You know how you storymark a story? Or like, 10 stories? And then they disappear? And it's really annoying? In my case, it means I forget most of what I've been reading and end up flouncing by default.
WELL, I think I figured out what makes them disappear.
I think it happens when you bookmark something you've already bookmarked. Same story, same chapter. They don't disappear when you bookmark a DIFFERENT chapter of the same story. But if you duplicate, you'll only have that one storymark you just duplicated.
I think this might be related to the fact that you don't even need to be signed in to storymark. Like, ff just knows your IP or something and is using that??? But when you duplicate, maybe it thinks you are somsone new at the same IP? (When really you are just stupid and storymaked the same shit twice?)
I have yet to solve the mystery of why you don't need to be signed in to storymark, or how my browser remembers them even though i am ALWAYS "private browsing" when I am on ff. It kind of creeps me out.
I donut know what to tag this as. I guess it is a PSA more than anything. Cause disappearing storymarks are annoying as fuck.
Now I'm just throwing in a little Hank Moody just because:
(Thanks patsy robinson. :) )