
Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 8:59 PM


save me from myself

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 7:38 PM

So, I am lucky enough to be off work and being paid until mid-February but everyone else is working and I am getting bored.  This is extremely dangerous as I have been known to wander into any mall within a 2-hour drive and get myself into some serious retail trouble.

Could someone recommend some light, fluffy nonsence to distract me before deelovely has to save me from myself?

For your time....


Controversial opinion post!

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 7:34 PM

This post has been approved by the Rangers. They told me to say that all opinions are welcome but NO personal attacks will be tolerated. We can, of course, disagree with each others opinions but please do it in a respectful (forest) way.

I will kick things off:

I think that euthanasia should be legal here in the States as it is in Switzerland. Terminal ill people should have the choice of ending their lives speedily with dignity and comfort as opposed to long and agonizing.

 Tell us your controversial opinion about an issue/person/thing/place or just agree/disagree with mine!



Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 7:12 PM

I am watching Twilight because it was on my TiVo for some unknown reason. I am currently spamming Twitter with my comments.

So talk to me about it. What is wrong with it?

If you find ONE good thing about it, I will forever be in your debt.

Right now, Rosalie & Emmett are walking into the cafiteria. Hahahahahahaha.


Parody is the highest form of flattery...

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 5:56 PM

Hello All!!!

I just bought this today:

I'm really looking forward to reading it. It looks like it will be a good time. :)

What I want to know is, have any of you read it? Is it any good?

What's your favorite Twi parody? Book, video, picture, whatever

Personally, I'm in favor of this one:


'WITH TEETH' updated

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 5:06 PM


The fabulousness that is 'With Teeth' by TalulaBlue has updated at one of those other fansites. You have no excuse not to be reading this and trying to convince the author to come hang out with us here in the Forest.



I was wondering...

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 4:03 PM

When I first started reading Twilight in 2008 I became addicted almost imediately and couldn't stop reading until I finished all the books. Then, one day, I found out about and decided to take a look at one of the stories and started reading 'You Get Me Closer To God' and I absolutely loved it. Now I have 317 stories on my favorites and almost none of them has a single vampire and/or werewolf in it.
So, is it odd that I don't like to read fics where the Cullens are vampires? Or if there are any werewolf in it? Does that happens to you too? Or that's just me? 'Cause I mean, I love all the sparkling vampires in the books, don't get me wrong... But ugh, I just can't stand reading about it in fanfictions.
So ladies, lettuce discuss!

Btw, forgive my bad English please, and correct me if I said something wrong or that doesn't make any sense. Thank you! :)


Eclipse Soundtrack

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 3:22 PM

What do you think would be good on there?

Who do you think will be on there?

Is there a song you think sums up the book as a whole? (insert torn between two lovers joke here)

Come and tell me my pretties.

I think this should be on there:

Because it's the best song ever and I love Junsu.


Update my Music collection

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 3:19 PM

 I am in need of some suggestions to update my ipod with.

I listen to the following often so if you have any suggestions .....

Kings of Leon,The Black Keys, Band of Skulls, Gnarles Barkley, Adele etc...


 campfire approved by wtvoc


Unbounded Love

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Hello!! *Waves hand around* I've been hovering around this site for months now, and well, I finally decided to join!!! YAYNESS!! I love it here, and the fics posted up are awesome!

Anyways, I've come up with a fic of my own. The first time I write for Twilight...but I've written for POTC and LOTR before.

Unbounded Love: Bella dies before her wedding with Edward, but before her death, she promises him to return. What happens when Edward finds the essence of Bella in Alice's best friend, Isabel? Will Isabel help Edward let go on his painful past and find true love again?

Love it? Hate it? Comment on it!  (: If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact moi!!


BTW: I love how I can post this in diff colors! lol well I shall now skip back onto the forest to try and look for some wolves...or hunting vampires...or anything.

jessica stanley

Student/Teacher Intimacy at Forks school Examined

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 2:27 PM

My editor totally busted me.  I had an assignment in my home economics class that required me to write a report on parenting this week.  To do the assignment, it was suggested that we spend time with a child, under the age of ten, for at least an hour.  We could do this by babysitting, or hanging out with a neighbor or niece or nephew or whatever.  I was totally going to fake it for my paper.  But then I figured out how to actually get my assignment done AND make my deadline for this interview.

He might not be the typical person you’d expect to read about here in my column, but I happen to think he’s a pretty cool kid.  Plus-  his dad is a total dilf.  (Not sure if I can write that here.  But I suppose my editor will take it out if he needs to.)

Here is my interview with Anthony.


Me:  Okay.  So like... Anthony?  Your teacher said it would be okay for me to like, talk to you today.  About stuff.  Because people like you and want to get to know about you.  Is that okay with you? 

A:  (He shrugged.) Okay.  Miss Swan said it was okay?

Miss Swan is Anthony’s teacher.  And let me tell you, I really had to convince her that I was doing a legitimate project for school.  I appealed to her teacher-side.  You know…  to help me be the best I can be and succeed academically and blah blah blah.  But seriously, she’s like WAY over-protective of this kid.  And she was very strict about the kind of things I could talk to him about.  Because for a little dude, he’s been through a lot.  I mean, like… he lost his Mom and his Grandma recently.  And he’s sort of just getting to know his Dad.  That’s the hottie I mentioned before.  So I had to be careful with this kid.  Or I was pretty sure ‘Miss Swan’ would step right out of those teacher-shoes and kick my butt.

