
How to Make the Sexy Lead Unsexy

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 9:22 AM

There are many forms of dealbreakers.

This one is particularly sad. Sometimes, the story is lovely, the characterization amazing, blah blah. Then something happens to the romantic lead. Or he does something revealing. Suddenly, he aint sexy anymore. He's just  pathetic, or just too damaged to fantasize about.

Sometimes, it can be as simple as a line of dialogue.  The guy says something so icky, so baby-talking, that he is totally redone in my eyes. He was once romantic and awesome, and now he's infantile and ridiculous. And then I have to abandon ship.

So tell me if this happens to you. It'll be an awesome story, but Edward just does something that makes him completely un-sexy in your eyes


Which comes first? Chicken or egg?

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 3:15 AM

Ok, I needs help. Quick status. Just kidding...semi quick status. Only because I'm drizzunk in tha hizzao on soju&lime and my perception of time is exponentially compromised. Well.....I have a fic brewing in my current haze of euphoria and I've not a clue of the process of fanfiction writing. Clearly I'm a noob. I've never written a fic before and I'm sure I'm going to need a beta to assist me through the process of literal clashes and such. Now this is the part that gets me baffled. Is it the fic writing before the beta or the beta before the fic writing? I still need to work on the plot.

Guh, am I making any sense right now? If not, forgive me please with this delish Jawporn of Rob in Rome pic and my yummylicious wallpaper.

For more graphics that I've contributed to HHH and Twilight, please visit or Twitter me @twilusted


so, about all this teen sex in ff...

Friday January 29, 2010 at 11:39 PM

So I've been wondering for a while about this.
In a TON of hs fics I've read, it seems to be no big deal to our favorite kids(especially Edward) that everyone is so willing to screw everyone else.

I don't get it.

So it's got me thinkin...did I just have a super unusual high school experience?
Having lived on both sides of the country, I know that a lot of things are kind of gerographical. I've never understood it, but it's true. Teen pregnancy is VERY common with kids in the north east(or at least the PA/MD area). But it never seemed to happen a whole lot in AZ, where I went to high school.
I knew all of two girls who were pregnant through my years in a school of about 2,000, and most of the people I knew who were sexually active were in pretty serious relationships.
Maybe it has to do with the fact there's such a huge Mormon population. I don't know.

So, authors and readers alike, lettuce discuss.
I want to hear about your high school experiences.
Do you think some of this is exaggerated for the sake of the story, or is this really how it is?

Here's some pretty for your time



James DeanPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket


Inquiring Minds Want To Know...

Friday January 29, 2010 at 11:01 PM

What is the most bizarre or hilarious CHILDRENS book title you have come across?

Bella Swan

Show your pretty face

Friday January 29, 2010 at 10:40 PM

I'm Bella.

I enjoy reading, staring at my darling Edward and reading about Edward.

Here is my picture.

Now show me yours.


i'm near the entrance. did you read them at all?

Friday January 29, 2010 at 10:16 PM

post stuff that makes you lol for days



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if i were joe, i'd be touching myself  and i'd grow mutton chops again. i'm not laughing at the person who posted, i'm laughing at the idea.  i love it.  :D


hey look! Jessica Stanley's camping

Friday January 29, 2010 at 9:39 PM

Jessica Stanley


we have her articles archived.


Fic Quote Challenge!

Friday January 29, 2010 at 9:11 PM

 Lettuce play a game.  Can you correctly match the quote to the fic? 

(Sorry for the long post, Rangers.  If you want to reformat it smaller, feel free.)

The Fics:

A. I Know You by hmonster 4

B. Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty-Vamp

C. Same Time Next Year by socact

D. IED by jandco

E. An Unfortunate Look Into Bella’s Lovesick Psyche by inthestars

F. Sleepers Awake by Feisty Y. Beden

G. Coming to Terms by GinnyW 31


The Quotes:

1. When I left the bathroom, I walked back towards where I’d heard Edward’s voice earlier in the day. I reached the end of the hall where a door was closed. I could hear soft mumblings coming from the other side. Unsure whether I should knock or just enter, I waited a moment and then turned the doorknob silently before pushing it open just a crack.

As it turned out, opening the door had been highly unnecessary as the next words that came out of Edward’s mouth were shouts. “I don’t care what this entails! I want her gone! I won’t allow someone like her to come in here and destroy my family!”


2. She brought the marker to my cast and began to write.

“’When all else fails, love remains.”

It was one of her favorite quotes, I knew it well, but somehow now, the words had new meaning.

I felt…hope.                       

We stared at each other until Emmett scoffed.

“Well, now he just looks like a pussy.”


3. “Wow,” Bella finally muttered.

“Is that a good wow, or a bad wow?” I laughed a little and squinted one eye open. Bella was studiously looking at my penis. I looked down too.

“It’s…” Bella bit her lip and scrunched her face. “It’s actually kind of…”

Manly. Enormous. Intimidating. Yummy…. I waited for her to pick an adjective.

“It’s pretty,” Bella finally said.                                                 

Pretty?” My eyebrows shot straight up. Bella smiled and giggled at my reaction while she nodded. “Did you just call my penis, pretty?”


