Ugh. I hate being the newbie. I always am though. Oh well.
This is my first post ever at ADF. *tosses confetti*
I've been lurking for a bit, but I'm so busy that I don't have much time online, and I feel guilty for not participating; however, a lot of comments I have received at my fics said they heard about me over here, so I feel an official "Thank you" to you all was long overdue.
About me:
Lisa (LASMKE at FFn and LJ)
age = 28
other interesting facts = I find humor in EVERYTHING. Seriously... e-v-e-r-ything. Ummmm, I have a near crippling love for David Tennant and oddly, Christian Slater.
Reasons I avoid posting... I tend to find myself funnier than others. I've learned that my snark and sarcasm is not universally appreciated, so I leave tons of comments - in my head, and not actually in a campfire. That, and, I randomly quote movies and tv shows, but no one gets it. Sigh.
*clears throat and stands, Hello, my name is Lisa and I'm a ficaholic*
Listens for collective "hello, Lisa"
(I'd tag this, but since I'm still stumbling through this site and have not found a tags list, I'll, uh, skip that part ok? Oooohkay then. thanks)