Eclipse Trailer

Friday March 12, 2010 at 1:01 AM

I know the first 10 second one was posted but I just found this on the interwebs.

It doesn't look like the tent scene is in the movie, I wonder what else is cut!

PS rangers if this has already been posted please feel free to delete it.



Happy Birthday, Me!

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 10:25 PM

it's my birthday today.

i think i'm beginning to understand why people hate them so much.


what's your favorite birthday themed fic?


In honor of mothers everywhere

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:48 PM

Today is my mom's birthday (and her mother's birthday too, ironically). She's been gone for 7 years. I still think about her all day, every day- sotoday is no different...just a little more bittersweet. My mom wasn't June Cleaver, or Claire Huxtable, or Carol Brady. Maybe more like Roseanne, except not as funny or trashy. We had a very tumultuous relationship growing up, were estranged for several years in my late teens/early 20's, and then finally got our shit together and reconciled and had several decent (for the most part) years before she died.

Today I read a fic that I had seen rec'd somewhere, that really kind of took my breath away. Now, part of that was from laughing so damn hard, and part of it was my heart clenching in equal parts joy and agony.

I'm not a fan of Esme, in the canon books or in fanfic. She's usually written so sweet that I get cavities whenever she appears in a story. A domestic goddess who can do no wrong, and raises perfect children that are a parents dream. Or a background character whose purpose is to just stand by her man, as if  Carlisle couldn't survive without her, but not really doing anything.

This new fic I'm reading, though, features an Esme unlike any I've ever read. She is warm, funny, sharp, clever, clueless, mothering, nurturing, nosy...I could go on and on. I started reading without any grand expectations. I didn't really know what it was about going in; I only had the story summary to go by. There were a few punctuation typos in the first chapter or two that almost caused me to pack it up and head home. But then the author really hit her stride, and the heart of the story, of the character of Esme, and her relationship with her three grown sons, just WHAM!!!! Hit me hard.

This story, for me, is about motherhood. Family. How you do your best to raise your kids, have delusions of grandeur about how they'll turn out, and you know that you are such a great mom so of course your children will grow up to be great.

And then they don't. They hurt and disappoint and embarrass and ignore you. They don't live up to potential, they aren't happy, they just drift along. I don't know what I would do in that situation, as my kids are just 16 and 10. But Esme travels clear across the country to make a final, valiant attempt to 'fix' her kids. Her antics will have you laughing. Her comments and interactions with other characters will have you wondering if she's really blind and clueless, or really, really clever and observant. You will not doubt for one second how sincere and heartfelt her feelings towards her sons are.

I know the weekly rec post took place last night, but I've just had this story on my heart and mind all day, even long after I got caught up on the chapters that are published to date. I can't help but wonder if my mom guided me toward this story as a reminder that even wherever she is, she still loves me and wants to see me succeed in life and be happy.

So I present, for all of you who are mothers or who have a mother ;-)





Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:43 PM


As always, post more pics in the comments, and enjoy!


a little help, ladies

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:07 PM

Hello, Ladies.

I think I need a theme song.

Something like this:

Do you have any suggestions?

Or maybe just questions for me?

Or perhaps we can get a drink when my shift is over.


Water for Real Elephants

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:04 PM

So I'm assuming I'm not the only one over the moon about Rob's next "project". Right? I happen to be an absolute tweak when it comes to elephants. I adore them. I can't even tell you how close my heart was to exploding from the warm and fuzzies when Rob went on about meeting some elephants in his details interview.

I hardcore weep when I see elephants who have been rescued and all that jazz. Well, it's the same with horses and pretty much every other animal under the sun but elephants just have a special place in my heart. I thought that this fire would be a good place for us to chat about what we are hoping for with the movie.

Elephant photoshoot? Yes please! Oh can you imagine?

I'm also hoping this brings more attention to what elephants are going through in the name of human entertainment. Basically a lot of the same arguments that people have been talking about for years. The only problem is, arguments get old and die down but that doesn't mean the problem is solved. Maybe with Rob to generate interest (as shallow as that sounds) more can be done for these creatures.

I'd also like to add some links to elephant rescues and reserves. I check in with my spare time and donate when I can to help these beautiful beasts and I'd like to at least provide the links so people can read their stories and see what elephants are like outside of documentaries and zoos. This site is fantastic. the finding sanctuary video in the middle-ish of this page makes me cry good tears. I love what they do. The Tarra (elephant) and Bella(dog) story is amazing.

CBS also featured a story on Tarra & Bella which really puts things into perspective. See it here:

The elephant nature park & foundation is an amazing organization. They rescue elephants in Thailand which is sadly where abuse is really all too commonplace. Thank god for Lek and everyone involved with the park.  & -slightly more up to date info on the herd (2 new calves!)

Meet the elephants- Medo/Mae Do, is my hero.

