

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 9:01 PM 



i was just on my twitter thinking BOY DO I NEED FOLLOWERS haha






xxx toyin




jessica stanley

Boobs Make Him Nervous

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:36 PM

So I decided to get back to real journalism this week (my editor’s words… not mine,) and actually do a little research to dig up an interesting person to interview.  Well, okay.  I didn’t actually do any research.  One of my teachers sort of suggested that I interview this really cool kid, who has like, his own business and stuff already.  And that sounded pretty cool.  Bonus for me… the kid was like super busy.  So we had to do our interview via instant messaging.  I didn’t have to leave the house, and I was able to give myself a pedicure while I got the job done.  What?  I’m great at multi-tasking!   The following is a copy of my chat history, with Edward Cullen… creator of (no.  it’s not a joke.)

bound4hollywood:  Hello?  u there?  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  Yes, this is Edward Anthony Cullen.  Creator of  

bound4hollywood:  Oh Good!  Hold on... let me close some windows. 

bound4hollywood:  okay.  I'm back.   Hi.  I'm Jessica.  As I told you in my email, I'm doing this interview for the Forks High Herald.  But I'm also syndicated.  So this is, kinda a big deal.   
bound4hollywood:  I got your name from my economics teacher.  I think she's friends with one of your teachers?  Mrs. Evans?  I dunno.  She said that you are doing some amazing things with your own business... and that maybe you'd let me talk to you about that.   
SwordOfAragorn1989:  Ms. Evans is my teacher. Mrs. Evans is currently my investor. And yes, the business is doing very well. markets t-shirts to a variety of fantasy and sci-fi fandoms, including Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons, ect. I design most of the t-shirts myself (with the assistance of my partner, Bella Swan) and MyT-Spot is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.  We are currently working on expanding our business into a website. Look for to be officially coming to you September, 2002.  

bound4hollywood:  My T-spot? That's hilarious!  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  Excuse me?  I don’t understand.  

bound4hollywood:  My T-Spot.  u know.  T-spot?  Funny!  Wait- how old r u?  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  I am fourteen years old. 

bound4hollywood:  oh crap.  Okay.  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  Wait, what?  

bound4hollywood:  Wow.  That's really cool that you have your own business, and you are only 14!  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  Thank you but I couldn't do it without the help of my business partner, Bella Swan.  

bound4hollywood:  My biggest accomplishment at 14 was actually growing big enough boobs to get out of a training bra.  Is Bella 14 too? 

SwordOfAragorn1989:  no, nrkks od 12 

SwordOfAragorn1989:  So sorry, I mean that Bella is 13. Her birthday is in September. She turns 14 on September 13. 

bound4hollywood:  I am srsly impressed that u 2 are running an actual business while u r so young. How did you get started?

SwordOfAragorn1989:  Originally I was running my own t-shirt business off of E-bay - E.C.T-shirts. However, when I met Bella I knew she had an eye for creativity (because she was my assistant photographer in Yearbook) and immediately decided that I wanted to expand. 

bound4hollywood:  Sounds like you got pretty lucky with Bella.  

bound4hollywood:  Or wait.  You know…not like LUCKY lucky.  Because yeah... you're like 14.  But you know... lucky cuz she's an inspiration and helps you and everything. 

SwordOfAragorn1989:  I’m the luckiest man in the world. 

bound4hollywood:  Okay... so I'd really like to know about the man who controls my T-spot.  -  okay.  That just sounds wrong.-  whatever.  Tell me about YOU.  You're a kid.  I mean... I get you're busy.  That's why we are doing this interview over the computer.  But like... what do you like to do for fun? 

