
They say it's your birthday

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 10:54 AM

Happy Birthday to Camper Punkfarie!!!

Plz to be spamming her with music and fine menz. TYFYT.




T-Rated Fics

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 10:20 AM

So I want to talk about T-rated fics.

The other day I was trolling through ff.n and I read a summary of a fic that I instantly liked the sound of, I was about to start reading WHEN SUDDENLY I noticed it was a T-rated fic and I was instantly put off. This reaction kinda surprised me.

So it's been playing on my mind for a few days and I have realized that out of all the literally hundreds of fics I have read, I have only ever read 3 teen rated fics:

Seducing Miss Swan - DQRC

Welcome to the drama academy - Twilightluver001 (no longer available online)

Trust in advertising - VJGM (also no longer available online)

All three I only started to read because  was pushed into or because I loved the authors other stories. Regardless of this, I loved them all, yet still I seem to have an aversion to T-fics.

So tell me dear campers,

What are your thoughts on T-rated fics?

Have you read any? If so, how many and which ones?

Have you ever not read a fic purely because of it's rating?

Why do you think there are so few popular teen fics in a fandom that is centred around a completely T-rated novel?

Lettuce discuss!



Unintended similarities

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 10:16 AM

Has anyone received reviews for your fanfic that say your fic reminds them of "so and so"?  Or that a character you've written always makes them think of "X"?  I have, and what's really funny is that I can see what they mean, now that they've pointed it out. 

The thing I've been told the most is that it reminds them of the movie The Secretary.  I didn't intend for that similarity, but now I can see it.  It's about a boss and his secretary, there is a slow slide into this D/s type relationship.  But what really strikes me as funny is that the character in The Secretary is Edward Grey.  My character is Edward (Cullen, of course), but the fic title is Into the Grey House.  A funny parallel.

The other thing I hear is that Victoria reminds them of Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Now, I love Rocky Horror Picture Show, have the soundtrack and everything.  But I didn't set out to make Victoria like Magenta.  I can see it, though.  Red hair, obviously.  Surly attitude.  Housemaid is her old-fashioned uniform.  And plus, I was going for an over-the-top gothic send up when I started the fic, so I made Victoria like the stereotypical housekeeper in the old gothic novels. 

Has anyone else had this happen to them and did they suddenly see the similarities?  Or have you had readers say they see certain similarities that you just don't see?




Update - The University of Edward Masen

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 10:15 AM


The author posted the next chapter:

Man, this story has me by the shorthairs.  I loved this update, but then, I love the entire story.  And hell, Professor Singer?  Do you have any sense of personal boundaries?

What do you think?




Kings of Leon. Kings of my heart.

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 9:42 AM


Still free-for-all time, right? I thought this was interesting.



Campers, hit me with you best shot!

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 9:34 AM

Give me the best oneshot: smutty, not smutty, heart wrenching or hilarious!

Link and one line summary:

Here, I'll start:

A Little Crazy by: LolaShoes - Will Bella be able to convince travelling doctor, Edward, that his greatest adventure is right in front of him?



Saturday January 23, 2010 at 9:33 AM

The construction workers have finally finished with the hammers and nails and paint and plumbing, and the remaining three cabins for our newest VIP Authors are ready for occupancy over in VIP Village.

So run on over there & take a nice potted plant or bottle of wine or other such housewarming goodie to welcome:






Saturday January 23, 2010 at 4:37 AM

At first I must admit that I should be studying biology right now , but instead I'm posting at ADF. So yeah, it's my life. Seriously, I think that since I read "Twilight" and found out about fanfiction I've become very very lazy. How about you? What should you be doing right now? Have you ever forgotten about something important because of reading ff? Do you abandon things in real life just to write chapter or two? I know that some of you are spending on ADF much time and I must ask - how are you doing that? Are your parents/ husband/ kids/ friends mad because you're not spending this time with them?

My parents don't mind me spending time on surfing the Internet because I'm working hard to have really good marks. But sometimes it's just too much - writing, being beta, reading, learning and rarely going out with my friends. I like being at home, because I'm not really outgoing person, so don't get me wrong - I do love this stuff. But have you ever had a moment when you wanted to yell at everybody and just shut down from this all? What did you do then?




Phone Apps...

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 1:38 AM

Ok, it seems that everyone has been losing thier Campfire virginity lately, and since I told myself about two weeks ago that it was time to stop lurking, I figure today would be the day to lose mine.

Anyway, kind of I'm obsessed with A Different Forest...about as much as I'm obsessed with Twilight itself.
It's to the point that, while out at a bar celebrating a friend's birthday tonight amidst drinks and laughs, I thought it would be a good idea to open ADF on my phone to get my fill for the hour.
I realised, that viewing ADF from my phone kind of sucks like many other websides since I have to scroll down for like an hour just to get to the first campfire. I'm sure my friends were wondering why I suddenly got super quiet while scrolling on my phone.

This whole thing made me realize that it would be GREAT to have an ADF application for my phone.

