
Wonderful story

Sunday January 24, 2010 at 10:49 AM

I've just finished reading a wonderful ff that still is on my mind. I just... it's so magical and pretty and oh, how I wish it was true! The story's title is The Mirrors by adorablecullens  ( I feel like a little girl once again. If you haven't read it yet, click the link and start to do so! It's really worth your time :).

I hope you aren't mad at me because of this little advertisement, but I had to share this with somebody!



Arousing my mind

Sunday January 24, 2010 at 9:59 AM


Sooo, arouse was the first word that popped up as a synonym of inspire, and frankly it was the most appealing to me to use in this post...

I'm so thankful to AD campers for rousing the smallest bit of inspiration in my stagnant mind! Today after a full year, literally almost to the date, of not updating or even typing one additional sentence to my last fanfic i left hanging, i sat down at my laptop in a crowded Starbucks, took a long draw of my latte and wrote myself 6 paragraphs....while that might not be much, (and i also don't have word on my mac so I had to email them to myself!) it was all thanks to AD. Reading all you lovely authors speak about your process and post your stories, reading all the recs people post on here, and generally just being immersed in the fandom...sigh i love it here kiss kiss...





So along with this being a love letter to AD, I was wondering how many other authors find themselves inexplicatly drawn to write again after being in here



My Big Brother Hates Me

Sunday January 24, 2010 at 6:03 AM

So, long story short, I introduced my big brother to the Twilight series...aka...I forced him to watch the DVD one afternoon when he was sick and didn't have the strength to fight.

He hated the movie, but agreed to read the book when I promised him it would be a lot better.

He read it.

He liked it.

He went out and bought the rest of the series.

And things were great. We laughed about how he hated Bella more and more with each passing book. His famous quote is: " You know what I really wish? I wish there was a way for Jacob to turn her into a werewolf. That would fix her." I teased him about the fact that he was probably Team Jacob because most of his exgirlfriends had treated him exactly the way Bella treated Jacob.

But then he got to Breaking Dawn.

The first phone call came after Bella's impregnation. And it went a little something like this: "You've gotta be f*ckin kidding me! How the hell did she get pregnant? Edwards DEAD!"

Then there was the phone call after the imprint: "SM is playing some sorta colossal joke on you people, you know that right? There's no way in hell that this is really how this is supposed to play out."

And then the phone calls stopped. When I called him to find out what he thought of the rest of the book he said: "I donated that shit to the used book drive at work. The whole thing was one long ass episode of Days of Our Lives, but with vampires. Guess what I'm going to do the next time you recommend a book to me." And then he hung up.

Now I'm not here to debate the merits of BD, I'm here because I need to redeem myself. I need THE BEST BD FanFic there is. I need it to be mildly smutty, but high end quality shit. Preferably a story that picks up after the fad to black on Isle Esme, but includes NO PREGNANCY, NO FETAL IMPRINTING, and a bit of Voltouri action wouldn't hurt.

Am I asking too much? Does this story even exist? Please help. The fate of all future Thanksgivings Dinners rests on me mending this fence.


And this is totes OT, but you people are so amazing, so here you go, a little LoTR eye candy, my way of saying thanks. 



Sunday January 24, 2010 at 4:31 AM

Hey Y'all.

So its a sunday night down in Aus and I'm bored as hell so I thought that I'd start a nice campfire.

About a month ago one of my friends introduced me to a OOC pairing that I thought I would never like- Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger HP fanfiction.

Now I just cant get enough of the stuff. Its awesome.

So, I was wondering...

What is your favourite, crazy out of character relationship to read on fanfiction sites?

Doesn't matter if its from Twilight, HP, Bones or anything else- I'm just alround curious! Do share...


A fic rec

Sunday January 24, 2010 at 1:04 AM

Blackbird Fly by mistresselektra  has been revamped and is being put back up as we speak.  If you have never read this fic, I would recommend you try it.  It moves quickly and there is a ton of dialog.

