

Monday March 8, 2010 at 8:38 PM


the create wtvoc a new icon contest continues until midnight PST on march 16th.

basically, make me an icon.  can be anything.  i'm loving the ones that have been submitted so far!

oh yeah- submit to dearwtvoc@gmail.com

the winner gets an amazon.com gift certificate and their own tent in the forest!



I'll Be Loving You Forever...

Monday March 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM

 So my dear friend CindyWindy rec'd Ars Moriendi until I caved and read it this weekend.  It's good.  Really good.  Poetic and compelling and emotional and different.  All the things I love in a fic.  It's also not been updated since November 2009.  Ugh. 


Readers: It's got me wondering, which stories are you waiting on - not a week or two, but MONTHS?  Stories that you love so much that no matter how long you have to wait, you'll keep holding out hope that it updates.  What is it about these stories that keeps you holding on?

Writers: Real life happens, we all know that, and sometimes stories have to be shelved for the good of others in our lives or just to give us some breathing space.  Does it bug you when readers PM you and ask if you're planning to continue a story?  Do you respond?

Also, my question made me think of this (if I can make it embed), so enjoy!

Rangers - I fail at embedding.  I swear, I copied the url from youtube into that little You Tube box.  Here it is, help?


The Hat Does Nothing


Monday March 8, 2010 at 6:49 PM

So, Alot of Twi-Fans On Twitter
& Well EVERYWHERE Keep Calling Me
Cute, adorable, etc.
Which got me thinking;
Who's the cutest Twi-Fan you know?


Weitz Wishes He Cut the Frolicking Vamp scene

Monday March 8, 2010 at 6:19 PM

Twilight fans still have a few months to go before Eclipse hits theaters this Summer, but they'll flock to the stores in a few weeks to pick up copies of New Moon on DVD on March 21. There are a few editions featuring all kinds of bonus features, and I was lucky enough to chat with director Chris Weitz on everything from his favorite scene, to Rob and Kristen's relationship, to what he wishes had ended up on the cutting room floor.

  • There are lots of different editions of the New Moon DVD. Which bonus features are you particularly excited about? I'm excited that my voice will finally be heard! For me, the fun thing was doing the commentary with Peter Lambert, my editor, because it kind of re-created the atmosphere in the cutting room. Peter's a really funny guy, and we were able to delve into not only the behind-the-scenes moments, but to explain why certain things were shot or cut together in certain ways. So that, for me, was the most fun.
  • When you go back and watch it again, are there things you'd like to change if you could? I would like to never have shot Rob and Kristen running through the forest and Kristen's just turned into a vampire. Because everybody always laughs and it makes me feel terrible. [Laughs] I would have shot it a different way so it wouldn't get that response. But otherwise, I'm very happy with things.
  • You must get lots of questions abut Rob and Kristen. Do you laugh it off or are you totally sick of hearing about it? I'm somewhat clueless — when you're the director, you're kind of like the school principal. Nobody really tells you anything. You really have no idea what's going on. I'm the last person who would know about this kinda stuff. I'm sure you could get more from reading the paper.

To see what Chris had to say about Breaking Dawn and his favorite scenes in New Moon, just read more.

  • What was your favorite scene to shoot in New Moon? I'm very fond of the memories that a lot of the scenes invoke in me. My favorite scene is probably somewhere between the very last scene, and the cliffhanger that it's left on, and the scenes in Italy. Just the experience shooting those scenes was so magnificent. We were in this beautiful hillside town in Tuscany, and going home to fresh-made pasta every night, and surrounded by thousands of fans of the series while we were shooting it. I know I'll never experience anything like that ever again.
  • We still don't know who will be directing Breaking Dawn, but what's your take on the rumors that it will likely be two movies, possibly in 3D? 3D seems to be the new thing that everything has to be. I think the good thing about 3D is that it can lend tremendous depth to a picture, and really make it extraordinarily lush, visually. And also that it gets people to go out to the theater. Film directors want people to see things in the theater, on the big screen, at least the first time. So that's a good thing. As for the book being broken up into two films, I think it's a good idea. There's so much material in the final book that I think it's warranted.
  • How would you direct Breaking Dawn? Very carefully, because I think that you want to deliver the fans a faithful version of the book that they love. Yes, there's a lot of extraordinary goings-on. So it'll have to be done carefully.
  • How do you think the movie franchise has been affected by using different directors? I think it's good for it, because I think there's a tremendous amount of coherence thanks to a very strong cast, who care about getting their characters right. And I think that the fans' interested will be un-dimmed, and I think it's interesting to see the different visual approaches, different stylistic versions, different choices that different filmmakers take.
  • Are you excited to see Eclipse, or will you inevitably be thinking about how you would have done it differently? I'm really excited to see it. I'm very excited to see it. I'm sure he's done a really great job. I think that he's, amongst other things, a much better action director than I am. So I'm really keen to see the action sequences. I think that there are a lot of things that I would have been very daunted by the prospect of shooting, which he will have taken in stride. I'm excited to see it whenever I can.


yes Mr. Weitz, I wish you had shot that scene differently as well


Bella Who?