With all that being said, I'm wondering what apps you wish you could have for your blackberry, iphone, or whatever it is that you have.

Right now my top 2 are ADF and IMDB


Happily still drinking

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 1:19 AM

I am drunk.

I am watching The Lost Boys. I am staring at the above gif.

What are you doing right now? Let's chat


Fuck The Left, Haters Right Here!

Friday January 22, 2010 at 11:06 PM

Hi, my name is Stretch, and I think Rob is one of the most FUGLY people on the planet.


I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.

And I think the only reason he gets so much hype is because some people can't tell the difference between Rob and Edward fantasy and reality.  So while most of the fanom is prep-ing their pitchforks and torches to come and kill me, I figured I'd create a post for all the other supposed "haters" like me.

Post pictures of men you think are ACTUALLY attractive.


(attention Rob, this is how you pull off a beard.)

For WTVOC, because I can appreciate hot even if I don't watch the show:

For Tor:



Me again...

Friday January 22, 2010 at 10:36 PM

So, I just had my hubby watch How To Be for a comic relief after all the tears and emoness tonight.

Can we talk about it a little?

I LOVE THIS MOVIE.  Not just because I love Rob, which, i do and wanna fuck Art, but because the topic is so comically DARK.

This poor guy, all he wants is some love and affection.  His girlfriend, who strangely resembles his mother, certainly isn't giving it to him, come over here, bb, I will give you what you need, and neither is anyone else around him.  The only times we see anyone touch Art is his two guy friends and they both touch him on the head/face which would signify great affection/love.


I will write more later, but LETTUCE DISCUSS.



Friday January 22, 2010 at 10:25 PM

the eddies & the bellies are coming!

the Es & Bs are an excellence in twilight fanfiction awards show that i run with limona.  this is the second eddies and third bellies!

anyway, we're announcing nominees this thursday at.... beer o'clock.  i'll get back to ya on that one.

oh, and if you're a nominee?  i don't wanna hear it.  you know what you're supposed to do.  so shush until thursday.

ask me questions here...


Thanks alot...

Friday January 22, 2010 at 8:16 PM


To everyone that raved about "Water for Elephants"....


Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Friday January 22, 2010 at 7:16 PM

 And still no answer!



Friday January 22, 2010 at 6:28 PM




Bella's New Moon

Audio books

Friday January 22, 2010 at 6:27 PM

Rec' ing Gondolier and all that is HL5.

 I've practically spewed my coffee across my computer screen on several occasions at some of the funnyness!!

And because it's in audio, I actually have a clean house! LOL

She recently put up a post (I think I saw it on here) that if you donated to NILMDTS that she would send an audio version of her book that she wrote.  I had never used audio so I thought it was for a good cause and I get to try audio books. I am in love with this story! 

And to make it interactive;
Does anyone know if there's more of our fav Edward & Bella audio stories out there and where you find them?  
Also it would be fun to be a reader for these stories. Anyone know anything about that? 

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep website;


Friday January 22, 2010 at 6:23 PM

So now that you've read it in its entirety, what did you think of the end? 


Bella has a problem.

Friday January 22, 2010 at 6:18 PM

I shall spam you with pink font :)

Atrial Fibrillation: a condition in which the top chambers of the heart beat irregularly or abnormally fast. Most people with AF have obvious symptoms, including, most commonly, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness...

BAHAHAHAHA! I read that in a magazine and said to myself "ZOMG! It's Bella!"

Lettuce discuss what annoys us most about canon Bella, other than her Atrial Fibrillation. I'd have to go with the way she strings Jacob on.


Breaking My Campfire Seal

Friday January 22, 2010 at 6:13 PM

So I'm new here and have never started a campfire before, so here goes:

First, I'm RebekahAndRobert (it's a mouthful, so Rebekah will do just fine).  Nice to meet you.

Second, I got a twitter account today.  I still don't really know what that means.  I've never had a myspace and I don't have a facebook, but I now have a twitter.  For one reason and one reason only: TinyEdward.  That's his twitter address.  If you've never heard of him, you should follow him, if you twitter.  My friend's coworker got an Edward doll and started his own twitter for him awhile ago.  She keeps him in her purse ALL THE TIME and twitters everything he does.  This woman's poor husband hates her because of it.  So TinyEdward goes on vacation, he goes to Atlantic City, he gets drunk, all sorts of shit.  And there's always a picture so you can see TinyEdward in all his twittering glory.  I used to just check it periodically using my friend's twitter account but today I decided to just get one of my own for shits and giggles.  Although I don't know how much shitting and/or giggling goes on on twitter.  So, I don't know if I'll be an active twitterer (I refuse to use the term "tweet" - it's embrrassing for everyone involved) but you can add me.  Or not.  Whatever you fancy.  My twitter name is IAmToWait.  Also, leave me a comment or PM me or whatever and I will follow your twitterings.

I think that's all for my introductory campfire.  My thought process is, however, very fragmented and fleeting, so I probably forgot tons of what I wanted to say.

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