
"Passion Fish"

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 7:24 PM

Passion Fish is the new book that Omnific is presenting. 

Was this a Twilight FF?  If it was, can someone tell me what it was about?

TY in advance!



Saturday January 30, 2010 at 7:09 PM

Hi. I'm sort of new...

Anyway, can anyone rec me any good multi-chap EdwardxJasper stories? I used to only read ExB and then suddenly out of nowhere, I started getting into slash. Not sure how it happened... Has this happened to anyone else? Do you think it's just boredom with standard ExB stories?

So yeah, recs please? I prefer slow-paced stories but I'm not picky. I'll read pretty much anything if it's interesting and once something catches my attention, it takes a lot before I give up on it completely.

Thanks :)


Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 5:06 PM

just updated.  GO NOW.


ETA:  And um, please come in and talk to me about it cause I've been stuck at home in bed for a week and I'm so bored I could cry. 



Lighthearted Fic Recs

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 4:20 PM

Okay, so I'm all down today because some of the sexy men from Twilight are in my town this weekend - yep Nashville, TN - and I can't be there. I didn't think I'd care about not being able to go, but turns out I do.

So, I'm asking everyone to recommend their favorite humorous fanfic. I'm not really picky about pairings as long as they make sense.

Please help a girl get out of her funk!!!


who the hell were you in high school?

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 3:58 PM

high school....the place that i'd wanted to get the hell out of, but almost missed it when i was in college....almost..


Calling all men of the forest!

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 3:39 PM

Just curious. Any male campers out there? Roll call time. Because I know many guys who like Twilight, and I know of at least one guy on ADF. Anyone care to let us know their gender?


If not, then anyone know of any male writers in the fandom? Because I think it'd be interesting to read how they write Edward.

The Hat Does Nothing

Icon Love

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 3:17 PM

Im In A Food Mood Today
And The Reason for that Good Mood Is The Icons!
The Campers On ADF Have Such Creative Icons!
They Make My Day.
So Let's Give Our Favourite Icon Some Love.
Who's Icon Just Makes You Smile Or Laugh Everytime You See It?
Mine's Definately



Speaking of lost fics...

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 2:48 PM

Does anyone know what happened to the real life fic that featured Rob and a teacher named Priscilla/Cilla that was on Twilighted? It's missing from my list of favorites, and I can't remember its title to look to see if it's on FF.



Saturday January 30, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Okayyyy, so we have I think 5 people arguing on Twitter about it. XD

I just want to do a quick survey of our ADF people.

When you're writing a fic, what do you use?


To make it more twi-related, giggle at this picture. It still makes me giggle. XD

Oh, and are the trolls still here? Bella, Edward, Jasper, come play! XD

And, for Doodlecake, IT'S COLOR.



Saturday January 30, 2010 at 1:50 PM

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Check this out.


Updates and lost fics and virgin posts, Oh My!

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 1:27 PM

So this is really a three part post...

1.  Is anyone getting update emails for  I saw that The Blessing and the Curse had been updated from a previous post, but I haven't received any emails for any stories in the last 48 hours at least.  Just wondering if fanfic is having fail time again, or if it's just me this time.  If so, maybe we could list which stories we know have updated recently as we did when failed last week...

2.  Does anyone know what happened with the story The Cygnet and the Strigoi by CapnSureYouAre ?  It hasn't been updated in for-ev-er.  The author seems to have disappeared from the fandom.  Maybe she just flounced - but I was just wondering if there was some other explanation.

3.  Yeah, so this is my virgin post.  I was a dedicated lurker until recently, but conversations with the rangers on the discuss ADF post have really made me want to get more involved.  So...hey!  This is me, particiapating and loving it!


This is NOT a love post.

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 12:59 PM

So my self-esteem is at an all time low. It's not like I had much anyway, but it's just gone now. Like me and anything I do isn't good enough for anyone. It's to the point where someone I really like unfollowing me on Twitter two days ago sent me even further into a tailspin (meanwhile the people I wish would unfollow me just continue to torture me). Anyway, I've noticed a lot of people around these parts either having somewhat similar self-esteem issues - even though I know they are fully loved, I hope the responses they received showed them that - or people have been having a tough time lately and that makes me =( for them. 

So this is a Cheer Up, Buttercup post! Post things that cheer you up and make you smile. Pictures, videos, fics, anything. If you know any of the people to whom I'm referring, post things you know they like. However, DO NOT say anyone's name. I repeat, this is NOT a love post. Those are awesome and fun, but they also add to the problem for some people.

Here's what makes me smile:

This movie period, but also how it's almost always on when I want it to be.

This videos always make me giggle.


And, of course, pictures of this dude.



Edward's POV

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Ok, so I just finished Dark Side of the Moon, by Blondie AKA Robin, and now I have two things to ask of you campers.

One, what is your favorite Twilight book written in a different POV

Two, what do you think of the concept in general. Do you enjoy seeing things from a different standpoint or do you think of it as defiling SM genius work.


And some eye candy for the campers


When I think....

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 12:35 PM

Fill in this sentence (it doesn't have to be about the picture-can be about anything)

When I think of ___________ I think____________

I will do it first.

