
Voices Carry

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 8:55 AM

Okay.  I've got a question for y'all. 

We all know how most people feel about fics being reworked into original novels.  But what about characters?  Many people use fanfiction as exercise in writing.  To brush up or practice skills, or to get a feel for an original character they have. 

Is it okay to slap the name Edward on your original character, put him in a fic situation and publish it online, if the original work has nothing to do with the fic (plot wise)??

here's this.  because it should always be prominently displayed.




Sunday February 7, 2010 at 6:41 AM

So, for no reason I got locked out of Twitter for four hours. I was very bored.

I wrote 300 words, watched some Trainwreck, AND went to the very first page and read most of the campfires to page..68? I may have skipped some, whatever.

And I remember being a lurker through all that. I could remember each campfire by lurking. Yeah, I'm that lame. Although, I did stumble across my first campfire.

It made me laugh. XD

So, with being through ADF since the old side, or you just joined a few weeks ago, what memories can you recall from ADF? Or fanfic in general?

The most thing I remember from ADF is my first campfire. I had a ranger edit (Not sure who) and I was just, 'shit did I do something wrong?' and i freaked out for awhile.




Taylor 'stretching' into new role

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 2:28 AM

Taylor Lautner has been cast in the title role of "Stretch Armstrong," Universal Pictures confirmed to Access Hollywood.

"The Twilight Saga" star will take on the role of the rubbery hero based on the Hasbro toy. The 3-D film will be released in 2012.


This is the stretch armstrong toy (for you youngins who don't know what this is)

so..what do you think? Will Taylor do the role justice? 


Personally I think they are jumping on a popular name but all of Hollywood does it so..yeah. Plus it was a toy you could pull and stretch, not really sure how a movie is going to work about it. Poor Taylor is going to be pulled in all sorts of ways.


Epilogue for Unraveled Knot

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 12:52 AM


The TWICE NOMINATED INDIE FIC Unraveled Knot by one of our very own campers twistedcoincedence just posted the Epilogue. Have you read it? What did you think? Did you like it? Were you happy with the outcome?

Click on the banner for a link to the fic if you haven't read it yet!


this poast dedicated to kimvi

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 11:27 PM

show me yer fic playlists

 no particular fic, and i made this like, last week.  a little scotch, some bones.  lotsa jaspery stuff, actually:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Are you in the closet?

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 10:30 PM

How many of you are "in the closet", so to speak, with your Twilight obsession?  

If you are in the closet, which part of your obsession do you hide?

I am very open about my love for Twilight, however my fanfic obsession (yes, I'll admit it, I'm obsessed!) is something I really don't put out there. 

I got to thinking about this tonight after looking over the website of the publishing company who shall not be named.   Author interviews are posted on the website and every author was asked which specific genre they like to read and who their favorite authors are.  Out of the stories that are being published that were originally written as Twilight fanfiction, not one of the authors mentioned the Twilight Saga or Stephenie Meyer.  Is this because they are embarassed about it?  Or is it because they are afraid they will not be taken seriously if word gets out that their story was actually written based on characters and happenings in the Twilight world?


Oh, here's some pretty...


greeen goldfish

Ever wonder Hank Moody's opinion of Twilight?

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 9:53 PM

I know I have. Well, actually I could have guessed. This made me LOL.

I'm just not getting caught up one season 3. Interestingly, Hank's giving a writing critique in this clip. Pretty harsh. So if you guys want to make this interactive, you can talk about whether brutal honesty like this is the way to go with writers, or no?

Imma just tweet some more about my love of Hank Moody.

ETA: If there's any Gossip Girl fans out there, I'm pretty sure this student he's critiquing is that guy from that show, rt?


Edward who?

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 8:12 PM

So, I was playing around in Jennyfly's last campire, getting all riled up, and I realized I have a bone to pick with EDWARD.  Who the hell is he?  What has he become in twi-fic?  This has been done before, but what do you think defines Edward, and why did you love him to begin with? 

Sometimes I forget. 

I mean, I loved Edward in Twilight, or least I wanted to get my hands on him and figure him out.  He had so much unrealized potential in the books that I went to fanfiction to get closer to him, and now it seems like I can't find him.

And just for funsies, what are your biggest OOC Edward pet peeves?



