Monday February 8, 2010 at 8:19 AM

 Good Morning Campers!

I bring you your HAPPY MONDAY CAMPFIRE!!

A little something to start the week off right....

Now for a few random facts you can quote around the water cooler...

~The insulting slang "kiss my ass" dates back to at least 1705.
~An adult human body contains approximately 100 trillion cells.
~Historically, sweat has been an active ingredient in perfume and love potions.
~It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs. 
~The collecting of beer mats (coasters) is called tegestology. 
Your TWI-NEWS of the day...

TAYCOB was seen hanging out with my FIRST boyfriend, ROB LOWE at the Super Bowl...

“Taylor’s another Colts fan and he’s such a great guy,” Rob said when I caught up with him at the Audi penthouse party at the W. “He and I are here for the Super Bowl as well, and I brought my boys with me, so we just have a boys club, who’s been traveling around on this amazing Colts run.”

But Rob says he left his wife home, who’s a huge Twi-hard…

“My wife is the Twilight freak in the house and she loves it,” he said. “She’s really funny. I keep giving her reports on where we’re going, what we’re doing.”


BEL AMI has begun filming in London...

A source that wishes to remain anonymous has reported that Bel Ami is now filming interior scenes on location in London at various places, but not yet in a studio. Source explains, “some is being done on a set build at the end of the UK schedule.” As we previously reported, the London portion of filming is expected to wrap just before Easter. Per the script, the interior shots include a LOT of bedroom scenes, so Bel Ami is expected to be filming at various houses in London to accommodate different looks for these scenes. Bel Ami’s script also calls for interior scenes at a couple of churches and bars.



So, CAMPERS... what are YOU going to do to make this a great week??

DO you have any good dinner ideas? (cuz frankly, my family is getting tired of spaghetti and pot roast---I got nothing)

Are you reading anything good?


this made me lol...


Neverending Math Equation

Monday February 8, 2010 at 5:34 AM

Neverending Math Equation
by twanza [NC-17]

The Musician

The Baker

The Artist

A genius
She's married to herself
A blackbird
& everything and nothing in-between

Dare I rec?!! Oh, I think, I might try...
I stumbled on this piece over the weekend. Numerous times, raised smug eyebrows at myself by myself judged me when I clicked, questioned my draw to it, declared; 'Nah' and shut the browser down. Reading a whopping 5 pieces was just dandy for me, thank you very much. And having weighed up those claustrophobic tags one might use when putting up these pieces they simply didn't mirror my imaginary tick list. And man, this one intimidates my shy safety-zones. But I am contradictory, grateful to be in-fact - dreadfully so! Bottom-line, I kept returning to it on the contrary to being terrified by it. It mocked my prejudice and nagged my conscious some. I caved - grabbing my laptop, climbing into bed and devouring it - kind of gormless and with my mouth open gasping, mind you. Yes, it still intimidates my "safety-zones" and it shows no signs of aligning with my make believe free spirited snobby contradictory imaginary tick list anytime soon [don't you just hate that?!!]. But I forgive personal comprehension and preference for it. I detach when I lose myself in words anyway, don't you? We sparrows (no idea why I just called myself a 'sparrow' or its metaphorical connection) need to live vicariously through something or another, no? Maybe that didn't work, I'll try again; we voyeurs need to __________ oh you know what I mean! Why then, you holler? Because of the writing.

Why am I trying to plug it?
Because of its writing!
Why should you read it?
Because of its writing!
Why should you give it love in however form you gush your love to something or nothing, even if it's only for a single chapter?
Because of its writing!

I can't slot it into a pretty in pink pitch for you. I can't compare it to anything because I. Do. Not. Want. To! It's shrouded in a quality and that quality is almost cinematic. How's that?!!

Too much?!!
Not enough?!!
Anchor an expectation, a comparison a claustrophobic tag (like moi), and just give it a bash...
Happy Monday shenanigans all...



PS Links:
via ff:
via Twilighted:




Monday February 8, 2010 at 5:21 AM

Okay, hopefully I posted this right, and if I did...well, have fun. XD


Other fics pulled/deleted?

Monday February 8, 2010 at 12:12 AM

I have no desire whatsoever to debate whether or not FF was right, wrong, stupid, or smart. I think the other thread covered that just fine.

I *would* like to know what fics other than tara sue me's were deleted in today's sexorcism.

Lettuce list them here pls. I might like to go beg/borrow/bribe authors for copies.

The Dom/Sub/Training by tara sue me

Great Vexations by AG


For your time and effort, I present to you some Rob p0rn:


Sexin' Boys

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 11:36 PM

Jeremy Shockey. Yum. He is rough and wild-not exactly the marrying kind. I wouldn't want to marry him-he would make a horrible husband. I just want to  have wild dirty intense sex with him. That's all.

So tell me campers-who would you do the dirty deed with? Not the "I want to have your babies" sex but the other type. The type that....well you know and if you don' will. So let's talk about wild boys....sexin boys...boys you don't take home to Momma.




Sunday February 7, 2010 at 11:08 PM

Oh, totally.



Sunday February 7, 2010 at 8:05 PM

This must be like how Edward felt when they beat Volterra



Ihave no idea if this is mod okay but I NEED TO POST MY HAPPINESS

RANGER EDIT: 31-17 SAINTS (nobody picked this but lots of people got close!)


"How to Save a Life" Updated

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM

thought you'd wanna know



Sunday February 7, 2010 at 3:51 PM

I was just wondering if anyone else had seen this pic

Here it is ladies! @grrlnorth @ChelsieWhitlock @MustangMel1968

he's so.....


TaraSueMe Stories Pulled from

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 2:48 PM

So if Twitter is correct....TaraSueMe author of The Dominant, The Submissive, The Training received a warning from that her stories contained too much smut and would be pulled. She pulled them off and is in the process of putting them up on Twilighted.

