
Eclipse Trailer Remake

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM

For some reason her remake even though it has the same elements as the original trailer made me more interested in the movie then the original go figure


What does ADF mean to you?

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 7:56 AM

I love ADF because......

We can all talk about the most ridiculous things and take each other perfectly seriously and nobody judges anybody else :)


Eclipse Trailer!!!!

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 6:53 AM



Link <-<-<-<- Looks better on here. Just sayin.


AND NOW ITS on Youtube



Thursday March 11, 2010 at 5:52 AM


A Little Help From My Friends

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 2:47 AM

Here is the thing, I am stumped and need a good fic, the criteria is as follows

All human

Grown Up,but not 40 or 50.

E & B, I don't care who else is with who but they must be or get together.

Little bit of angst, tasteful smut and I don't mind a bit of violence/horror, they can have damaged pasts/presents etc.

Completed would be best and I love long arse chapters, but not for the sake of it.

Last but not least it must be DIFFERENT. As in something that would grab me in the first couple of chapters.

I am home off work for the next couple of days as I had a little medical problem that needed dealing with.  Anyway so I have 3 more days before work on Monday, so I would love some really different recs.

I have read quite a few vamp fics lately and of course I will be reading my regulars, but nothing has updated lately and I am needing a spur on.


EDIT- I have just started All at Once by Grown ass woman to tide me over!  and its pretty good actually up to chp 3


A much older Edward/Bella

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 12:38 AM

 Any fics that have edward or bella with a bit of an age difference with each other? Like age of consent. controlled burn, white lies... etc.



Single Parents

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 12:36 AM

 Don't know if this is already here or not.. (my computer is being SOOOO slow so I can't go digging), but I love single parent fics (bella/edward of course ). Not so much the pregnant ones, just the ones when either she or edward has a kid. I've already read:

such great heights, confessions of a nanny, eight days a week (i've read most of the nanny ones),

holding out for you, falling for you, waking up in vegas, the letter, a rough start

I'm sure there are more that I cannot recall at this moment. So let me know!


Kings of Leon and You

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 11:26 PM



so, i know a lot us on here are kings of leon fans.

i sure as hell know i'm one.

prettyness ^^

anywho, i was thinking today, "what kings of leon song goes best for scotch?"

and then thought "what about all the other stories you've read?"

so basically my question is

what kings of leon song do you think best fits some of your favorite stories?

my answer is in the comments.


Oh Alexander.

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 9:27 PM

For my first campfire I thought I'd share some pictures of my favorite vampire with fangs that I happened to stumble across.


more can be found at


But my question for you guys is who is your favorite vampire?? Could be the one who kicks the most arse or the one who is most fun to look at!



Amalthea, Amalthea. Where art thou udders?

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 8:18 PM

{Fire approved by Jandco}

I've been told that Crazy McAwesome Goat deserves his own campfire and I couldn't agree more. Here he is again for his encore performance and some of his goaty friends. Feel free to post any amusing animal videos you've found that bring the lols. Goats just happen to be one of my favorite animals.

The What Goat (I don't know why the chick with the camera wants to stare at his balls but the goat is funny)

Bob, Ed goats...yeah


jandco and wtvoc invite you in

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 7:52 PM

fun time.

we're starting rumors.  if someone starts a rumor about you, either confirm or deny it.

rules: this is for funsies.  if you're malicious or spill someone's seekrits, wtvoc will cut you, jandco will think really, really bad things about you, and jandcoandwtvoc will kill edward in their next fic and blame you for inspiring it.

but- feel free to start a rumor about your friends... if you're sure they won't be hurt.  this is a game, after all.  or do wtvoc, she's got no soul and it won't bother her in the slightest.

be brave, lurkers.  we're awarding gold stars to the best rumors of the day.

now, i heard that summit has picked this song as the theme of breaking dawn:



Six Degrees of Twilight

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 7:52 PM

Surely you all remember the philosphical "six degrees of separation" concept that subsequently caused the wildy popular idea that Kevin Bacon was the center of the universe.

Even if you don't, I think we can all agree that as a group we can tie just about anything into the Twiverse. 

So, just for fun let's play "Six Degrees of Twilight" by picking a celebrity and tying them back to Twilight somehow in six steps or less.

For example:  I was watching The Royal Tenenbaums which has Billy Murray in it.  Bill Murray was in Zombieland with Jesse Eisenberg.  Jesse Eisenberg was in Adventureland with Kristen Stewart.  Kristen Stewart was in Twilight!  See? Fun.

