
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Wednesday March 17, 2010 at 5:38 AM

Or, in Irish, Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

Today, I will mostly be...

... watching these...

... spending time here...

... and wearing alot of this colour...


So tell me Campers, how will you celebrate today, if you do celebrate today?

Get your Irish on!

Thanks to Ranger Emibella for post approval - you know how fabulous you are!

eta: this is the purple avenger (gone green for specials).  i'm in yer post, autoplayin' some tuneage


Gifs <3

Wednesday March 17, 2010 at 1:41 AM

I'll admit I saw this picture and nearly died of laughter.


Can we have a funny gif/picture post please? I need the hilarity.




desktop post

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 9:08 PM

show me your desktop

i don't mean your computer's interface.

i mean your actual, physical workspace.

mine looks like bath & body works/an office supply store/sephora threw up on it.  and i refuse to tidy it up.

let's play identify the crap.  find:

-a reference to dear isabella

-at least 2 bad habits

-bones merch

-my ode to edward cullen (clue: lurking)

-2 books from recently deceased authors

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

now show me your desktop


The Vampire Book of World Records

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 8:26 PM

Alright, fellow campers! Who wishes to participate with the writing of The Vampire Book of World Records?

I am the proud beta to the incredible story Running by Merina Green, and in her latest chapter she proposes a fun challenge to her readers, and I quote: 

Due to popular request...Emmett's looking for submissions for "The Vampire Book of World Records". I was going to write it all myself, but then thought "why should I be that selfish? I'm sure plenty of people out there have better ideas than me!" Sooo....

Write something up. It can funny. It can be dark. It can be lemony, it can be gross. These are vampires, folks, remember that. They've been around for a long time, and they aren't all as nice as our Cullen's. I'll include them all in a 'one shot'. Send them to me by PM – I'll make sure you're given proper credit. Also - make sure you also tell me which vampire is 'submitting' the record! Use one of SM's characters, or make up your own. Emmett has, to the best of our knowledge, never had much of a chance to chat casually with any of the Volturi ("Running" broke away from "Breaking Dawn" without conception occurring between B&E) - but they could have always sent him a post card. Try to keep it in character if it is by one of SM's established characters. And keep it in canon with her universe as much as possible.

I guess, in all fairness, Emmett would be willing to include things from the Quillute shape shifters. He was on pretty good terms with them after the fight with Victoria in Eclipse, and probably would have shared his book with them before the Cullen's left for Alaska for Bella's change.

My only stipulation is, nothing by Bella or Jasper. And Emmett reserves the right to not publish submitted entries...although he'll let you know if he's not going to use your submission.

So, who's game? If you would like to participate, please PM Merina Green :)

Muy gracias muchachas y muchachos,

Tina (JaspersDestiny) 


Alice & Your Childish Qualities

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 7:18 PM

People hate Bella because shes whiney, Leah because she's a beeeeotch, Jacob simply because he exists, etc., but it's no secret that most people love Alice.
Yeah, I get that there are some haters, but not like other characters. So I have two questions for you, the first is....What is it about Alice that makes you love her...or hate her if you're one of the few?

Me? I love Alice because, as much as she obnoxiously pouts to get her way or annoyingly knows EVERYTHING, even in AH fic, she is usually just childlike and all around cute about it. I can't seem to stay mad at her, no matter how annoying she may be.

Now for my second question.

My thoughts on Alice made me think...don't we all have some childish quality about us? I don't care how mature we all try to be, whether we're 15 or 50, each of us has something we do that would remind others of a child.
So, rangers, fellow campers, & Joe, tell me. What childish things do you do? Do you do them on purpous to have fun, like games or activities? Is it some unconcious quirk you have that may or may not get on the nerves of those around you such as giggling like a school girl or an inablity to share your toys?

In the interest of home page space, my answer(s) will be inside.


NYC Remember Me Meet Up

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 6:56 PM

So there are 15 + ppl showing up for this, please comment if you're coming because I'm in the middle of mid terms week and I've forgotten my own name D: I got shafted with a late shift Saturday, so instead of getting out of work by 3pm, I'll get out of 5:00 that means that the meet up will have to happen after 6:00 pm. It seems that 6:00-6:59pm is a cursed hr because I couldn't find anything playing at 6ish pm.

Thus here are our choices fellow campers:

(A) Regal Theater Times Square:

7:30 or 8:30pm


(B) AMC Loews, W. 34th st:



I'm game for either but I vote for Times Sq cause we can meet up around 6ish and get and fangirl eachother then head over to watch the movie at 8pm.

 I think that the 8:30 showing is the best for the majority of the parities. We can meet in Times Sq around 6:15-:30, go have some grub and then go watch the 8:30 showing but that's just my suggestion.

Majority rules apply, so whatever time gets the most votes is the winner

wolvesnvamps edit: I am coming with a SPECIAL GUEST and we can't wait to meet everyone!




Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 5:39 PM

so you might see wtvoc's flounce post down the page.


it started because i made tweets that said she loved coldplay.





anyways, I made them here


THIS POST IS FOR YOU TO MAKE YOUR OWN. Go and make some fake tweets that you think your fellow ADF campers/rangers wouldn't say.


Here's how:


1. Click that link

2. Type in the twitter username of the person you want to roast (i.e, wtvoc)

3. Type in what you think they would/should say ("DB is ugly")

4. Make the tweet and screencap it.

5. Upload it to tinypic or some other photo sharing place.

6. Paste results here!



If their account is locked you can't do it, so I got around that by using my name and pretending I was retweeting:



Talk me out of it

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 5:08 PM

It's true. Hell has indeed frozen over. Yours truly has been happy and loving and nice and sweet and believing in the goodness of the humanity for way too long.

