Looking for a story

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 3:38 PM

Hello. Sorry to interupt your reading or sunday plans but I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to the story Afraid To Dance? I do not remember the author's name but it was based on how she met her husband I believe. I know it was over at but I can't find it.


Thank you so much!! (a piece of candy to say thanks)


Twific Stats

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 3:30 PM

A post about a popular story below, made me think about some of the most cliched common titles for fics. Out of the whopping  130,696 stories on I found the following results

Isle Esme - 71

How to Save A Life - 31

Fix You - 39

Fallen - 157

Beautiful Disaster - 43

Sex on Fire - 7

Use Somebody - 10

Time is Running Out - 16

There were 40 with Closer in the title,  2953 with Edward, 3217 with Twilight, 172 with sex, 665 with blood.

To include myself, there were 20 with Snap, and TWO stories called Heatwave.

To make this interactive - what do you guys think of these kinds of titles? Will you scroll right by or take a chance?  What are some other titles we see repeated all the time? Find me some more big results? Or just talk about other stats - the most reviewed, highest word count, your own read count etc etc.

I'm bored you guise. Humour me.



River Dam updated!

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Like every Sunday, River Dam updated! In my opinion, this story is just pure genius and I just can't wait to be Sunday for this reason alone!

Let's talk about it here or you can go to Jennyfly's cabin to tell her how amazing her story is!

EDIT: you can also go to jandco's cabin to share the love since it's a collab.



HTSAL updated

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 1:55 PM

Jandco, 'How to Save a Life' updated.

But I have a feeling you already knew that.


Fangs or No Fangs???

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 1:09 PM


Sooooo, I'm officially popping my campfire cherry!! Yay! (It's not so painful btw :oP).  I've been a lurker for several months, been thoroughly entertained by you crazy ladies, and have felt part of an awesome community (even though I was hiding behind a tree!)


I guess I finally thought of something the other day that made me go hmmmm about the Twi-verse to want to ask my fellow campers! That being, have you ever wondered why SMeyer didn't give her vamps fangs?? Retractable ones at least? Since she took such a drastic turn on how she characterized her vamps, maybe that was just one more way to make them less scary and be able to blend in even more.  I personally find the fangs to be a little more than sexy, and would die to see our beloved Cullens with fangs, especially Edward.  For me, fangs are the epitome of what a vampire is and are the most sensual part of them.  Who doesn't find a vampires kiss to be something to be desired, especially in the throes of passion??  I've been reading a books series where the fangs come out when the vamps are either thirsty or turned on, and when a human is bit by a vampire, the pain quickly turns into extreme pleasure that typically will lead to sex. Hawwwt!


So without rambling too much, here are my questions for you all:


1. Do you find fangs on a vampire to be sexy, why or why not?


2. Do you think it would have made the Twilight series difficult to write/ more difficult for the Cullens if they had fangs?


3. Does anyone know if there are any Twi-fics out there where the author has given the vamps fangs?



Oh, and a little candy for inspiration!


The Pledge(no not the stuff you use to dust)

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 12:02 PM

I'm totes dating myself, but I was wondering if we could do a pledge for the Forest.  Anyone remember the Red Green Show?  I used to watch that with my grandpa and my dad religiously when I was a kid on SUnday nights after church. 

This idea has been forming in my head all morning, since I'm playing hookie from church, and I was thinking about us needing a "Camper's Pledge" or something.

The Possum Lodge Pledge " I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess. "

Something along the lines of: "I'm a Twi-Smut-Holic, but I can change to canon, if I have to, I guess."  That is just the version that honors our Ranger JennyFly.

Maybe WTVoC's could be, "I'm a fandom flouncer, but I can still love jandco, the Rob-lover, if I have to, I guess."

Not putting words in these Ranger's mouths, but how creative can we get with something like this, I wonder?

We could do a Cafe Press t-shirt contest or something.  Like, you campers come up with a good overall pledge and then we give away the t-shirts as prizes or soemthing.

I have too much time on my hands.  But I think this could be a cool way to advert/ promote ADF.  I'd wear the shirt or drink from that mug...

So, yeah.  Back to your regularly scheduled programming (GO CATCH UP ON "A ROUGH START" AND "MY ESCORT"!!)

patent peekaboo poses

I need new fics to read.

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 11:36 AM

I need to read some new fics, the usual ones I read are the ones on notifications, and that's almost 3 fics.

so.. yeah... I need to read more fics. Any recs?


Go with the flow or break it all up?

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 10:54 AM

As a writer I find that outlining is usually pretty good, then when you write everything flows, but AtS (After the Storm) seems to not want to follow that rule. It jumps about, telling me I need to write this scene, then that scene, then here there and everywhere. I wrote 45k in about two weeks and I had to shuffle everything around to make it flow. This is the first time I have ever had to do this with any story. Ever. (I write original fic too)

My question to all you writers (and potential writers)... do you write with the flow or do you write out of order?




