by SereneCaffeine
Life is many things. Simple it is not; especially where the heart is concerned. When Edward Cullen receives news that his fiancée died in a tragic accident, he’s distraught. But when he finds out that her heart was given to a dying patient, the insistent need to meet her overcomes him. Will he be able to move on from the one he lost and the hurt he’s suffered and find love again? And what will this patient do when she finds out that the heart she was given ripped a couple apart? Two lives suddenly thrown together must conquer obstacles in search of what they desire. How it all turns out is a journey they may have to partake together in order to discover what matters most.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHOWING SOME QUALITY FICS GOOD LOVING! P.S. If you're shy, you can email me directly at, but it would be awesome to see public praise.