Announcing the DEAD PAN CONTEST (aka Barmaid! There's a Fly In My Spoof!)
Contest Starts April 1. Contest Ends May 15.
We're looking for your best parodies set in the SVM/TB universe that is Eric centric with Eric/Sookie as lead characters. Your parody may be made from books, TV, films, cartoons and even old fairytales. Eric should figure as the hero of the story.
2,500 minimum - 15,000 word maximum. Lemons optional but encouraged.
Entries can be canon, AU or AH. All entrants must be 18 yrs of age or older. Collaborations allowed. Unlimited entries accepted by each author. The idea is to get lots of interesting stories submitted—not to limit creativity.
Entries must be able to stand as one-shots but may be continued into multi-chapter fics after contest ends.
Please Note: We are doing this ANONYMOUSLY. Do not publish your story on ffnet or elsewhere till after the contest ends. You will submit it direct to the contest hosts, nycsnowbird or pixiegiggles, via their gmail account:
After the contest, you are free to publish your work under your profile. We're doing this to encourage new writers, especially, so they won't feel intimidated going up against big recognizable names. EVERYONE is welcome to submit. Encouraged. Pleaded with.
Prizes include:
banners for your winning stories made by the illustrious Zigster,
an autographed photo of Alexander Skarsgard with certificate of authenticity,
an Eric Northman wristwatch, an Eric Northman mousepad (what is any computer without one?),
a gorgeous piece of original artwork of Eric Northman from the talented hand of Sarah Silva.
Photo links to all prizes appear on the profile page of this avatar. More details about the contest appear there too.
Our judges: LanYap, sunkisz, Terri Botta, tradermare, zeewriter all from ffnet and Saluki (from myvampfiction).
No incest, rape, cutting, etc. Entries that are deemed inappropriate will not be accepted. If you think something in your story may require a warning for some readers, put it in your Author's Note at the beginning.
All entries must be beta'd and we have a large list of willing betas being posted this evening on the profile site for you to choose from. You are going to be rated on writing style, diction, dialog, story structure and creativity. Each category is assigned a numeric value which all total 100 points. Use a beta to go over your grammar and help your point rating.
The competition is completely anonymous. All stories will be assigned a random number before the judges see them so the judges will have no knowledge of pen names or the author's real name. Writers are not allowed to blog or otherwise talk about their submissions in fairness to all. Any attempt to circumvent the rules will result in immediate disqualification.