SwordOfAragorn1989: Mostly, I just spend time with Bella. When she's at her house I roleplay Lord of the Rings online and talk to Bella on the phone. Sometimes Bella and I go on picnics or to the movies (Fellowship of the Ring is still in the dollar theater).  

bound4hollywood:  Dude... don't get me wrong or anything.  But seriously? You are way lucky to have a girl hanging out with you.  I thought all this Tolkein stuff was like... just for your t-shirt business.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Excuse me? This "Tolkein stuff" is the greatest literature ever written. Why wouldn't Bella appreciate that?  

bound4hollywood:  uh... lol?  nm.  Sorry.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: What does "nm" mean?  

bound4hollywood:  Never mind.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: I'm sorry, but for a journalist you have very poor spelling and grammar  

(Okay. So seriously?  I couldn’t believe that the hobbit was trying to correct my spelling and stuff.  I mean, it’s IM.  Duh!)  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Perhaps if you picked up a book, like that "Tolkein stuff," you might actually have a shot at improving. 

(I kinda wanted to tell him to cram the interview in his pointy little elf-ear.  But I always try to act like a professional.)  

bound4hollywood:  Would you like to continue the interview now?   

SwordOfAragorn1989: Yes, we may continue  

bound4hollywood:  Gee thanks. 

bound4hollywood:  Okay... 

bound4hollywood:  so... in our attempts to get to know you better.... I'd like you to look around the room where you are currently sitting, and tell me the five things you see that mean the most to you. 

(Elijah Woods poster... hand lotion.. box of Kleenex.  Okay, so maybe I was still a little bitter about being corrected by a kid.)


1)My Aragorn Sword

2) My Evenstar

3) The picture of Bella and I dancing

4) My bed

5) Bella  

bound4hollywood:  Whoah. Wait.  Bella is there now?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Of course Bella is here. She is my business partner, and on a more personal note, my girlfriend. 

bound4hollywood:  Oh!  Do you think I could maybe ask her a couple of questions?  You know... pertinent to the interview? 

SwordOfAragorn1989: Of course, Bella is perfectly capable of answering any questions related to the business. Here she is. 

SwordOfAragorn1989:  hi!  its BS  

bound4hollywood:  What's BS?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Umm... Bella Swan duh  

bound4hollywood:  Oh!  Sorry.  I thought you were saying... nm.  Hi Bella!  

SwordOfAragorn1989: hello   

bound4hollywood:  Okay... so um.  Get Edward away from the computer for a second.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: y?   

bound4hollywood:  Girl talk.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: *rolls eyes* whatever 

(Did she just textually roll her eyes at me?   WTH??) 

SwordOfAragorn1989: Ok, he's making me some choc milk  

bound4hollywood:  Okay good.  So....tell me.  Is Edward cute?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: r u kidding me?  

bound4hollywood:  I srsly want to know.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: u can't hve him  

bound4hollywood:  LOL.  I promise I don't want him.  I'm trying to figure you two out!

I'm like… way older.  for real.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: dont think i dont know what u r doing. he's smart, beautiful and intelligent. i know that this whole "article" was j/ a cover story to get to him.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: u know what? I'm so sick of girls like u and alice brandon. i'm not taking it anymore. i've had enough  

bound4hollywood:  Sweetie?  You might not believe this... but this article is just practice for me before I get to LA and eventually go into television journalism.  And believe it or not... I could actually help you two kids out too, by bringing some attention to your business.  It's win win.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: right. and u want to know if hes cute because.... you're a prize winning journalist? Rofl 

(I was about two seconds away from posting some serious rage in my blog and then calling it quits and leaving.   But I took a deep breath and reminded myself that young teens are terribly dramatic and need a little more patience than those of us who are clearly more mature and experienced.  Plus… I just put my last coat of polish on my toes and I needed time to let them dry.) 

bound4hollywood:  No!  I was trying to figure out why he has a girl hanging around.  Cuz... you know... the whole LOTR thing really is kinda... well...  anyway.  I don't want to get him all mad again.  It makes more sense to me now.  And who is this Alice Brandon girl?  She sounds like a total biotch.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: OMG, u have noooooo idea. Such a b-word!!!  AND... she pads her bra. it's just so wrong 

bound4hollywood:  You don't.  Do you?  Here's a tip.  Wear your company t-shirts extra snug.  Draws the eye without needing any padding.  Ya know?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Rly?   

bound4hollywood:  Totally.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: Thanks Your browser may not support display of this image.  

bound4hollywood:  no prob  

SwordOfAragorn1989: (cn Edward come back) 

bound4hollywood:  Yeah... but like, erase the last few lines first.  I think boobs make him nervous.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: lol, the only thing that really makes Edward nervous is his bed, lol


bound4heaven:  Typical boy.    