4. He finished the piece and swiveled on the bench toward me. “I’m Edward Cullen,” he said, holding out his hand.

He really didn’t remember me, not even one whit. Not even a glimmer, a wrinkle in his brow, a ghostly feeling of déjà vu across his face.

I started to reach my hand to press it against his but stopped halfway. “I’m … I’m nobody,” I said, and I turned and ran out the church, leaving, I’m sure, a very puzzled Edward Cullen in my wake.


5. “I don’t know how to feel,” she whispered sadly. “I want to be angry and tell you to go to hell, but I can’t. I don’t want to be anywhere near you, but it hurts not to be. I can’t survive like this. I want to have a say, but I can’t. I want to hate you, but then I want to love you. I want to run away, but then I crave you…”

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, my hand running up and down her spine. There had to be some way to let her know that I understood, that I was sorry, that I wanted to make it right. It was a fine line to walk, for I didn’t regret my actions, merely their outcome.       


6. “Good fall?” I asked innocently.

“Dork,” he shot back with my usual rejoinder. “You are wicked, wicked woman. It was bad enough that I had the staying power of a sixteen year old, but my god Bella, I will always let you be on top if that’s the way you are going to be.”

“I may be a dork, but I’m your dork, and you love me for it.”

Edward was quiet for a moment before pushing me back gently. His hands went to my face, one cupping my chin, the other pushing a bit of matted hair off my forehead.

“I do, Bella. I love you.” He leaned in to kiss me. “And I’m not just saying that to get you into bed.”


7. I stared at my bare feet, forcing myself to resist his gaze. I didn’t know what to say; I had nothing to say. I wanted to run. I wanted to stay. I wanted everything, and I wanted nothing. But if I looked up, if I saw his emerald eyes and bronze hair and crooked smile, I would want it all.

“Do you remember the first time I saw you in a towel?” Edward asked, his voice a shade lighter than it had been. I did remember, of course. I was remembering it now.


8. But a part of me, a struggling screaming fighting part of me knew this was all bullshit. This—this, right here—wasn’t about his mom. This was about him. This was about avoiding the subject and not dealing with the crap he more than welcomed in. This was about keeping his scary wretched façade up to keep people out. This was about punishing himself.

And I couldn’t help it—my fists closed with a rush of anger I wanted to forbid myself to feel. Because all I could think was—coward.


First one to correctly post the answers wins this:


(Psst, authors and ADF!  No infringement or stepping on toes is intended!  Fics were randomly selected from my favorites.  (As in, I closed my eyes and pointed.) )

(Also guise, are these easy or difficult?)

ETA: We have a smartass!  But don't worry, Kimvi has posted a new challenge in comments!!!

We have another smartass!  

Who wants to post the next one???  Don't be shy...


Something Silly

Friday January 29, 2010 at 8:45 PM

Okay, it's Friday, so I thought I'd share this random bit of silliness I came up with.

Some quarters of the fandom have had an epic debate about lemons and what they're good for. I decided that in this fandom there are different kinds of lemons, those that fall into the genre of literary fiction, and those that fall into the genre which would normally be published in the magazine below:


Just to note: I'm not talking about any fics in particular, I came up with the "article" titles by considering the extremes in the fandom. And I spent only a few minutes making that image while giggling hysterically, so I know how bad it is.

What do you think? What other "article" titles can you think of?


Lost in the woods... noob

Friday January 29, 2010 at 8:20 PM

Well hi there, I think...I'm tjbaby aka TJ, Newbie to ADF (no shite) and I'm a total dork when it comes to learning new sites. I think I'm posting in the right place anyway. I got lost to Twilight, much to many a IRL friend's disgust, and well, you guys got me instead - lucky you huh? Sorry, I'm a tad snarky, sarcastic and oooh a smidge cynical, but I'm real nice and I don't ever mean to offend anyone!

I read a lot of FF. Never been so thankful in my life that I got a little obsessed about FF all those years ago. That knowledge literally saved my sanity after I finished the TS books... now I write a little fanfic here and there, a few one-shots (Walking the Dark Street, Taint, The Shoes, Meld the Great Divide) and one multi-chapter (After the Storm) that was supposed to only be 500 words that ended up being a hell of a lot more.

I paused reading FF when I started AtS back in Nov and have jst restarted reading and have literally inhaled my updates. Sooo... please please would people point me to some nice lengthy novel-ish length fics 40k+ words. I like all sorts and I read fast. But no thanks to Bella/Jacob?



Make 'em Laugh!

Friday January 29, 2010 at 8:15 PM

Well, I've had a truly crap week that islooking to turn into a truly crap weekend (having said that, it's 3 am and just got in from the local club, so I've had a decent night at least) so I'm needing a few giggles.

Who is your favourite comedian?

My offering is this fine geordie fellow, Ross Noble. Seen him live 3 times, his shows are almost entirely improvised and he relies a lot on audience participation. I once got to be involved with one of his shows, whilst sat in the front row, and still get a happy feeling from it!


So, who makes you giggle like a giddy schoolgirl? Share share share!

(Approved by the charming emibella!)


