Speaking of Daddy C...

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 9:55 AM

I am re-listening (cauz I have the audiobooks) to NM and it reminded me of my biggest beef with NM the movie:  the scene in which Carlisle is stitching up Bella and he says he does not believe that vamps have any soul.  I think that detail is part of the essential characterization of Carlisle.  Did that bother anyone else?  Did anyone else notice? 

2nd beef would be that RP really needs to articulate more to be Edward, but I can overlook a lot for that pretty face : )




needs moar boreanaz

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 9:21 AM


the nominees for the eddies & the bellies will go up at 4pm correct time today!

i will never say who, but we had someone pull out like paranoid ficward sans condom.  i loled.

who'd you vote for?

alternately... did you watch bones yet?  someone said the server crashed.  heh heh.


Let's Play a Game

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 8:33 AM

I wonder what the Cullens would be like throughout the decades.

So let's play a game.

I want pictures of music they'd listen to, outfits they wear, movies they'd attend. What news story would Carlisle write to the editor about? What would their kitchen look like? What godawful cars would they drive?

In order to survive, vampires need to adapt seamlessly- no matter how ridiculous they feel.

We'll start with the best decade ever- THE SEVENTIES

Edward would listen to this in anticipation of Bella:

Here's Carlisle in his kitchen:


Mmmm, Daddy!

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 8:02 AM

I'm sorry... to me Peter Facinelli IS Carlisle Cullen.  And I have a very inappropriate, lust filled attraction to Papa Cullen.   guhh.  So when I saw this, I died...

Peter Facinelli is on the cover the January issue of Prestige Magazine (source)




A Few More From EW

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 4:45 AM

I know some of the delicious Rob pics were posted last night, but I wanted to add the rest:






The Last Airbender Posters

Thursday January 28, 2010 at 1:25 AM

Paramount just released two new teaser posters for The Last Airbender movie which Jackson Rathbone is starring in. I am a huge fan of the anime series this movie is based on and can't wait for a new teaser.


Are any of you fellow campers fans of the series???

Maybe you'll go see it just because of JBone???

Will this not be a M.Night Fail??




Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 11:03 PM

me:  adf needs more cowbell

 wolvesnvamps cowbell?
what's that?
 me:  OMG
me:  I've got a fever, wolvesnvamps
and the only prescription is





Gotta even out the Boreanaz/Pattinson scales a bit

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 10:00 PM


How long do you think it will take scary purple font to ban me for life???

dammit, cappie.  i'm very busy and important.  if we don't get the eddies/bellies nominations out in a timely manner, you all can blame capricornnumbers for doing her best to make me laugh while simultaneously making me do this:


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Trouty Mouth

Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 9:06 PM

 I was watching the State of the Union and I was wondering if the Cullens would be Democrats, Republicans or Independents.

IMO Alice, Edward and Emmett would be Democrats

Rosalie, Esme and Jasper would be Republicans and Carlisle would be Independent. 

What do you think?


Eddies and Bellies

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 8:25 PM

Maybe I missed a post about it but what happened to thecatt.net?


Can you guys help me?

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 8:21 PM

Hi! I'm kind of new around here, well... I haven't write but I am always reading what you guys post here. Well... I was hoping if you could help me find some good Emmett/Rosalie fics, besides of Blame the Beauty and V&P.... It could be one shots too :)



Rebel Without a Cause and Every October

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 8:05 PM

Hello everyone, I'm MissAlex (profile link: http://www.fanfiction.net/~missalex). I am, a twilight fan fiction writer and ADF Lurker. I saw the "Self-Pimpage" post/opportunity and figured why the heck not? I hope I'm doing this right - I've never posted here before so I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. Okay, so here it goes:

I write two Twilight fan fiction stories. The first one is "Rebel Without A Cause."

Summary: Rising 1950s movie starlet, Isabella Swan, is taking Hollywood by storm. But what happens when Bella meets Edward Cullen, a hot, young, rebel, Method actor from New York City, who is brought out to Los Angeles to star in his first film? AU/AH. Rated M.

The link is:  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4912876/1/Rebel_Without_A_Cause

Edward is based on James Dean. YUM! Need I say more? So stop over and check out DeanWard :)

The SECOND story I write is a collaboration with the wonderful writer and my amazing friend Larin20 (she writes the fabulous fic Treading Water) and it's called "Every October." I write Edward, she writes Bella.

Summary: The prophecy cast: "She will be born for you." Years of observance turned into love and vampire Edward Cullen could not stay away any longer. Now she needs his protection. How can Edward deny his fate when he is the only one that can keep her safe? Rated M. AU.

The link is:  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5450991/1/Every_October

A wonderful camper (and fellow BFFFer) Punkfarie has posted the banners for my two stories in the comments section and wolvesnvamps (who was very welcoming) has posted the banners in my post because I had no idea how to do it myself :) Thank you both!