SwordOfAragorn1989: one sec  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Ok, it's Edward again.  

bound4hollywood:  Hi Edward.  Let me just say that you have a very strong minded and determined business partner, and girlfriend.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: I know... she's wonderful.  

bound4hollywood:  The two of you make a really great team  

SwordOfAragorn1989: I know.   

bound4hollywood:  Despite the fact that both of you have taken turns giving me more than a little bit of attitude... I  have decided that I really would like to help you promote your business.

So before the interview is over... is there anything else you would like my readers to know?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Bella gave you attitude? Could you describe that to me?  

bound4hollywood:  She's just very protective of you dude.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Did she say any swear words? If so, which ones?  

bound4hollywood:  No.  No swear words.  I promise.  We just talked about her boobs. 

bound4hollywood:  Edward? 

bound4hollywood:  Edward? 

(Okay.  I kinda did that on purpose.  It was fun to see him getting flustered.)   

SwordOfAragorn1989: jkfg kglo? 


bound4hollywood:  Sorry.  Anyway. She’s lovely.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: T-shirts! We should talk about t-shirts!  

bound4hollywood:  Yes.  Tell me anything else you'd like me to include in this interview.   

SwordOfAragorn1989: Please, just tell your readers to check out We have T-shirts in 6 different sizes and ship to all 50 states.  

bound4hollywood:  Do they come in extra small?  

SwordOfAragorn1989: Of course. Why do you ask?  

bound4hollywood:  Bella told me she likes her shirts snug.  Trust me on this one. You can thank me later.  

SwordOfAragorn1989: T-shirts are good in all sizes...  

bound4hollywood:  Yes.  Edward.  I know.  Thanks for the interview!  

SwordOfAragorn1989:  You’re welcome. Good luck with your career ambitions.   

bound4hollywood:  thanks .  u 2!  (And good luck with Bella!) 

SwordOfAragorn1989: Um, thank you... and for the other thing, too.  

bound4hollywood:  Your browser may not support display of this image. ;) 


Ah.  Young love.  And it smells like pre-shrunk cotton.  I still think it’s pretty inspiring to see young kids tackling their own business like this.  It’s not, you know, like as cool as having your own article and interviewing people and stuff.  But it’s a pretty good start. 


Just Wondering

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:34 PM

As we all know, the New Moon DVD comes out NEXT Saturday. 

So, are you going to rush out and get it? Do you plan on standing in line for the Midnight release?...did you for twilight?
Do you already have your copied pre-ordered?  
Which edition do you plan on buying? 
Sorry, I'm bored and I have seen like 8 million commercials for it tonight...humour me.

Request it HERE

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:32 PM

 Need some help?

Need some advice?

Want to discuss Something?

Need to find a new story to read or an old one whose name you forgot?

Need to see if someone might make you a gif or a banner?

Need to find awesome pictures of someone?

Request it here in the 





*some restrictions apply, please don't even think about asking for downloads of music, books or movies. we love you but we love avoiding legal stuff as well. Emibella always loves gifts, btw. Feel free to shower her. ;)



Are you a Soap watcher?

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:09 PM


I gave up on "Days of Our Lives" years ago but still Tivo "General Hospital." I have been watching it since I was 10-so yeah-a long time!

Do you watch the soaps? Which ones? Have you flounced any? What do you love/hate about them? Favorite actors/actresses? Favorite couples? Storylines?


ranger approved-thank you!