When I think of this picture I think of how isolated Robert has become.


Team Joe

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 12:25 PM

I was just over on facebook avoiding my studies, when I decided to pop by the Team Joe page.  Team Joe only has 64 fans.  WTF? WTF?  We all love Joe.  You know this.  I know this.  Let's at least kick it over 100, hmmm?

For Joe.



Now pop inside to comment on Joe's awesomeness. Or facebook. Or why you did or did not add. Or anything vaguely Joe related (GI Joe, Joe Jonas...)


EDIT:  since this post went up we've had 12 new members of Team Joe on facebook.  good work campers,  keep it coming!



Saturday January 30, 2010 at 11:44 AM

Since it is still the free for all, I’m gonna take advantage and talk about my newest obsession…The Hunger Games trilogy. There was a post about this a little while ago, but I just jumped on the bandwagon and had to share my love. Plus there is no such thing as too much Hunger Games.

I haven’t read anything that I was this passionate about since…Harry Potter maybe? And as much as I love me some Twilight, I love these books a bajillion times more. How could you not…there is a strong independent heroine, action and adventure, no gaping plot holes, and of course the love triangle.
Who else shares my love for this wonderful work of fiction? I know there are a few of you out there.
How did you come across the books? Did you hear people gushing about them on twitter (coughpunkfariecough)? Did someone rec them to you? Pixievamp and oHALEno got me hooked.
What is it about these books that captivated you? 
How do you feel about how she has left us waiting for the third?
Do you join Pixevamp on Team Gale, Stalle on Team Peeta, or myself on Team Fence-sitter?
How do you feel about it being made into a movie? Are there any actors you would like to see in some of these roles?
Here are a couple of mine:
Sorry for bombarding you all with questions, I just can’t contain my excitement. 
Come join me in my fangirling.

just FYI

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 11:06 AM



what are you happily and anxiously awaiting?


Rob Comic Book

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 10:21 AM

FAME: Robert Pattinson Comic Book

Robert Pattinson will be featured in an upcoming comic book by Bluewater Productions titled FAME: Robert Pattinson.


Millions know English actor Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, the vampire with a conscience in the films Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the fantasy/romance movies based on Stephenie Meyer’s famous book series. 

But there’s more to Pattinson than fake fangs, faraway looks and tousled hair. Pattinson is an accomplished musician, a former model and an actor who’s played both a wizard at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School and the artist Salvador Dali.

Bluewater Productions in May will ship FAME: Robert Pattinson to comic book shops and retailers across the country. This 32-page comic will trace Pattinson’s career from his first performance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies.

Writer Kim Sherman said that she is eager to introduce fans to the many sides of Pattinson.

“I love having the ability to introduce high-profile people to readers through an unexpected medium that is both written and visual,” Sherman said. “These biography comics are designed to illustrate interesting tidbits to fans about their favorite figureheads, and inspire them to learn more. I chose to conceptualize A-lister Robert Pattinson from a unique perspective, immersing the reader into the life of the talented actor beyond his most famous role.”

Count interior artist Nathaniel Ooten as one reader who’s gained a new appreciation for Pattinson’s career since reading Sherman’s script.

“Working on this book has opened an entirely new level of Rob Pattinson for me,” Ooten said. “Before starting, I was only aware of the ‘teenage vampire’ Pattinson. After reading the script, studying the subject and listening to his music, I not only became very interested in Pattinson’s future work, but also discovered a new appreciation for this ‘teenage vampire.’”

Bluewater president Darren G. Davis said that he expects Pattinson’s biography to be as popular among Twilight fans as was the comic biography of writer Meyer, which Bluewater published in November of 2009. That particular biography has sold out of several printings.

Twilight fans want to know everything about the talented people who have brought them the story of Edward and Bella,” Davis said. “I’m pleased to be able to bring them Robert Pattinson’s story. It’s our hope that even the most devoted fans will discover a fact or two that takes them completely by surprise.”

I LOL'd at the picture:

ok...this is officially out of hand now. 


"The Blessing and the Curse" updated

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 9:56 AM



YES!  "The Blessing and the Curse" has been updated!

This makes me deliriously happy.  What an incredible fic.

Also *ahem*, that other know, the one that is updated every Saturday, and tends to always cause some discussion here....well, yeah, it's Saturday, so there's another new chapter...



'Remember Me' Premiere Details

Saturday January 30, 2010 at 9:41 AM


Gossip Cop has new details to the upcoming premiere of Remember Me starring Robert Pattinson, Emilie deRavin  and Pierce Brosnan.

There has been a lot of Internet speculation about the premiere of “Remember Me,” starring Robert PattinsonEmilie  de Ravin, and Pierce Brosnan.

The film, which revolves around two people who fall in love as they cope with tragedy, was shot last summer in New York.

And that’s precisely where the premiere will be, Gossip Cop can confirm.

Gossip Cop is told that the stars will walk the red carpet in New York on March 1.

“Remember Me” opens nationwide on March 12.

Generally, premieres are closer to the film’s release date, but because Pattinson is working on “Bel Ami” in Europe and can’t go back and forth, “Remember Me” will have it’s big red carpet at the same time he’s doing its press junket in the Big Apple.



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