SUmmary: AH/AU- Bella is a fractured girl with a life-threatening eating disorder. Her whole life changes when she meets Edward Masen. Warning- child abuse and dark themes. Reposted.

I am rereading it too as it is put up.



Vamp/Canon Fics

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 9:42 PM

Hope you campers can help me, I am a bit all humaned out and need a canon/vamp rec.

I really like The Fallout, Atlas Shrugged, Abbricare il Cantante those sort of stories, if anyone could rec me some more completed that I haven't read yet I would be greatful.  I have tried to find the winners of such stories on the award sites (Eddie and Bellies etc) but have had not luck.

Please help out an old Edward/Bella fan here.

thanks and here for inspiration


Saturday January 23, 2010 at 9:18 PM

BOO. I appear from the shadows of shameless lurking.

I'm sparking this campfire with some embers of something we've all exprienced.




I believe my most intense moment of fist clenching envy was when a girl I know won a contest to meet the one and only Mr. Pattinson himself. I died. Inside. Alot. 

So, help me not feel like a loser for posting this completely random topic,

what's your shining moment of envy/jealousy/green eyed moster?


Saturday Night Blues

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 8:40 PM

I'm away from home, visiting family in Texas in the old stomping grounds where I went to high school.

Lots of things have changed. The landscape is different, but underneath new buildings and the stark surprise of an empty space where a building used to be, what I see beneath it all are memories.

In a way, a part of me has made that cliché sentimental journey down memory lane. And what I've dredged up has had me looking through an old box of photos I took when I was in that photography class my senior year, and I'm sobbing like a baby.

There's a picture of B, and there's a picture of that bitch J he dumped me for. There's a picture of our spot in the school cafeteria where we sat and got away with PDA, and one day my heart fell out of my chest when I was there with him and J walked by and he said, "I just saw my life go past."

That moment is where I found empathy for Bella in New Moon. I knew how she felt--- that feeling of a gaping open hole in her chest.

Tell me about your experience with that big hole of pain. Make me cry again.


Who do you imagine?

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 8:35 PM

Writers and readers. I'm interested in how you picture the characters. Particularly to writers. Do you imagine a certain actor? An amalgam of faces?


Forgive me if this is offensive to a writers domain. As I have not written fic myself, I don't know if there is a unspoken rule about leading your readers to specifically. I understand the desire to remain somewhat ambiguous in the world you have created. I dig that too.


Sundance 2010

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 7:14 PM

Twilight sweeties Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning are alllll over Sundance Film Festival right now promoting their flick The Runaways and Kristen's movie Welcome the to Riley's. 

Here's some of the coverage:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic









Music revisted

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 7:11 PM


Old/New candid & video of Robert

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 5:55 PM

 RIP Patty! What a sweetie.


The fic characters are driving me crazy!

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 5:02 PM

 A couple of months ago, i got this idea of a story which in my head sounded pretty good. But as I know that I'll probably never have the patience to complete it, I knew that I would probably never post it on FF or Twilighted. So, as my memory is pretty good when it comes to things like this, I let it stay in the back of my head so I could pick it out and enjoy it in my head whenever I wanted. 

Only, i never guessed that the characters would start living their own life and getting some own ideas and drive me crazy. So in order to keep me from hating the story I really liked, I started to write down some moments that I knew whas going to be in there.

But they seem to have gotten through there too, because suddenly Edward that wasn't going to curse once, cant seem to finish a senctence on my paper without cursing at least once.

The story that was supposed to be a fic about how father and daughter repairs their damaged relationsship, seems to slowy build into an Edward/Rosalie ending.

I wasnt supposed to have a moment where the characters are drinking, but I suddenly wrote a moment about how a drunk Edward steals Rosalies high heels, puts them on an starts singing "Single ladies" with the dance moves and everything (But this change was actually okay)

So, have any of your stories started as something different than how it ended? Did ideas come up that wasnt there before? Does it feel like your characters have their own life sometimes?
Can you give me some ideas on how i can turn this story back to what it once was?


