

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 9:43 AM

How cute is this?

Umm.. Taylor... open your eyes.


The UofEM

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 9:10 AM



So...to all five or six campers who are also following this fic:  have you read the latest chapter?

I swear I thought the author was going to pull an SM-style fade- to-black, but s/he surprised me -  very pleasantly so.

Well done, Sebastien Robichaud.


"Why yes, I did just deflower Bella Swan.  How can you tell?"



Offensive Language in Fics

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 8:48 AM

I was just re-reading one of my absolute favorite fics. Someone Else's Memoires.  I love the writing and it's just beautiful. All except for one word! One word out of 23,000. WIFEBEATER! 

At one point Bella is casually describing what Jasper is wearing...a wifebeater. The word seems so out of place in this story. An ugly piece of slang that grates everytime I read it. And it yanks me out of a lovely moment in this story.

Does anyone else use this word? Am I the only one that finds it's use so utterly distasteful and offensive?! Is this commonly used slang and am I just some old fogey?

And what about you? Got any words that just bother you to no end, words that can ruin a beautiful fic moment?


Giant purple-fonted David Boreanaz Lover

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 8:18 AM

Has started posting a never-to-be-finished story (her words, not mine). I remember this from a long time ago. It's still just as good. I don't know why she wants to tease us and be inundated with The Great Wall o' 'Update!!!!' reviews, but to each her own.

It can be found here in the Forest only.



Jr. Ranger has a birthday

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 7:52 AM


It's my little dude's 9th birthday today. 

I feel very old

So I am declaring this a birthday party! 

<My kiddo>

Bring a present you think a nine year old would like or just a birthday picture or show me your kiddos (or cousins or younger sibs)  or tell me about them, let's just party for my kid who is going to have to spend half of his birthday being dragged around town doing horribly boring things. This is a campfire so I can come up with gift ideas since one of his presents is a trip to Toys R Us this afternoon, thanks alwayshave :)




Leaf Dances!

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 6:27 AM

Just updated! go read!


and just because...


Hidden Gems

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 6:08 AM

This is a fic rec post... but I'm not looking for the huge story everybody loves, i want something that you as a reader see as sorely unappreciated :)

I'll read any pairing and almost any sort of story...


In bad taste?

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 12:48 AM

Hey Ladies I have a quick question, and thought I'd pose it to the lovely dwellers of ADF.

Is it in bad taste to pimp your own story if it was written for a contest?

I've been thinking about it for the past couple of minutes and wondered what the general consensus is or if anyone has found themselves in that situation before.


EDIT: Since the consensus seems to be pimp away--(WOO HOO)--I'd love it if you guys would give my litte one shot a look and tell me what you think. It's for the "AwkWard" contest and I've included the link to my story and to the contest stories.

Young, geeky Edward finds himself in a compromising situation---http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5810791/1/The_Donts_of_Dating_a_Police_Chiefs_Daughter

And the contest:www.fanfiction.net/community/AwkWard_Contest/78356/

Thx everyone!


Just a quick note and I will quit for the night...

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 12:38 AM

I wanted to clear up something that several people have pm'd me about

There is a new Twitter account with the user name mominator.

NO that is not me.

If you really want to follow old boring me, lol, it's Grashppr36 ( my pen name)

Carry on!

And hey, LA Remember Crew~How was it?


Where's the pole?!?!?!

Saturday March 13, 2010 at 12:27 AM

I blame jess_not_ie for this.


I watched this, and honestly peed a little from laughing.


What are you going to read next??

Friday March 12, 2010 at 11:01 PM

What are the top five fics that are on your to-read-next list??

Here are mine:

A Murmur of Fire in the Vein by ElleCC- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5087244/1/A_Murmur_of_Fire_in_the_Vein

Faking It by spanglemaker9- www.fanfiction.net/s/5153711/1/

Tides by lambcullen- www.fanfiction.net/s/5332788/1/Tides

Breaking News by WriteOnTime- www.fanfiction.net/s/5424559/1/

Porcelain Heart by queenofgrey-  www.fanfiction.net/s/5577319/1/Porcelain_Heart

So c'mon show me yours...



Songs that make you dance

Friday March 12, 2010 at 10:57 PM

Everyone has that one song that no matter where you are you can't help but to stop what you're doing and dance Whats yours?