Monday March 8, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Okay so Ive read a lot of fics and I love when authors write OOC.

 I like how Each Edward is tailored specifically to each story. But something occurred to me. Why do you write them the way you do?

Is your Bella or Edward based of someone you know in real life? Maybe its yourself?

Did you give your version of the Twilight characters characteristics that you possess? Maybe its someone you know personally.

Tell Me.



also, is this okay? im not sure sorry if its not. if so I'll delete it.

Ranger Edit: of course it is ok. it is a great post!

New Pictures of Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

Monday March 8, 2010 at 5:40 PM


How Cute!!!!!!!    -Now if this was her and Rob you know it would have been a big deal



Happy Women's Day!!!

Monday March 8, 2010 at 5:21 PM

Today, in my country is Women’s Day… Our bosses give us flowers, when we speak on the phone, people wishes us a Happy Day and we go back home with our bags full of flowers, candy, chocolate, etc…

I don’t know if it’s commemorated in the States, but I couldn’t let the day go without wishing each and one of you to have a beautiful day, and even if you don’t have this day as Women’s day, use the excuse that somewhere in the planet is commemorated and give yourself a present. Buy some flowers for your desk, have a cup of coffee with your best friend, go have some drinks, eat some ice cream, buy those shoes you’ve dying to get your hands on (or should I say feet!)
And pass the good wishes to all your lady friends, because we women deserve to be worshiped, loved, and recognized… and every day should be Women’s day!
And to make this post interactive, tell me who your favorite woman in history is… It could be real or a character from a book or movie.
I would have to go with Lizzie Bennet… She’s strong, believes in her and is not afraid of admit she was mistaken… I wish I was more like her.
Happy Women's Day!!!!!
(This post has the stamp of approval of WTVOC and PIXIEVAMP)

Fan Fiction Weekly Sneak Peek

Monday March 8, 2010 at 4:32 PM



Do you write fan fiction? Want to show a peek of what's to come in your upcoming chapters?


Post upcoming excerpts from your stories here!


Don't forget to include a link! :)

That Girl There x

Spam Me Baby One More Time

Monday March 8, 2010 at 3:52 PM

Forgive the cheesy title... It was Britney Spears Top Ten there on telly a few hours ago.. And I liked her.. A long time ago.. haha

Anyway... I rarely make campfires.. I think this is my third... ever.. I might have done one on the old site, I can't remember

I'm waffling again... So the main reason for this campfire is..

I want Rob pics/ Jackson pics.. Bit of DB (he's lovely..) And a whole lot of Johnny Depp..

Fic Rec's... Angst if you please..

Random videos that you think is hilarious..

The reason.. Yeah I guess I need a reason to be selfish.. I've got about an hour or so before I become another year older.. So I want tomorrow to be good! Considering I can't go out for a few drinks until the weekend.. Stupid College and mid-week birthdays..

And a gift in thanks ahead.. hell I just want a bit more of him!



Monday March 8, 2010 at 2:48 PM







"the avett/boreanaz factor"

Monday March 8, 2010 at 1:44 PM

.. some call it The List, but wtvoc has dubbed it:

"the avett/boreanaz factor"

You know, the dude that your SO or BF or Husband knows that if they come knocking, you are allowed that free pass.

 I know for most of you that guy is Mr. Pattinson, and that is okay to admit. If he ever showed up at my door..well, I'll never know. But I already have my free pass. Oh, and by the way, I saw mine on Saturday. We had a moment. Yes, this campfire is just a place to spam you with the pictures I took Saturday night WITH MY PHONE...

And here is a video of Scott Avett falling in front of me and literally bucking his hips in the air during Talk on Indolence. Turn down your speakers. The sound is bad. But the video is worth watching till the end because Scott gets down on his knees. Always a good thing...

I was front row center and Scott and I shared a talk and some sweat. I was in heaven. Seriously. I even forgave him for having more beard than I usually like. Why would you hide a face like this?

SO tell me. Who is your free pass. I want pictures! 


Prompt Off!

Monday March 8, 2010 at 1:38 PM

Many times, we get people asking "does anyone know of a fic in which..." or people saying "I have this story idea but I don't write..."

And as a lady who writes fic, I often WANT to write, but have no idea WHAT to write...So.

Welcome to Prompt Monday!  This thread is for readers, authors and everyone in between.  Have a prompt idea?  Post it here.  Looking for an idea?  Scan this thread.

Please, don't post anything here you don't want someone else to use, as everything in this thread is up for grabs.