I need a Cure

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 10:21 AM

 As some of you may remember, way back on Wednesday when I posted the Pimp Campfire I was SICK. Well, I am STILL SICK. In fact, I am WORSE. I have a stuffy nose, a killer headache, I can't stop coughing and my eyes are watering like mad. I am wearing my big ass Ugg boots, Sock Monkey pj's and my fuzzy lamb robe from B&BW that I got for Christmas ALL UNDER MY SNUGGIE. 

But I need a CURE FOR THIS ILLNESS. I can't write and I NEED TO WRITE. 

Please, give me your best advice or your best recipe, give me something to look at or watch to take my mind off of my pounding headache, feel sorry for me or give me something to read.

I am in serious need of help here Campers. As one of your Rangers, I beg of you: CURE ME.

ps. xoxo and codeine makes me loopy.


sappy, pathetic little me

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 10:04 AM


How's your Sunday going?

What are doing?


Boston Twicon 2010

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 9:44 AM

 Ok, so I don't start campfires very often here but I've found myself a reason.

Besides showin some love for ADF and the Rangers (You guys rock!) I came to share my plans and see if any other campers had some plans!

In July I will be attending the Boston Twicon! I've purchased my Gold Weekend Package, my photo-op with Kellan Lutz and a hotel booked! I am sooo freaking excited it's not even funny. With Kellan Lutz (Emmett) , Alex Meraz (Paul), Chaske Spencer (Sam), Daniel Cudmore (Felix), Charlie Bewley (Demetri), Bronson Pelletier (Jared), Kiowa Gordon (Embry), and Boo Boo Stewart (Seth) all making appearances!

On top of all the great actors and events going on at Twicon, I am lucky enough to have some of my best fandom friends there. I got my girl from Boston go (who I went to Dallas with and lots of other shows), meeting another friend in Boston AND I have my Fan Fic wife stopping over here in her travels from Europe! It's going to be amazing! 

Look out Boston, troubles coming! And I'll be sharing all the lovely pictures we get right here! 

If you want to check out the page for Boston Twicon 2010, here's the website.

So this is where I ask all of you, what are YOUR 2010 plans? Any fun trips? Comic Con, 100 Monkeys Show, Twicon? Share with me campers! :D


I feel like I should know this, but...

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 9:34 AM

What is the Gazebo?


Looks at What the Hubs Brought Home for Me

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 8:52 AM

K, so my hubs has always been fairly indifferent to my Twilight, FF, and Rob obsessions. He pokes fun a little, rolls his eyes, etc etc.  He thinks the reading is "a little overboard" and the writing is "weird."

So, imagine my surprise and delight when he came home from the grocery store this morning (yes, we have one of those awesome "non-traditional" marriages) and gave me this!!!!

I was rather shocked and tickled, especially since this is the only item of Twilight paraphernalia I own.

I think he's trying to get laid... good choice, A+, hubs. 


And YES, the candies FREAKING SPARKLE.


So, tell me/show me what lovely things your friends/sign. others have done to "support" your obsessions, Twilight and otherwise :)









This made me smile!

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 6:11 AM

Apparently, guys can appreciate Twilight! At least, fictionnal ones!

Tony Dinozzo is team Edward! ^^

I love to see these Twilight references all over TV shows!

To make this post interractive, you can post some of your favorite Twilight references in TV shows or movies or in anything really!



Sunday January 31, 2010 at 1:39 AM

I have just had a wonderful reply to my review of the latest chapter of by Aleeab4u saying that she has joined as a camper of the forest but has not really contributed yet.

Lets all get behind her and welcome her to this wonderful site by putting her story on your favs and hopefully she will get on and just join in.

Aleea's story is a vamp/canon set after Eclipse it is a great story I have been following and she is such a great writer.

Bella's New Moon

Kill the jitters...

Sunday January 31, 2010 at 12:37 AM

Ok so I got a little crazy after reading the Twilight series and found out that some people in the area had gotten to be Extra's on the movie set when it was filmed here in Portland.  I found out the company they went through and thought "what the heck".  So for my 47th 29th birthday I signed up to be an Extra whenever they needed one.  Well I got CALLED to come in tomorrow to audition!  OMG!  I'm thoroughly freakin'....

So here's a couple questions, (yes these have been asked b4, but not b4 the newbies)...

What crazy fool thing did you do after reading the Twi series? 

How many of you had any idea that you were closet writers? and how did you feel when people started noticing you?

And would you purty pleez have any nerve calming antidotes?  

And let me tell y'all how thankful I am that I get to frolic with such a crazy fun group of campers.