The greatest love story of all time

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 4:38 PM

I was just reading an article where the author thinks that Twilight is one of the greatest love stories of all time. While Twilight was great, I wouldn't say it is the greatest of all time.

Do you agree with the author?

In your opinion, what is the greatest love story of all time.

It can be either book, movie, or if you know of one, real life?




Saturday January 23, 2010 at 4:35 PM

How do you create a story!?


Cullen Cars

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 3:06 PM

Okay, I've been wondering this for a while. Is it just me, or when you read the books, did you cringe at the introduction of each vehicle?




et cetera.

Now, the biggest issue I have is that, as immortals, you'd think they'd be conservationists. They should take care to drive more earth-friendly vehicles. I'd rather see Edward in this:

I enjoy seeing alternacars for the cullens in fics.

Emperors of Washington had edward in a SWEET vintage volvo. Something like this one:

And of course, I've got Father Edward riding this:

Discuss your thoughts on SM's car choices & what cars YOU envision for the characters or which fanfic vehicles you've loved the most.


A little help please

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 1:51 PM

Ok so I think I'm a little late for the free for all but its only 2:40 where I'm at so hopefully the most wonderful rangers will allow it. I'm in need of a little cheering up and I know all of you lovely ladies are sooo good at it!!! I am having a really hard day today!! I got some news that my absolute closest friend and cousin is pregnant. This is wonderful news but its really hard for me becasue I have been trying desperatly for over 2 yrs now to get pregnant and still can't. I'm currently under fertility treatments and have been for about a year now and still nothing. It seems that everyone around me is pregnant right now and my cousin wasn't even ready to be yet she and her husband were planning on trying this Fall. So hearing this news so soon kinda hit me like a ton of bricks...I already knew in my heart she was because I had a dream about it less than a week ago that I woke up crying from. I'm sorry to be laying this out here on yall but I could really use some support and advice on how to deal right now.  I love her to death and would never want to make her feel sorry for me! I really need some Love from you guys because I feel like its wrong to feel this way and I can't tell my family!!! Thanks so much!!!!



Saturday January 23, 2010 at 12:17 PM

I hope this makes it before the end of the free for all. I forgot what time it ended. sorry!

This is going to sound stupid but I am sort of not a big music follower.  I have come to notice that Indie music is gaining a big following and that is so awesome but who is good out there?

So I was wondering if you all could suggest some great music, bands, etc to listen to. Oh and you want to also add your favorite song thats out right now, that would be great too!!

 I usually put on the radio and hearing Green Day's 21 guns for the 20th time today is getting old.  PLEASE HELP! lol

me, right now I love the song Shattered by OAR.



Book Rec's!

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 11:33 AM

Taking advantage of the free for all!


I need some book rec's please...but not fiction.

I've noticed that there are a lot of campers who are mom's or have experience with young kids. As I've mentioned (and posted lol) before I have a 2 year old little boy. Lately he has started showing interest in going potty, but refuses to actually go.

Do any camper mom's have advice on potty training books? I would love to get one for me and for him. The hubs is deploying soon so I will be doing this solo and feel like I should be trying to get as much info on potty training as I can.

So I'm asking for:

Book rec's for him and me.

How old was your boy or girl when they showed interest?

Did you have any methods or fun tricks to encourage them? I

And of course...feel free to share any stories or horrors. I'd gladly share the time I was dressed for work and the munchkin decided to have rocket poo.


Lookie What I Found...

Saturday January 23, 2010 at 11:31 AM

This was posted on

I fell off my chair. 

The Guys Have Had Their Say....


Twilight (What Have You Done To My Wife)

First --- | >> | 1320 | 1321 | 1322 | 1323 | 1324 | 1325 | 1326 | 1327 | 1328 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