Saturday February 6, 2010 at 7:51 PM

soooo, i was at a party last night, where i met a guy that looked EXACTLY LIKE TAYLOR LAUTNER (complete with the 'oh shit, jailbait?' questioning).  now, he was so totally not my type, but i let things carry on anyways. 


tell me sometime when you've met a twilight doppelganger.


changing sides

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 6:48 PM

I've always been Team Edward, however, when I saw the films a part of me became Team Billy Burke. I've known people who were once Team Edward but after the film became Team Jacob.

Basically what I want to know is after watching the film has your allegiance changed?


Intro post

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 6:21 PM

Hey! ::waves:: Wanted to post a halllloooo. I'm Katie, aka starfish422.  I write Twi slash, including Over The Top, Deep Dish, We Three, and various and sundry one-shots. :) Um...don't know what else to say. Glad to be here!


Don't Call Me Baby

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 5:17 PM

I've recently put my finger on the fact that I DESPISE it when a character in a fic treats his or her lover like a baby.

when Edward washes Bella's hair: dealbreaker.

when Edward handfeeds Bella: dealbreaker.

Edward carrying Bella? bleurgh


when Bella does Edward's laundry, complete with ironing and neat folding... no WAY.

It's totally unsexy to me when a romance becomes parental role-play.




(remember not to bash any PEOPLE, but feel free to bash characters.)


Let's Talk About Summaries...

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 5:14 PM

 So, I'm almost finished with my "To Kill a Cullen" contest entry, and I'm seriously dreading having to write a summary for this thing.  

Writers, does anyone else find it frustrating or daunting to summarize their own stories?  I can't decide how much I want to give away, but I also don't want to be so cryptic that it doesn't interest a reader.  Advice?

Readers, what do you look for in a good summary?  What immediately turns you away?  Do you need to know the romantic pairings?  


Do the Cullen know how to shake their asses?

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 3:44 PM

I was just watching So u think u can dance and then I came here for my regular check-up:D But a ridicoulus thought came to my mind. What kind of dance would each the Culens prefer? Alice?



Saturday February 6, 2010 at 1:15 PM


I need a good Sporking

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 12:38 PM

No, not this spork:

(Though I still seriously want a sterling silver set thanks to Mr. Horrible.)

This Spork:

(OMG, how perfect was that spork picture, hahaha? I want one.)

Even though I've never read anything other than TwiFic, I really need some Spock/Kirk slash. I'm just a little too afraid to go looking for some. Pastiche Pen gave me a one shot (and is, therefore, my favorite right now), but I need more!

I also wouldn't say no to (read: want right now) some Holmes/Watson. Did you see that movie? You can't deny it.

Do you read slash in other fandoms? If so, what? What are your favorites?



You know your twihard when...

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 11:53 AM

Yeah, one of these posts again.

Tell me a story of when you realized you were way too obsessed with Twilight.

Just now, I was trying to remember the last name of one my exes. His first name is Jacob, and all I could think was "Jacob Black? His name's Jacob Black, right?" Then I realized, OH YEAH, I'm a retard.

Make me feel better and share your stories.


lettuce discuss writing

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 11:49 AM

let's talk about writing.

not how you do it- but rather... what about when it sucks? 

do you ever just hate the results?

do you have numerous files on your computer of stories begun and never finished?  'cuz omg, i totally do.

show your dirty uncle the stuff that made you cringe.  the stuff that you never posted.

in this thread is the original first chapter of "dear isabella".  maybe i'll put up the first chapter of a jasper story i started well over a year ago that i posted in my LJ, idk

be brave, chickens.  if i can do it, so can you.  maybe rereading will get you to tweak some stuff, who knows? 


omg halp

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 11:35 AM

i need help, campers.

i gots to buy a birthday gift for my mother-in-law today.

any suggestions?  something tame, please. 


For the Kellan fans...

Saturday February 6, 2010 at 11:25 AM


I really wish that Rob's Details thread would stay pinned to the top of the page...but I know this is an equal opportunity campsite. So here's a little sumpin' sumpin' for those who have a hard-on for Kellan.

First --- | >> | 1302 | 1303 | 1304 | 1305 | 1306 | 1307 | 1308 | 1309 | 1310 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