Not a big fan of these stories but they are just smutty-no big deal at all. It seems sort of odd that she would get a warning when I have read stories that are filled with abuse and depravity and they don't get warnings and are still up. 




Our Young Cullens

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 2:15 PM

The baby picture of Rob gave me this idea….

 I want to see what our campers looked like back in the day.

Share your baby and tween pictures!

And I want the good stuff ladies, let me see your teased hair, flannel days, and prom pics. The crazier the better.



Older Men, Younger Women

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 1:30 PM

So this is sort of OOT (out of Twilight), but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.

SO, girls. I have realized I have a 'thing' for fanfiction involving older men and younger women. I started eons ago reading Labyrinth fanfiction.  And yes, you're thinking of the right one.  The spikey hair, 80's-tights-wearing David Bowie/muppets movie. They mainly featured Jareth in love with Sarah (Jennifer Connelly)

Then, I moved onto Harry Potter fics and got into Severus Snape/ Hermione Granger fandom, where I stayed for a good year and a half. There are some *seriously* good writers in that fandom.

Then Twilight sucked me into it's all engrossing awesomeness, and after a while I realised I was doing the same thing, sort of. I focus on the Edward/Bella 'ship, and really it's the same song and dance all over again.

Older Edward.

Younger Bella.

La de da, same thing.

My real question is- do you find yourself drawn to the same type of  'ship in each fandom you fall into? Because, Lord I do.

And it has been a long time since I've found a good SS/HG fic. And that makes me sad.


I dont have a good enough name for this campfire

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 1:04 PM

Have you ever watched a movie and thought, "Hey! This would make a great fic!" ? Or maybe just saw a specific character that you thought would work well in a fic situation? What movies and/or characters? Why?

Personally, I think the Proposal would've been a great fic. The plot is original, Sandra Bullock's character loves Wuthering Heights, Ryan Reynold's character's ex-girlfriend looks like a Tanya...



Saving stories

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 12:48 PM


A short time ago, someone linked to a site that enabled you to save fanfics in an easy-to-read format.  Does anyone still have that link?  I can't find the campfire.

As thanks in advance for your help, here's Toddlerward.



Nice shorts, Rob. 


Super Bowl XLIV

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 12:32 PM



 I know that we are just a bunch of Twilight loving, fanfiction reading, Rob Pattinson drooling WOMEN, but we can still throw down the gauntlet, place our bets and give our predictions for SUPER BOWL XLIV

So here is the CAMPFIRE where I want YOU to put what you think the final score will be. The winner of this "pool" will receive Eternal Glory. I dunno, ADF will tweet it and you'll feel all superior. 

You don't have to know ANYTHING about Football to participate. Trust me. This is just a guess, educated or not.


So put down your scores and place your predictions and when the game starts, I'll pin this to the top so we can talk some smack. For now, your post should just look like this


42-31 SAINTS (this is mine, btw)


and feel free to comment when you are out of the running or if it is getting close. But all bets will close by the start of the game. If you want to lay down a wager, go for it. Maybe someone will take that bet!



Sunday February 7, 2010 at 12:31 PM

So recently I've been trying to start my first fanfic but everything i write never seems to be up to the standard i know i can write.

My question is what help's you clear your head and get your writing at it's best?


For your viewing pleasure

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Just posting these real quick before I head out to a birthday party...even though all I really want to do is stay home and read ff updates. I know, pathetic, right?

There are a few more, but they're really big- and I gotta go. I'll try to post them later.






Sunday February 7, 2010 at 10:38 AM

I just finished watching 12 episodes of The Good Wife and now I'm totally bored, with absolutely nothing to do. :( So, I need something to read, any good recs?

Rob porn for you:



Reccing > or equal to Drunk Tweeting

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 9:54 AM



Okay, so hai.

It's been awhile. I've been studying for finals and such things and I basically could not get onto the internet, because I was doing so much school stuff.

And, I have been meaning to Rec a fic I should've long ago. It only has 195 reviews and it deserves EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND MILLION MORE.  Chicklette told me not to, but I re read it in the past coupla days and Chicklette had been dweeting all night last night so it remind me that it made me want to sob like a child. It's called Get Me To You. So, if you haven't read it, YOU MUST.

Like, ferserious, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.


And also, I just wanted to throw out there I'm still looking for a collaborator, who is patient. Because I can be a baby.



Fanatical Fiction

Sunday February 7, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Hello all!  This is my very first campfire post. :) 

Ok, so, I'm new to the internet twilight fandom.  I've been reading the books since shortly before Eclipse came out, but didn't have internet access until just a few months ago.  I started writing fanfiction in November, and I finally opened a twitter recently.  My first foray into the internet fandom was the twilighted forums, which I joined in November once my story was accepted on there.  I was somewhat overwhelmed and mostly lurked.  I joined twitter mid January right around the time that there was a heavy debate about publishing fanfiction, and frankly I was scared.  There was a lot of hate being slung back and forth, but it seemed to blow over rather quickly, so that was cool.

But, when I started looking around on twitter and following people I kind of had the urge to turn tail and run.  I mean, there are a LOT of hateful people who take fanfiction extremely seriously.  I got into it for fun, and honestly since I've had a twitter and been more involved in forums I've been afraid to write and having a really awful time trying to force it, because I'm afraid the wrong person might read it and begin flaming it somewhere while not giving me any constructive feedback. 

So, my question is this:  Are there any other newbies out there who found it more difficult to write once they started joining more internet groups?  Anybody else feel overwhelmed by the internet fandom?  Any suggestions from our seasoned fanfiction writers on how to not let this kind of stuff get in the way of writing?


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