Me:  Sure.  She's like… totally cool with it.'re like... really short, huh? 

A:  No! I'm not short! I'm big like a 5-yr-old.  I can reach the pencil sharpener all by myself. 

Me:  Wow.  That's... impressive. 

A:  What's a-pressive? 

Me: IM-pressive.  You know what?  Nevermind.  Let’s just get on with the interview.  Your teacher thought you might like it if I interviewed you outside on the merry-go-round or something.  But I drank like a large mochachino a little while ago and I thought I might hurl and maybe this would be a little more quiet than the playground anyway.  So... you like your teacher, huh? 
 A:  Uh-huh. I like the merry-go-round, too 

Me:  Yeah, well, like I said.  That's not gonna happen.  What do you like best about your teacher? 

A:  Um...she smells good. And she's nice and she gives me crackers and I got to sleep in the blue bed at her house. 

Me:  You sleep at her house?  Does she like… baby sit you for your Dad? 

A:  Uh-huh.  But I don't sleep there every time. 

Me:  That's cool I guess.  So.. uh.. what do you do for fun? 

A:  Play at soccer. I have a soccer ball from Miss Swan.  And I can color with five crayons at the same time! 

Me:  Woo-hoo.  Ummm... What is your favorite thing to do when you AREN'T with Miss Swan?

A:  Play with Gus. 

Me:  Who is Gus? 

A:  He's my friend. He lives in box in the top of the closet. 

(Okay.  So this kid was cute.  Like REALLY cute.  But so was that little creepy girl from Poltergeist.  Right?  So I was kinda freaked a little about his ‘friend’ that lived in a box in the closet.  But I was sorta hoping it was just some imaginary thing and not like a scary ghost or something that would like come after me just because I was talking to Anthony one day at school.)  

Me:  Alright then.  What do you and Gus talk about?  When he's not in a box on the top of your closet? 

A:  Um...we talk about Grandma and Mommy and if Grandpa still has a wheelie chair. 

(Alright.  SO not spooky.  Anthony was blushing, and it kinda just made me want to pick him up and hug him.  You know, if I wasn’t wearing my new pink sweater and everything.) 

Me:  Anthony... you are really kinda cute.  Who do you look more like?  Your Mom or your Dad? 

A:  Well...Mommy is a girl. I'm not a girl 

(I snorted a little.  Anthony seemed kind of amused by the sound.  I just had to remind myself that he was five.) 

Me:  So you look like your dad?  Because he's a boy? 

A:  Yeah. And his hair is the same. 

Me:  Do you have anything else that's the same?  And I mean that in a totally over-the-clothes kind of way. 

(I think I confused the kid.) 

A: Um...we have a same Happy Meal toy because I got two orange cars so now he has one and I have one. And he has a blue shirt like me. 

Me:  You know Anthony?  You're a totally cool little kid.  Maybe I could babysit you sometime so your Dad can go out.  I totally helped my cousin babysit this one kid one night.  But when we were playing hide-and-go-seek he shut himself into the dryer.  And he fell asleep in there and we couldn't find him for like, eight hours.  But it wasn't so bad because they were playing a marathon of 90210 so we totally weren't bored.  And he was asleep so he didn't care either.  But I'd be way more responsible and stuff if it was just me and you. 

(Oh, no.  I think I scared him or something.) 

A:  Your browser may not support display of this image. I don't wanna go in the dryer... 

Me:  Oh honey… I wouldn't put you in there. 

A:  Miss Swan babysits me. 

Me:  Yeah, yeah. Miss Swan. Okay.  I get it. (And Miss Swan was looking a little worried.  Probably because Anthony got all upset over that whole dryer-thing.  She was walking toward us.)

I think your lunch time is about over.  Better pack up that lunchbox kid.  I need to get back to school too. 

A:  It has Superman on it. 

Me:  It might be the coolest lunchbox I’ve ever seen.  See ya around, huh Anthony? 

A:  Okay.  Bye! 


I really wanted to give Anthony a hug.  But… he kinda looked like he didn’t really want me to. Besides, Miss Swan looked like she was all business and I didn’t want to take any chances on upsetting him again.  I had a feeling it wouldn’t be pretty.  All in all, I think the interview went really well.  And hopefully my Home-Ec. teacher will look past the whole dryer-incident in my report, too.   


Happily Ever After...must have?

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 2:09 PM

When you read a fic, does it have to have a HEA?

Can you handle a non-HEA if both characters are happy?

If you started to read a fic and the author tells you right off the bat if there is a happy ending (not massage parlour sort of way) or not would you still read it?




Hello Out There

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Hello my fellow campers!

Because I love the fandom oh so much I decided that you all should know about the little slice of heaven that is amp23's Gates. This is probably one of my favorite fics right now and even though the updates are pretty sporadic, I think it's worth the wait.  So if you're reading it...kudos. And if you're not...GO! Now!