Friday March 12, 2010 at 10:35 PM

I'm sitting here, watching Jackass, drooling a bit over Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O (yea i think Steve-O is kinda hot. so what?)  and wondering where they come up with this stuff and how they got the balls to do it. 

Have you ever done anything Jackassed? If you have, why? What was your motivation? Was it a dare? Were you drunk? TELL ME. 

I'll share mine in the comments. 

btw, remember when Brad Pitt was on Jackass? CLASSIC


Edward Cullen

A Modest Proposal

Friday March 12, 2010 at 8:16 PM

Hello, all.  This was left in my inbox, and I have been instructed by the other rangers to go ahead and post it for Anonymous, whoever they may be.




The Twilight Kink Meme


You ask, "what is a kink meme?"

Two Steps:

1. You request a pairing and a prompt/kink anonymously.

2. Someone else (or several someone elses for that matter) will be able to fill that request--also anonymously.

This is a fun way to get fic, a fun way to find fic to write, and good if you're embarrassed to post! This is fun for everyone who is over your-(respective)-nation's-you-can-read-porn age. That's right. Shit is dirty here--and fun. We play fast and loose 'round here. We have a zero tolerance kink flaming rule.

Don't like? Don't read.

Example of prompt: "I'd love to see some Jasper/Bella/Edward threesome college kink! All human is preferred, and I'd need for it to end E/B. Not opposed to slash." We've already got five stories posted!

Come and check, play.


First Dance Songs

Friday March 12, 2010 at 7:59 PM

For all our married campers out there...

This is a spin off from the Music Rec thread earlier. I want to know the songs from your First Dance at your weddings! And if you're not married, post the song you'd like for your first dance if/when you get married.

Here's mine: When You Say Nothing at All by Alison Krauss

EDIT: Tell me how long you've been married. I've been married 10 years this July!


Water for Elephants

Friday March 12, 2010 at 7:30 PM

 Ok, so I know a lot of us campers are reading or have read Water for Elephants. And we've recently learned that Robert Pattinson will be playing the main character Jacob. Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz will be playing Marlena and August. 

Here's what I want to know:

Are you happy with these casting choices? If you could change one or all three, which would you change, and to who (whom? whatever, my head hurts)? Any one else you have in mind for the smaller roles?

And how much did you rage every time August stepped within 3 feet of Rosie?

My opinions?

Personally, I don't think this is a role I'd like to see RPattz in. I mean, yeah, he could pull it off (I think), and he certainly has the good looks, I just struggled to picture him as I read. But I'm not writing him off completely, yet.

And Reese, as much as I adore her, I think needs to GTFO. Marlena was married to August very young, and was only married to him for 4 years. In my mind she should be 24 at most, and Reese is just a little too old for the role, imo. 

Christoph can stay just where he is. No one could play this role better than him. 

My choices:




Aaaand Im back with another episode of "Lost Fics"

Friday March 12, 2010 at 7:23 PM


Ever think about a fic you read in the past and you just can't remember the name for the life of you, and then you go to look it up by summary and you can't find it because its either:

A) been deleted.
B) been moved.
C) Your just a loser and the world is out to get you anway because you suck.

Happens to me all the time... Like right now.. again. So this is a campfire for discussing those fics that have slipped your mind or been lost in the ether. Maybe we can help each other.

Hello all! So nice to be here again. So I've got another one for you and it's a doozie. Here we go...

The fic I'm looking for this time was about Bella coming to live with Alice in North Carolina? Or was it Forks? Seattle? Idk.. not important.. Anyway so she goes to live with Alice because Charlie just passed away and she is greiving. She has never met Alice's brother Edward before but she finally does the first day she gets there. So yea they see each other and you know how it goes.. the clouds part, angels descend from heaven, fireworks, sparks of chemistry, the works. Anyway... somehow Bella ends up chipping a tooth or something but oh! lucky her, Edwards a Dentist! She makes an appointment to see him and falls asleep in the exam room and has some erotic dream about him, so when Dentistward goes to fix her tooth he finds her moaning in her sleep. Ever tried to cap a tooth with a boner? Dentistward can assure you it's very hard. So after she leaves he goes into his office for a wank, and it's some hot shyt let me tell you. Then some unimportant stuff happens and then finally Dentist/Wankward asks Bella out. He takes her for pizza at someplace that also happens to be a brewery and they drink beer, and eat pizza, and discuss their lives blah blah blah. There's a magical, fantastical kiss at the end of the night and the he asks her out again. On the next date he brings his motorcycle and takes her to like a touristy waterfall place in which she precedes to tell him about her greif for the death of her father. He comforts her, of course,and then they leave. But Dentist/Wank/Bikerward didn't account for the rain and the wind, so now he has a cold, wet Bella *snort*.So they get back to his apartment and he makes her take a warm bath while he dries her clothes and orders chinese food. Then he heads on into the bathroom where there is some salivation and a possible boob grope, and it would've gone further of the cockblocker/delivery man hadn't showed up. Anyways she changes back into dry clothes and after they eat their food they proceed to have an epic dryhump fest on the couch and then they fall asleep all cuddled together... the end.