Chang Yim(smiling elephant) says hello!



shaking and crying

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:00 PM




Need Help

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 7:40 PM

How do you guys get the pictures and videos up for your post every time i try nothin shows up but the code help me plz  :(


show me your mugs (beverage receptacle edition)

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 5:55 PM

So I'm there... on twitter, because I'm bored and not in the mood to write, when... "SHOW ME YOUR MUGS" flits across my twatdeck board, and i nearly fall off my chair in excitement!


Wondering WTF someone would get excited about this for? And then why said loser would be bitterly disappointed to find out it's just people faces? Well... lemme explain!


I got a new mug a work... yeah, can you feel the excitement? You should be able to, because it's motherfucking AWESOME! I work with natural hazards, so it was like the holy grail of finds (I'm ashamed for myself and yet secretly delighted, so don't worry, I've got all the bases covered he he!). Anyway, I tweeted out my geekery cause that's how I roll (see below) and I may or may not have been cracked off my tits on caffeine.


I got spammed back with fuckton of mugs! *channels some yoda* Shocked and delighted I was. And my thursday was no longer dull!



A small but epic group of #MUGh00rs was formed with the fabulous @BBSapphire24 and @4lettrwrd - banter flowed, and good time rolled, because that's how the fandom responds, because it's just awesome!


Sadly, as some of your know, 4lettrwrd or Ke, passed away recently, so I busted out the back catalogue of mugs today in her honour, because whilst she didn't have her own mug, we pooled some braintrust fuckery, and she busted out the following #ghettoMUG utilising some tape she found lying around:



So, come on people... embrase the fuckery and show me your mugs!


Beverage receptacles only - get creative, we don't discriminate - it's all about the #MUGlove chica's


Show me show me show me

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 4:56 PM


show me...

I know names...

I wanna see mugs...

I know WTVOC, Jennyfuckingfly, Jandco. Lilybellis, Tor

I am calling others out...

Chicklette.  GrownAssWoman. Sasha.  Lookingforhoofprints.  PreferBrunettes. LJSummers....

just to name a few

my Pollyana, Cardigan wearing, Emmett loving mug is posted below.

bring it bb's


HOT. REALLY HOT. Calvin Klein X Underwear

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 4:16 PM



Thats one doodle that cant be undid, homeskillet

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 3:59 PM

I'm looking for preggo eggo fics. Srsly.

Can be HS, older, married, not married, one night stand, etc...

BUT, I do want the following:

-ExB prefferred, but really any couple AS LONG AS IT'S CANON

-Completed, or at least close



Thanks, bbs (:


Fer yer time:



Does any one know how

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Does anyone know how to delete a account? I tried to figure it out this afternoon and am at a complete loss. Any help or insight would be very much appreciated.

Thanks :)

Tuesday Jane


whats that fanfic

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 3:38 PM

help please!!! ive been trying to figure out the title to this fanfic:

      i think the summary is that bella just recently moved and edward was a retired football player after a serious injury. they are both teachers and i dont remember but maybe seth was bellas brother? i dont remember but i know seth was a big part in that story. thanks :)


The Runaways is badass!!

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 3:33 PM

 So, I saw The Runaways on Monday night. Gotta tell ya, its pretty fucking badass. 

Kristen and Michael Shannon made it for me. Dakota was OK,  the movie kinda slowed down with her parts, but its definitely a role she has never been in before, and she does it pretty well.

KStew though. man is she good. she was so joan jett. like super sexually and emotionally aggressive, she kicks ass with the music, and she really does a good job acting. doesn't twitch at all like she did in Twilight. My favorite parts all had to do with her.

The kiss was pretty hot too. not explicit at all, but the whole band is pretty sexual.

It probably helped that I had really low expectations going into this, but I really loved it. I've been singing their songs all day and even got my guitar out again (not something anyone would want to see, but I'm loving the hell out of it.), and it was super enjoyable overall.

Also, when I first got there I had to go to the bathroom, and just as I was about to open the door Cherie Currie walks out. I smiled and said hi, and then proceeded to freak the fuck out when I got inside. It was awwwwwesome.


Edit: Anyone want a pin??


Does that make me crazy?

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 3:28 PM

There's a morning radio show that does this 'crazy' bit that made me think of you/us/ADF.

A girl called in saying that whenever she has two missed calls or texts back to back...she immediately assumes her friends are trying to reach her to let her know RPattz has died and they want to break the news to her. 

Does that make her crazy?


~What makes you crazy when it comes to Twilight?

Me first...Sometimes I re read the epilogue of Sleepers, Awake just to cry.

Does that make me crazy?


I love this bit of crazy.


Fic mix up

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 2:45 PM

Have u ever been reading two fic that were kinda the same and mixed up some of the things that happened This happen to me today i was reading the lastest update of Master of the Universe and when Edward said he never cried i was like wait didn't u cry before u and bella broke up that first time i thought i was going crazy but than all of a sudden i was like shit that was the SUBMISSIVE where he cried so i feel kinda slow now 


So wanna make me feel better has something like this ever happen to you ?



