
Pulling Fics

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:36 AM

Talk about your hot button issue.

This has probably been talked to death, but it's blizzarding outside, and I'm bored.

Are there any cases where it's okay to pull fics?

Do writers have an obligation to their readers? Once they start posting a story, is it their duty to finish? To post on a consistent basis?

What if a writer starts talking about wanting to publish a real novel? What's your response to that?



Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:29 AM

Finally popping my Campfire Cherry... It was long overdue, i held out for the right topic to come along, saving myself for that special day, realising that once it's gone, it's gone forever. Finger's crossed, it's painless!

So, The big 'O'. With the big event only a week away i personally am getting all tingly inside. I'm an Olympic Junkie. How about you?

I grew up during the era of Torvell and Dean thus solidifying my love of Ice Skating. Since then i developed an appreciation of almost all the events and plan to spend all my spare time watching.

So how many of the ADF members are planning on spending copious amounts of time watching the flat screen? Do you have a favourite event? Do you Ski, Speed Skate, Bobsled?  Are you one of the lucky few and attending the games?

I personally have tried Skiing and Ice Skating but that's as adventurous as i got. How about you?




Thanks for viewing!


Movie Quote Fun

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:11 AM

OK, so I'm a total trivia junkie and movie quotes are always fun.

So, here are some for you. Can you guess what movie they're from?

1) "Did you write those letters?"......"Well, I certainly don't think so."

2) "Honey, I'm home!"

3) "Ain't no way...that you could come from my loins. First thing I'm gonna do when I get home is punch your momma in the mouth."

4) "Sir Robin, Sir Galahad and I will then jump out of the rabbit..."

      "Who's going to jump out of the rabbit?"

       "Sir Robin, Sir away!"

5) "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast."

     "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"

So, what are your fun movie quotes?


Ask the Guys

Friday February 5, 2010 at 10:09 AM

I have this bizarre-ass question I've been wanting to ask a man ('cause I need to know for my next chapter), so since it's FFAF...yeah. And if the ladies have questions for guys, post them here.

When men...uh, piss together...what are they thinking about? Just random things, or are you kinda comparing yourself to the other guy, or wondering if he's staring at you, or nothing at all, or what?

*sighs* Research...



Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:49 AM

I didin't get a chance to put this in the weekly pimp post, so I'm throwing it out there now!  Yaaaay!

If you want something fun and different, check this out:

Operation: L.O.V.E.'s Reovery.  Bella and Edward are times.  I suck at summaries, so yea...I've been pre-reading this bad Larry for my buddy dsrubyslippers and it's been a good time!  Check it out, she needs some more readers!  Dor's a first time writer, so she needs all the love she can get!


Hey, look at me, abusing the FFA

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM


So comment and people reply to you telling you why they love you. Everyone needs love.

ssh, it's free for all, I'm allowed.


Sch-weet because I *need* to talk about...

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Reality TV and this Mortal Instruments series.

I KNOW y'all watch reality TV.  So what are you into? 

I'm a big Real Housewives fan - last night was nuts.  Why can't Vicki just relax?  We GET IT you have an office and a job.  And Simon, you're so Capt. Lame, I just can't even comment.  Tamra - I appreciate your hail mary play but eh, guess it didn't work. 

Oh and Alexis and Hubs?  Why does he feel the need to tell us how much everything costs??  "Not bad for $2850 a night!? Geez. 


Ok unto this Mortal Instruments.  I read City of Bones last night and while I plan on reading the next two I need spoilers.  Because I just don't care enough to wait.

So Jace and Clary? Are they really....?  Who does she end up with? 

There was so much world building in the book, my head hurt afterwards. 

: )  


free-for-all in full effect

Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:24 AM

reminder: it's free-for-all friday!

start campfires! discuss what you want! the forest is back up, so let's party like my kids actually don't have the day off today and it ain't raining!

lost is back this week!


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then again, no more bones until april.  my life has little meaning now.


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i know, baby.  i know.



Friday February 5, 2010 at 9:23 AM

I don't know about you, but I LOVE THE SNOW!

that's outside my back door

I love colder, crappier weather.  It's the perfect time to curl up with a good book, a good fic, a good movie... a good MAN ;)

Much of the NE US is getting hit with a storm this weekend. 

What do you do when you're snowed in??

My hubz will be gone all weekend for his national guard drill, so I'm on my own.

I've got a stack of books to read and I plan on doing some WRITING this weekend.

I'm also gonna go out to TRADER JOE'S and stock up on snacks and WINE (lots of drunk tweeting later, i'm sure!)


what books are you reading?

what FICS are owning you now?

what movies are good to rent?

...tell me :)

*ranger approved, ty jandco!


More Remember Me Stills

Friday February 5, 2010 at 7:02 AM




New Fic

Friday February 5, 2010 at 5:42 AM


Newish Fic- Only a few chapters in, but I feel it has great potential to become a popular favorite. 

Third Person POV which I Love.  I cannot tell you much about the story itself.  Edward and Bella were childhood friends who drifted apart when they were tenish and are thrown together again now that they are 15.  It has me hooked so far.  I want to encourage you to read it because it is her first fic and she only has a few reviews.  What I also like is that so far they seem to be very normal people..personality wise...we will see what it has to offer. I think it will have some unusual element to it, but I am not sure...