Whew... lol.. that's like really long...I'm a horrible summarizer... oh well... if you know the title or the author please help me. I'd like to know what happened to it.

If you want to find the name of a lost story please post or even just stop by and read over to see if you know the names of any of the lost fics that are being sought....

thx all!

p.s. Also I want a rec.. I'm looking for a fic, preferebly o/s, in which, instead of Edward being a cockblocking prude, he doesn't stop at the leg hitch but proceeds to give Bella the good stuff. Now I know that this would be considered OOC for Edward, but thats the only OOC I wanna see... Meaning I don't want Edward or Bella to channel pornstars all of the sudden and start moaning like one or spouting out dirty talk. I want as canon as you can get it. Also If its beta'd that's a bonus.Thanx.


Oooo Baby Baby!


The Workshop

Friday March 12, 2010 at 7:09 PM

Hi there campers!

We all know how the author of "The Workshop: a tale of edible delights" pulled her story off of FF.net; well, for those who are interested, I just discovered that she created a blog where you can find it.




Music Rec

Friday March 12, 2010 at 6:29 PM

Since it is still FFA Friday, I have a request.  My daughter is getting married in six weeks.  (I was a child bride and mom. Don't hate.) 

We have to do a song list for the event  and I am asking for your help.  My  friend said, "It's sixty songs from start of the seating to the end of the thing.  There's so much good music and so little time. We don't want to listen to crap."  My problem is that I spend way too much time reading and not enough time listening to music.  This is putting too much pressure on me.  HELP!  Please rec me some music.  We need recessional music.  We need cocktail music.  We need reception party music.

I know there are lots of musical opinions in the forest.  Help me with some magic!


This Is My Soapbox

Friday March 12, 2010 at 5:48 PM


So here's the deal people: ADF is supposed to be exactly what it claims to be - different.  Different from all the other mindless Twilight sights out there.  The lovely ladies who started ADF have worked really hard to make sure it's a place where people feel welcome, no matter how they participate in the fandom, and you only have to look as far as the VIP authors to see that.  Our writers pretty much run the gamut of what we have to offer in the fandom: All Human, Vamp, AU, OOC, Team Edward, Team Jake, Team Switzerland, Team Jasper, hell, even Team Rocks Fall - Everyone Dies.  Basically you name it, we got it.  And I love that about this site.  The inclusiveness of ADF is to be admired.

That being said, with the HUGE influx of new members we've gotten recently, and with the premier of a certain trailer, I've noticed a trend that's very popular on almost every other Twilight site, creeping into ADF: Jacob Hate.

Bear with me here.  As a lifelong member of Team Jacob I have come to accept that there are some areas in fandom where we will just have to agree to disagree.  Different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz.  That being said, it's one thing for someone to explain how they like one character over another.  It's an entirely different matter to have to read umpteenth responses to various trailers exclaiming how "the dog" got too much screentime, or Gaylor, or Failcob.  It's not like there's a lot of wolf girls walking around her referring to Edward as "The Sparkly Pussy".

So I get that people will always disagree over characterizations, and characters, and the various books in the series.  I for one love dialogue, and welcome a healthy discussion or debate.  But the sheer amount of irrational hate is starting to make some of us around here feel like we need to go back into hiding until Eclipse debuts, and that's not cool.  That's how a lot of the other Twi-sites operate, but not ADF.  If you want to irrationally bash, there's lots of other places on the web that will receive you with open arms.  Livejournal is clear full of them.


I guess my point here is this: SMeyer created the characters, she wrote the books, and in them she envisioned a love triangle.  Summit is doing exactly what they were licensed to do in brining that triangle to the big screen.  So unless you expected Rosenberg to re-write the series, then Edward and Jake are going to have to share the stage, and their fans are going to have to share the internet as well.

In closing:

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