Thursday March 11, 2010 at 1:31 PM

It's come to my attention recently that a few very good authors in fandom have been rejected from Twilighted for reasons should I put this...don't make a damn bit of sense to me.


This got me curious. How many people have been rejected from Twilighted? If you have been rejected, do you think the reasons were fair? Were the reasons explained to you in a reasonable and polite manner and were you given good tips on how to fix your errors and encouraged to resubmit? 


Let's use this post to have an informed, polite discussion about Twilighted. Share your stories and let's see if others have had similar experiences.


Full disclosure: I posted one oneshot there and it got accepted on the first try (after about five weeks in the queue) and I deleted it recently. ETA: if you're curious as to why I deleted it this will probably help clear it up.


This post was approved by wolvesnvamps.


I've been nagged into it

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 12:58 PM

This is today's blog entry on TLYDF - we've all been through a lot lately, so I thought it would be good to pull us all back in together - perspective from the resident  Pollyanna, so to speak. 

I'll be out back with the 40 ouncer in a paper bag, passing around a smoke when you are done.


 Dear Mr. Vernon,
we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did *was* wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... and an athlete... and a basket case... a princess... and a criminal... Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club 
John Hughes was brilliant. Twenty five years later, that quote from the closing lines of The Breakfast Club still holds true.
People try to put us in boxes. It’s human nature to want to classify or define. Twi-hards, Twimoms, Robsten Shippers...all different titles applied in an effort to neatly organize people into categories. We have them in real life, and we have them in Fan Fiction too.
But the reality is, no one ever fits cleanly into one little box. Daughter, sister, friend, mother, there are so many ways that we can be classified.
A number of us hide our Twilight affection. Fan fiction, movies, books – we lock that part of us away from real life, choosing instead to share it with a community of anonymous people hidden behind clever screen names. But over time, those anonymous names may come to life. Twitter, email, and gchat break down our constraints (location, time zone, etc) and we start to get to know the person, not the identity. We start to clump together based on our interests, our senses of humor or preferences, and somewhere along the way, real life and fan fiction start to blend. That random name becomes a person, one that might even be called a friend. It’s in that melding of real and online that something magical happens.
We came together because we read books that, for whatever reason, we couldn’t put out of our heads. Through sparkly vamps and klutzy girls we started to transcend the stories and become something more. We form support networks for the good times and bad. We bond together in grief and in laughter. We raise money for charity and commit random acts of kindness.

 I can only think of one box that defines all those traits. Friendship.
In the past few months, a number of things have happened in this fandom that has crystallized our relationships. We have lost members long before their time; we’ve supported others as they struggle with loss, illness, divorce, natural disaster, and a myriad of other things. We’ve laughed and cried together. We’ve lashed out in anger, only to find a sympathetic ear or shoulder who can help us work through our frustrations. Put those actions in a box and try and define them without describing it as friendship. I dare you.
When I first joined this fandom, I was worried about what people would think if they found me out. I’m married; a mom who is gainfully employed and has a nice normal life. Would people consider me strange because I was fascinated by the books? Would they judge me differently if they knew what I wrote about?
A year later, I have a different perspective, as colored by the amazing women I’ve interacted with. While diverse in our upbringings, ages, backgrounds and life stage, I’ve formed a common bond with so many people in this fandom, and that has allowed me to change my perspective. Let the world look down on me for my attachment to the books. Let my husband tease me as I met up with three friends in Chicago to go see New Moon, or have dinner with other online friends in Detroit, in New York, or San Francisco when I travel. The world may choose to classify those actions as one of a geek or a nerd, but I refuse to be defined by those things, and I refuse to let anyone else define us this way.

We came into this fandom for one reason, but we stick around for so much more. We look forward to the summer, to Comicon and the release of Eclipse. We talk eagerly about what will or will not happen with the release of Breaking Dawn. Peppered in those conversations are discussions about what to have for dinner, boyfriends, PMS, and even the random ogling of Rob. I challenge anyone to define those conversations as anything other than friendship.

Twitard,Twihard,Twi-mom. Let them try and box us in. We all know better.

My use of The Breakfast Club quote at the beginning of this article was not random. We came in assuming one thing, and it became something so much more. Thank you, fandom, for disproving the stereotype and showing that we are much more than what can be contained in one little box.

more fun with wtvoc

Thursday March 11, 2010 at 11:17 AM

who do you have a crush on?

online, for realsies, you kinda/sorta mean it, you single white female stalk them

tell me who you crush on.

me?  why, jandco of course.

and my husband, even after a decade of wadded-up towels on my floor.

david boreanaz, obvs

pulsepoint, but that's mutual

emibella- i have a massive mp3 crush on her

aaaand patsy robinson.  i just love her omg

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