Handsome Men

Monday March 8, 2010 at 10:53 AM

We all love a Handsome Man!

Anna shared this with me and I had to pass it along. It was on Jimmy Kimmel last night so some might have seen it but for there rest here you go!



*Rob and that other guy are mentioned so it's kinda Twi related ;) 

LJ Summers

Original Story Contest

Monday March 8, 2010 at 9:42 AM

*Posted with approval of the most excellent wtdboc, because I am a good camper and know the rules.*


An exciting opportunity for publication awaits!

Sponsored by Argus Books and author Jennifer Barry (The Kingdom), there is a contest afoot for an original YA story.  First prize will be publication at the end of the next book in Barry's The Kingdom series!

More information on this contest at this website:  http://kingdomcontest.wordpress.com/

Fellow camper Katinki and I will be serving on the judging panel.  THIS IS AN ANONYMOUS CONTEST. If you decide to enter, it's cool to tell us you're entering, but totally a bad thing to tell us which story you wrote.  Got it?  THANK YOU.

Check out the website if you're interested!  Submissions may be sent in as early as April 1. 



*and thanks wthpfoc for letting me post this here*



fisher price my first FITB

Monday March 8, 2010 at 9:37 AM

what was your first __________?

ask about people's firsts and they'll answer in your thread.

mine is inspired by the fact that emibella saw her rebound husband in concert this weekend, and they ~connected.

so... what was your first concert?



Daniel Johns Pictures, Images and Photos


Fic Rec

Monday March 8, 2010 at 9:29 AM

So ive just finished the latest chapter of hit by destiny and i was wondering if anybody could rec me somthing similar ?

Forgive typos ive just finished a 6 hour journey :|



Monday March 8, 2010 at 8:47 AM

Good Morning Campers!

Did you all have a great weekend?  Did you watch the Oscars?  I didn't because my mom came over to watch it with my daughter and their commentary was so annoying, I pretended to do "work" on my computer with my headphones on :(

But I saw the results....so awesome about The Hurt Locker!!


A few Random Facts, the MOVIE edition....

~Walt Disney holds the record for most Oscar wins and nominations. He was nominated 60 times during his lifetime and received 22 statues.
~The stunt double for Bernie in the movie "Weekend at Bernie's" suffered a few broken ribs while filming the movie, due to all the pitfalls and stunts of playing a dead man; most notably in the scene involving Bernie being dragged around the surface of the lake, bumping into metal floating obstacles.
~David Alan Grier, Ice Cube, Dave Chappelle and John Travolta all turned down the offer to play the role of Bubba from Forrest Gump. Chevy Chase also turned down the role of playing Forrest.
~During the filming of Fight Club Brad Pitt chipped his tooth , but waited to have it capped until after filming because he felt it added to his character.
~During World War II, in support of the American effort, the Oscar statues were made of plaster and were traded in for gold ones after the war had ended.


Some PRETTY to start your week off right...


THANK YOU to everyone who responded to my survey. 

I am completely floored by the response.  WE are such an incredible group of women.  So far, I have learned that we range from age 18-51; our income varies from NONE to over $100K/yr; we are ALL over the world, inlcuding MOSCOW, Brazil, France, and the Czech Republic.  We are lawyers, students, writers, artists, software engineers and consultants, moms, married, single, Black, White, Asian, Latina. 

I'm so proud to part of this group :) 

If you haven't done my survey yet, you can so HERE.


PIXIEVAMP~~  I love you, bb <3





I can't think of a title : )

Monday March 8, 2010 at 7:57 AM

A lot has been made about SM's Twilight saga being pretty similar to other books out there...like CH's Southern Vampire Mysteries and LJ's Vampire Diaries....

And I wanted to throw another AH Edward into the fire.

Richard Gere's Edward in Pretty Woman

Now stay with me...

Exhibit A.) His name is Edward. Duh.

Exhibit B.) He's a picky, lonley millionaire that's never known true love. 

Exibity C.) He never sleeps.  Techinically he finally sleeps towards the end but you see what I'm saying.

I wasted my entire morning yesterday watching this on Lifetime and wanted to tell someone how SM must have ripped Twilight off of this cinema masterpiece...but alas...my family is over my vampire rantings.



Can you think of any other characters/books/movies that are rip offs or have been ripped off in the Twilight series?

I can't promise jewelry but if you're ever in Texas we can have strawberries and champagne. : )     


Quickie Question

Monday March 8, 2010 at 6:57 AM

 Me again!  I can't sleep until I  know one thing: How long was Bella actually pregnant with the Demon Spawn?  Does anyone know? TIA!



Sunday March 7, 2010 at 10:30 PM

Peter Facinelli was at the ERIE MALL TODAY AND I FECKIN' MISSED IT.


F. M. L. 



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