
Details Sneek Peak

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 7:47 AM

This is apparently a sneak peek for the Details magazine photoshoot.







Saturday February 6, 2010 at 7:18 AM

For your viewing pleasure....



Saturday February 6, 2010 at 6:39 AM

I've been following HidingFromSomeone's "This Mortal Life" religiously for weeks now and I LOVE slash, but it's so hard to find good, multichapter slash, so I thought I'd just everyone here.

What's your favorite Twi-slash?


How heavily do you hide your IRL ID?

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 1:55 AM

Just curious?

I don't at all and I use the same user name all over the net.  Do you try and keep your RL seperate from your online life?  How and why do you, if you do that?   LOL it is late, and I'm tired.  Forgive my sentence structure.


Show Me The Love

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 12:51 AM

 Popping my campfire cherry here.

Earlier we had a post asking what we hate about the fandom.  So how about we turn the tables and talk about the things we love in the Twilight fandom?

Me?  I love all the wonderful people I've 'met'.  I've had some of the most amazing discussions with women all over the world and it's all because of Twilight.  I've never been so deeply involved in a fandom before and I'm going over a year strong now and loving every second of it.

What about you?  What do you love about it?


My addition to the FFfA Fcukery...

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:58 PM



sorry, Leffe done LEFT me nice and tipsy...NOT DRUNK, mind you, for I would NEVER post drunk...RELAXED...yeaaaaaahhhh..


Here is mine and it is dedicated to Kathy-rindhoops' Edward "Whale-Cord" Cullen"


Some self-perception,

sour characterization,

shows beauty in him.

Wycked Dream

100 Monkeys

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:49 PM

First campfire!  100 Monkeys are playing tonight in Hermosa Beach CA and the concert is available on livestream here:


District 13

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:22 PM


Calling all tributes!!!!


District 13

Peeta, Cinna, Gale, and Katniss lovers

(yes, even the inbetweiners)

It's been tweeted to death, campfires have been posted, readers have fangirled, believe it or not, we finally created a little LJ comm for discussions and craziness alike.

A Different Forest will always be our home away from home, but if you want to chat, fangirl, bitch, or whatever about the HG series come visit our District 13 on LJ.

Hovercraft on ova!



Write on!

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:01 PM

Since it's Friday Free For All I thought I'd post a question.  I know a lot of the campers here are from different fandoms, I'm curious to know...

what other fandoms do you write for?

Don't forget to post a link to your fic.


Remember Me "ASK ROB" #4

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:28 PM

gahh his freaking mouth


Bowl me over....

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:27 PM



hot DAMN!


Let's Play A Game

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:04 PM

Let's pretend the Twiverse is crumbling from over-crowding.

The oracles have foretold that the stories can only survive if a reader sacrifices herself.

So tell me. What story would you sacrifice yourself for?

We'll keep a running list. Don't choose one that has already been taken. Let's save all the awesome fics we love. AND once you've sacrificed yourself, feel fre to offer suggestions of other fics that need to make it into the lifeboat.

ETA: Here're the fics in the lifeboat so far

Innocent, Vigilant, Ordinary
The Teenage Angst Brigade
Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl
Hydraulic, Level 5
From Innocence to Experience
If Love Could Light A Candle
Sin and Incivility
Psychotic Superpowered Vampirism
The Nymph and the Waterfall
The Fallout
How to Save A Life
Mutually Assured Destruction
Dear Isabella
Emperors of Washington
The Best Man
Art After 5/Counterpoint
If It's the Beaches
The Blessing and the Curse
Tie Me Down to This World
The Elite
Puck Bunny
Ithaca is Gorges
Paved With Good Intentions
The Antidote
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Son of a Preacher Man
Cascade and Cyanide
Dark Side of the Moon
The University of Edward Masen
Emancipation Proclamation booted for Hi Honey I'm Home
Deconstructing Dracula
Sleepers, Awake
The First Breath
With Teeth
Salacious Behavior and Earnest Speaking
Lonliness Be Over
Suicide King
Wide Awake
Tropic of Virgo
Masque of the Red Death
Just Wait
In the Blink of an Eye
Just One of the Guys
Mr Horrible
Awake in the Infinite Cold
Times New Roman
The Way Back
Creature of Habit
Let Your Light Shine/A Life Extraordinary/This Hungry World
An Abridged Account
Past and Present
My Escort
Hiding in Plain Sight
Cullens Island


I'm calling you out!!!