Reviews are very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your support and a big thank you to ADF for allowing me to post :)



Win a Red Cloak From Volterra and help Haiti

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 7:42 PM

From Twilight Lexicon:

You can help the victims of the Haitian earthquake and win a New Moon costume at the same time.  Eric Moro, the Editor in Chief of IGN Movies writes,



” I wanted to let you know that we are hosting a very special eBay auction – all proceeds from the auction are going to Habitat for Humanity to help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti. The reason why I’m writing is because we have a cool piece of costuming used in NEW MOON that’s being auctioned off. It’s one of the eye-popping red robes worn during the shooting of the San Marco’s Day Festival in Volterra, Italy.”


Link to auction:



Crazy Drug Induced Pimping

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM


That is right, it is time once again to PIMP YOUR STUFF. Same rules apply as always, but since we seem to have so many NEW campers every day I thought I would take a moment to explain what the Pimp Your Stuff Campfire is for.

You see, campers, sometimes we feel the need to share with those gathered around the burning wood holding their sticks and roasting their weenies. And when we feel this need we may want to start a campfire of our own. But isn't it much nicer to join in to one big warm campfire of awesome?? Yes. I thought so.

So HERE, yes right HERE IN THIS CAMPFIRE you can:

  • Tell us what you write and what it is about (be sure to link that baby up
  • Share with us something that you read that made you go "WOW, NOW THAT IS A GREAT FANFICTION, SIR"
  • Comment on the stories that others put up there to read
  • Pimp your upcoming contests or challenges LIKE THE AWESOME EMMETT VALENTINES DAY FIC CHALLENGE SPONSERED BY YOURS TRULY AND THE LOVELIEST HMONSTER IN THE WORLD (MAIL YOUR FFN LINKS TO emibella@adifferentforest.com by Friday, February 12)
  • Show us your art and tell us if you are taking on any new "business" and how to contact you
  • Pimp your friends who you don't think are getting enough attention.

I mean, this is just the place to BE so GO FORTH AND PIMP


Emibella is under the influence of whatever cold medications she believes might cure her all consuming horrible illness. Please be aware that she is not responsible if this Pimp Post makes no sense. It's the meds, campers, the meds.


Only 16 days left!!

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 7:28 PM


18 Days til Valentines Day....

16 Days to get your Happy Valentines Day Emmett entry in...

We've gotten 3 so far, and some fun peeps saying they are going to play...

Did you start yours yet?

Come on, load Ranger Emibella and I up!!


that wtdboc just won't shut up about bones

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 7:17 PM

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last night, the cast & crew of bones celebrated their 100th episode!  this is a major feat in the tv world.


and look.  a place to watch all episodes online!  how lovely!  now you get no excuse.

itt, discuss all things angelus booth, bones, sweets, hart hanson, et al.

alternately, tell me to shove my bonesian agenda where the sun no longer shines/in angel's bed.


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For Realsies

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 5:46 PM

So, I've read probably 87650289372 fics in the past few months or so.

As you all well know, many fics include Bella losing her virginity. Here's my beef(heh heh): in the majority of these scenes, Bella experiences little to no pain, or even if she hurts, she proceeds to have multiple orgasms at Edward's command.

See, this is not something I can read and relate to.

My experience consisted of having my head bonked repeatedly into the corner of a waterbed while I was plowed into by an unskilled teenage boy who had little awareness of any of his surroundings...other than what was surrounding his johnson. Not only did I not have multiple O's, but I waddled around for the whole night. That shit hurt. And ugh...that damn waterbed sloshing sound will haunt me for years.

Are there any ladies in the forest who have had the wonderful experience Bella seems to be having in Fic Land? Or was it just as "I cannot wait until this is over" as it was for me?

Just wondering. Talk to me, sex kittens.

Oh, and this down here is a little candy for WTDBOC, for her approval of this post. Guh. On a washing machine even.



Seriously? NO MORE

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 5:43 PM

Forks Documentary.... REALLY?


The definitive DVD documenting the town of Forks made famous by the Twilight books and movies. This is a fan's opportunity to see the town that Stephenie Meyer based her epic teen romance books on. Hear from the real people living their lives in the town fans know and love, including the Chief of Police, the Forks Outfitters' employee who gets mistaken for Bella, and the vampire transplant who plays the real-life role of Alice. Visit Forks High School, hear self-described Jacob's grandfather tell the legend of how the Quileutes descended from wolves, and see many more of the people and places that make Forks and La Push the perfect setting for The Twilight Saga.

Runtime: 84 minutes.
Pre-order @


Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 4:55 PM

With the approval of the Rangers, I've decided to create a weekly fan video post to add to our wonderful forest community!  Every Wednesday (hopefully) I will make a post for all of us to rec/pimp our favorite Twilight fan videos.  If you make videos, post your own!  We want to see your work and the work of others that you really love! 

Let's  those talented video makers in the fandom. 



Fic Rec

Wednesday January 27, 2010 at 4:43 PM

Ok, so I've searched high and low, but I can't seem to find a really great Emmett/Rosalie fic. Anyone have any recommendations. As angsty/smutty/dramatic as possible. It can be realistic or not, doesn't really matter.

One of these days, I'm gonna end up writing one myself.

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