Another Newbie

Friday January 29, 2010 at 8:05 PM

Hi all, saw that a newbie did a getting to know you post and thought I should follow suit.  My name is Amy and I've been immersed in Twifandom since last summer.  I got into the Twilight series November of 2008 and couldn't read another book for months on end.  The series truly was/is my drug.  Then around June some friends pointed me to Twific and I was back to reading nothing but that.  Oh well, it makes me happy.

In August or thereabouts some people pushed me to write my own story and Sacrificial Lamb was born.  It's a canon fic that picks up with the Jacob kiss in Eclipse but Bella doesn't find some magical heretofore unheard of love then.  I'm getting close to wrapping that up and I'll be starting a new AH fic soon as well as continuing my Darkward Taste of Innocence.  I'm on under Nolebucgrl if anybody is interested.

I'm a Rob girl, totally ridiculously hot for a guy that's 12 years younger than me.  That's okay though, right?  I live in Florida, have 2 cats, like to read and write obviously, am crazy about TV shows like Lost and Glee and many others.  I look forward to getting to know you guys and hope to be around here a lot!


New to the forest

Friday January 29, 2010 at 7:36 PM

Hello, hello!

I am new to A Different Forest, and I am pleased to be here. I go by Saiyachick on, Ramblingthoughts Twilight Fanfiction and Fanart, and a few others sites. I love to write and read :p like many of you people here. Some of you may know me by my stories Love in Affliction, Esme's Ettiquette, In Love and Music, etc. Just came out with a cute little drabble on called "5k Run". I like to dabble on historical fics. Ummm I fell upon Twilight a few years ago, but I didn't start writing until 07'. I love it. My dirty little secret? I wrote Draco/Hermione stories in my Harry Potter phase. Don't shoot me!

My kyrptonite? I like smut :p and I really wish I could write it. I have tried in my oneshot The Good Doctor (Roaring 20s, Speakeasies Docward and Flapperella) I think I kind of failed. Any tips?

Anyway, I would love to meet all of you :D Tell me about yourselves. Any good recs out there? Pimp yo' self!



Friday January 29, 2010 at 7:18 PM



Friday January 29, 2010 at 7:17 PM

In case you can't understand that, it would be, 'I couldn't think of a name to call this campfire.'

Charming, no?

Well, to my main point is I AM BORED.

I'd write and all that, but why do that? It's Friday night, yo'. Anyhow, I want to laugh. I don't know why, but I do.

So, I have two requests. One, post something funny or get outta my campfire. I'll throw fire at you. (Cause I can do that, I promise. XP) And Two, answer my question.


Me? I am listening to the Beates (LOVE.) And watching messages on Skype fly by cause I don't feel like typing, tweeting, and....I ran outta things.


To start it off,


ADF Open Discussion

Friday January 29, 2010 at 7:16 PM

hi!  Okay, this is trainwreck for the week--in which I address the "controversy" post that was up earlier in the week on ADF. 

If you watch or if you don't, please come and join in the discussion on this thread.  We want to know YOUR thoughts about A Different Forest lately. 

We very much want to hear your suggestions and advice and how you think the forest is handling things lately.

Are you comfortable here?

Could it be better?  How?


Who are you?

Friday January 29, 2010 at 5:37 PM

I know a lot of people here are on LJ/Twitter/Tumblr/FFn, etc. and probably write stories, but I'm terrible at keeping everything straight!

Who are you where? (Should interested parties friend you?)

What do you write?

And who do you picture as your go to Edward in fics?

In lieu of Rob, I give you:




Please Help Me

Friday January 29, 2010 at 4:56 PM

Hi Ladies, I went to my TV audition last week but didn't get the part:-(   The picture I took before the audition is inside. Its all about getting experience. I'm taking theater acting, acting improvisation and hopefully before the year ends I will take acting for film classes as well. One of my coaches suggested I learn different accents because I have a Latin accent of my own. I was born in another country and then growing up in Miami, got me my accent and I'm proud of it. My coach says I have a look that will let play just about any character, personality and that I'm easy to direct. So I was thinking I can start by trying to learn a British accent, a Southern accent and a NY accent. Please help by sending me your recommendations like movies, TV shows, Website, etc.   I really appreciate your help!!!
and for your time here is some eye candy.





Cover Me

Friday January 29, 2010 at 4:41 PM

 I like cover songs. a lot. 

i think a good cover song can change the whole meaning of a song. 

i have tons of them on my playlist and sometimes i have 2 or 3 versions of the same song.

Some of my favorite covers are :


I really like punk covers, for example the "Punk Goes _____" collections. Sometimes a cover makes me like a song i previously hated. for example "Umbrella". i hate the original Rhianna version but i love the All Time Low version. 

Do you like covers? I have a friend that is absolutely against covers, thinks they ruin the integrity of the original song. 

What are your favorite cover songs? What's the worst cover song you ever heard?

This is one of the worst cover songs EVAH

help me expand my music collection!!!



money money money...

Friday January 29, 2010 at 4:41 PM

First --- | >> | 1312 | 1313 | 1314 | 1315 | 1316 | 1317 | 1318 | 1319 | 1320 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