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:00 PM

I got the idea for this campfire from another thread I was just in. 


Do you ever find yourself responding more frequently or in a different way to someone simply because of their icon?  Maybe you feel "connected" to that person for sharing similar taste/sense of humor etc?   Or maybe you just find yourself staring at that little picture box above their name for sick amounts of time?


That's right Capricorn75.  I'm CALLING YOU OUT!!!! 



Call out some of your favorite icons!!!  (Maybe you'll make a new friend.  It's kinda like saying "hey... cute shoes!")


Surf & Turf

Friday February 5, 2010 at 8:50 PM

I'm taking full advantage of the free for all for mostly selfish reasons.

Do any of you watch Skins?

What do you think of it?

Is the first generation better than the second?

Is the new season everything you hoped it would be?

Who's your favorite crazy, Cassie or Pandora?

Were you that crazy in high school/college?

If Effy the biggest slut-faced ho-bag you've ever seen?

But really, I only have one big question. Does anyone know of a place I can watch the new season online in the US? I used to get it from Chinese Youtube (you don't want to know) but they don't have it anymore. I'm dying from the suspense. If you know of somewhere send me a message :)


Just read an amazing new fic

Friday February 5, 2010 at 7:36 PM

I am not sure if I got the link from here or another site I go to but this fic is IMO one to watch and read.  I was posting on an other campfire that this was on my TBR list and I just did.

The premise is shocking, and it is a dark story but not without hope.  There are a few typing errors but the story is tight. I cannot believe this one has slipped under the radar and not been noticed yet!  So I am sharing it with you all.   Happy Friday everyone. Hope everyone is having a great evening.


eff effeff dot net

Friday February 5, 2010 at 7:31 PM

post links to fics that updated.

i'mma keep this on top for your perusal.

that's what she said.

The Hat Does Nothing

Team Joe

Friday February 5, 2010 at 6:59 PM

The Team Joe Facebook Page Needs More Art.
So, We Need Our Creative Campers
To Open Their Programs And  Begin Creating.
Also, We Need Team Joe Pictures.
So, Joe *simple stare* Yeah, we want your pictures.
Upload Some.
Dont Forget, If You Haven't Become A Fan Yet;
You Can Do So At:


Fandom pet peeves

Friday February 5, 2010 at 6:42 PM

Hi everyone! Loving that it is Friday night. So I am going to ask the big question....................

What bugs you about the fandom?

I have quite a few things that really tick me off but I will just start with one.

Dear Flouncers-

If you make a big deal about leaving the fandom all over blogs, sites and Twitter, please do us all a favor and STAY GONE. Don't flounce and come back-over and over and over again. It's annoying and makes you look like a flaky, whiny loser who just wants attention.



Friday February 5, 2010 at 6:41 PM

So I am officially SNOWED IN in Western, PA and I am BORED outta my mind....My son is watching hubbs WALKED to the bar...and I am sitting here looking at the green lightning...which is freakin me out a bit. I am reading Illegal Contact which is really good so I might just keep at it and finish it my snuggie with a good cup of tea!   So what is everyone else doing???


EDIT: My son just came to me and said "Will you snuggle with me...I'll be your mini Egward" The kid knows the way to my heart!!  I was gonna post that on facebook , but quickly realized no one would get it!  They don't know my obsession. (and I know i spelled Edward wrong, thats how he says it)


FFN Fail

Friday February 5, 2010 at 6:16 PM

GYNAZOLE just updated!!!!


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