Saturday January 30, 2010 at 10:42 PM

This means absolutely nothing for her because I don't tweet...ever(though I think my first might be about this), but it sure means something to me. Seriously, I'm only on twitter for Twilight related things and the occasional band or two. My only other follower is TK2 from Clipped Wings and Inked Armor(go read).

I know, I'm such a loser, but I for real wanted to freak out when I got the email about it. Unfortunately, I was at work so that would have been a little awkward. I was, however, smiling like an idiot and my coworkers probably thought I was crazy for a few minutes, which, I probably was.

Seriously janco, I'm such a fangirl for you. 

So now my question for everyone, but especially readers is...
Have you ever had a fangirl moment with your favorite ff author? Who is she/he? How did it come about? And anything else you'd like to add.

Here's a musical present for witnessing my crazy.




Saturday January 30, 2010 at 7:48 PM

You know, I was shitty this week.  I did not HAVE a shitty week (well I did, but the new transmission in my van will benefit my family in the long run) but I WAS SHITTY.  I'm sorry.  I have been pouting over in the fucking corner like a little bitch, missing it around here.  I feel like, for all my bitchiness, I fit here.  You may wish I didn't, and I am sorry for that, but I like it here.  I will try to not be so fucking selfish anymore.

So.  If I remember correctly, someone around here likes Celine?  or was that the GAZ?  Anyway, she is great.


You Rangers are doing a great job and I would like to say thank you.  I know the "weigh in" post was the other day, but I was especially nasty and this makes me feel better, so if you can sit through some love songs and pics, it would please this camper.

Post cheesy love songs here if you want everybody.

THIS IS NOT RANGER APPROVED. (and I can't post pics because I've already exceeded my bandwidth for the month-so I will post a Youtube vid with pics of BOTH vampires we love out of respect and defference for those that don't like Rob)


The other thing I was thinking was that maybe we could talk about the great charities in the Fandom.  Post links, articles(copies) of information and ways we can give back and make the Twiverse the BEST FANDOM EVAH!



Saturday Night Fun

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 7:44 PM

 In one of my stories, Rosalie is a virginal attorney who works on the legal work for porn films. Sounds far fetch, but I know people who do this in real life. I always find it funny when people use porn titles in fics - not as actual fic titles but in fics especially the parody ones like Harry Pooter.

Also, most guys I know in college or were in college or adult are quite keen on the internet porn. Especially free internet porn. Not sure if that is always touched (no pun intended) upon in fics with guys of this particular age.

So, since it is a Saturday night and I am home with my hubs, who is ignoring me, tell me your porn name.

There are two ways to play that I know of

1) Middle Name and Street you grew up on or was born on

2) Middle Name and first pet.


I would be Lauren Trappers or Lauren Mitty. So talk to me about your porn name or the use of porn in fic. 




From now on: VampFluff all the way.

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 7:35 PM

I've been emotionally stressed out lately, and it has given me moments of compulsion to write, and moments of jello-brain in which I can barely have a conversation with anyone else. So, I've been reading bits and bobs from the Eddies and Bellies list that I'd never been up-to-speed on, and I found a recurring trend in All-Human stories.

I have no idea who these characters are. They aren't Edward and Bella. They're called Edward and Bella, but they have cutthroat competitions over inconsequential conflict, or one of them is somewhat cruel, or they recite entire poems, songs, or movies to each other, or ...or something else. I can't keep up.

And these poems or songs or brands of tea they choose: Some of the references in stories nowadays (see how I date myself?) are things entirely outside my realm.

I'm completely out of touch, and the stories go over my head, and then I think to myself: Well, Hell. I've got plenty of tidbits in every story I've written that can come off as pretentious or outlandish or bizarre or ridiculously off-base. And then I iget paranoid about alienating people the way I feel alienated by these stories.

And so I've formulated a theory that is exactly why we find ourselves in the situation we're in now... as a "community" as a "fandom"... Whatever you choose to call this rag-tag intercontinental herd of DARING, INTELLIGENT WRITERS who've demonstrated exceptional bravery in exploring their passions by writing and then DISPLAYING their produce publicly for all to see and dissect... Whatever you name us, we have recently come to a crossroads where we snipe and pick as much as we support. Sometimes the scales balance too far in the negative, and I really do feel a cold twist below my chest when I see slights. But I acknowledge them.

Plenty of times I’ve heard that no other fandom has the flounce-pull-and-publish issue like the Twilight fandom does.

Do you think it's because twific isn't based at all on Twilight anymore? Do you think we’re TOO out of the realm of twilight and THAT’S where our issues are stemming from?

If we’d never so vastly veered from canon, would we be where we are now with all of the fuckery and flouncing and hissing?

I'm going to advocate vampire fluff from now on. Canon all the way.


tl;dr: have AH fics made us all into bloodsuckers?

smoke and mirrors:

First --- | >> | 1310 | 1311 | 1312 | 1313 | 1314 | 1315 | 1316 | 1317 | 1318 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