I have always been the one people would turn to for words of positive support. But no longer.

For today I became, a cynic.




a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.
I have been through a lot of poop over the past year but today was the last straw. Some jerk stole my prized acoustic guitar and my son's birthday present out of my car. And I can't get over it.
So, I ask you ADF, to please please please talk me out of being this way. Tell me reasons to believe in the goodness of others that you have experienced. Tell me about who you love and why and the generosity of friendship.
Because this hippie wants to hang up her organic sneakers and get a pair of steel toed boots and start kicking some ass.


Oh, the humanity...

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 5:05 PM

 will be devoured by 19th century individuals.

Bella loves Jane Austen and I love zombies, I do.

And it made me immensely happy when I saw this.

This is the trailer of upcoming book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls.

Thanks to wtvoc for approving!


dear internet: this is not my flounce post

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 4:59 PM

jay kay, jay kay.

but really, coldplay sucks.


New Moon fic rec

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 4:59 PM

New Moon-esque fic where Edward comes back but Bella makes him work for her forgiveness rather than taking him back so easily. (Currently reading: My yes, My no and Dying by Degrees. I have already read the one where she jumped off the cliff and broke her back and is now in a wheelchair).


Hua?-Borders Twilight 1: The Graphic Novel

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 4:41 PM

Okay, so maybe this is just a re-release with a new cover or something but I am confused. Received an e-mail from Borders letting me know this was now available. Is it just a new cover?  What's the deal? Thoughts, assistance?



Sorry this doesn't apply to eveyone but..

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Empire theatres is having a New Moon party!

You can watch the movie on the big screen one more time and then go home with a copy of the movie.

Link >

I think this only applys to my fellow Canadians since I don't think Empire is a chain in the States, but it would be cool to do.  If you scroll down to the bottom of the page they list the participating cities. 


Prompt a Roo

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 4:09 PM

so, i was inspired by last week's prompt post by jandco and began wondering what i would do if i had another story.

i'm cureently working on one, so i don't have enough time to sit down and write another, but are is there anyone out there wanting to write but not knowing what to?

drop your name in the comments and i'll send you a little summary of an idea i have.

RANGERS: feel free to delete if you need to.



KStew on RPatz "Bold and Different."

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 2:58 PM

That is what KStew is saying about Rob's performance in "Remember Me."  

In an article over on OMG! from Yahoo, KStew discusses Rob in "Remember Me," playing Joan Jett, NOT lip-syncing, working with Dakota again in Eclipse and challenges of playing Bella Swan. 

Check out the whole article over @


Help Finding a Fic!

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 2:37 PM

so i found fanfiction this past november and i got hooked. at first i didn't understand AH stories or why someone would read an edward that wasn't a vamp. so i skipped over many of those stories.

now that i'm a fanfic veteran, i love AH stories and one that i started reading before keeps popping into my head. i don't know the name of it but edward worked for aro. i think the volturi were a mob family or something maybe. bella was the daughter of a witness i think. well they kidnapped her and aro told edward to rape her. of course he didn't but he pretended he did and decided to look out for her...

does this sound familiar to anyone??


New Role for K-Stew

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 2:27 PM

Sources announced today that Kristen Stewart is set to star in a film alongside Julianne Moore called Backwoods. The "end of the world" type flick will be directed by Bart Freundlich, who just happens to be Julianne's hubby.

From Perez Hilton

I'm excited!!! Are you?


Edit: I know she can pull it off.

Stewart, Moore and Freundlich are set to begin shooting this summer, possibly while Stewart's latest "Twilight" installment, "Eclipse," is breaking bank at the box office.


Deleted Scene From New Moon...

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 2:09 PM





jessica stanley

Success with Boobs in the Newsroom

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Let me start off by saying how totally excited I was to do this week’s interview!  As  you may know, it is my dream to someday become a famous television journalist, interviewing equally fabulous and famous people for the world to see on national television.  Well this week I actually got a small taste of that.  I was invited by Ms. Isabella Swan, co-anchor of ABN news, to step into the studio with her for some real on-set interview time.   I bought a really cute new business suit and got a manicure done in cotton-candy pink just to match.  And I tied my hair back.  I looked way professional. I just knew that if I was careful and thoughtful with my questioning, I would be able to get Ms. Swan to let me in on a few globally significant behind-the-scenes secrets.  Like… stuff America needs to know.  Stuff like…how do they get their hair to look so good on camera?... and what colors are best to wear so you don’t look washed-out under the lights?  You know, totally relevant and important stuff!


Interview in first comment.




Harry Potter the Musical

Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 1:59 PM

I didn't think this would be against the rules, because it features Cedric, although it's not Rob, so maybe it is against the rules, but then again, what do I know? 

How do you go about getting ranger approval? Do you just message one of them?

Last night there was a campfire about a Twilight musical, and it reminded me of this.

I don't know if anyone's ever shared this here, but I find it incredibly hilarious and wanted to share it. The girl that plays Draco is fabulous. The entire play is in 25 or so parts, but it's well worth it to watch the whole thing, in my opinion.

To make it interactive; talk about it! What do you think?


First --- | >> | 1247 | 1248 | 1249 | 1250 | 1251 | 1252 | 1253 | 1254 | 1255 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