Tie someone to Twilight yourself, or challenge other campers, rangers, or even just challenge me.  I think I can do it. 


Pimp it Plus

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 7:49 PM


Same rules apply. Pimp your stuff, pimp your friends, pimp what you are reading.

Don't forget to LINK!

Your challenge? Pimp your absolute favorite ONE SHOT and tell us WHY you love it

Then Pimp, pimp, pimp away!


Permanently Pulled Fanfiction

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 6:23 PM


I apologize if this has been brought up already but personally, I need some at least half decent answers for this. Someone please explain this whole permanent fic pulling business. To be honest, 'I've heard most of the general reasons and they just don't hold up for me. I feel like, if you can't handle the drama that may or may not crop up, don't post your fics to begin with. I'm not talking about published work, just fics that are pulled for [insert reason here].

Yes it belongs to the author, of course. However, well...I could say a few choice things about it but I'm sure it's a fairly sensitive subject as it is and I know we probably have someone here who will get offended if I let my mouth run away with the spoon.

I'll put it simply. I don't agree with it. If you can handle drama, post. If not, don't bother. This may be fanfiction but the realities of writing still apply.

I'm a fan of people spilling their guts, be in negative or positive, so by all means let it flow! I'd like to know people's honest opinions on this if you feel like sharing.

Here is something to brighten the topic for everyone. I adore this goat. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him but if I could, I'd buy him! Goat love <3



If you picked the cast...

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 6:21 PM

We all Most of us saw 10 second Eclipse trailer. Who would you pick for each character (down to the high school gang and tribe members... and dare I say it, Renesmee) if you were in charge of casting the Twilight Saga movies? I am still racking my brain about who I would pick. Show me your's and I might show you mine ;)

Sorry, if this is a duplicate post but I haven't seen it before.


Reese talks about Water for Elephants

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 6:17 PM

Reese Witherspoon talks about Water for Elephants and getting to work with Rob Pattinson. (she starts around 4:25 if you don't want to listen to the whole video)


I'm reading this book right now and lovin' it. I want to run away with the circus or buy my own elephant. I'm so excited for the movie.

What about you campers have you read the book? What did you think? Are you happy with the casting of Rob, Reese and Christoph Waltz?


We wake, if ever at all, to mystery. --Annie Dilla

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 6:08 PM


So, I'm planning on writing a Murder Mystery fic. But before I start I want to know how to write one well. I have most of the plot and the end of the story planned. Here's where YOU come in. Can anyone recommend me some good (real) mystery books?  Any type will do; Detective, Cop, PI, Cleaning ladies, Single Moms, the guy next door solving a mystery. Pardon my spelling. And for your help, here are some pics.


PS: I Know.... These are not new, but I had to give you something for your help

PSS: WTVOC approved.. That is why I put the lovely David Boreanaz up there

PSSS: Promise I'll shut up after this one. Thank you for everybody who recommended books for me last time. I am reading Lolita and A House at Riverton now!!


My first fanfic & camp fire

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 5:53 PM

 ok so this is my first camp fire and I would really love if people would take the time to read the first chapter of my first fanfic and hopefully give me some pointers for improvements as I seem to really be struggling and my chapters seem to be very short, thank you :)


Did you like the Movie soundtracks?

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 5:49 PM

I'm kind of embarresed to admit that I had never heard most of the Artists and bands. I knew Paramore and Linking Park, for twilight, and that was it.

And I only knew Death Cab for Cutie on the New Moon Soundtrack.

It's kind of sad and pathetic because I like to believe I'm very diverse with my music, and I listen to just about every kind of music but I had no clue who these people were.

I loved the Twilight Soundtrack completely. I know all the songs and have the entire Soundtack on my Zune, though I dont understand what some of the songs mean they are very catchy and addictive. I guess if I really took the time to read the lyrics I would understand better. But I love the songs nonetheless.

I didnt like the New Moon CD as much as I loved the Twilight one. But I still bought it and put it on my Zune

I did like the songs Meet me on the Equinox, Possibility, White Deamon Love Song, and Roslyn. The others didn't really speak to me though.

What I really want to know is did you like the Soundtracks? Would you rather more publicly known Singers?


Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 10, 2010 at 5:30 PM







"NM ~ Redemption" by SkyAstrid

And because Remember Me comes out this week... 

"All We Do Is Insignificant - Remember Me" by Vera


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