It’s Official: 10 Second ‘Eclipse’ Teaser Trailer

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 6:31 PM

What are you hoping to see in the teaser trailer and full trailer? I’m hoping for Jasper in his Uniform!! *squeeee*



Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 4:58 PM







X Mark The Spot Calvin Klein

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 4:22 PM

Yes, Yes i do


Plus a little extra kellan


Good T-rated fics or M with limits?

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 3:12 PM

Are there any T-rated fics out there with good story lines?  I'll do an M if there is not a lot of graphic sex and f*ck word throughout.  Thanks!

I really enjoyed Change of Heart...t-rated...




Fic Flouncing

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 1:57 PM

I have flounced two fics recently. They were annnoying me. (I will put them in the comments)

What fics have you flounced? Why? What was the breaking point for you?


10 seconds-gee thanks Summit

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 12:34 PM

There have been rumblings today about the first promotional teaser for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Gossip Cop can confirm that a ten-second teaser for Eclipse will come online tomorrow.

We hear that there will be announcement on Summit’s official @Twilight feed later today.

A source connected to the production confirmed the plans to Gossip Cop.

The full trailer is set to be released with Remember Me in theaters on March 12.


I really hate Summit and their BS.


No rainbows or unicorns please

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 10:02 AM

I am not in a particularly good mood today-actually I am pretty ticked off and full of rage.  This is a good thing-I am very productive and see things much clearer when I am angry.

Are you having a nice day? Good for you. Enjoy your day-this is not the thread for you.

Having a bad day? Want to smash everyone and everything in your path? Come on in and vent/rage away-I will rage with you.



Who Wrote This?

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:46 AM

Hi! I cannot remember who wrote "Behind Enemy Lines"

Does anyone remember? Do you know if she has any other stories still online?




The Twilight bus

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:37 AM

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. Its kinda cool, but a bit over the top.

But...since you can't see into the bus, I would probably sneak and ride, while giggling like a school girl.



Good Morning!

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 8:27 AM

Here, have some new EW outtakes.



Son of a Preacher Man

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 7:17 AM

Good Morning Campers!

I'm all angsty today... LaVie Pastiche's "Son of a Preacher Man" is complete... I just finished reading it and I can't stop sobbing...

Go read! It's a wonderful story!

Here at the forest,  or at FF.NET




Would you like some ROB with your coffee??

Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 7:02 AM

good morning campers.  I feel like garbage this morning.

my medicine? a little dose of pretty....

New interview with Robert Pattinson during the Remember Me press junket with Jeanne Wolf’s Rob talks about acting as therapy and fame.


And also this....

well good morning to you too, Rob...


ROB appeared on the Early Show this morning.  I missed it because I'm fail..... but when the clip shows up on youtube.... I'll try to post.

Some pics from the interview, that was actually filmed last week during his press whirlwind through NY....


My guess is he felt a bit like the way I do that early in the morning. But he looks ADORBS!

Tell me campers.... what's your remedy for a craptastic feeling morning? 

So far, this coffee isn't cutting it.



first vid of the early show to come in so far...


edit #2...



Watch CBS News Videos Online



Monday March 8, 2010 at 10:04 PM

A new pic of JBone who plays Sokka from the 16 Month Last Airbender Calendar. 

AND OMG HE HAS SOKKA'S BOOMERANG. [fangils with Emibella]

Click to view full size image

and the cover of the calendar

Click to view full size image



New interview w/Rob

Monday March 8, 2010 at 9:58 PM

This is one of the best interviews I've ever seen with him, with some unique and funny questions asked by fans. Hope I did the YouTube right...


Some Advice

Monday March 8, 2010 at 9:47 PM

I love reading fics and there are so many i don't know where to start , but most of all i want some advice. I want to write my own fic and have some ideas on what i think would be a really good fic, but i don't want to make something thats already been done so here is where i need your help tell me what you love, hate, want to read in a fic this would really help me out thanks

( I really want to do all human thing)

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