Have no far as first fics go....This one is well-written and organized.

Happy Friday everyone...I am going to Miami.


I can't keep up with all of these Updates!

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 10:54 PM

Our fabulous VIP authors keep adding new fics and updating!

I just finished writing and now I am going to read the new Hydraulic Level 5 update.

Then I may go to Gondolier's cabin. I may also start a NEW fic here at ADF. I surely haven't read all of them. 

What have you read in the forest, lately?? Do you visit anyone's cabins?? If not, tell us why?

Have you seeen greeen goldfish's spaceship??

also, what do YOU do when the ADF experiences a minor Forest Fire and goes down?? I finally finished my chapter. GO ME!


jacob and bella

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 10:11 PM

michael jacob only because vamps are bad

the fact is that jacob and bella should be together ...Stephenie Meyer got her book confused for some strange reason ...I Dont know.. but the man who deserves bella is jacob..


I am a guy ..kimvis boyfriend   and i made this video...great song by fly leaf if you like it..


Reviewed Lately?

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 8:43 PM

 Okay, so I was tinkering around with my controls and found that under "Traffic" --> "User Stats" it tells you how many reviews you've left.  So here's my question, Campers: How many reviews have you left?  Also, copy and paste your last review (can be found under "Reviews" --> "History") along with the story's title and link.  

Mine are in the comments. :)


In Need of a Submissive....

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 8:21 PM

Don't let the title fool you, I'm not looking for my own personal submissive (well unless RPatz/ECullen are available) but I am looking for ff with Edward being the submissive.  Read plenty of dominate Edward, which I LOVE, but I stumbled upon a one shot, I think it was by DefinetlyStaying (please no flames if that's the wrong author, I read too many ff to keep them straight this late at night) about Edward going to an island as a submissive & now I'm hooked.  Would love to read more of this type of ff if they're out there....would prefer them to be cannon pairing (Edward/Bella) but I'll take what I can get.

Oh, did I mention this was my first campfire?  Yeah, that's right I was campfire virgin until tonight...thanks for being so gentle....

greeen goldfish

I am wtvoc's puppet

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 7:32 PM

 Yes, it's another BONES CAMPFIRE.

I feel sorry for those of you that aren't boners. Not just because you're missing a fantastic show but also b/c you're probably sick of all this Bones stuff. But we were all tweeting about it. SO FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT ARE BONERS:

1. Favorite episode?

2. Favorite quote?

3. Do you think that UST between Booth and Bones should be resolved? Or no?

Me and Struckuponastar both really liked that first Gravedigger episode. What's not to love about Booth running in slow mo to save Bones?

I also loved the Circus episode (maybe b/c I have a carny fetish) and the one where they solved the Gormogon case. Oh yeah and I just watched the episode in which Booth loses his shooting mojo. Which was a good episode. But mostly becasuse DB wore a vest. God I love a man in a vest. And DB does it well.


I think the quotes are the most fantastic part of this show. I can't pick. I'll just post this one:

Sam: She must be really good in bed, otherwise I don't see why you'd keep her around.
: Yes, I am. But Booth would have no direct knowledge of that fact.

And I do not think the sexual tension should be resolved because then why would I watch?

Also, feel free to discuss how adorable Sweets is. Or show Brennan some love. Cause she doesn't get enough.  Or talk about how they are being REALLY heavyhanded with the 'let's not hate muslims' diversity lessons lately. i feel like they used to be more subtle with that stuff. but they are kind of making me feel condescended to lately. idk idk. discuss amongst yourselves.


(omg my pic of booth slo mo running is not working if someone wants to tweet another one at me. ive spent too much time googling these images tonight.)


My wife is obsessed with fics!

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 5:45 PM

She spends every waking hour reading the short stories based on Twilight, that really have nothing to do with Twilight.  Having sex doesn't seem to interest her as much since these fics have taken control of her life.


What can I do?


don't do it, leo

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 4:55 PM

what were/are you obsessed with as a teenager?



Bella Bella Bella Belllllla

Thursday February 4, 2010 at 4:35 PM

So, I'm reading a fic and truly, this is the worst Bella I've ever read.  I mean, not a redeeming quality about the girl. 

And it got me to thinking about how there are damn few Bellas that I  I mean, that I would actually want to hang with, be friends with.  Edwards?  hell yes.  Emmetts?  A lot of them.  Jaspers?  unf unf unf!  But Bella?  Just no.  Most are whiney and martyrs and well, why is it, that in a fandom made up of mostly women, none of us seem to write a Bella that we actually want to be frands with?

So my mission for you, campers, should you choose to accept it, is this:

Show me your Bella.  Link me the fic that has the Bella you want to hang out with, and not just to get closer to the boys (pervy women) but because she's actually a down ass g.  (yah, I went there.)



Thursday February 4, 2010 at 3:32 PM

I want to name this, 'WHAT IS YOUR FACE DOING?' But I figured I'd do that another time.


SO, as you can tell by the campfire name, I want to know.


I am staring at a document urging the words to come. .....twss.

They're not coming, btw.

So, answer the question and I'll....well, you should just get the satisfaction. XD

Oh, here edit this masterpiece in :

First --- | >> | 1305 | 1306 | 1307 | 1308 | 1309 | 1310 | 1311 | 1312 | 1313 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