Here's the plot summary for those of you who are wondering:

"What if Bella was already romantically involved with Jacob when she met Edward?

Bella has just started her freshman year at Yale after taking a year off between high school and college. She is trying to balance her relationship with her long distance boyfriend, Jacob, while also trying to forge real friendships with her suitemates, figure out how to handle the academics, and deal with the problem that caused her to take the year off before starting college.

And then she gets a ride from a Yalie named Edward Cullen . . ."

It may sound like something you've read before, but who doesn't love a little collegeward?


I've got hoes in different area codes.

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 12:55 PM


 campfire approved by wtvoc

Come, little campers and join me round' the fire.

I've been thinking recently at how nice our little community is here on the interwebz.  We all get along so famously!  It just got me thinking where we all come from.  How wide of a reach does A Different Forest have?  So tell me laides...Where do you live currently?  What is one thing you like about it and what is one thing you dislike about it?  If your not comfy sharing that info, tell me where you were born or where you would like to live.  I'll go first.

I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada and I have never lived anywhere else.  I like the insane convenience of this town but I dislike the lack of seasons.  It’s pretty much hot and then a little bit of cold thrown in the mix.



Billy out and about

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 12:27 PM



Billy Burke, 43, was spotted leaving a medical building in Beverly Hills, Calif. on Monday with his wife, Pollyanna Rose, and their adorable daughter, Bluesy Larou, 17-months.
Billy, who is best known for his portrayal of Charlie Sawn in the Twilight series, recently told that he hopes his daughter is just like Kristen Stewart's character, Bella Swan:
Bella’s got an old soul, and I think that I’m already recognizing things that might be looking like an old soul in my kid right now — and I would like that. I would like her to be a worldly person. I would like her to help me along the way, because parenthood is something that I never even expected to be involved in, and I’m going to need all the help that I can get.


His daughters name freaks me out.


Judging a book by it's cover

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 10:57 AM

So ya, I just saw these pictures of the Twilight books in Korea. And aren't they so pretty?


you can find more images here

and it got me thinking about how the cover affects a book success. How many of us were tempted by that shiny red apple (or perhaps it was Rob's brooding golden eyes that caught your eye) The book cover  was the thing that attracted me to it. Before that, in the UK it had this laughable cover.  so it's easy to see why it was not succesful at first.


So campers, did you judge Twilight or any other book by it's cover?Are there any so eye catching that you buy them? What do you think of the movie tie-ins and the international covers? Do you smirk when you see how almost every YA book has a cover similar to Twilight? What about fic banners? Do they affect your opinion of the story? Do you remember all the fanmade BD covers?

too many questions?

lets just talk about how this makes us laugh




304 Sticky Tabs

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 9:36 AM

That's how many "Sign Here" tabs I just used.  304 documents that need to be shipped out today.

Mindless of course my mind wandered to things like...


~ I could use another "Office" Trust in Advertising or The Office.

Anyone got a good one?


~ Which lead me to think about twin fics. Fics with similar plot, issues, twists...etc.  

Like I read Grey a few nights ago and thought about how it had similar themes to Wide Awake...

You think that's just cultural influences or just great minds thinking a like?  Small pool to pull ideas from or did they just watch the same movie that week or something...? 

Any twin fic reccs? 


During this musing, I got a paper cut. Damn it.


Ridic but true...him with the bat in Twilight? Probably my favorite non-Edward part of the entire movie...It's just great.

For your troubles: 

This pic makes me LOL.



Guess where I am going today?

Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 8:43 AM

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 3 Disc Deluxe Edition DVD with Bonus Collectible Film Cell - Only at Target

Available Only at Target - The Twilight Saga New Moon 3 Disc Deluxe Edition DVD with Bonus Collectible Film Cell. Included in this edition are the 2 Disc Special edition plus a third disc of never before seen content and a bonus collectible film cell- check back for further details. 2 Disc Special Edition contains over 70 minutes of special features including: revealing feature length commentary with Director Chris Weitz and Editor Peter Lambert; a riveting 6-PART DOCUMENTARY that takes you behind the scenes (Part 1: Life After Twilight; Part 2: Chris Weitz takes the helm; Part 3: The Subtle Details; Part 4: Time to Shine; Part 5: Tricks of the Trade; Part 6: Ready for the World); Band Rehersal Footage with Muse; and Music videos from Death Cab for Cutie, Anya Marina, and Mute Math!

In the second chapter of Stephenie Meyers best-selling Twilight series, the romance between mortal Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) grows more intense as ancient secrets threaten to destroy them. When Edward leaves in an effort to keep Bella safe, she tests fate in increasingly reckless ways in order to glimpse her love once more. But when shes saved from the brink by her friend, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), Bella will uncover mysteries of the supernatural world that will put her in more peril than ever before.



Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 12:35 AM notice failure can ess my dee

post updates you know happened here to keep us all informed

Hiding in Plain Sight


New Rob EW Out-take

Monday January 25, 2010 at 11:28 PM

First --- | >> | 1317 | 1318 | 1319 | 1320 | 1321 | 1322 | 1323 | 1324 | 1325 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
