Here is the thing, I am stumped and need a good fic, the criteria is as follows
All human
Grown Up,but not 40 or 50.
E & B, I don't care who else is with who but they must be or get together.
Little bit of angst, tasteful smut and I don't mind a bit of violence/horror, they can have damaged pasts/presents etc.
Completed would be best and I love long arse chapters, but not for the sake of it.
Last but not least it must be DIFFERENT. As in something that would grab me in the first couple of chapters.
I am home off work for the next couple of days as I had a little medical problem that needed dealing with. Anyway so I have 3 more days before work on Monday, so I would love some really different recs.
I have read quite a few vamp fics lately and of course I will be reading my regulars, but nothing has updated lately and I am needing a spur on.
EDIT- I have just started All at Once by Grown ass woman to tide me over! and its pretty good actually up to chp 3